fix articles 17631, buildings Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : buildings


The Solution is Social Housing (tags)

The Swedish government set a goal of building 1 million new units in the mid-1960s when the population was only 8 million (or about the same size as New York City). Despite a few setbacks and problems, this goal was achieved in less than a decade — We suggest that 10 million new municipal housing units would be a viable ten-year goal.

Vaccine Strike Force (tags)

Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings.

Non-violent protest ideas; hooch bomb recipe (tags)

Just a creative idea for making hooch bombs to throw at buildings for overwhelming stench effect. Only plastic juice bottle and yeast needed to make these safe and fun protest tools.

A Description of Life Ending Nuclear War (tags)


Profile of a World Class Diplomat (tags)


Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)


Growing Number of Indian Apartment Buildings For Vegetarians Only (tags)

There are several reasons for the increasing number of Indian apartment buildings going all vegetarian

US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine (tags)


Incentive package attracts TL 5.5 bln in investment in 40 days (tags)

Turkey has received 480 project proposals worth TL 5.5 billion since the introduction of a new incentive package on June 19 designed to attract both foreign and domestic investment to the country.

"Explosive" 9/11 Documentary Premieres in San Diego (tags)

One day before the film's "official" premiere in Beverly Hills, architect Richard Gage and other members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth showed their new film, "9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" at the Joyce Beers Community Center in San Diego. Its thesis is that "controlled demolition," not fires caused by the impacts of the planes hitting the buildings, brought down the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

Targeting Free Expression (tags)


Protect Plummer Park Protest Rally (tags)

Join residents, community members and their supporters to protest the City of West Hollywood's $41 Million renovation of historic, neighborhood, Plummer Park

DHS Scanners To Secretly Search Your Body (tags)

Citizens driving or walking to work, that must pass DHS X-ray scanners on buildings and utility poles, could be exposed to radiation several times a day.

Crooked Toyota Poway El Cajon Owner Vincent Castro Fighting Workers Comp For Mold Illness (tags)

Vincent Toyota Poway El Cajon owner is involved in criminal conspiracy to limit his liability for workers sickened by mold at the Toyota dealership in El Cajon, California

City Council to Look At Weak Moratorium to Prevent Rent Increase (tags)

It's good something was decided, but the moratorium will not cover much LA rental housing.

FCGOA Pres calls For Tougher Background Checks after Terror Suspect Infiltrated. Nuke Site (tags)

Guy James President of The International Union, Federal Contract Guards of America stated that “we must always be on the alert at nuclear facilities, federal buildings , airports and other high profile buildings where terrorist groups like Al-Qaida continue to target our infrastructure. The question we face each and everyday is not if a terrorist attack like 9/11 will happen again but when will it happen. That’s why our union FCGOA continues to call on our legislatures to strengthen stiffer background checks better training standards and a higher standard of qualifications of all private security companies and security guards / security police professionals throughout the country”.

Use of Private Federal Contract Security Guards at Gov Buildings Comes Under Scrutiny. (tags)

Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA disagrees. The problem is not that these contract guards need to be federalized, the problem is better training". "There really are no federal standards for security guards," said James. "These individuals should be trained at the federal level since they are the first line of defense against a terrorist attack, just like federal police officers," he said.

Metamaterial cloak could render buildings 'invisible' to earthquakes (tags)

PORTLAND, Ore. — Earthquakes can be made to bypass buildings surrounded by seismic invisibility cloaks, claim researchers at the University of Liverpool.

Requiao meets president of the second largest company in Dubai (tags)

The Al Habtoor Group has three works that have become icons of the architecture of the city of Dubai, capital of the emirate - the international airport, the most modern in the world, and the hotels Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah, two of the most modern buildings in the city. With branches throughout the Arab world, the Al Habtoor Group employs

Temps and Time Needed 4 Melting Steel of WTC Towers (tags)

With GW Bush regime's frequent and persistant patterns of deceit used to justify invasion of Iraq, why believe the official version of 9/11 Commission on the WTC bombings??

New video from Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)

The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (10 min.) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon called "Traces of Collective Dispossession".

Barack Obama Lies About His Rezko Scandal (tags)

The news media is refusing to report on Barack Obama and the Rezko scandal.

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics (tags)

he majority of us accept as fact that the current administration manipulates science for political ends.

Refugees go home to Israel (tags)

400,000 refugees head back to Deir yassin and other ethnically cleansed areas in Israel.

9/11 truth inches toward the mainstream (tags)

As the left/alternative media continues to shy itself away from what really happened on September 11th, 2001, the mainstream media slowly begins to embrace the inevitability of an international investigation into what went down that day.

Guinea: the Unions Bosses liquidate the General Strike (tags)

At the end of discussions with the authorities, religious leaders and a delegation of the CDEAO (economic community of the States of the area) directed by the former President-general of Nigeria, the gangster Babangida, the trade-union leaders decreed the "suspension" of the general strike which had lasted for 2 weeks, as of Sunday midnight. For his part, President Lansana Conté promised to name a new Prime Minister from a list of 5 names indicated by the trade unions and the opposition parties. The trade-union leaders speak about a great victory (while evoking a possible resumption of the strike), but it looks more like a capitulation!

James Howard Kunstler: “America, Think Downscale!” (tags)

America is headed for “a long emergence,” according to author, James H. Kunstler. He’s convinced that the days of the economy running on a cheap supply of fast-fading oil will soon be history. He spoke at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 20, 2007. Kunstler said it’s time for the country to think: “Downscale!” He sees hard times ahead. Kunstler also doesn’t think much of how the U.S. looks either. He said much of it is a “piece of crap.”

Alabama - Louisiana solar links (tags)

Links to groups, in ALABAMA to LOUISIANA, supporting LOCAL Renewable Energy, Honest elections, safe schools, healthy children, disease prevention, clean water, clean air, cancer prevention and LOCAL Organic Family farmers. Please help set up and support in your LOCAL community, groups that support the above. Thank YOU.

Devastation: Made in U.$.A. (tags)


9/11 conspiracy 'theories' persist, thrive (tags)

By JUSTIN POPE, AP Education Writer

Trapped In Beirut (tags)

A first-hand account of how the Israeli strikes have traumatised Beirut asks why the EU and America have done so little to help Lebanon

Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts (tags)

An expose of the 9/11 conspiracy wing nuts endangering the very core of our democracy, and world peace.

solar energy links USA (tags)

review of support groups for solar energy, climate protection, clean air and food securtiy

Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story (tags)

Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.

I'm Not Terrified, Did I Miss Something? (tags)

Beware the green boogieman!

Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)

Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.

eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)

How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.

Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

Beneath The Surface There Is Much Below (tags)

9/11 related

Infamous Slumlord Violates Probation (tags)

Infamous Convicted Slumlord, Monica Hujazi, who pled no contest to 10 violations of the Los Angeles County building health and saftety codes, last year, and is serving 3 years probation for those violations, is up to her old tricks again. Monica Helena Hujazi, 44, puportedly owns a slum empire in excess of 80 tennement style buildings, mostly in the San Francisco Bay area. She is expanding her empire by investing in dilapadated slum type buildings in the Los Angeles area as well. However, residents in Los Angeles are aware of Mrs. Hujazi's tactics and are organizing and fighting back in what can only be called a mass renters revolt. Her latest debacle, a old art deco apartment building, of 3 stories and 72 units, is litterally rotting to the ground. Despite the deplorable condition perpetuated on the low income renters of the Hollywood Area of Los Angeles, her rents are constantly escalating, in gross violation of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance of Los Angeles. A small, one room bachelors apartment at the Alexandria Court Apartments, now costs on or about $1,000.00 per month, and a one bedroom upwards of $1,400.00. She markets her building as a "luxury" apartment, by installing granite coutertops, marble flooring in the bathrooms, and new plumbing fixtures. But these efforts are only cosemetic, she does not renovate the buildings structural, plumbing, electrical, heating, or any other renovations at all. These tennants live in conditions reminescent of the slum tenements of New York, at the begining of the 19th century, complete with rats, mice, cock roaches, fleas, ticks, spiders, and other guests of her apartmets. The residents at the Alexandria building, now lovingly refer to thier home as the "Hujazi Hilton".

Griffin Seals Case for WTC Demolition, Calls on NY Times to End Coverup (tags)

In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."


We need videographers to test and analyze in the LAX Airport Court and any other place with key decision makers with a metal roof over their heads. Beware of technological apparatus. Bring Your Home-Made "Indymedia Reporter" badge.

TONIGHT-Guerilla Projection Show Spectacle Uses Buildings as Screen-Spotlight-Child Abuse (tags)

Media Advisory for event tonight-Downtown Guerilla Slide Show Spectacle in Downtown LA Uses Building as Screen for Massive Art Projection--Event to Shed a Powerful Light on Child Abuse Artists and Community Activists Unite in Plea for Leadership in Prosecution What: A powerful, massive guerilla slide show projected onto buildings in Downtown Los Angeles to draw attention to child abuse and call for leadership in prosecuting offenders. This light spectacle event will utilize state of the art technology and potent images by local artists, projected on a massive scale, with Los Angeles buildings as the screen.

Inconsistencies in Official 9-11 Story Resolved by New “Opposite Day Theory” (tags)

(SATIRE) - Millions of conspiracy theorists were silenced yesterday as the many gaping holes in the logic of the official story of 9-11 were all but sealed with one stroke when 9-11 Commission Chair Thomas Kean revealed that September 11, 2001 was actually ‘Opposite Day’.

US: The origin of the mysterious 9/11 'melt down'? (tags)

"There was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Center burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes."

Beware, New Stun Weapons In Government Buildings, Heavy Steel Buildings Used To Control US (tags)

Beware of some new weaponry being used in government buildings and around them. Take a look at these ideal weapons, first is a laser stun gun without wires

Random thoughts on the passing scene (tags)

Geraldo from Baghdad (tags)

I am not a big fan of Geraldo, but I have to give him this one. He is so right about the reporters who "Report" the news.

Open Letter to the Nation (12.10.03) (tags)

An open letter to Nation Magazine that was sent on 12/10/03.

Israel To Raze With Robot Bulldozers (made usa) (tags)

Describing a day of field trials, a Technion statement quoted an Israeli army officer as asserting the thousands of dollars invested in each machine would save lives. "Today the bulldozer drivers are exposed to great danger when they knock down buildings that have militants hiding in them," the statement quoted the officer as saying.


This article reviews the well known interview of professor Thomas Eagar (of MIT) by Peter Tyson (chief editor of NOVA) concerning the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. It points out many of the errors contained in this interview. In fact, the errors in the interview are so many that one has to conclude that the article is deliberate deception.

Israeli Army Destroys Buildings, Farms As It Leaves Gaza (tags)

Ali Zaaneen, 35, stood in the ploughed-up fields where he and his seven brothers grew cucumbers, tomatoes and okra. His four-acre farm was levelled, and nothing remains of his glasshouses. "Now I am able to go every day to my farm," he said, "but I will find nothing to harvest ... and to take to the market. What is the guarantee they will not change their minds and come back again?" he asked of the departing Israelis. "They are not far away."

Explosives Planted In Towers, New Mexico Technology Expert Says (tags)

  The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact (tags)

Before beginning this article, I met Auxiliary Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. at the World Trade Center Memorial. Paul, along with many other firemen, is very upset about the obvious cover-up and he is on a crusade for answers and justice. He was stationed at Engine 10, across the street from the World Trade Center in 1998 and 99; Engine 10 was entirely wiped out in the destruction of the towers. He explained to me that, “many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.”

How and why the US encouraged looting in Iraq (tags)

The US military stood by and permitted the ransacking of the museum, an incalculable blow to Iraqi and world culture, just as they allowed and even encouraged the looting of hospitals, universities, libraries and government social service buildings. The occupation forces protected only the Ministry of Oil, with its detailed inventory of Iraqi oil reserves, as well as the Ministry of Interior, the headquarters of the ousted regime’s secret police.

Troops secure the black gold (tags)

WHAT IS the difference between most government buildings in Baghdad and the Ministry of Oil? All but the Oil Ministry have been looted, burned or destroyed in the past weeks.

U.S. military protected Baghdad's Oil Ministry from being ransacked (tags)

While most other public buildings in Baghdad have been left unguarded, the huge Oil Ministry headquarters on Palestine Street has been ringed by more than 70 US troops and protected by up to a dozen or more armoured personnel carriers


Iraqis stand in a Red Crescent hospital damaged during an air strike in Baghdad April 2, 2003. U.S. missiles hit a Red Crescent maternity hospital in Baghdad, the city's trade fair, and other civilian buildings, killing several people and wounding at least 25, hospital sources and a Reuters witness said. REUTERS/Akram Saleh

American eco-terrorists declare war (tags)

Homegrown environmental radicals cast their own fatwah on America this week. Eco-thug Craig Rosebraugh called on his antiwar troops to take "direct actions" against American military establishments, urban centers, corporations, government buildings and media outlets.

Embattled union SEIU in ad campaign (tags)

A labor union representing security officers in San Francisco office buildings, engaged in fruitless contract negotiations and competition for workers' loyalties

America Did this to itself. (tags)

It is the last thing the "Flock" wants to admit. Why? Because arab terrorists are an easy target. Kind of like Hiroshima.

revolution in bolivia!!!!! (tags)

revolution in boliva,government buildings occupied, a central bank building,demands read from terrace

This is the City (tags)

The City of LA is the second largest in the USA...we employ a matter of fact police Department...

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