fix articles 17487, how Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : how


How did Wyoming become a Tax Haven (tags)

Allison Tate, law professor at the University of Richmond, is interviewed. The risk is that money is taken out of the tax base. This is documented in the Pandora Papers.

The Neoliberal Indoctrination (tags)

Homo oeconomicus fades away as an economic theory along with market fundamentalism and market radicalism. Market failure and state violence epitomized by Enron's expansive accounting method and the aggressive wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria should be lessons.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 36 (tags)

anne frank is not the author of her diary

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 25 (tags)

le journal d´anne frank n´est pas authentique

Crashing the Party (tags)

Twain in the nineteenth century exposed the excesses of America’s first Gilded Age and sought, without success, to avert the young nation’s lurch toward imperialism.

Brave New Working World (tags)

Classical working conditions and social securities dissolve. Ulrich Beck speaks of this world as a world risk society that will be marked by risky freedoms. To counter this, he develops the vision of a citizen society. How can the state compensate for the loss of taxes through paid work?

Living and Working Differently and Self-Optimization (tags)

How did neoliberal policy gain a mass influence? To neoliberalism, we must soon oppose a great alternative narrative of freedom, democracy and solidarity before the social dislocations neutralize the positive resources amid a collapsing world climate.

12 Peoples Of Rain To the People of California (tags)

dance for rain, pray for rain, visualize rain

How is CCSA's Ref Rodriguez hiding his billionaire and ideologue contributors? (tags)

How does California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) hide the billionaires, fringe right-wingers, and extreme ideologues contributing to charter profiteer Refugio "Ref" Rodriguez and neoliberal school privatizer Tamar Galatzan's Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) campaigns?

Water in California - info proliferated now is dubious (tags)

Constant fear productions proliferate our minds and our lives, without many questioning. Water shortage is the latest catastrophe being hawked to TheAmericanLittlePeople who use a teensy bit for clean 3rd worldish lives in So.California. The attempts to cause more insecurity, uncertainty and Blame the Ordinary Residents, i.e. of Los Angeles, vs. the agriculture businesses in No.CA and the commercial businesses everywhere is the usual - YOU must be to blame and we will punish you for using 'too' much precious water. The break-up community aspect is for neighbors to anonymously report about another's water usage with the righteous pride of having caught a 'bad guy' slyly is like East Germany's Stasi's games - spies living amongst each other so everyone distrusts and worries and can thus be Controlled. Oh no, here too ? Water is scarcer than before but still available and drinkable and for cleaning, in individual lives, not just in money-gathering-places of business, anywhere, even in LA. Wonder about what we hear and read and then ask, how did we 'suddenly' arrive at this desert from which we dare not escape or move ? Question those who like to hawk their fear-wares and fame flames of scarcity, that then elicits herd-obedience in that fear place. Can this be yet another 'conspiracy' that is not theoretical but created for political or financial purposes ? Could it be ?

Pacifica voting in secret with no accountability? Is this part of KPFK ? (tags)

Counterpunch is now publishing wrong info ? Who gave them that information about Pacifica? How confusing. Another commentator disclosed here at Indymedia how Pacifica Nat'l Bd voted to deselect the hired Exe Director. But the numbers and facts never add up correctly. Nor can results be explained and no names of voters are named. And KPFK's Local Station Board meetings have a fight club mentality and provides no factual helpful information either. Ask their LSB for more accurate info here:

State of Power 2014, 99 pp (tags)

In its third annual "State of Power" report, TNI uses vibrant infographics and penetrating essays to expose and analyze the principal power brokers that have caused financial,. economic, social and ecological crises worldwide.

Regionalized Occupy Protests? (tags)

"But this is no time to stop and give up. Our gains have been great. And Like Michael Moore said: "Most of America is with us now." How fucking huge? How about them apples? Looks like our leaders just bided their time and lulled us to sleep? We must not and cannot continue to allow them to do that. Get real are they more creative than we are?"

"Ttopia can become Reality on the Internet!" (tags)

"We wanted to create an optimistic vision of the Internet without veiling the dangers and weaknesses of the system. Everything possible that happens today appeared utopian a few years ago. Our virtual country survived a dark period of its history and changed.."

How to Violate The Fourth Amendment (tags)

How to Violate The Fourth Amendment

How Israel Changed My Life (tags)

How Israel Changed My LIfe

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo (tags)

The European public is neither enthusiastic for the military engagement in Afghanistan nor for new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must energetically promote disarmament and arms control.

Why is LILA Garret, PKFK programmer, being so maligned on Indymedia?? (tags)

Is it not ok to be jewish and be programmer on KPFK? Or to admit this openly ? Or is it the older-strong-willed-woman opposition being played out again ? Could be called the Hillary-syndrome, but Lila may be for Obama instead ? So why is she hated so loudly here?

Fake ID - How they are made (tags)

A description on how to make fake IDs along with the equipment needed

The same lamp post? (tags)

How did it move- that's the question.

How to punish police assaults on peaceful marches (tags)

When police assault a peaceful protest like the immigrant march today, stern punishment of their masters is called for. This is simple: small groups get awayor never went, and carry out punitive raids on economic targets.

-- A Modest Proposal Concerning A Proper Use For High C -- (tags)

Or, How to Fight the Good Fight, Vanquish Darkness, Play the Trumpet, and Win the Revolution without firing a shot...

Global Social Rights versus Neoliberalism (tags)

Building community centers, limiting the power of corporations and reflecting on a basic citizen income are steps to democratization and a positive public spirit.

How AIDS in Africa Was Overstated (tags)

The rate of HIV infection among Rwandans ages 15 to 49 is 3 percent, according to the study, enough to qualify as a major health problem but not nearly the national catastrophe once predicted.

Help Us with a Book about Indymedia (tags)

This book would not attempt to be the definitive statement on Indymedia. Rather, it would be an overview of some of the triumphs and struggles of the network over the past five-and-a-half years. Its entries would range from dramatic, stream-of-thought, first-person pieces to more analytic chapters on the meaning of Indymedia. The book, while thoughtful, would avoid being overly academic and would be graphic/picture heavy. For full proposal, see:

Why is LA Indymedia hiding so many posts? (tags)

Is "hiding" opposing viewpoints supposed to help the democratic process?! Hypocracy.

The Fifth Branch (tags)

The fianncial markets, the fifth branch, are probably the most important markets today. Many remain excluded from this time- and space compression. Most people are barred from the advantages of globalization like greater mobility and improved communication

How fast does light travel? (for george scott 3rd, james chance and lil g) (tags)

...contemplating bass domination, of George Scott 3rd, as he leads contortions of riddim, like a graffer works a rhyme on wallz via tips and nozzles, like an illustrator transforms word to image, like writers collects the syntax of sight into the symbolism of lexis, like cymbals and kneck snapping snares used by a selector swift at the controls...

How Much is Enough? (tags)

"The world has enough for everyone's need, not for everyone's greed." The fear of the further spread of the western lifestyle and economic mode with frequent flier rebates is at the center of political debate. Life without resource-intensive lifestyles is vital.

"Non-Humanitarian Catastrophes" (tags)

The problem is that money is spent wrongly, not that money is spent. I wish a peace research group would offer newspapers a daily column titled `What We Can Afford Today'. Two and a half civilian jobs could be financed for every employee in the armament industry.


Grassoots America is now actively designing and collaborating plans to rival the Republican think tanks that started in 1980 with the Reagan Administration. Here's a look at a group of 40 members in it's infancy. This online organization is one of the first of its kind in an era where think tank masteminds like Karl Rove almost singlehandly influence national and international policy in our nation.

Smell of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain (tags)

poem about nuclear waste site Yucca mountain and earthquake risk from central nevada seismic fracture

How must a mother feel ? (tags)

A mother deprived to recognize his returned son. How must a father feel whose son died on a dirty dishonest policy?

Caracas: the opening of a Libertarian Centre & social library (tags)

* The Venezuelan Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) calls for solidarity with a project which is the first of its kind in our country: the opening (sunday 14th November 2004) of a Libertarian Social Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Sociales Libertarios - CESL), together with a social library.

How can progressives stop nuclear proliferation/holocaust? (tags)

Accepting that governments and other diabolical groups desire nukes, and the fact that the technology is evermore easily spread, how can nuclear proliferation/war be prevented except by conventional war or some cosmic new age enlightenment? How preventable is another major nuclear incident and should that not be a major focus of the progressive community?

How does it feel to have a blade at your throats? (tags)

You know it's there but you don't want to see it. From inside the black labs of our over funded weapons contractors and or universities, supposably directed at America's enemies, we as taxpayers have created hefty stores of these banned technologies as per the 1972 treaty.

Activist and Art Convergence in Northeast LA (tags)

October Surprise This is our city, lets live in it!

?How to Make Bush a One-Term President: ? (tags)

How to Make Bush a One-Term President:

Let's Talk About the Draft: 10 Questions (tags)

Inquiring minds want to know. Put these questions to the Politicians and the Press. Poke and prod and pinch all the sleeping dawgs you can find.

Is the world's oil running out fast? (tags)

This article from the BBC covers the recent Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) meeting in Berlin. The message from this meeting is that the end of cheap oil is here. It includes many experts from the oil industry.

Nick Berg execution a fraud (tags)

The whole world is talking about this. Enjoy this bait, sharks.

How to End Racial Discrimination (tags)

Putting an end to "discrimination" and "racism" is very simple.

How to Build a Fraud: (tags)

How to Build a Fraud: [ a nice snip from the master by reposter ]

Mind Control and U.C. (tags)

Regarding earlier posts and the need for proof.

How Can You Tell When A Bureaucrat is Lying? (tags)

From the Gran'pa Jack series.

American Satyricon - The Perverting Of Reality (tags)

True, there has been some tongue-wagging about how America dropped its radioactive torture on Afghanistan and Iraq after telling whoppers of lies that never would have gone unchallenged in an eighth-grade debate class, but nevertheless managed to hold spellbound the entire American populace while these evil massacres took place.

How To Produce and Distribute Bumper Stickers With Minimal Cost Using Common Home Office E (tags)

If you are like me, you've noticed that anti-fascist/anti-Bush bumper stickers are hard to find. What you probably do not realize is that the dearth of these stickers is not caused by the lack of a market. The market not only exists, but is enthusiastic and yearning to express itself. I know because I broke ground in my local area by producing and distributing anti-Bush bumper stickers in exchange for donations to my collection of anti-fascist websites.

If Big Business Runs the State.... (tags)

From "The Match" zine. Also, Alex Jones ( is good for government abuses.

Monkey Business (tags)

Ah, shucks! Now the ADL-Mossad will threaten to burn down my apartment again. Well, I'm getting used to death threats and financial harassment. It builds character....

How did the purges happen? (tags)

How could the Russian revolution, which held such promise, and captured the imagination of progressive every where, wind up resulting in such horror, oppression and blood shed?


NY Governor's remarks at WTC rally April 10 inspire shock and awe.

How Do Government Men Get Sex & Money? (tags)

How do government people get their money and men get their sex? Through force.

We Are In A Depression (tags)

Alex Jones ( says we are in a Depression in the U.S.

How Strange (tags)

How strange that when Hitler's army laid ruthless siege to Stalingrad, and bombed and shelled that great city into rubble with unprecedented loss of life,

Spawn of Frankenstein (tags)

Welcome to the 21st century, where man remakes God in his own image. Herr Frankenstein would be pleased.

the henry kissinger song (tags)

by monty python for lovers of kissinger

How much they paid (tags)

How much did they pay you for your vote?

Are you brainwashed? (tags)

Know thyself!

How to be welcome by IMC Germany and Austria (by Latuff) (tags)

Before to post anything related to Palestine on IMC Germany and Austria, take a look on this quick guide.


How to live forever

How the IMF/WB make domestic economic policy in Argentina (tags)

Transcript of a story told by Beverly Keene of Servicio Paz y Justicia (Service for Peace and Justice) and Jubilee South, both in Argentina.

Tolerance For Clitorectomies? (tags)

What is tolerance?

How it is Possible to Orchestrate & Mastermind a Terrorist Attack (tags)

How it is possible to orchestrate and mastermind a terrorist attack without the terrorists themselves even knowing who is really behind it.

How The Corporate Media Interfere with Democracy (tags)

How media corporations lobby and pay off politicians to keep their stranglehold of the airwaves; and why political activists and concerned citizens should take the airwaves back starting this September in San Francisco.

any recent count on how many have been arrested by LAPD? (tags)

how many arrested? is there any way of knowing?

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