fix articles 1764, men Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : men


Sous les jupes (tags)

Contre l'obsession des hommes...

Phallocrates, vaginocrates, onanisme (tags)

Cela n'est pas pour demain, l'anarchie...

Si l'homme était menstrué (tags)

Ils en feraient des concours...

*Tourists Being Targeted in Fiji, by Police, for Fines, Prosecution, & "Likely" also Exto (tags)

**Crazy Brigadier Quiliho goes Crazy Again!** **You’d be Crazier than Crazy Quiliho to Visit Fiji While the Police are Targeting "Tourists"**

Virilité de compétition et de guerre (tags)

Mots des guerres, la guerre des mots...

Virilité de compétition et de guerre (tags)

Mots des guerre, guerre des mots...

Images of men - choice of partner and penis size (tags)

Interestingly, for wealthy men and women alike, the importance of income and appearance decreases the older they get. "This is probably due to the fact that both sexes find in the course of their lives that both attractiveness and money are fleeting," said Boston psychologist Abby Rodman to "Market Watch". "It is the emotional bond with the partner that lasts."

FemApocalypse - How underprivileged is the institutionalized woman? (tags)

"Meglio un asino vivo che un dottore morto"... Before I join the canon, for the sake of my sexuality, that puts forward women's rights for Ilse Koch (Witch of Buchenwald), I am of the opinion that the issue of gender equality requires an objective analysis, because not only women and women, men and men, Men and women but according to Dr. Edith Butler up to 16 genders have different views on this dualistic construct at first sight. Before equality between men and women, however, for logic reasons, equality between men should first be achieved.

Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape (tags)

Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, according to detailed new accounts obtained by the BBC.

Femmes objets de concurrence entre mâles dominants (tags)

Il faut la pilule pour hommes...

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)

observations of a lunitic

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)


Le formatage de la contamination (tags)

Traçage du formatage, formatage du traçage...

Le capital ou la société des inégalités (tags)

Le capital en permanence délinquant...

US Army First Black Colonel Honored at Sequoia National Park Entrance (tags)

2019 Veterans Day Weekend, Colonel Charles Young will be honored at the entrance to Sequoia National Park

Woman shot and killed by police officer in her own home/Another victim of police violence (tags)

So many examples of police brutality in the USA. Racist based [against blacks, but also other people of colour], but also white people are victims. Partly racist, partly just trigger happiness, or a combination. A dirty State in a dirtier State, that is the American police. A criminal organisation! This time about a black woman, who is shot and killed by a white cop in her own home. Time for a 'j'accuse. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

Women Provide Leisure For Men (tags)

Get married girls and you do the dishes for free for that dumb man.

USA Man-Living Country Woman Hating (tags)

They force girls to love men.

Studies Show More Feminist an Area, Less Violence (tags)

Studies show that the more feminist areas in a community- the lles violence.

Female Provide Leisure For Males (tags)

Women do all the shit work in the world.

5 ways men oppress females (tags)

by feminist from norway

Boys Club - Men Have All the Money (tags)

Male cartel.. They have all the money and power.

Females Do 70% Work, Get 10% Wages, And 1% Wealth (tags)

Women worldwide do 70% of the work, get 10% of the wages and only have 1% of the wealth.

In the USA Women Talk and Men Intimidate (tags)

Women talk - and men kill them. Homicides happen to women at work, from men. Don't like the competition.

Women Produce Leisure For Men (tags)

What's the difference between the men's club and their cartels/gangs?

Women Earn 10% Salary & 1% Wealth Worldwide (tags)

From The Invisible Woman by Dale Spender

Women Produce Leisure For Men (tags)

Dale Spender

Hitler Loved Women - Just Not the Other Minorities (tags)

At least he didn't pick on the females - only - for some reason.

Leave Kelly Alone! (tags)

Those girls throw themselves at rock star - called groupies. Most mens wet dreams.

THE JESUS LIE . 19 (tags)

jesus is fable

THE JESUS LIE . 16 (tags)

jesus who ?

Sexual Harassment Charges of Men Suing Women who are accused of Harassing Men are now 10% (tags)

Women are increasingly coming under fire by men who charge that women have sexually harassed them or molested them.The LGBT community has LGBT vs. Lgbt sexual violence

Men Committing Suicide (tags)

Men committing more suicide. No jobs, no money, no pussy.

Women In USA Have Stockholm Syndrom (tags)

Women in USA have Stockholm syndrom. They try to please men so the men won't kill them. Look for help with a husband. Then he abuses her too.

prosecutorial misconduct (tags)

prosecutors lie and mislead judges

The Video ICE Wishes Was Never Made Public (tags)

It looks like a scene out of a movie — men toting shotguns and wearing tactical gear marked "POLICE" suddenly storm into an auto repair shop in South Los Angeles - but they weren't police.

I am the victim of murder for hire and need help to file a police report (tags)

I am a victim of murder for hire and cannot file a police report

Le capital ou la société des inégalités (tags)

L'idéologie du pouvoir, le pouvoir de l'idéologie...

To Volunteers of America (tags)

But they'll spend the next several days wading in cold, dirty water; dodging gators and water moccasins and fire ants

USA's Cowards (tags)

This report incorporates 15 years of fbi efforts to harm me.

Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency (tags)

See my reports and discover the reality of a system of laws and law enforcement that are irrationally brutal and often inhumane as presently applied.

A Dim View (tags)

'A Dim View' represents a synthesis of about 3/4 century of my work and observations.

Gaza to overtake Saudi Arabia with executions per capita (tags)

Hamas to execute 13 in gaza for crimes against the regime

A police state USA, unfettered by moral / legal constraints (tags)

This report summarizes how the police state evolved in the USA and suggests the need to STOP IT!

Davy Crockett speaks to us (tags)

Great men speak to us from ages past. Davy Crockett exemplifies this truth.

Portrait of an Irish Republican (tags)

The author's visit to Occupied Ireland is recounted on the 30th anniversary of the event.

Declarations of Independence (tags)

See the modern day version of the Declaration of Independence.

France honors local men for WWII service (tags)

Two local men – U.S. Army veterans, Robert Tronge, 87, of Hillman, MI and James Sloan, 89, of Daytona Beach, recently received the French Legion of Honor medal for their military service from the Consulate General of France in Miami and The Alliance Francaise of Greater Orlando.

NYT Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing (tags)


Group Think, A Reduction Of The Human Faculty (tags)

My statements on the corruption of man and society follow.

Mad men of government driving good men to distraction (tags)

Rule by fiat in USA brings destruction / death.

Kiev to Prosecute Two Russian Nationals As Terrorists (tags)


4 Men Murdered 1983 San Pedro, Stat of WW III, Memory Returned 2014, Psych Ops, Video Link (tags)

I have in a link below a Youtube video describing a covered up murder of "line Handlers" in the USA which led to the hiring of 4 New men to Sabotage Vessel, Psych Ops, WW III, I Kurt Brown quartermaster may die soon from cancer, VA denying responsibility, War Lost by US?

Cosmetic surgeries on the rise in Gaza (tags)

Desperate Gaza Housewives are resorting to cosmetic surgery to keep their husbands

Reviving an Explosive Topic: Reducing Work Hours (tags)

In truth, the introduction of the eight-hour day, the free Saturday and the fifth vacation week (in Austria) did not cause economic crises. Reduced working hours means more distribution justice for the general public and more quality of life for workers.

The Correlation Of Sexual Function To Diet (tags)

Optimum sexual functioning occurs with vegan or fruitarian diet

War on Black America (tags)

killer cops

"Too Smart to Fail" by Thomas Frank (tags)

The “sound” banker, alas! is not one who sees danger and avoids it, but one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional and orthodox way along with his fellows so that no one can really blame him. –John Maynard Keynes

America's Deplorable Afghanistan Legacy (tags)


Obama's Phony War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account (tags)


Mixing Government and Religion in Tempe, Arizona (tags)

How do you spell "F*ck the First Amendment" - Tempe, Arizona a religious theocracy

Are Gay Men Being CREATED? (tags)

Are these gay men in Palm Springs an indication that homosexuality can be created?

The Earth a Common Treasury for All (tags)

A meme for Earth Day.

Can Pope Francis End Forced Celibacy for Preists? (tags)

The recent report from the U.N. implicates the Catholic Church in enabling priests who abuse and sexually molest children to evade the law and consequences. Maybe Pope Francis can help repeal the dictate of forced celibacy in priests by recgnizing their natural human need for sexual relations with another adult human being. It is unnatural and a form of psychological torture to expect a human male to be celibate for their entire practiced profession. The need for sex that is suppressed can emerge in abberant forms like pedophilia.

Five Unelected Old Men On "Supreme" Court Ignore Will Of Hundreds Of Millions of Americans (tags)

Over a century after the direct election of senators it's time to elect our Supreme Court justices and limit their terms

"A Menace to Society: Or How An Uppity Black Man Got Banned From Cody’s Bookstore" (tags)

Joseph Anderson is the outspoken author of a number of commentaries (available online) criticizing the racist stereotyping and pathologizing of Black males from young to old – and sometimes even by those particular *Black* authors, filmmakers and documentary makers eagerly given investment financing, contracts, buy-outs, royalties, grants, distribution, or platforms by white corporations and institutions to do so – attitudinally leading to the legalized, collectively *serial* murders of unarmed Black males by cops, white (or even 'honorary white') wanna-be cops (like George Zimmerman), and other racist assailants all over this country, as well as to Black males' systematic incarceration. This important, exemplified, 'vintage' article, asked for and published (at the literary journal "Konch") by the internationally famous African American author and UC Berkeley professor emeritus, Ishmael Reed, REVISITS and DETAILS some of Anderson's own experience with, and reflections upon, this – including, especially, white liberal racism. Unfortunately, like all prophetic writing, these reflections are all too true even today.

Gaza's Gypsies Face Daily Racism (tags)

Hamas intolerance extends beyond Christians

UK soldier slaying suspects had been investigated (tags)

Two men accused of butchering a British soldier had been investigated previously by security services, a British official said Thursday, as investigators searched several locations and tried to determine whether the men were part of a wider plot to instill terror on the streets of London.

PSA Warning: Sexual Assailants Likely to be Presient at Santa Ana Writing Event (tags)

Women for OC has waived all objections to sexual predators tabling Great American Write-in

Gitmo Atrocities Continue (tags)


Medals for Murder (tags)

police state

US Law Prohibits Transferring Guantanamo Prisoners to America (tags)


Nepalese journalist buried alive - police (tags)

A group of Maoist former rebels have been arrested over the death of a journalist during Nepal's civil war, with one of them confessing the reporter was buried alive, police say.

Crisis in Greece (tags)

In Greece, the functioning society was undermined until it finally collapsed. The crisis has destroyed the social state. A person becomes a kind of predatory wild animal in dramatic situations as now seen in Greece. He only sees himself and his own survival.

Hernandez Family Under Imminent Threat of Eviction (tags)

The Hernandez family could be evicted as early as tomorrow afternoon depending on the outcome of an emergency meeting with the sheriffs at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning. This may not stop the scheduled eviction. Please check your email for updates and stand by for possible solidarity actions as the family finalizes their plans. The Hernandez Family 14620 Leadwell St. Van Nuys, CA 91405

Supreme Court Spurns Justice (tags)


a visionary's report: our obligation to defend victims of war: the CHILDREN! (tags)

A visionary way to bring warriors to their knees before the next war (tho war is perpetual)

Rally Song For The 99%? (tags)

I wrote this song to the tune of, New Kid In Town, by The Eagles, & call it, Nuke-Head In Town..

Crimes Against Humanity (tags)


Yes, Virginia, There ARE Gay Men in Kansas! (tags)

Most Queer people, unless they actually came from Kansas, think of it as the place Dorothy Gale was lucky enough to be flown out of by a cyclone in "The Wizard of Oz." But San Diego's Diversionary Theatre is producing an original musical, "Harmony, Kansas," a touching comedy/drama about Gay men in Kansas who come together and form a singing group just to have one place where they can be who they are.

Do Something Truly Revolutionary (tags)

The world we live in leaves most of us wracked with stress and confusion. It is hard enough getting through the week and making it to the next paycheck with the hopes it will cover all the bills including transportation needs and getting food on the table. Upon closer examination it does seem at times at least some of that stress is avoidable. We can't totally avoid it in our lives, but there's no need to add to it for ourselves, and likewise for others – especially those closest to us.

War, politics and the perceived justification for the next attack on US (tags)

Two short reports which evidence USA's war on Humanity and the possible backlash to USA's global crime spree.

Cynthia Nixon: Bi Heroine Tells It Like It Is (tags)

Actress Cynthia Nixon caused a brief furor last January and ruffled the feathers of the Queer Thought Police by daring to say publicly that as a Bisexual she believes she did have a choice in her sexual orientation, and she doesn't see why people should assume she's a Lesbian just because her current relationship partner is a woman.

Domestic Violence Is NOT a Gender Issue! (tags)

In 1971 Erin Pizzey open the world's first shelter for battered women. Soon after opening the women's shelter, Erin Pizzey noticed that some men in the community were also suffering from abuse from women. This led to her attempts to open shelters for abused men, though for recognizing this need for logical balance Erin Pizzey was soon under attack from extremist feminist groups who felt that it was impossible for women to abuse men.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Alternative Movie Review (tags)

Predictable lamestream media reviewers had little to say about how The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is rife with current political, sociological, technological and religious implications. The movie is about a 24-year-old, gothic-punk-looking, cyberspace hacker, with an issue with men who have histories or sexual or violent predation. She is on a mission to right the world of a few rapists and killers. This is not a standard movie review. Plenty reviews already exist on the Internet for you to get the gist of the story and its characters. This critique is strictly in regards to the movie and is more about interesting political and social commentary in relation to the movie and some of its reviews.

VAWA creates false rape allegations (tags)

Under the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) the constitutional rights of men are destroyed. The presumption of innocence, a fundamental piece of American law, is disregarded. In the name of political correctness, thousands of innocent men are incarcerated indefinitely. A vengeful spouse, deranged lover, a jilted girlfriend, an attention seeking loser, or a mentally disturbed woman can have any person arrested on just her word. No evidence is needed, no questions are asked.

Narcissist Females Use False Allegations for Power (tags)

Females with narcissistic personality disorder often make false allegations of rape against men that do not submit to their control. False allegations of rape are counterproductive and injurious to women who experienced rape in reality. Not to mention the effect on innocent men who could face real rape in prison.

When Love Hurts: The Emotionally Abused Man (tags)

Many liberal men may at some point fall in love with emotionally abusive women and write off their behavior to them being "strong and assertive" women. However, there is a difference between an assertive woman and an abusive woman and those who are emotionally involved may not be able to recognize the difference.

Serial Killer Targets Homeless Men in Orange County (tags)

Three transient men have been stabbed to death in Orange County, Calif., in the last three weeks by a killer who may be on a vendetta against the homeless or is homeless himself.

US taxes go to anti-women Israel (tags)

After hearing Democracy Now's expose of an Israeli woman who was attacked for refusing to give up her seat to a man, I had to research this. I found not only this vicious anti-women story, but also one of Zionist men spitting on an 8 year old girl for being "indecent" in dress. This is the stench of religion for which we American taxpayers pay as Israel does not exist for one second without US tax dollars to the tune of $6 billion a year to protect US oil profits. Here are the stories.

Mary's Revolt for Life (tags)

The civilization made and guided by men seriously threatens survival on the earth. The song of Christmas is not a sweet lullaby but a feminine rebellion against the world of death worshipers. The gifts of this earth do not belong to us.

THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations (tags)

This report represents a summary of my reflections & analysis on fbi/cia/police/societal egregious agendas.

The Cycle of fear (tags)

The Cycle of fear is my second article on hate and fear

Occupy Riverside You Need the Integrated Participation of Womyn of Color! (tags)

Reposted from facebook

Bad Teacher Movie Review: Alternative Media (tags)

Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? There is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. Brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?

Leather History Meeting Relives the Wounds of AIDS (tags)

Though it was billed as a panel on the history of San Diego's Leather community, the San Diego League of Gentlemen meeting July 1 turned into something else: an emotionally intense discussion and reminiscence of the effect AIDS had on the Queer community in general and the Leather community in particular. Themselves touched by the crisis directly ? all the panelists either had AIDS, took care of people who did or were active in the community's response ? they talked about the pain of losing so many friends but also how the community grew and its surviving members became more emotionally committed to each other.

FBI Entraps Two More Muslims (tags)


Over 500 Turn Out for San Diego Slut Walk (tags)

For those who thought the battle over whether women who dress in sexually provocative clothing are thereby giving men the ?right? to rape them was won in the 1970?s, it was a shock last January when a police representative in Toronto, Canada told a class he was lecturing to that ?women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.? His boorish, sexist remarks had one positive result: they rekindled the feminist movement via a series of ?Slut Walks,? mass demonstrations in which women deliberately dress in so-called ?slut wear? both to communicate a sex-positive message and to make the point that women should be free to dress any way they like and go about wherever they like without inviting men to rape them. The message of the ?Slut Walks?: don?t teach women how to avoid rape: TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE!

The Job of CA's New AG Doesn't Include Enforcing the Law? (tags)

Kamala Harris campaigned on a promise of protecting domestic violence victims. Now she is letting 44 domestic violence victims die every day while claiming it's not her job to enforce the law.

Amnesty International Launches Global Angola 3 Campaign (tags)

This week Amnesty International launched a global campaign calling for US authorities to end the solitary confinement of Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox, of the Angola 3. Amnesty is calling for people around the world to contact Governor Jindal.

Former Political Prisoner Geronimo Pratt Dies (tags)


Waging War at Home and Abroad While Pledging Peace (tags)


Bisexual Forum Targets Invisibility and Bigotry (tags)

Bisexuals, the "B" in "LGBT," are actually the largest of the four groups represented by that unlovely acronym, but they're also among the most misunderstood people in the Queer community. They face bitter and often ferocious prejudice and bigotry not only from homophobic straight people but from Gays and Lesbians whose anti-Bi beliefs lead them to be threatened by the existence of Bi people. The Bisexual Forum of San Diego held a workshop at the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center May 12 to dispel some of the misunderstandings other Queers have towards Bisexuals and tell their stories, which often involve a dual coming-out process: first as Lesbian or Gay, then as Bi when they realize they can no longer deny either their same-sex or opposite-sex attractions.

Tempe continues it war on homeless people (tags)

Tempe Arizona continues it war on homeless people. In this case Tempe has declared war on homeless old farts.

Libyan Rebels Killing Civilians in Benghazi (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies, and Misreporting about Gitmo Detainees (tags)


Russell Defreitis: Terrorist or Political Prisoner? (tags)


Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos (tags)

Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos

Sexual Harassment and Violence at Orange County’s Democratic Party (tags)

Democratic women ready to fight back against the climate of violence

War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)

We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite Not You (tags)

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite and NOT THE PEOPLE. These Trojan Horses are only there to Restore THE ORDER OF THE RULING ELITE and NOT THE PEOPLE. Americans should therefore work to revoke any increased Powers Granted to these Pro Corporate Thugs.

Roots of Arizona's Violence (tags)

America's culture of violence

Britain's War on Islam (tags)

vilifying Muslims

“How Do You Know” is a real cat shit slow ball of a movie. (tags)

James L. Brooks’ new movie “How Do You Know” is a real cat shit of a slow ball (that is as Owen Wilson, or Matty Reynolds, the never-too-conscientious autistic, actually relates a hope-you-feel-better story to Reese Witherspoon, as Lisa, about a disgruntled x-baseball player who sent cat shit by mail to the manager that fired him). Once upon a time there lived an insulated, highly paid, professional straw blonde pitcher who lived like a prince in a castle—that is an expensive high rise, posh, penthouse. By the way, this movie really is a more or less a juvenile fairytale—although at times it’s surprisingly funny.

Lucasville Five Hunger Strike Begins --An interview with author Staughton Lynd (tags)

The Lucasville Five are now back in the news with an announcement last week that four of the five will be participating in a simultaneous “rolling hunger strike,” beginning today, January 3. They are using the hunger strike to protest their convictions (having always maintained their innocence) as well as their living situation, which is more restrictive than for most prisoners on Ohio’s death row.

Islamophobia in Western Media (tags)

Muslim vilification

“Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”: Big Pharma's Latest AIDS Drug Marketing Strategy (tags)

The latest marketing strategy of the AIDS establishment and Big Pharma to sell toxic "anti-HIV" drugs at exorbitant prices is a sinister development called "pre-exposure prophylaxis." This is the idea of selling the drugs to HIV NEGATIVE Gay and Bisexual men engaged in so-called "high-risk" sexual lifestyles, supposedly to keep them from becoming infected. But it actually appears to be the industry looking for another market in the face of the recession, which is likely to reduce government and philanthropic funding for HIV meds in the developing world and thereby derail the pharmaceutical gravy train of AIDS. Fortunately, today's Gay men have got out of the intense fear of AIDS that ruled the Queer community in the 1980's and 1990's and are therefore unlikely to fall for the siren call of "pre-exposure prophylaxis."

Torture in US Prisons (tags)

homeland prison torture

Franklin Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights (tags)

his economic bill of rights

The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)

US lawlessness

Prostitution Ads on Craigslist and Moral Majority Matters (tags)

Why does society call it “adult” if adults don’t have the right to freedom and liberty in the first place? Why does any government think it has a right to “dictate” morality to the American people and treat them like they are eternal adolescents? This zealous effort on the part of government employees and law enforcement is a thinly disguised attempt to dictate more oppressive “Judeo-Christian” morality in our country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state Unfortunately plenty of people still live with the “scourge” mentality that sexual pleasure and the reality of lust is somehow sinful and evil.

Choosing your words wisely: The language of Obama's Oval Office speech (Steve's Grammar) (tags)

When the Water Dragon rises from the Sea as we have seen in 2010 it is time to pay attention to what the earth is telling us. We are all integrally connected on this planet and our mother is angry because of the arrogance and greed of men.

Sexual Offense in California (tags)

Yet, somehow the attitude for some citizens thus goes, after more legislation has been proposed, and in process of being enacted (Assembly Bill 1844 Chelsea’s Law), in California following the recent rape and killings by one John Gardener, a sexual offender released from prison and not very closely and competently monitored by the system, is that everyone, that is everyone thought to be a “good” citizen of the state of California, ought be able to live in a Utopian world in which “no one” feels offended—especially sexually offended—and this idealism should reside no matter how arbitrary and contradictory the propensity to feel offended may seem.


A necessary reading.

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”

Entorage of War Refugees Travel Country With Two U.S. Veterans (tags)

U.S. veterans combine forces with refugees to fight for peace

Stranded in Northern California (tags)

Women are too often at the mercy of the men in there lives.

Sex Offender Terrorism and the San Diego Union-Tribune (tags)

Clearly the San Diego Union-Tribune has a new formula to increase its flagging circulation numbers while it glosses over or ignores more mundane but highly important social issues—focus on sexual offenders as a new modern day witch hunt. Every male is a John Gardner now and must be profiled.

The death of macho: The era of male dominance is over (tags)

The most enduring legacy of the Great Recession will not be the death of Wall Street. It will not be the death of finance. And it will not be the death of capitalism. These ideas and institutions will live on. What will not survive is macho.

LA Anti-Nazi Protest is a Civil Rights Victory (tags)

Protest of National Socialist Movement draws a broad diverse crowd. Eyewitness account of confrontation with 2 men.

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution! (tags)

On International Women's Day we are taking to the streets to call for something sorely needed and unseen in generations: an uncompromising outpouring of fury and resistance from women and men who want to see women, the world over, lifted from centuries of being condemned to being treated as the possessions of men.


Wonder where the US got its strategic thinking towards Haiti from? Read on...

POCs, Women, Apply for Redistricting Commission before FEB 15 (tags)

I know the anarchists here think this is all a big-ass joke, but, could some progressives, social democrats, socialists, and greens apply? We need more women and people of color going for it - new people, wise people. The left and right third parties are lagging on getting women involved.

WAT (tags)

Witness Against Torture continues the campaign to shut down Guantanamo and end torture.

Genocide and Official Plans to Murder Kevin Cooper, Mumia Abu Jamal and Troy Davis (tags)

Three innocent black men are about to die but those involved in the process have the right and duty to stop the executions

Foundation for Change Focuses Grants on Immigration, Border Issues (tags)

The San Diego Foundation for Change held its holiday party December 20 and introduced a number of grant recipients as well as an overall theme to their activities this year. They’re focusing on issues relating to immigration and/or the border, doing outreach to immigrants on human rights, health care, personal autonomy (especially for women) and sexual health. They're also working on media outreach projects to improve local coverage of immigrants and teach the immigrants themselves that they shouldn't believe everything they read in the corporate media.

The "Omaha Two:" Victimized by COINTELPRO Injustice (tags)

Two innocent men imprisoned for 40 years

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues

Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim Denied Parole (tags)

the face of political persecution in America

Three Ohio Men Convicted of Being Muslims at the Wrong Time in America (tags)

Washington's jihad against Muslims

Dugard Rape-Kidnap Case Highlights Anti-Women Government (tags)

Article with comments questions possible CIA involvement in the Garrido-Dugard child kidnapping ring, and what people can do to prevent these acts from continuing..

Important VICTORY! over "kill gays" performer Buju Banton! (tags)

Late yesterday afternoon huge concert promoter Live Nation announced that it was canceling all its concerts with "kill gays" performer Buju Banton. This includes House of Blues concerts previously scheduled for Chicago (10/2), Las Vegas (10/15), Dallas (10/20) and Houston (10/22).

No Letup in Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama (tags)

Obama political persecutions

Veronza Bowers - A Victim of America's Criminal Justice System (tags)

for 35 years a political prisoner

No Other Answer (tags)

Military Abuses Vs Filipino Peasants Continues (tags)

Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA condemns and militantly protest the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines This came after two dozen men in fatigue uniforms broke into the office of a militant farmers’ cooperative in Sanchez Mira in northwestern Cagayan shortly after midnight on June 11, mauled farmers staying in it to participate in a seminar, and ran away with undisclosed amounts of cash and goods . According to reports, 20 armed men forcibly entered the Mass Cooperative office in Bgy. Massisit in Sanchez Mira here and mauled the seminar participants, some members of the party list group Anak Pawis, aside their taking money and valuables.


he US based Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA condemns and militantly protest the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines This came after two dozen men in fatigue uniforms broke into the office of a militant farmers’ cooperative in Sanchez Mira in northwestern Cagayan shortly after midnight on June 11, mauled farmers staying in it to participate in a seminar, and ran away with undisclosed amounts of cash and goods . Pesante -USA noted that similar cases of political harassment of militants in Cagayan province had occurred in the past, the most prominent being the burning two years ago of a community radio station in Baggao town which was put up with the help of the party-list group Bayan Muna.

“Little Guantanamo” Exposing the CMU (tags)

Daniel has an article on The Huffington Post today! Please comment on the article so it gets seen by all and makes it on the home page! Digg it, Twitter it, Share, become a fan, Buzz up, etc. Do it all! Please spread the word in every way possible.

Bisexual Forum of San Diego Hosts “Bisexuality Across Cultures” (tags)

The Bisexual Forum of San Diego County hosted an event on “Bisexuality Across Cultures” May 27. Though somewhat overshadowed by the anti-Proposition 8 protests that week, it was a compelling meeting which discussed the greater rigidity with which Americans define sexual orientations and roles than Europeans or Latin Americans. One speaker was a Bisexual living with blindness, who described a “hierarchy of discrimination” with people of color relatively more privileged than Queers, while people with disabilities are at the very bottom and often the subject of out-and-out devaluation of their lives (“I’d rather be dead than be … ”).

Three Men Turned Over to Immigration Officials After Fatal Crash (tags)

Facing deportation without hearing, according to USICE

Interview (tags)

Men are born to create and grow in Self-awareness, and need the environment in which that becomes possible. The terrible disease of commercialization has robbed countless millions of their birthright and, as its insidious growth encroaches on all aspects of men's lives, its tentacles of disaster squeeze every generous and human feeling from their hearts. Humanity is in thrall to commercialization and in peril of its soul.

Mexico Federal Troops and police rush into Juarez to try and retake the city (tags)

A Short History of US Government Handouts (tags)

The American way - socialized costs and privatizing profits

First interview (tags)

Maitreya’s first interview by the Master


Valkyrie can pass as a suspense thriller even if the people know in the first what is the result. It is always nice to know how men of principles act and improvise in their greatest moment of decision or indecision.

Terrorist Chicago cousins convicted of violent jihad conspiracies. (tags)

According to court records, Zubair and Khaleem Ahmed both traveled to Cairo, Egypt on May 21, 2004 with the intent to engage in acts that would result in the murder or maiming of U.S. forces.

Dr. Mads Gilbert said. (tags)

From Gaza

America's War On Islam - The "Fort Dix Five" (tags)

targeting Muslims in America

Long march to freedom (tags)

[ Like non-whites and women, queers must keep marching on a very long road.] .....

Michael Shelton: Gay Therapist's Provocative Book on Relationships (tags)

Michael Shelton, Gay therapist and author from Philadelphia, recently published the book "Boy Crazy: Why Monogamy Is So Hard for Gay Men and What You Can Do About It." But what makes him different from almost everyone else who's written about this is he doesn't claim to have all the answers; instead, he says each couple has to work out their own way of making their relationship work, which may or may not include sexual exclusivity.

Americans attacked and nearly killed in Mexico (tags)

Baja California authorities said three masked gunmen walked into the Bar Utopia in Tijuana over the weekend where many Americans where present, the mask gunmen wearing bullet proof vests began spraying gun fire randomly using AK-47 assault rifles. The terrorist killed two men and a woman at the scene, while the other two women died later at a hospital. The Tijuana police told the Laguna Journal that there where patrons present during the shooting that claimed to be Americans.

No Country for Old Women, is more factual (tags)

Laments of Old Men living in this country have some relevant points to make but neglect to notice that there are even more of the 'other kind' - the Old Women living here too.

Targeting Dissent - The San Francisco Eight (tags)

Racism and repression are alive and well in America.

OMG, the stats are right ! check them out for yourself. (tags)

Wondering about rumors and exaggerations, we checked some stats and found these... see what they say about you, us, and 'them" too

Justice for Yemeni Sheik (tags)

Important Appeals Court decision.

US Army Lies To Our Young men, On Behalf of fbi/cia Assassins (tags)

The fbi/cia are in part responsible for the loss of American soldiers killed in battle around the world (this is a matter of public record, as shown in part in the Iraq conflict).The US Army, in order to continue the fbi/cia murderous agenda, targets the most vulnerable segment of our population for recruitment as 'citizen soldiers'.

Philippine women’s groups urge lawmakers to pass Reproductive Health Bill (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – A day before several lawmakers deliver their respective sponsorship speeches on the controversial bill promoting the use of both artificial and natural means of family planning, among others, a network of more than 50 non-government and people's organizations advocating women's and people's rights today urged other members of the House of Representatives to affirm women’s right to reproductive self-determination, and to support the immediate passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.

Youngest ever British person visits longest serving men in solitary at Angola Prison. (tags)

An 11 year old from London has become the youngest ever British person to visit two prisoners in Louisiana State Prison, who are the longest serving inmates in solitary confinement. Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox have spent over 35 years held in 6ft x 9ft cells for crimes even a federal judge has overturned.

Ivins was suicided by Cheney. (tags)

Bush has already signed the pardon.

War effects are not known by USAmerican young. Nor do they want to know for real. (tags)

WAR is a danger when USAmerican youth are playing games and have no real knowledge of the dangers of war damages.


The communist New People’s Army (NPA) has apparently intensified its rebellious campaign as it has launched attacks on government stablishments and a private-owned business for allegedly not paying its demanded “revolutionary tax.”

Sun Aug 10: Celebrate the Life of Don White (tags)

An Evening to Celebrate the Life of Our Companero Don White Presente! WHEN: SUNDAY, AUGUST 10TH at 6:00 - 8:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (@Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Ave.)

Workshop: It Takes a Village to Rape a Woman (tags)

The Women's Studies Student Association (W.S.S.A.) from Cal State Long Beach will discuss "rape culture," reframe violence against women as a men's issue, and discuss common myths about rape while keeping in mind power, privilege, and oppressions of gender, race, sexuality, class and ability.

Mexican Authorities Covering up shootings of Americans (tags)

Laguna Journal that he and others have received word to not talk with or report any American deaths to the media.

More Americans shot in Mexico (tags)

Many Americans are wondering when the Bush administration is going to raise the travel alert to its highest level "travel warning," for American travelers to Mexico? How many American citizens are going to have to be shot, killed or kidnapped before the American government move to prevent needless deaths and issue the proper "travel warning," for Americans?

Clinton honors Fil-Am vets in 66th Anniversary of ‘Fall of Bataan’ (tags)

HILLARY CLINTON released the following statement April 10 in honor of the men and women who bravely fought for the freedoms of the United States and the Philippines 66 years ago, when Japanese troops invaded the Philippines. This invasion led to the Fall of Bataan on April 9, 1942. "It is my honor to have the opportunity to salute these brave Filipino men and women who gallantly gave their lives for the freedom that citizens of both the Philippines and the United States now enjoy. And to those who have survived, I pledge that America will not forget the hardships that you and your family endured from that war."

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

Leftwing leader claims escaping slay try in Iloilo City (tags)

A top official of the leftwing Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance, Bayan) in Panay narrowly escaped an alleged attempt to abduct or assassinate him, militant groups here claimed Wednesday. Aurelio Bosque, spokesperson of Bayan-Panay, said two unidentified men who were separately riding motorcycles followed him from their office in Jaro District, Iloilo City on Monday and pursued him until he and two companions sought refuge at a Kababayan Center.

Costa Mesa police officer killed one and wounded another (tags)

Riverside County Sheriff's Department said at about 7:20 p.m. Saturday evening officers responded to a call of shots fired and a report of an assault in progress involving a deadly weapon in Old Town Temecula after words were exchanged between the off-duty cop and the persons shot.

Emmanuel Reynaud - Holy Virility. The social construction of masculinity (tags)

Emmanuel Reynaud argues that it is within men's grasp to reject power relations and begin to behave in a way that is neither hierarchical nor exploitative. What is needed is a radical change in men's relationships both with women and with other men.

AIDS, Sex and the Condomaniacs (tags)

The AIDS establishment seems less interested in protecting people's lives and health than in creating a climate of fear and shame around human sexuality, especially as expressed between males. Two recent news events — the claim of a supposedly sexually transmitted antibiotic-resistant staph that was supposed to be targeting Gay and Bisexual men, but for which the real risk factor was prior antibiotic use; and the attacks on four major Swiss AIDS researcher for their claim that under certain circumstances it's safe for HIV-positive and HIV-negative people to have unprotected sex — show how that's true.

Unprecendented attack on Gaza (tags)

Gunmen have attacked the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Gaza City and blown up its library, burning thousands of books, its director says.

Mardi Gras: Sexual Terrorism at State College (tags)

The history of Mardi Gras in the U.S. and around the world is marred with violence and sexual assault. This week in New Orleans at least nine people were wounded by gunshots at and near the festivities. In San Jose, CA in 2006 there were multiple stabbing incidents. In the 2001 Seattle Mardi Gras riots women were sexually assaulted, intimidated, coerced and raped, much of which was caught on tape. This week at Cal State Long Beach, we just couldn't ignore it's influence.

America never was America to me - MLK (tags)

The war is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit


Petition for the lives of Hamzeh and Loghman: two young gay men who are in love and who risk the death sentence in Iran. And let's not forget Pegah: the United Kingdom could still hand her over to the executioner.

Two Girls One Cup: A Phenomenology of Male Humor and Fetishism (tags)

40 years after second-wave feminism, the internet runs rampant with backwards media portraying women as objects. The "two girls one cup" phenomenon is evidence of the static position of women as second-class citizens.

America: No Country for Old Men (tags)

Every once in a while, a movie comes along which captures, as a metaphor, the times that we are living through. That film is “No Country for Old Men.” It’s based on a novel by Cormac McCarthy. The flick is the creation of the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. It is a gem of a movie--grim in effect and dark in vision. In it, the villain, a sociopath, (think “Bush-Cheney Gang”) is winning; and the good guy, the Sheriff, (read “The People”), is ready to call it quits!

DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: Masters of war plan for next 100 years (tags)

"We think urban is the future," says James Lasswell, a retired colonel who now heads the Office of Science and Technology at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. "Everything worth fighting for is in the urban environment."

SEVEN THOUSAND Lashes and Twenty Blows to the Head (tags)

Let me remind everyone of a very vital detail that has gone unprinted and unsaid in all the emails and newsprint over the last week---the appointed President Bu$h WILL NOT SIGN ANY BILL NAMED "ENDA" THAT HAS ANY GLBT FRIENDLESSNESS IN IT, EITHER WITH A T OR WITHOUT A T! And any bill that should be passed will NOT have the votes to override the veto roadblock.

The Cuban Five (tags)

I attended a briefing by Leonard Weinglass (he of the Daniel Ellsberg/Pentagon Papers fame, of the Amy Carter tribulations, and other famous efforts to achieve justice against at times huge odds) at Howard University's Law School on Wednesday, 12 September. I was stunned by what counselor Weinglass revealed...

The Approaching Narco Lords, American Politicians, And The City Of Lost Girls (tags)

bush relatives are all nazi criminals and cannibals....These people are protected by DHS and own quite a few NM/TX politicians, as well as many others throughout the israeli federal reserve government which has overtaken America

Marathon to Free Magdalena García Durán and Atenco Prisoners (tags)

Things are moving faster in the struggle to free the Mazahua indigenous rights leader Magdalena García Duran, recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, and all the political prisoners arrested in San Salvador Atenco in central Mexico on May 3 and 4, 2006.

Freedom for the Cuban Five ! (tags)

An International Campaign to Free the Cuban Five will begin on September 12. This will be an excellent opportunity to knock at the doors of American people’s consciences

Sept 15 is 25 Yrs Since US/Israel/Fascist Massacre at Sabra & Shatila (tags)

For those of us who can easily remember 25 years ago, one event that we certainly remember and ask that all learn from is the US/Israel/Fascist massacre of Palestinian women, children and old men at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, paid for with US tax dollars, aided by the US puppet Israel.

Chatter about an "incident" on West Coast at all time high (tags)

The FBI and WJAC have asked anyone with information on the two suspicious ferry passengers in the Seattle area to report it to 206-622-0460. Yesterday, WMR reported on Israeli press accounts that the Israeli branch chief of Interpol is under investigation for using his contacts within the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem to obtain U.S. visas for criminal Israeli suspects to enter the United States.

The Cuban Five: Mission against Terror and Hypocrisy (tags)

The allegation of «Conspiracy to gather and to transmit information on National Defense» is the technical charge, according to US criminal law (18USC & 794), commonly called «Conspiracy to commit espionage». It is without doubt the central topic of the legal process against five Cuban prisoners wrongly held in the United States...

Transgenders Criticize LGB Choice of Film for Festival (tags)

This Saturday, July 21, Outfest is showing the controversial new film, GENDERCATOR at the Village, 1125 N. McCaden Pl, Hollywood, @ 6 pm. It has been labeled alarmingly transphobic (towards trans men) by many, and was even pulled from San Francisco's film festival, Frameline.

The Approaching Narco Lords, American Politicians, And The City Of Lost Girls (tags)

These people are protected by DHS and own quite a few NM/TX politicians, as wells as others

Stonewall: Reclaiming The Legacy (tags)

An article about pride and the legacy of stonewall

Fatherless Day (tags)

Fatherless Day

US spy plane could join search for Italian priest In Mindanao (tags)

Manila-- Government troops are hard on the heels of the group who seized an Italian priest from a remote village in Zamboanga Sibugay Sunday. Fr. John Carlo Bossi was seized by armed men in Barangay Bulawan in the town of Payao.

Surge on this, Bush (tags)

If you can

Women, please be patient - still (tags)

I posit the radical notion that the denial of rights and oppression of women is equally important as the denial of rights and the oppression of any other group in a society. Underlying this notion is that women ARE those other groups and one cannot separate them out from “the rest of the population” seeking a better life.

war protest (tags)

end this war or we will

O.J. Simpson refused service (tags)

Who cannot question the motives of the restaurant owner who refused Simpson service. I am not convinced he would be so unforgiving to other unsavory characters.

Naked Mexican!!!! (tags)

Mexicans strip en masse for U.S. artist

Political conjunctions and Blurring definitions (tags)

A number of factors have recently formed a conjunction, which provided a new view of a popular ‘reality’. Whenever the flames of the terrorist ‘threat’ begin to wane convenient arrests are made that fan the embers back into flames of concern. Recent police raids in Sydney and Melbourne have resulted in the arrests of two Sri Lankan Tamils; “two men have appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on terrorism related charges,” ran the intro from one media outlet while another ran with, “men face terrorism charges after raids.” I’m sure we all get the drift but it should be noted that assistant commissioner to the Federal Police, Frank Prendergast, went to lengths "to make it clear that these men weren't involved in any possible attacks on Australian soil.” Well then, what?

Don Imus vs. Rap Music Debate Continued: (tags)

Randi Rhodes of Air America is still wrong when she claims that “the” issue (insisting there is only one issue) is no more than white people blaming rap music for words like “ho” when used in the derogatory sense. Don Imus question: “What about rap music?” is a legitimate question—even if “pseudo-liberals” (real liberals consider fairly all relevant points of view before getting judgmental) are quick to dismiss it. In fact dogmatic certitude that there is “one” significant way (my way or the highway) to interpret the debate is itself a red flag.

Former USA Bank Examiner Attacked in Canada, Canada and USA Heed This Message (tags)

I, Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone, former federal bank examiner turned informant on government corruption has been attacked once again. The details are below.

Minuteman linked to racist group "Save Our State" denies charges (tags)

Minuteman linked to racist group "Save Our State" denies charges

NPA Ambush in Isabela kills three soldiers, injures five others (tags)

Media sources today reported that three Army men, including a second lieutenant, were killed while five others are still undergoing strenuous medical treatment after a landmine believed to be planted by New People’s Army (NPA) rebels, exploded while they were in the thick of pursuit operations for still undetermined number of fully-armed rebels in a communist-infested central Isabela town on Sunday.

Homo habilis and language (tags)

Two recent discoveries represent a powerful experimental verification for all hypotheses that Marx and Engels brought forward about human evolution from the monkey stage to the productive, thus social one.


Now Is the Time for Gays & Lesbians to End the War

The set up (tags)

First man down

The Sacco and Vanzetti Case Revisited (tags)

On August 23, 1927, the State of Massachusetts executed two-Italian born immigrants for their alleged roles in the murders and robbery of a payroll clerk and his security guard on April 15, 1920. The condemned, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were militant anarchists. A mockery of a fair trial led to their ultimate fate. Professor Deborah Contrada revisits their case and concludes that there was “reasonable doubt, easily” as to their guilt.

Gunmen Open Fire on Migrants (tags)


Gunmen Open Fire on Illegal Immigrants (tags)

Three Men Are Killed And Several Are Taken Hostage By ARTHUR H. ROTSTEIN AP

The Blindness of the Powerful Toward Others (tags)

Power seems to make difficult taking the point of view of others and understanding their feelings..The deficient capacity to see a situation from the view of the other contributes to the downfall of the powerful.

The Killing Begins (tags)

Armed and Dangerous - Arizona Vigilantes

Leo Lincoln? (tags)

Struass was fond of praising British imperialism and Caesarism for their "prudence and moderation." Aggressive, dictatorial, militaristic nationalism is Straussian principle #2. Struassian Principle #3 is aggressive lying and #4 is fake religiosity.

IRAN (tags)


LA Mobilizes Defense of Former Black Panthers (tags)

Jericho Amnesty Coalition LA and many other organizations are mobilizing to support the 8 former members of the Black Panther Party arrested last week on charges related to the killing of a police officer in SF in 1971. The charges had previously been dismissed against some of the men because the evidence against them was extracted by torture. Jericho will show "Legacy of Torture" a film about these brothers on February 17, 4-7 pm, at the Southern California Library, 6120 S. Vermont, in LA.

72 against Bush (tags)

The Karbala battle was over 1,000 years ago. Why waste our boys on another?

Lake Forest: Crackdown on Day Laborers (tags)

Minutemen, OC Sheriffs, and a private security company are working hand in hand to harass day laborers.

The most dangerous men in America (tags)

they want to kill our boys

Man Fights to Take Wife's Name in Marriage (tags)

Before Michael Buday married his fiancée, Diana Bijon, he decided to honor her family by bucking tradition and taking her last name.

Podchef Neal Foley, Gastrocast (tags)

Gastrocast is a podcast about cooking, food, and the politics of what we eat.

The American ‘Think Tank’ (tags)

The world can hardly wait to hear Bush’s new plans for the continued occupation of Iraq. With an official Iraqi death toll exceeding 655,000, social anarchy and failed state status fast approaching, the Bush regime has NOTHING to skite about and no where to go but HOME. The whole disastrous intervention in Iraq is living proof that myopic criminal endeavours always end in tragedy for the people. We recall that U.S. invading forces were under strict orders to secure one site only, the OIL MINISTRY in Baghdad – how telling! From the first day analysts were under no illusions as to the real intentions of the invaders – PLUNDER – the appropriation of Iraq’s most valuable resource.

Honor Betrayed (tags)

Sexual Abuse in the U.S. Military

How Do Men Keep Women Out? (tags)

Men Use Women's Looks To Keep Them Out Today.

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons (tags)

Police broke up a protest by dozens of relatives of missing people and detained some as they tried to march towards the military headquarters. Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006

Sexual Abuse and Harassment In The Military (tags)


Pesante-USA Condems Killing of Youth leader in Cagayan (tags)

Cagayan, the northernmost province of Luzon has become a valley of death for activists as a 19-year-old youth leader became the third militant in a month to be killed in the province. Sangguniang Kabataan chair Nelson Asocena, a member of the youth group Anakbayan and the peasant group Kagimungan, was shot dead in an attack allegedly by six men in military uniform on Dec. 13 in Rizal, Cagayan. Pesante-USA vehemntly condemn the fascist terror Kiling. Asocena was the third militant leader to be killed in Cagayan within a month and the 802nd in the Philippines since 2001, based on records of the human rights group Karapatan. More than 800 activist, leaders, and ordinary members of people's organizations and their familes had been killed since 2001 when Arroyo assumed presidency in the Philippines.

Something like this could only happen in the Soviet Union!!!! (tags)

Looks like all of these people were falsely arrested and jailed in the American gulag called Guantanamo for being terrorists

Black Panther alive and fight for Sean Bell killed from police brutality (tags)

New York, December 2, 2006

Why are cops always right? They got guns and badges!! (tags)

Tempe cop Sgt. Chuck Schoville tells us why cops are always right on a Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe StreetBeat - “You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.” Finally the cops admit something most of us know!

Glimpse of Secret Gitmo Panels (tags)

Snip: "They relied instead on secret evidence that was classified," Denbeaux says. "And the government's procedure was, anything in that secret evidence was presumed to be valuable and valid. And then the detainee was given the opportunity to rebut the secret evidence. But he was never told what the secret evidence was."

American Strike in January Missed Al Qaeda’s No. 2 by a Few Hours (tags)

When you read stuff like this it is really easy to figure out the real terrorist is the American government.

Trilogy OF War? Voting Machine? Get Real, Bombs and Bullets Cast Ballots (tags)

When the bell fell, the liberty spilled out, in the form of blood of the Indian. Now it is our turn. Hells bells, they pretend we have an election, and I invite that death smell.

Misandry in feminist literature (tags)

An often neglected and downplayed subject that popped up when I was looking at the Israeli Women sex trade issue

The Death of Feminism (tags)

A speech for the 12/14/05 Senate hearing organized by the American Committee for Democracy in the Middle East.

HIV is a Gay Disease (!?!) (tags)

A controversial new campaign by the LA Gay & Lesbian Center merits discussion.

Journalists may run afoul of law in Iraq (tags)

So this is what bring democracy to Iraq is? It goes from a police state run by Saddam, to a police state run by an American General

I am outraged - my column for Bush Business (tags)

My own congressman, Dan Boren, has proven to me is not a man fit for office, or any position in life. How can he vote for torture? It is beyond my understanding...

Straightening the Dogs' legs (Attempting the Impossible) (tags)

If little bunches of speedsters then show up, it will be proper to say: here are some of those men who only appear once every five hundred years. As we once recalled to the cold Zinoviev, who used to say that referring to Lenin. We will wait for them to be embalmed. We don't feel we deserve such an honour.

Future Prospects for the Young Generation (tags)

The social contract of modern times based on lifelong full-employment in paid work is broken.. We produce with Bill Gates and dis-tribute with Bismarck..After 200 years, we need a new social contract, a new reconciliation of work and income.

KMU-SMR Secretary General Threatened (tags)

Kilusang Mayo Uno¡VSouthern Mindanao Region secretary general Omar Bantayan received threats to his life as he was about to leave his residence at around 10:00 this morning. Bantayan was on his way to a meeting when three unidentified men were seen surveilling his residence in Brgy. Ubalde, R.Castillo. Bantayan was with a companion who went out first and was the one to notice two men standing some feet away on either side the gate. The third man was posted at the corner of the street about 20 meters away. The companion also spotted a bulge around the waist of one of the men. He surmised it could only be a firearm as the latter moved his hand toward it when Bantayan came out of their gate.

An Open Letter To All U.S. Military Service Men and Women (tags)

911 was an inside job.

"Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now." (tags)

As the economy collapses there will be many more young men in Gaza willing to take Ala Hejairi's place. Untrained and ill-armed most will be killed. But the destruction of Gaza, now under way, will ensure that no peace is possible in the Middle East for generations to come.

Muslims: The New Jews (tags)

As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or nationality.

Faking Palestinian Resistance (tags)

In keeping with the idea that this particular Palestinan group does not actually exist, Hamas, Abbas and every other known Palestinan grouping denied any involvement and indeed condemned the kidnapping, with Haled Abu Hilal, Hamas interior ministry spokesman saying "this is not acceptable at all" and stating that Hamas security officials have put police across Gaza on alert and set up roadblocks to find the gunmen and free the reporters. Sadly, to no avail.

Dutch F-16's ready to shoot down passenger plane because dark skinned men pass cell phone (tags)

I wonder if the general public thinks the war on terror has gotten out of hand when F-16s scramble to guard and possibly shoot down a passenger plane because dark skinned men on the plane are passing around a cell phone!

Free Vaccinations against Heptatitis A & B at Sunset Junction (tags)

Summer vaccination program against hepatitis A and B offering free vaccinations at Sunset Junction Street Fair, August 26-27

4 ‘NPA sympathizers’ slain in CL (tags)

Four suspected sympathizers of the New People’s Army (NPA) have been gunned down in Bulacan and Nueva Ecija in the past three days, and the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) in Central Luzon has again pointed an accusing finger at the military.

Buy more then one cell phone and your a terrorist!!!! (tags)

Hmmm.... Will you need to get a Brady Bill Background check before buying an assult cellphone?????


It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details. I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused – by the cops.

A Victory for Hizbollah, Syria and Iran: israel Wasn't Hoping for This (tags)

Far from driving the Hizbollah north across the Litani river, Israel has entrenched them in their Lebanese villages as never before.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Buy more then 4 cell phones, go to jail (tags)

Three men accused of helping terrorism were arrested Friday after they purchased 80 prepaid mobile phones from a Wal-Mart store, police said. - Yea like they are MAJOR TERRORISTS!!!!!

2 activists, 1 media man killed in 3 hours (tags)

THE latest wave of activist and media killings on Monday hit three regions, including Metro Manila, within a span of three hours, claiming three lives. The first killing happened about 6 a.m. at a bus terminal in Zone 2, Bulan town in Sorsogon, where Rei Mon Guran, a 21-year-old 2nd-year political science student was gunned down. Guran was the local spokesman for the League of Filipino Students and a student of Aquinas University of Legazpi City. In the Cordillera region, the Bayanmuna Kalinga chapter chairman, Dr. Constancio Claver, and his wife Alice Claver, a coordinator for the same group, were ambushed about 7 a.m. Monday by heavily armed men in a black Delica van. The attack killed Claver’s wife, who died while undergoing treatment at the Kalinga Provincial Hospital. She suffered bullet wounds in the head and neck. In Metro Manila Tanod tabloid photojournalist Vic Melendres was gunned down about 8:45 a.m. near his home inside the Gozun Compound in Letre, Malabon, while on his way to work.

"It's over for Jews in France." "The police told me (tags)

The following tale helps elucidate why record numbers of French Jews are emigrating to Israel.

Soldiers ordered to kill all military age males (tags)

Four U.S. soldiers accused of murdering suspected insurgents during a raid in Iraq said they were under orders to "kill all military age males," according to sworn statements obtained by The Associated Press.

Lebanon’s Expendable People (tags)

''We get no sense of rage in Israel’s behavior, just the calculated savagery of men who see their duty as systematically decapitating an entire civilization and leaving it in ruins.''

minute men (tags)

My article is about minute men and how they need to stop watching people are crossing the border thats why we have border patrol.

glory of Washington (tags)


1:15 pm FARM UPDATE (tags)


'The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro' (tags)

by Frederick Douglass

Radio station in Cagayan torched (tags)

Pesante-USA vehemently condemn the latest fascist attack against progressive party list organization BAYAN MUNA in Cagayan Valley, Northern Luzon. The latest is the burning of the radio station in Baggao, Cagayan.Eight armed men set a community radio station identified with the left-wing Bayan Muna party list in Baggao, Cagayan on fire Sunday morning, reports from the provincial police said.

If these cops can't get a fair trial do you think normal people can??? (tags)

These scum bag murdering NYC cops were tried for murder and convicted long after the statute of limitations on the crime expired.

Open Letter From Mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, Resister of Illegal War (tags)

By Carolyn Ho t r u t h o u t | Statement Thursday 22 June 2006

Deja Vu - Plot to blow up Sears Tower, Phoenix Federal Court House (tags)

False Confessions happen all the time (tags)

Of the 180 inmates in the United States exonerated by DNA testing in the last two decades, 44 had falsely confessed.

2 leftists killed in wake (tags)

The blood of leftist militants just won’t stop flowing. A week after men on a motorcycle gunned down former New People’s Army leader Sotero Llamas in Albay province, a lone assassin wearing a bonnet over his head shot dead a Bayan Muna member and a leader of a farmers’ group during a wake on Sunday night here. Bayan Muna’s David Costuna, 48, and Arcadio Macale, 60, president of the local Barangay Agrarian Reform Council, were the 19th and 20th militants murdered around the country in the past two months. Their deaths brought to 228 the total number of activists assassinated since President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo assumed office in 2001, according to an Inquirer tally.

immigration or Invasion (tags)


spying (tags)

oped, whats next a secret police force and a police state

lies revealed (tags)


"Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" (tags)

For May 1, 2006, "A Day Without An Immigrant", Women Say "Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" A massive movement of grassroots women and men, workers and students, on the streets in the US is demanding that their work be counted and that this be reflected in what they are entitled to.

Philippines: Agrarian violence claims more lives under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Regime (tags)

Agrarian violence claimed two more lives this month. A leader of Task Force Mapalad (TFM), Rico Adeva, 39, was gunned down by three men as he and his wife Nenita were walking to their home in Barangay Dos Hermanas, Silay City, Negros Occidental on Black Saturday. He suffered seven bullet wounds – in the head, stomach, chest, and hand. Meanwhile, in Davao, the Secretary General of the National Coordination of Autonomous Local Rural People’s Organizations (UNORKA), Eric Cabanit, was assassinated by two masked men while he was in a public market in Panabo last April 24, 2006. His daughter, who was with him when the shooting happened, was also wounded and is still in critical condition.

NIFC Report Of NY Hunger Strike Commemoration (tags)

The 25th anniversary commemoration of the 1981 Irish Hungerstrike in New York

Discrimination not illegal immigrants fuels Black job crisis (tags)

Dumping the blame for the chronic job crisis of young, poor Black men on illegal immigration stokes the passions and hysteria of immigration reform opponents, but it also lets employers off the hook for discrimination. And it's easy to see how that could happen.

25 HR Fast in Memory of the 1981 Hunger Strike by Irish Republican Prisoners (tags)

25 Hour fast in memory of the ten brave Irish Republicans who gave their lives in the fight for recognition as Political Status for Political Prisoners, on this the 25th anniversary we remember those gallant men with pride.

Hypocrite-in-Chief Can't Lecture China on Rights (tags)

Bush himself has a pretty sorry record when it comes to violating civil liberties and basic human rights with a list that includes kidnapping, torture, indefinite detention without charge and even going after whistleblowers for “leaking state secrets.”

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006 (tags)

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006

liberty (tags)

liberty for all

No Balls. They’re All Whores !!! (tags)

No Balls. They’re All Whores !!!

clouds of tears (tags)

come bitter rain

Johnny Carson interviews Jim Garrison (tags)

author: remembering the past At the website of the late Col. Fletcher Prouty you can still hear echoes reverberating from Dealey Plaza, in very Lo-Fi streaming audio. Since I could not find a transcript of this famous 1967 television broadcast online to me help clarify some of the garbled details, I set out to produce one, in order to restore and preserve the fidelity of an echo.

The Plight of Gays and Lesbians in the Middle East (tags)

Oppression, physical violence, and even murder of gay people is very common in Middle Eastern countries with violently homophobic cultures.

Too clever by half: GMO drug in catastrophic trial (tags)

The trial drug is not a chemical but a biological product, a genetically engineered "humanised" protein.

Aerial photo of CodePink "Women Say No to War" (tags)

Thousands of women and men stood together at the Santa Monica Beach on March 12, 2006, next to the Arlington West Memorial to represent the world uniting to say NO to war.

A Magic So Strong: The South Central Farm Must Live (tags)

This weekend the LA Times issued a deadly editorial attack on the South Central Farm, justifying the destruction of the land and the community, overtly using the theme of "property rights" to do so. Such assessments cannot be allowed to hold sway. Too much is at stake, for all of us.

Popular Female Leader From Afghanistan to Speak in L.A. March 6 (tags)

“Today she is [27] years old. Because of her brave stand in Afghanistan, she has received the support and the love and affection of the majority of Afghan people. Meanwhile, the warlords, this small group of extremist men, have decided that she's a threat to them. So she gets daily death threats.” -- Sonali Kolhatkar, KPFK and Afghan Women’s Mission

Blair in secret plot with Bush to dupe U.N. (tags)

A White House leak revealing astonishing details of how Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the Iraq war is set to cause a worldwide political storm. A new book exposes how the two men connived to dupe the United Nations and blows the lid off Mr Blair's claim that he was a restraining influence on Mr Bush.

Police Intimidation in the City of Orange (tags)

Police Intimidation in the City of Orange: Police ask to see the I.D. of 9 brown people standing outside of home depot looking for work. 8 out of the 9 were taken to a border patrol checkpoint in Dana Point against their will even though the charges had nothing to do with citizenship status!

The Waco Massacre (tags)

Many people believe that David Koresh (or the Branch Davidians) were responsible for the deaths of the 74 men, women and children who died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993.

Costa Mesa: Council member says Guinness Beer justifies immigrant crackdown (tags)

Protester: "Gary, you're a racist pig! Ha! Ha! We'll be back!" Reply from city councilman: “’re a fag!” Monahan says that his experience selling Guinness instead of Coors Light justfies Costa Mesa’s immigrant (ICE) crackdown Extra: Jim Gilchrist goes crazy over Green men

One Million Strong - Bolivarian Revolution (tags)

Venezuela to build an army of one million men and women.

In the grave (tags)

100 dead men on a barrel of rum.

Judge Alito, Jesus, Homosexuality, Abortion and Privacy (tags)

The "religious" right REALLY wants Judge Sam Alito on the Supreme Court. But why? How might Judge Sam help advance their agenda? And do you know what Jesus of Nazareth actually SAID about two of the "religious" right's hot-button issues? - - - - - - - - - -

California Racism and Stolen Legacy (tags)

Destruction of Black Civilization in Gold Rush California.

Costa mesa City council hears protests of The community (tags)

A week after protestors watch an activist arrested and hurt by police they return to tell the mayor it should have been him that was arrested.

In Mexican villages, rape can be called a courting ritual (tags)

Rape is prosecuted at the state level, and state laws vary. A review of criminal laws in all 31 states showed that many required that if, for example, a 12-year-old girl accused an adult of statutory rape, she had first to prove she was "chaste and pure." Nineteen of the states required that statutory rape charges be dropped if the rapist agreed to marry his victim

CORIAC (tags)

Traditionally, Mexican culture is hierarchical in nature and there is a definite leaning toward a "macho" approach in the way men interact with women. Male superiority is a given, and the majority of women are oppressed and brutalized by their menfolk in everyday life. According to the Human Rights Commission, in Mexico City, 80% of female victims of domestic violence are victims on multiple occasions.

Minutemen Arrested in Mexico (tags)

Minutemen Arrested in Mexico

State Sanctioned Murder of a Teenage Girl (tags)

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 07 – An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.

Immigrant Right Supporters Challenge Costa Mesa City Council (tags)

In the picture below, taken from video footage shot by a Minuteman supporter at the Tuesday, January 3, 2006 meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council, Police Chief John Hensley is ordering his men to arrest Coyotl Tezcalipoca for allegedly disrupting a public meeting. The only problem, however, is that a few moments before he made this order, Mayor Allan Mansoor declared twice over the microphones that the meeting was in recess. Did Hensley order his men to make an illegal arrest?

Cupid Killed by Homeland Security (tags)

Cupid has been blown out of the sky by Homeland Security. There will be no Valentines this year.

Bush surrenders (tags)

Bush and Cheney are cowards.


Australian Federal Police, Centrelink And Magistrates Courts Destroy Families And Prevent Employment of Father - Real Case From Canberra, Australia

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets (tags)

author: Leuren Moret

3 wise men. (tags)

The 3 wise men say....Thanks.

California's Nativist Past (tags)

This is a marked up version of the document at

An Amerikan in Pars (tags)

More than 27 years after a series of world-shaking events, another weakened and unpopular hardline regime is threatening to again cause bloodshed in the streets of Iran. Only this time there's no proxy involved, and the violent administration is located unequivocally in Washington.

Important Activist Anderberg: Surviving Controversy (tags)

Important activist Anderberg speaks out on herself. This is required reading because it is about an important activist. The most important activist. Even more important than Sheehan.

Religious Persecution of Muslims In The US (tags)

Four fans celebrating a birthday at Giants Stadium were plucked from their seats by New Jersey State Police and detained for nearly an hour as FBI agents probed their religious beliefs, the men charged yesterday.

The Universe Is . . . (tags)

The Universe Is A Laughing Woman. Our planet has become a toxic landfill because men's rituals obscure reality.

New Face of SOS/MM/NV Hate (tags)

The new band Prussian Blue seeks to increase the numbers in the National Vanguard, Minute Men, and Save Our State.

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle (tags)

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle, and We Lost

The Employers Can Be Stopped Starting With Delphi (tags)

The capitalist's offensive against Delphi workers can be thrown back but not without returning to the methods of the thirties

A Problem Of Pronounciation (tags)

It is NOT Minute Men, like Minnit Men...

British Troops Set Loose By Violent Jailbreak Had Been Caught, Red-Handed, Engaged in St (tags)

British Troops Caught Planting Explosives in Basra? Do you remember that British Officials admitted that they drew the borders of the Middle East eighty years ago in such a way as to expressly keep the region fighting amongst themselves?

the newer centurions (tags)

Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

New Orleans desperately needs the "Miracle Men of God" like Benny Hin!!! (tags)

New Orleans desperately needs the "Miracle Men of God" like Benny Hin!!!

Iran hangings: Chronicle of a manipulation (tags)

A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.

Only Whites Claim Katrina’s Poor Response is NOT Racist (tags)

I have not seen one person of color saying that the response to Katrina in New Orleans had “nothing to do with race.” The mere fact that the ONLY people saying that are white says it all to me. Last night, I saw the Mayor of Houston whose name is ironically “Mr. White” pooh-poohing the race card...

Respect and Protect the Black Woman-Boycott "Hustle and Flow"! (tags)

What has gotten into John Singleton? Why has he produced a movie that perpetuates White America's stereotypes of both Black Men and Women?

Eleven Corpses Found in Baghdad (tags)

The bodies of 11 men, two of them beheaded, were found on waste ground near a Baghdad school, an interior ministry official said.

No Mourning for "No Regrets" Westy (tags)

Dante would have reserved a special place in Hades for the general who oversaw the escalation of America’s invasion of Vietnam and such war crimes as the Phoenix mass assassination program, the “Pacification” program of mass terror against peasants, and the deliberate destruction of farm and forest with Agent Orange defoliant. ------------


'They want this to happen,' I said. 'They planned it. They want the mobs to come uptown with machine guns and rifles. They want the streets to flow with blood; your blood, black blood and white blood, so that they can turn your death and sorrow and defeat into propaganda.'...


'They want this to happen,' I said. 'They planned it. They want the mobs to come uptown with machine guns and rifles. They want the streets to flow with blood; your blood, black blood and white blood, so that they can turn your death and sorrow and defeat into propaganda.'...


They have radiated me so strongly that my eyes are filled with broken blood vessels. I will publish a photo on the next post.

Minute Men Coming To BP With SOS (tags)

It seems like two raicst groups will be in attendance!

Report From Afghanistan by Sonali Kolhatkar, 5-27-05 (transcript) (tags)

". . . If the news media covers something [about Afghanistan], donations pour in. If they stop covering it, donations go down. . . . Our donations have plummeted. A lot of projects [are] closing down." -- Sonali Kolhatkar, co-director, Afghan Women's Mission

Smash Tyranny (tags)

The dynamics of tyranny are the same the world over. People with power over people with none abuse that power through intimidation, violence, and coercion. It doesn’t matter if it is a teacher picking on her student when the door is closed or war. Same shit, different pile.

Nazis, racists join Minuteman Project (tags)

The nazi, racist underbelly of the Minuteman Project, exposed by the Southern Poverty Law Center on April 22, 2005.

Two people were run over by the minute men.( repost photos reduced) (tags)

Two people were run over by the minute men.

Two people run over by minute men racists (tags)

Two people were run over by the minute men.

A Short history of riots in Los Angeles (tags)

A Short history of riots in Los Angeles


non violent counter-demonstration this Saturday in Baldwin Park of Pro-Minutemen protesting DAY LABOR CENTER.

Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)

Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------

Women has the right to Communicate (tags)

Prejudice Against Blondes (tags)

There is a form of racist prejudice in this country that seldom is ever acknowledged—namely prejudicial stereotyping of blonde people (particularly in negative ways). Often it is subtle and other times notso; and yet it seems more pervasive than many people may be willing to believe.

BTL: Race/Gender Wage Study Reveals Surprising View of U.S. Work Force (tags)

Interview with Avis Jones-DeWeever, Institute for Women's Policy Research, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Gay LA 2004 (tags)

Ever been to a Gay Trade Show? Come along for a ride...

Global Women's Strike/LA Action (tags)

On Thursday afternoon, March 10, a Global Women’s Strike action in Los Angeles brought together over 300 women and men, mostly young and mostly people of color demanding an "End to the Twin Terrors of Poverty and War."

Ritual Dance of the Child Killers (tags)

Photographer tied to WH child sex-ring arrested after Thompson suicide. The Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence--federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.

God's Message To The World Today (tags)

God's concern for mankind, his views on current events, and suggested solutions.

War crimes in fallujah (tags)

This is what greedy elitist lying thieving slimy scumbags call liberation!

HBO and PBS - Home of the Israeli Fanatic and Jewish Extremism in the Media (tags)

A more than blunt review of the hypocrites running the media, specifically PBS and HBO

Bearing Children Versus Bearing Arms (tags)

American Warrior Princess trashes homemaker outfit for full body armor, touting weapon in hand.

Tsunami - Paradigm Shift Competes With Passion for Oscars (tags)

Tsunami catastrophe is face saving opportunity for American Armed Forces to shift from doing the devastating "right thing" for wrong reason to doing the "Right Thing!" for heartfelt right reason

Adventures in American Theocracy - Part 1 - The Pequot War (tags)

Those wanting to know what a theocratic American foreign policy would look like need only consider 17th Century New England and the Pequots

Ledge Sit and Hunger Strike in DC Government Building Needs Support (tags)

Help Support DC fight for shelter. A homeless activist is currently doing a hunger strike while sitting on a 5-story ledge in the Wilson Building (city hall and mayor's offices), until there is shelter in SW DC. Join the fight

Be Grateful For The Little Things (tags)

Like your penis?

The Equality Fallacy (tags)

COINTELPRO has a new name in the North East. They call it "feuding." Next thing you know, they'll call rape "what she had coming to her."

Open Words about the Empire (tags)

Everyone who rises to prominence learns to think in the obsequious sentences of an English butler serving cookies to the Prince of Wales.. Wars as the US waged in the last 60 years always serve to prevent democracy at home.

Dispelling the Darkness (tags)

What are these towers for? Concentration camps in America?

Gulag, USA?? (tags)

Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind.

An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)

You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.

Who's counting the dead in Fallujah? CARE? (tags)

The killing of 100,000 innocent men, women and children in Iraq to date should be enough for others who CARE. People not sure of the legality, validity and rational for their killing should understand the alleged demon Saddam Hussain wasn't worth the sacrifice of those innocent people. Does anyone CARE about this dead baby?

Refusing to Kill: Update (tags)

Israeli refuseniks come to London

Refusing To Kill (tags)

As resistance to wars and occupations, including in Iraq and Palestine, grows, so does the movement of men (and women) who refuse to kill, rape or torture for the military. Also growing is the support they receive from the community, starting with women in their families.

The Essential Guide To Reggae Murder-Music (tags)

Capleton, booked at House of Blues LA for October 4, is one of 8 Jamaican "kill gays" Reggae singers touring the US and other nations. Take action to make "murder music" unprofitable.

in defense of essentialism (tags)


Important Film Premiere- The Yes Men Movie opens in LA 9/24 (tags)

Be amused and amazed while you help support the creative subversives known as The Yes Men, by attending a premiere showing of their new film release by United Artists. The bigger the initial turn out for The Yes Men movie, the wider the distributors will screen it across the country- and this is a film America needs to see!

Preparing The Path of the al Mahdi: 911 X 100 (tags)

The young men returning to Allah realized that Islam is not just performing rituals but a complete system: Religion and government, worship and Jihad (holy war), ethics and dealing with people, and the Koran and sword.

"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004

Oppressed Revolution (tags)

Within the actions of the beast, hell who claims the souls of men. Many seas cannot embrace love, oceans cannot wash it away, oh what a bitter taste, to look at through another mans eyes. The opposite of knowledge is not listening of tomorrow, one without loyalty to thy work. I continue to remind my self to be strong. Ignorance the killer of all men. Close mind to self and man's inner peace. Jealousy that leaks within. The foundation of the living dead. The resurrection must begin now. There is no excuse as the disease eats the mind. And the flesh it becomes tarnished without soul. The cancers of the unwilling soul. I remind my self God is God Man is Man Foul is Foul

Breaking: Video:Savage Beheading Today of American CIA Hostage (tags)

The four-minute long footage showed a Western-looking man sitting on a chair surrounded by armed masked men. One of the men struck the captive's neck repeatedly with a sword, severing his head amid shouts of "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

9/11 and Anthrax - FRAMING ARABS (tags)

Except that we know for a fact that the Anthrax didn't come from the Middle East. It isn't Saddam's or Osama's, it's the very best high quality mil-spec Anthrax home grown at Fort Detrick, Dugway, and USAMRIID.

Resurrection of Care at Bohemian Grove (tags)

Bohemian Grove in rural Sonoma Country, California is where the Manhattan Project was conceived. So were many other bad things. Ostensibly a retreat for the U.S. elite, the Grove is where the Strangeloves meet the globalizers, and the CEOs hang out with the Bushes. This is a report from the July 18, 2004 protest, where we countered in a creative way.

Amnesty Says Sudan Militias Use Rape as Weapon (tags)

An international human rights group has accused pro-government militias in the Darfur region of Sudan of using rape and other forms of sexual violence "as a weapon of war" to humiliate Black African women and girls as well as the rebels fighting the government in Khartoum.

Why Massed Demos Don't Work in America (tags)

CIA spook caught in Afghanistan? (tags)

Afghan troops jave detained a man identified as Jonathan K. Idema -- the subject of a United States military press center warning. Two years ago, J. Keith Idema, an American civilian adviser to the Afghan United Front, was interviewed on CBS' "60 Minutes"

WeHo: Transgenders Protest Araujo Non-Verdict (tags)

Transgenders and their allies marched in West Hollywood Wednesday night to protest the hung jury result in the Bay Area trial of the murders of Gwen Araujo

The Torturers of Iraq (tags)

Fascist mass murderers and torturers that participated in the "dirty" wars against leftists in Latin America are being contracted by Blackwater to apply their disgusting techniques on the Iraqi people. The scum of the Earth are coming to Iraq!

Measuring men against the Greatest Generation (tags)

I want greatness with a touch of humility and self-doubt, unlike the "you will do what I tell you or I will bomb or torture you" crowd. Such control of others is not greatness to me.




As the June 5th peace march approaches, will you be prepared for the "Brownshirts in White"--the pro-war, pro-Bush "Protest Warriors" who tagged along in the March 20 peace marches? On March 20, they carried signs reading "Leave Saddam alone; he only kills his own people" and "Give communism another chance; it's only killed 100 million people so far." What will you do on June 5? Will you talk with these guys? Will you ignore them? (And have you read Thom Hartmann's excellent article about Hitler's reign, entitled "When Democracy Failed"? If not, check out the Common Dreams web page listed at the bottom of this article.) Let's make June 5 a day for peace and a day of peace.

Tom Clancy Criticizes War, Almost Punches Richard Perle (tags)

"(Perle) was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops, And I said, 'Look..., he's supposed to think that way!' -- People like (Perle) worry me."

Iraqi Wedding Massacre (tags)

Videotape shows revelers at celebration. Survivors of May 19 airstrike cast doubt on U.S. account

Video shows the truth about Iraqi wedding (tags)

OK, so there's a video of the wedding and a video taken after the US bombed the wedding that proves the Americans are lying.

Iraqis Say U.S. Attacked Wedding Party (tags)

As survivors tell it, the wedding party was in full swing. The band was playing tribal music and the guests had just finished eating dinner when, at about 9 p.m., they heard the roar of U.S. warplanes

Iraqis Say U.S. Attacked Wedding Party (tags)

As survivors tell it, the wedding party was in full swing. The band was playing tribal music and the guests had just finished eating dinner when, at about 9 p.m., they heard the roar of U.S. warplanes

Insurgent Ideas (tags)

Federal, state, and private security forces converged to police not actions but ideas at the Student Animal Rights Organization (SARO) conference on animal liberation, which included the first ever academic symposium on the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).

Two Israelis Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee (tags)

" Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said. Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin." I got a sick feeling when I saw it, he said."

Fear (tags)

Poem, in italian and english, about the fear of the men who pretend to rule the world

America's Bar-B-Que Vote (tags)

While the angry white man (AWM) understands that John Kerry is a decorated Vietnan Vet who enjoys extreme sports, the AWM is ultimately dissatisfied because Kerry isn't the kind of guy he can talk to around the barbecue.

Happy May Day (tags)

International Workers Day

The Ultimate Betrayal (tags)

The newspapers on December 30 reported that 477 American GIs had died in the war. But what is not usually reported is that for every death there are four or five men and women seriously wounded. The term "seriously wounded" does not begin to convey the horror. Sergeant Feldbusch's mother, Charlene Feldbusch, who, along with his father, virtually lived at his bedside for two months, one day saw a young woman soldier crawling past her in the corridor. She had no legs, and her three-year-old son was trailing behind. These people pay the price because Americans lack the courage to throw the lying government out on its ass. Every one of those crippled kids looks at America with one message in their eyes, "You could have stopped this, but didn't".

Will Murdered Transgender Teen Be Tried Postmortem? (tags)

Attorneys for defendants in Northern California trial for 2002 murder of Transgender woman plans a "blame the victim" defense.

Araujo Murder Trial Scheduled to Begin April 5 (tags)

On October 3, 2002, 17-year-old Gwen Araujo was slowly and brutally murdered at a party after young men with whom she had previously had sex discovered that she was anatomically male. After finishing their "Tony Soprano-type" hit, they drove the teen's body to a site over 150 miles away and buried her in a shallow grave.

The Politics of the Gang (tags)

Haiti should be a sobering lesson to those who entertain the fantasy of libertarianism. If the state is the ultimate source of evil, then what is turning all these boys into butchers?

Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities (tags)

A gay praise of the War Against Terrorism

While Dean Conned Anti War Vote Party Bosses Laughed (tags)

Now that the Democratic party bosses have effectively driven the anti-war vote into the ground with more than a little help from the corporate media that gave Governor Dean's campaign the red carpet treatment up until mid December while at the same time purposely ignoring Congressman Dennis Kucinich's campaign Governor Dean's campaign now looks more like a very effective con job

The Watchers Wait... (tags)

The Watchers Wait... Valentine To The World

bell hooks at msbooks (tags)

bell hooks read and discussed The Will to Change, a companion to her earlier We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity. In her new book, she shows how patriarchy plays a role in most social-sexual ills, and she claims that the men who can lead us out of patriarchal chains are “men of color from poor countries, men who live in exile, men who have been victimized by imperialist male violence.”

8 March 2004 - 5th GLOBAL WOMEN’S STRIKE (tags)

8 March 2004 -- Calling all women 5th GLOBAL WOMEN’S STRIKE Calling all men to join with women to STOP THE WORLD AND CHANGE IT! INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING!

Arafat and Sharon 2 Sides of the Same Coin (tags)

Palestinian journalists in Gaza and the West Bank have also come under attack by armed men - some associated with Fatah's military wing - who did not like what they wrote or broadcast.

Federal Inmate Says He Will Name Oklahoma Bombing Conspirators (tags)

Langan, who led a gang of neo-Nazis that robbed at least 22 banks in seven Midwestern states, said he will also tie the suspects to at least one other crime in which the government alleges Nichols was involved.

Two US Soldiers ask: "When will we stop dying so senselessly?" (tags)

Over the Christmas holidays I managed to find two US soldiers who were back from Iraq. They were both somewhat willing to be interviewed and describe their time in Iraq in their own words.

Arabs need to try nonviolence (tags)

Stanley is a program director for a Jazz center and the author of an upcoming biography about Charlie Parker.

Kerry Blood For OIl/Skull & Bones/War Criminal... (tags)

What Bush Skull & Bones Corporate Kerry Don't want You to Know/Remember...

Martin Luther King, Love and Terrorism (tags)

There is a universal love throughout humankind that we must not ignore or forget.

UFCW "Salt of the Earth" Benefit (tags)

Please join us this Thursday, January 22nd in Santa Monica for a benefit screening screening of the classic, blacklisted 1954 film, "Salt of the Earth." All proceeds will go to the strike funds of the UFCW Locals 770 and 1442. Tickets are $20, and advance tickets are available online at,012220041930,5,59,NR

God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State (tags)

"Liberals want no iota of religious speech, image, or thought anywhere in public -- if it is Christian. They allow and even encourage expressions of Islam."

PEACE PEOPLE! Possabilities of Progressive Policies is Presently Powerfully Popular (tags)

We are living in the past if we think the voting public is not ready to elect a progressive, populist President. This is not the past. Dean's way is precisely the WRONG approach. Heck, look what Dean did to Vermont - he took a 74% re-elect rate and whittled it down to 50.4% in 2000, before quitting in 2002 to "run for President" while the ranks of "progressives" and republicans grew in Vermont until no Democrat could get elected, and his own Lt. Governor lost to the Republican in 2002 - Vermont is governed by a Republican and NO POSITION DEAN EVER HELD IN VERMONT IS IN DEMOCRATIC HANDS NOW.(incls.-2000 Vote Analysis, Are You a Burning Flame, GrannyD, Jane Fonda + Poem) (tags)

prison facts

Ex-Pentagon Officials Sentenced in Fraud (tags)

Where were all the billions poured into defense were going, given that our kids in Iraq don't have basic supplies?


Iraq is liberated!! No more attacks against our troops!!

MLK: A Christmas Sermon On Peace (tags)

After reading MLK'S "A CHRISTMAS SERMON ON PEACE," I thought about Kucinich's "Department of Peace." Could MLK'S Vision become a reality with a Kucinich administration?

All you patriots My Lai = Samarra (tags)

The My Lai courts-martial are the stories of two tragedies growing out of American involvement in Viet Nam. One was the massacre by United States soldiers of as many as 500 unarmed civilians-- old men, women, children--in My Lai on the morning of March 16, 1968. The other was the cover-up of that massacre...

Why Men Die First (tags)

The age old question has always been why do men die first? Why do Women tend to outlive men? Here is one answer to this age old question.

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax (tags)

After the poor harvest of 1622, writes Bradford, "they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop." They began to question their form of economic organization. This had required that "all profits & benefits that are got by trade, working, fishing, or any other means" were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that, "all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock." A person was to put into the common stock all he could, and take out only what he needed. This "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" was an early form of socialism, and it is why the Pilgrims were starving.

Bring'em Home - Not Send'em Off (tags)

I have worked for years with veterans of other wars living under bridges, in abandoned cars and empty tenements. Forgotten cannon fodder-kicked to the curb. War is about, and always has been, despite the Public Relations propaganda; power-greed and conquest; with the poor doing the dirty work of filling rich men's coffers. No politician's sons or daughters are over there, and President Bush's daughters (for all his "Bring'em On" bravado), won't be joining young, beautiful NH Commander Mary. I rest my case. Jude Moriarty

Civilized People Don't Need to be Governed (tags)

John Adams said that the more civilzied the people, the less need for government. Bush won't say this in one of his speeches though, since he wants more government. Parasites always want more government, which is free money for them. The parasites (teachers, lawyers, media folks, psychologists - all the ones working for the State - corporations, etc.) - all these elite creeps want to have more government - more free money. The union people want it too and the welfare people and the social security. It's a human condition to want something for nothing.

The Hidden, Unseen War (tags)

Shielded from the reality of war -- the dead, the horribly maimed, the uranium poisoned, the psychologically devastated -- we are given a sanitized fantasy of war that shields Bush from the political consequences of this bloody, unnecessary war.

McDonald's Decries Webster Over 'McJob' (tags)

McDonalds gets it's Knickers in a knot over Merriam Webster usind the term McJob for low paid dead end work. Gosh who would have ever thought that?

Essential Quotes For The Aware (tags)

These are bonafide and verifiable quotes of those in the know and in control. Rather chilling really. I would suggest saving them for reference.

Dancing Israelis (This story won't go away.) (tags)

heir discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.

A clear case of considered deception (tags)

The ultimate evidence of a deliberate CDC attempt to disguise the fact there is NO teenage 'AIDS' in America. Also read the shocking facts of "Grannies Gone Wild".

Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not? (tags)

Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not?

Portrait of a cannon fodder in Iraq (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Eyewitness in Iraq: "They're Getting Better" (tags)

"The worst problem facing US forces in Iraq may not be armed resistance but a crisis of morale. Robert Fisk reports on a near-epidemic of indiscipline, suicides and loose talk." Iraq plumet into anarchy as US helicopter gets shot down and the hotel housing US Deputy Secretary of Defense gets hit with rocket attack ...

The Elusive and Endangered Female Libertarian (tags)

"If my observations are correct, and the reasons that there are so few female libertarians are reasons that may be hard to overcome, the next step is to decide how much of a problem this is."

Grocery Strikers Turn Violent (tags)

Grocery strikers turn violent and beat a person.

US troops still fighting for control of border town in Iraq (tags)

US forces are still fighting for control of Husayba

The Politics of Groping (tags)

The woman who accused Arnold of pulling up her T-shirt and sucking on her breast (a photo of this magic moment was displayed on the set) was called a prostitute by the Schwarzenegger campaign.

Land Theft near Jenin (tags)

* is the website of a group of people working In Jenin, Occupied Palestine. On the website are written articles and reports, and radio and real-media video files for download, made both by Palestinians and Internationals, some available in both English and Arabic. We aim to provide a direct voice from the residents of Jenin to the world, and also provide on the spot, witness based news from the town.*

US Soldiers to America: ''Bring us home now; we’re dying for oil and corporate greed!'' (tags)

A powerful and moving description about what American Soldiers really think about the illegal and immoral conquest of Iraq brought about by the Kleptocrats in DC.

US Soldiers to America: “Bring Us Home Now! We’re dying for oil and corporate greed!” (tags)

I had the unique opportunity to interview five US military servicemen who just got back from Iraq, or in the case of two men, corresponded with their wives so that I could ask questions of these soldiers by mail. When the two I corresponded with came back just last week, I was able to complete the interviews I started several months ago with some new details on how the war is actually going.

How To Control Women (tags)

Do what the government/church does to men. Use the force of authority.

Marriage: just say no (tags)

Marriage is crumbling in the West, and may soon be almost gone.

Where have all the flowers gone? (tags)

I could not fathom, what might have prompted the army to even expend this much time and money on such a tiny infraction of their rules. But it is the occupation. It doesn't have to be logical; it functions mainly because it is arbitrary.

Will Muslim Bombers Put Bombs Up Womens Vaginas to Evade Airport Security? (tags)

Body Cavities Can Be Used to Smuggle Weapons and Explosives, They Must Be Inspected

Racial Discrimination Is Still at Work in U.S. (tags)

The effect (and goal) of Prop 54 is to supress information like this. As Arianna Huffington put it, "It's racism without a paper trail."

'What The Hell Did You Think Was Gonna Happen?' (tags)

Truth is, this occupation isn't going that badly. We're losing a man a day, more or less. That's not bad. That's just the way these things go. The British used to lose a few dozen men a day when they ran the world.

The Governator (tags)

One witnesses account of Schwarzenegger's campaign kick off.

Frontier ustice, Liberal Style (tags)

The idea of individualism, of personal responsibility, is the centerpiece, the granite foundation, of the very idea of a free people. For that reason, it is under direct attack on many fronts from people, who, through motives well-intentioned or ill, find such an idea intolerable because a nation of individuals is immune to repression, coercion, social engineering and control by the elite. The threat, as Lincoln so eloquently foresaw, comes from within and it is here, now, well-established and growing.

Permanent Make-up (tags)

If women don't have even enough time to do their own make-up anymore, is this really indicative of hard economic times or possibly just misplaced priorities?

Open Letter from an Antiterrorist to Mr John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United Stat (tags)

Open Letter from an Antiterrorist to Mr John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States of America

(pt.1) bell hooks on Butch Lee and more.... (tags)

bell hooks read Night-Vision last year and was impressed with much it had to say. She felt that it was an important book which needed to reach a wider audience....

Another G.I. killed in Iraq - August 11, 2003 (tags)

An American convoy was attacked with a hand grenade in central Baghdad, Monday August 11, 2003. While no U.S. soldier was wounded or killed... edgy occupation soldiers opened fired and killed three Iraqi men. Meanwhile in Baquba, northeast of Baghdad, the US military confirmed that a US soldier was killed and two others wounded in a guerilla attack. George... where are the weapons of mass destruction?

Bravo's new show, pros and cons (tags)

Hail the Prada-Worshipping Queer or God Bless The Gay?

Bravo's new show, pros and cons (tags)

Hail the Prada-Worshipping Queer or God Bless The Gay?

Saddam 'supporters' vow revenge (tags)

BBC Monitoring , based in Caversham in southern England, selects and translates information from radio, television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in more than 70 languages.

The Nazis Do Not Want Men To Exist (tags)

The Nazis wanted men as robots, men without thought, purpose, passion or self. Is this the "Liberal?" Yes. Don't swear, don't look at a woman, don't talk to a woman. Go to your golf course to escape the woman that will call the cops on you for walking on the sidewalk near her.

Brave New World (tags)

Alex Jones ( says the State wants to make us peasants, retarded and hating the family. This is what governments have done throughout the history of mankind.


But those words helped launch a thousand ships and a few hundred thousand U.S. men and women to Iraq, some to their deaths. Now, it's clear not only that the information was incorrect but that people at several levels of the administration knew it to be incorrect before the 16 words were uttered.


I figured with the 911 Commission complaining about the Bush Junta Stone Walling and intimidating Witnesses it was time to remind people of another unsolved Crime.


THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IS A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR RACKET! Can tomatoes and pumpkin seeds replace Viagra? WHAT THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ISN'T TELLING! Men who have libido problems have TOTAL HEALTH problems they need to address. Four Mountains offers a FREE Online Health Education program to boost health beyond the lower unit!

Liberal alternative patriotism (tags)

Correcting some liberal misconceptions about five great Americans: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan.

The Price They Paid (tags)

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Men who signed the Declaration of Independence? What price they paid to secure the "Blessings of Liberty"?




One of the browbeaten peasants, afraid of incurring the wrath of the bandits, made this case against fighting back: He said, in essence: The bandits don't take all our corn; they don’t steal all our chickens; they still leave us a little, enough to live on. It’s better to suffer the abuse than die.

Men Must Deal With One Another As Traders. (tags)

Check out Alex Jones ( for government abuses.

A national tempest about a report from Status of Women Canada (tags)

Some English-Canadian newspapers are claiming that a report published by Status of Women Canada, « School Success by Gender : A Catalyst for Masculinist Discourse », sets up a "black-list" of men's organizations. The study's Project Director responds to critics.

PHOTOS & REPORT: Press Conference to Stop the Deportations of 13,000 Immigrants (tags)

A wide range of organizations gathered in front of the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles at 10:00a.m., Thursday, June 19, 2003, to voice their opposition to a recent announcement by the government that 13,000 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian men who registered with the INS as part of the government's controversial Special Registration Program (NSEERS) will face deportation.

Want to Protest an Oppressive Government? Move to Iran! (tags)

Want to protest against an oppressive government. Then you should consider moving to Tehran. In contrast to the USA, they actually do have an oppressive government over there. Young Iranians Are Chafing Under Aging Clerics' Edicts

Blumner: Ashcroft Nonapologetic Despite Findings of Post-9-11 Injustice (tags)

None of the report's findings apparently pricked his conscience: not the way men were indiscriminately arrested, or the way they were kept from contacting attorneys, or the way they were left to languish for months while the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents assigned to clear them of terrorist links were given other duties.

13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!! (tags)

13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!!

Ya Basta Caravan in the Middle East Communication (tags)

An official communication from the Ya Basta caravan in the Middle East

The Isaiah Crowd And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us (tags)

Why Isaiah?  To this writer's taste, Isaiah was a pretty bloodthirsty fellow, certainly not someone I would have wanted my daughter to bring to dinner. In separate verse, he foretold the deaths of the people of Babylon:

Trannys to Protest Critic's Speech at UCLA on June 2 (tags)

Transgender activists plan to protest a June 2 UCLA speech by J. Michael Bailey, a psychologist from Northwestern University, who claims to base his work"The Men Who Would Be Queen" on scientific evidence, but which activists say is not supported by science and wrongly stereotypes Transgenders.

FBI Admits: No Evidence Links 'Hijackers' to 9-11 (tags)

Since frescaw and some of the other Trolls keep harping on the evil Muslim hijackers I thought this article worth a return visit.

Women For Peace Torture Psychologically (tags)

The women for peace know how to torture psychologically. I'd rather have them punch me, than go through what women do to me.

Israeli Nationals, Rental Trucks And TNT (tags)

Two conspicuously under-reported incidents involving Israeli Nationals in the past two weeks.


This article documents some of the many Jewish massacres of Arabs. In particular, it documents the many Jewish massacres of Palestinians in 1948. These massacres were usually committed to strike fear in the hearts of Palestinian civilians and force them to flee for their lives (with the intention of never letting them return to their homes, that is, these massacres were committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Arab population).

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.


A listing of Jewish/Israeli massacres of Palestinians and other acts of Jewish/Israeli terrorism.

The war is over (except for Iraq) (tags)

President George Bush will declare tonight the war in Iraq is all but over. But his speech, far out at sea – aboard the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, which is heading back from the Gulf – will not convince many Iraqis.

"It's just not something we would do" (tags)

U.S. soldiers escorting three naked Iraqi men through a Baghdad park.

The power of sex (tags)

In 1983 their was not one recorded case of latex allergy in America nor a single death. The FDA now reports that 17,000,000 American are now afflicted and the death rate is increasing at an aoustounding rate. Even healthy young men like Lt. Hal Henderson have died of Type III latex reactions.

Nazis Demand Subservience to the Right Kind of Men. (tags)

from the book "The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America" by Leonard Peikoff.

Reality Check (tags)

After three days of reading the many posts here at LA-IMC, and experiencing the gamut of emotions, thoughts, and opinions put forth by its publishers, I am persuaded now to join in and express my view point on the discussed topics. Before doing so, I feel it necessary to open a new topic in hopes of interjecting an all to often overlooked fact.....

VOA Reports Baghdad Not Taken (tags)

As the reports develop the war whoops of victory are turning to Whoops!

How Do Government Men Get Sex & Money? (tags)

How do government people get their money and men get their sex? Through force.


This is the true face of case you have not figured it out by now.

EXECUTION CAMP! (?) (tags)

Saturday's television "news" was filled with the story of an Iraqi "execution camp" having just been found by U.S. forces. Every single news channel referred to the "grisly find", describing the "mutilated human remains" as proof that "something evil" had happened at the site. Alternately called a possible "death camp", "execution camp", and "torture center", the corporate media did their best to make the facility look like a Nazi concentration camp liberated by the Allies.

Our Flag, Too (by William Rivers Pitt) (tags)

A story of a few brave college students in Massachusetts who have come under attack; also a story of our flag, and a story of true patriotism.

Robert Fisk report (tags)

The tragic report of journalist Robert Fisk from "The Independent", yesterday in Baghdad

War Crimes - US marines murdering busloads of unarmed Iraqis (tags)

"Cannon and machine-gun fire had peppered the bus with holes, killing most of the passengers in their seats. The grisly remains were evidence of the ruthlessness with which lead Marine units are clearing the road north of the central city of Nassiriyah to make way for a huge military convoy."

Raw, devastating realities that expose the truth about Basra (tags)

Two British soldiers lie dead on a Basra roadway, a small Iraqi girl – victim of an Anglo American air strike – is brought to hospital with her intestines spilling out of her stomach, a terribly wounded woman screams in agony as doctors try to take off her black dress.

Civilians Slaughtered (tags)

Is this what America has become?

"It was an outrage, an obscenity" (tags)

The truth is that nowhere is safe in Baghdad, and as the Americans and British close their siege in the next few days or hours, that simple message will become ever more real and ever more bloody. We may put on the hairshirt of morality in explaining why these people should die.

One Rule for Them (tags)

Who does doublespeak and double standards better than the US?

3/24 Westwood Protest for Colombia (tags)

March to protest U.S. military aid to Colombia/oil wars.

Operation Bug Splat (tags)

Judith Moriarty does it again - cutting through the crap of the Warmongers and exposing it for the hate filled disinformation that it is.

Global Women's Strike Mobilizations Around the World -- Written March 7th (tags)


Liberated From Life (tags)

In early October, an Afghan woman, Nurgessa, roaming the deserted streets of Kandahar accompanied by her little boy said the following for the 'liberation' efforts of the United States of America:   "Last night, while we were sleeping the Americans bombed our homes. When I woke up I saw Agha Gul [her husband] shattered into pieces and my other two sons had their heads blown away....

Women (and Men) of the World, Unite! (tags)

the latest in a series about male domination


Massive police presence at last Santa Ana City Council meeting leads to arrest, harassment, and illegal detentions

The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

Major Anti-War March in LA March 15! (tags)

The next day of national protests against war on Iraq will be Sat. March 15, including in Washington D.C., San Francisco and LOS ANGELES! Assemble Olympic and Broadway at noon.

Sandino" General of the Free Men (tags)

seven decades ago, on february 21, 1933, Sandino was murdered in Nicaragua, but his name arose again decades later to triumph in a popular revolution in 1979.


Smedley Butler was a true American Hero. Twice winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor (only one of 19 men to ever be so honored - and one of the few to live to tell about it). Commandant of the United States Marine Corp - in his later years he came to realize how his courage had been misused.

HIDDEN Pitchforks ~= County Commish. Knaving like Knabe (tags)

When you want to find a killer of men, you call a man infested with hate like pork left in the sun, or you call a man who is sick.


Here in Colombia, the Green Berets are pursuing one of Bush's most important, and perilous, foreign policy initiatives. With all the talk about Iraq and North Korea, Washington has done its utmost best to keep Colombia quiet. Risks include losing North American lives in a conflict that does not have the same so-called ''popular support'' as the mystery hunt for al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Washington has a big stake in Colombia...

The Spirit of Resistance (tags)

Why do men and women stand in opposition to tyranny? Why is it that some would rather die than bend their neck to the collar?

11th Annual Manchild Conference (tags)

11th Annual Strategies for the Development of the African American Manchild Conference

11th Annual Manchild Conference (tags)

11th Annual Strategies for the Development of the African American Manchild Conference

Neo Fascist Action Hot in South Africa: Article (tags)

JOHANNESBURG, 26 JANUARY - ANC Joburg Regional Councillor Oupa Radebe, Joburg Metro Council “project manager for relocations” Buti Leisela and another unnamed official looked on gleefully as police and two large middle-aged white men in plain clothes employed by the notorious Red Ants (Wozani Security) opened fire for the second time without warning on hundreds of unarmed poor and landless residents of the Eikenhof informal settlement just before sunset today.

US Military turned Buccaneers for Oil Endangers Common Defense (tags)

President Bush violates original intent of the US Military and Endangers Common Defense with Nuclear Threat


The story of a single mom, battered wife, and betrayed lover

Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam (tags)

U.S. feminists should be protesting the brutal oppression of Middle Eastern women. But doing so would reveal how little they have to complain about at home.

Indymedia's Favorite Son Calls Bartenders "common". (tags)

Michael Moore, Indymedia's darling, goes on a tirade because he feels underpaid, and makes 'colorful' comments in London.

Saturday rally at the INS - protest against mass detentions (tags)

Highlights from the rally at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in downtown LA last Saturday, Jan 4, 2003.

INS protests Saturday! (tags)

Come protest the mass detentions performed by the INS this saturday! No more internment camps!

'Gang rape' victim faces jail on adultery charges (tags)

Latest News from the enlightened Middle East. From the UK Telegraph.

Last part: On the Duty of civil Disobedience (tags)

Though the question of slavery has changed, the question remains: who is enslaved in sweatshops around the world today, and which corporations reap the profit? though today it is not the USA getting away with the land grab in Mexico in 1848, but threatening to once again, along with England, to send Iraq back to the dark ages ignorantly ignoring the fact that they will be found in the dustbins of a holocaust museum in Bahgdad along with the artifacts and skeletal remains found in the desert from the last Persian Gulf war.

Pt. 6, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau despised the thought of his tax dollars going to the state, which he opposed, that enslaved people, and was carrying out a senseless war against Mexico.

Pt. 5, On the duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in memory of Chief Crazy Horse: to his spirit,to his people, to his children, to hsi land, beyond the 7th generation.

Australian News Story. (tags)

Acquitted pair sue for compensation, claiming murdered woman alive.

Pt. 4, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau's essay became the most influential of his writings, serving, for example, as a model for Ghandi's campaign of passive resistence in India, and as a handbook for the underground in Nazi-occupied Europe.


Buried in the 13th paragraph: ... "he was sent to the basement of the Federal Building downtown and held in a room of about 400 square feet with roughly 120 people."

On the US arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants. (tags)

On the Mass Arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants in California The language of fascism is always cloaked in subterfuge. And it is just this sort of duplicitous language that the U.S. government is employing to describe the mass arrest -- under the dishonest pretext of 'voluntary registration' -- of hundred, perhaps thousands of Middle Eastern men, many of them Iranians, in the last week in California.


Columbus Anti-Racist Action (ARA) condemns these mass detentions, racist INS policies, and inhumane treatment of detainees in the strongest terms possible. We demand the immediate release of all of the detainees and that all of their charges be dropped.

ACLU Calls Immigrant Registration Program Pretext for Mass Detentions (tags)

By January 10, 2003, citizens of 13 additional countries – Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen – must also submit to registration, a move that could push the detentions into the tens of thousands, the ACLU said.

Hundreds Are Detained After Visits to INS (tags)

From the LA Times.

Human Rights Activist Jennifer Harbury appeals for help (tags)

Retaliation in Guatemala: My Family is Under Attack by JENNIFER HARBURY As you read this I am heading for Guatemala. My family has been attacked there. We urgently need as many calls as you and your friends can possibly make to the Guatemalan embassy this week, starting Monday morning.

A Time for Revolution once again (tags)

Understanding the nature of the law Matrix is key to moving to the next level of freedom...

The Loud Little Handful (tags)

If words can break the frozen soul (Kafka), these words of Mark Twain on the war momentum qualify. On the eve of WW1, Jeanette Rankin warned: "You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake".

Pt. 3, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the spirit of Muhammed Ali, Carlos Cortez, the Kent State students massacred, all those that got their heads busted or gased in 1968 in Chicago, or elsewhere, Mark Clarke, Fred Hampton Sr. & others in the movement killed by the authorites.

Pt. 2, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the revolutionary spirit of Sor Juana Ine`s de la Cruz,Emma Goldman,Mother Jones, Mother Teresa,Lucy Gonzalez, Harriet Tubman, & Dorothy Day .

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the spirit of Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ce`sar Cha`vez, & the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago.

Amina Lawal (tags)

Never before has the objectification of women in beauty pageants brought to home the glaring contradictions and startling similarities as to how women are treated in patriarchic societies, than the eruption of riots in Kaduna, Nigeria.

Good reasons to DROP OUT OF SCHOOL and DROP OUT OF COLLEGE (tags)

John Taylor Gatto climaxed his 33 year teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year after being named New York City Teacher of the Year on three occasions. He quit teaching on the OP ED page of the Wall Street Journal in 1991 while still New York State Teacher of the Year, claiming that he was no longer willing to hurt children. His books include: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1992); The Exhausted School (1993); A Different Kind of Teacher (2000); and The Underground History Of American Education (2001) The following was culled from his most recent work.

Kichwa Community in Ecuador (tags)

Sarayacu, a native Kichwa Community in Ecuador

War By Deception (tags)

Mossad and the FBI list of 9-11 Suspects

us prefers extrajudicial kilings (tags)

if the dead were CIA men, dn the killles were al-quaeda, this weld be called a terrorist act

Papanastasiou: Who will do the dying? (tags)

Picture this: a searing, copper-coated hollow bullet slices the air with supersonic speed, striking and expanding in a human skull. The entry thud muffles an explosion of smashed bone and brain matter on the other side.

Happy Queer Ween (tags)

A thought about Queer Theory and Indigenous Theory Contributions to one another on this most indigenous Queer Holiday.

Dump Dan Savage (tags)


pornography and patriarchy (tags)

this is an extended reply to a comment found here.

George Carlin on Bush War (tags)

The Disappearing Women of Juarez (tags)

this is capitalism



Free Government Rests on Free Men Armed! (tags)

Aristotle quote (the philosopher Ayn Rand says we need).

Nazism is an abbreviation for National Socialism. (tags)

From the book "The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff 1982.



African-American savagery... (tags)

Mob Kills Van's Occupants After Chicago Crash Wed Jul 31, 4:49 PM ET

Thesis of the concrete democracy in Utopia. (tags)

Lapsus of the concrete democracy in Utopia.

Today's Voice: Video of Cheney Touting Arthur Andersen (tags)

The Media tells us what is wrong with the world; Voice4change will tell you what to do about it! Our member organizations are busy organizing, so we want to bring their message to you. Our affiliates are doing great work every day. They need your support…We will be their link to you. Sign on to

Israeli Terror in Al Ama'ari Camp (tags)

I wanted to get this story out earlier but didn't have a chance...horror in Al Amari on June 39.

Pride Month Perspective: TRANS-UNITY 2002 AND OTHER SUCCESSES INSPIRE TR (tags)

In 2001-2002 the Los Angeles Transgender community achieved new visibility and successes, and overcame some adversity, which should inspire us for the year ahead.

TIME Magazine: America, The Occupier (tags)


Startled marines find Afghan men all made up to see them (tags)

"We were pretty shocked," Marine Fletcher said. "We discovered from the Afghan soldiers we had with us that a lot of men in this country have the same philosophy as ancient Greeks: ‘a woman for babies, a man for pleasure’."

The Old Women Project (tags)

MAY 19, 2002--Led by "Power," a giant puppet of an old woman, 10 members of the Old Women's Project demonstrated today in San Diego's Balboa Park in support of "brave Israeli voices for peace."

A Prayer to Mark the National Day of Prayer (tags)

Oh Great White Blonde Jesus™. . . forsaken bohemian shepherd of fishy bearded men, twice slapped cheeky pacifist, mystic carpenter terrorist, one-time "enemy of the state," behold the End Time’s degeneracy of your legend! Rub a dub dub! You are as much a tool of the rabid packs of Politico-Wolves that plague America today as you were to the Roman variation in your own time.... For the rest of this solemn prayer feel free to visit or just click on the link below. Thank you and enjoy.

History of Mayday (tags)

May 1st is a day of special significance. Its a day of worldwide solidarity. But why Mayday? What is its history?

PHOTO. Warren Keith Watts. (tags)


Barebacking in California By Gay Men (tags)

Barebacking by Gay Men is increasing - or is it?

'America's Most Wanted' Actors Guilty of Unlawful Sex (tags)

No jail time for TV perverts: The men were sentenced to five years of probation and a year of counseling, fined $5,000 and ordered to perform 1,000 hours of community service.

Public Health Officials Fear Increases in STDs among Men Who Have Sex with Men (tags)

A National STD Conference shows that STDs are rising in the MSM community and feara rise in HIV because of it.

Now.....Who Wants To Date A Millionaire? (tags)

Millionaire Mates - Rich & Famous Matchmaking..... Now a woman can seriously meet her "Prince Charming" through Millionaire Mates an exclusive dating club for Millionaires seeking their soul mate. Millionaire members include 2 Royal Prince's, a Duke and several celebrities!

Facists take power in Argentina (tags)

Right wing Peronists have taken advantage of the riots and come to power in Argentina.

Michael Moore's New Book CENSORED By Publisher (tags)

As the keynote speaker at NJ Citizen Action's convention, Michael Moore told the audience that his publisher HarperCollins won't be selling/distributing his already-printed new book "Stupid White Men and Other Excuses for the State of the Nation" because the content is politically offensive. Reposted from an American Library Association email discussion list.

RADIO IMC-LA: The Invisible Workforce, Part Two - The Day Laborers (tags)

Over 25,000 men stand on the street corners of Los Angeles every day looking for work. Known as Day Laborers this predominantly immigrant population must support their families on the tenuous living provided by day to day jobs. Chirla (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights in LA) has spent the last 10 years working with the men and the communities in which they solicit work to address concerns and safeguard their ability to earn a living with dignity and respect.

The male God of the desert (tags)

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all desert religions, brother-faiths that are male in imagination and tradition, writes PNS editor Richard Rodriguez. Eventually, their masculine principle will be challenged by a feminine spiritual force that is gathering strength behind veils print article

Southland Hate Crime Count Rises (tags)

Five more alleged hate crimes against Americans who appear to be from the Middle East.

The Myth of an American Free Press (tags)

A toast given by John Swinton in 1953

Strategic Resistance Organizing Conference- a look back (tags)

At the begining of August, the Strategic Resistance Congerence was held in Venice CA. With an invitation only guest-list of 200 activists from around the Americas, the conference focused on goals, sexism and white supremacy within the movement today. Larry George writes the inside scoop.

Amnesty International Adopts Jailed Mexican Environmentalists as... (tags)

Folabi Olagbaju, director of Amnesty International USA's Human Rights and Environmental Program. He discusses the circumstances surrounding the prosecution of Montiel and Cabrera and why Amnesty has adopted the men as prisoners of conscience.


I came across this news report today, which presents yet more clear and unmistakable evidence of how the anti-globalisation riots are orchestrated by the very forces that are imposing globalisation on the world. It's another problem-reaction-solution.

Two Arrested at San Diego Biodevastation Teach-in (tags)

Two young men were arrested in a parking lot near the BioDevastation Teach-In at the Starlight Bowl in Balboa Park. Police Office Boyd Long said that the two had written SMASH THE ______.

Nun Apologizes for Catholic Church's Homophobia (tags)

Nun apologizes for Catholic oppression of gays. From News.

A RPD officer's ode to four officers who killed Tyisha Miller in poetic verse (tags)

Dedicated to Paul Bugar, Daniel Hotard, Wayne Stewart, and Michael Alagna, fired after shooting Tyisha Miller in Dec. 1998. Like the majority of the officers of this department, who shaved their heads enmasse to protest the firings, Wheeler views the officers who killed a black woman and celebrated it, as heroes while those who protested against her death are the "racist horde." Even with a state consent decree, the police culture of Riverside's finest still lives on....

Abuse of women (tags)

The abuse of women should not be tolerated in our society in any field, whether its ordinary day living or in the film industry. They are seen as just thngs, when there much more than that, like an education, but then I appreciate women in many ways, many of my species do not, but it was about time they started too.

Chattanooga 3 ReceiveShort Sentences While30 SupportersProtest.89.3 Airs NewsATL (tags)

3 Members of Black Autonomy COPWATCH, received 30, 60 days, community service and court costs instead of 6 months to 18 months in jail. This is an outrage and listeners of WRFG 89.3 FM heard details from the reasearch of Paul Hays and the Messenger: A publication finacialy aided by The AFL-CIO, UNITE and Atlanta Labor Solidarity Network especially. The interview on Radio Free Georgia was on Nightwatchandwas10minutes ThankIfini

Inaugural Speech of US President Linda Jones (tags)

Apparently we need more education in the obvious than we do examination of the obscure. Our government is the citizens’ government. Their government is the corporate government. Corporations are machines, not citizens. Our government consists of men and women who are ruled by their conscience. Their government consists of men and women who are ruled by machines.

In response to:Voting Doesn't Create Social Change? Tell That To The Descendents (tags)

Although those amendments may have "changed" the status of slavery. voting by far was the least of all the factors that changed slavery. If not for social pressure the 13th 14th and 15th amendment would have not been in place. And even after passing these amendments many states did not recognize thier existence. Thus further social action had to be implemented at the grassroots level.

What must white men do? (tags)

What is the role of white men among the protest movements?

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