fix articles 176314, my dad
Hundreds March Long Beach to Compton to Protest Los Angeles Sheriff Murder of Noel Aguilar (tags)
Noel Aguilar, age 23, was killed on May 26, 2014 by Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Deputies Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz, who lied to make it seem like their victim deserved to die. LASD falsely reported that Noel was armed, had shot an injured deputy, and tried to take away the officers' guns. A witness cell phone video released in December 2015 revealed that Deputy Ruiz actually shot Deputy Murad accidentally and then shifted the blame to Noel, who was shot four times at point-blank range while being pinned down. Noel's final words #ImDying became a rallying cry for a protest held January 16, 2016. Over 300 people marched a three-mile route to the Compton station of the LASD, where Noel's killers Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz report to duty.
Our Dad Died recently and we were able to spread his ashes at sea because of a white boat Captain.
BATF raided my dad's house They had the wrong Jerry Thompson (tags)
This illustrates why you do not want unlimited power in the hands of Police Agencies. This shows why such laws as tha "Patriot" Act are bad law.
Dear Mr and Mrs Citizen (tags)
The kind of thing you can expect to find in your mailbox soon enough...
We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)
Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.