fix articles 174892, kary moss
Arab American Leadership Conference a Huge Success (tags)
Some media outlets decided to focus on the unfortunate outburst of a few, many of whom were not Arab American, instead of focusing on the rest of the conference which was a very positive experience.
Judge rules student has right to wear a T-shirt labeling Bush an "International Terro (tags)
A high school student has the right to wear a T-shirt to school with the face of President Bush and the words "International Terrorist" on the front, a federal judge ruled.
ACLU Will Challenge the Patriot Act (tags)
ACLU Challenges U.S. Anti - Terrorism Law By REUTERS
In a trial balloon by the regime to gauge public reaction, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission (!) said in Detroit on Friday he could "foresee" a "scenario" in which "the public" would "demand" internment camps for ArabAmericans if "Arab terrorists" strike "again" in this country.