fix articles 175848, one voice
Celebrating Philippine Independence Day (tags)
The Philippine flag acquires added prominence these days on the occasion of the observance of the Declacration of Philippine Independence.
Antiwar Protests: 6 Years and Counting (tags)
Demonstrations on the sixth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq were smaller than during the Bush years owing to the “Obama factor,” but more unified than ever against the occupations of Afghanistan and Palestine. The most visible opposition to antiwar has shifted from flag-waving ultra-nationalists to the defenders of Israel. Despite this, far more American Jews demonstrated against the occupations than in support of Israel.
UHW-West Rally Against Moves to Divide The Union (tags)
" They Say Divide US, We Say Unite Us" More than 6,000 health care workers from the United Health Workers (UHW) -West and their community supportrs all-over the west coast rallied infront of the Marriot Manhattan Beach Hotel last Monday, July 14, 2008 fro 6:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon.
One Million Voices for peace cancelled (tags)
One million Voices for Peace has cancelled the concert for peace, over a year in the planning because of threats to the lives of their Palestinian leadership. Terror wins.
Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.
Israeli influence in Washington: Jeffrey Blankfort interview (a MUST read) (tags)
Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.