fix articles 17444, faith Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : faith


African Bishops Call for Debt Relief and Aid to Address Multiple Crises (tags)

G7 and African finance leaders should work together to remove the heavy burdens of debts in Africa, Catholic bishops and other faith leaders from the region said in Accra, Ghana, at the end of a two-day meeting.

Tazria: Spiritual Leprosy and Real Faith In G-d (tags)

The G-d of Israel is Stronger than Trump! Jews Belong in Israel, the Torah says so. Jewish Self-defense is an Obligation.

Fate and Faith Offer Actor Kirk Taylor Another Memorable Role in “Revival” (tags)

Actor, Kirk Taylor is finding his “second act” as a film performer, appearing in the new musical film “Revival!,”

Religious Groups Call for Aid and Debt Relief for Puerto Rico and Dominica (tags)

More than 130 faith communities across the United States are praying and acting for hurricane victims ‎during religious services this weekend.

Capitalism in the Faith Crisis (tags)

Trust in the "invisible hand" is a religious exercise ensuring a rule over people that is destructive and fatal. Christians and Marxists wage a common struggle against the spirit, logic, and praxis of the false money-god and its servants.

Capitalism as a Religion (tags)

"Capital is the only god that the whole world knows, sees, touches, smells, tastes and excites all our senses. It is the only god that doesn't encounter any atheists" (Paul Lafargue's little known genial satire "Religion of Capital" from 1887.

BDS Drops Its Veil: Campus Anti-Semitism (tags)

More anti-Semitism in califronia schools

Knee-Jerk Reaction to Sydney Hostage Siege (tags)


Lawsuit to Protect Our Political Power (tags)

A lawsuit to ensure that state laws, especially the ones brought about by initiatives, will be defended in good faith, Goodnis v. Office of the Attorney General (Harris), has been filed in the Supreme Court of California. The court is asked to compel the state officials whose duty is to defend state laws, to do so in good faith, or officially select one or more alternate defendants to represent the state in defending the state's marriage laws. The court has also been asked to remove the restrictions they placed on a marriage law brought about by Proposition 22 of 2000. For more information please visit [ ].

Lawsuit to Protect Our Political Power (tags)

A lawsuit to ensure that state laws, especially the ones brought about by initiatives, will be defended in good faith, Goodnis v. Office of the Attorney General (Harris), has been filed in the Supreme Court of California. The court is asked to compel the state officials whose duty is to defend state laws, to do so in good faith, or officially select one or more alternate defendants to represent the state in defending the state's marriage laws.

"Believing without Seeing" (tags)

“Faith is a gift. But faith is also sought and gained by struggling with doubt. For the disciples or the people who want to follow Jesus today, faith is based on the venture of entrusting oneself.” Margot Kassmann was a national Lutheran bishop in Germany.

Modesty as an Economic Model (tags)

"This completely deregulated sphere (derivatives) ultimately grew to greater dimensions than the real economy. That was undoubtedly absolute madness..A smaller financial sector need not be unconditionally bad.. The economy is a faith like every other..."

"Pope Francis thinks politically" (tags)

"We are a society that has forgotten to cry and to sympathize. The globalization of indifference robs us of the ability to cry." Full of wisdom, the new pope says: "The greatness of a society is measured by how it treats the neediest." Modern society is barbaric, bloodless and cruel.

White Youth Can Be Muslim Terrorists Too (tags)

Proving what you say can be a difficult thing. Oftentimes, the only thing to if not the best, is to allow what you say to be proven organically. Sure, not having your hand on something to manipulate the message can be a test of will for those that need to control and manipulate constantly, or are even obsessed with it. But for the rest of us, sometimes if you give the thing you have been asserting space to prove itself, you will be rewarded by the simplicity of how easy it is to get to the truth. Just be patient.

Escalating Pressure on Iran (tags)


Mitt and Mormonism: Does It Matter? (tags)


Faith Groups Call on Congress to Protect Student Loans (tags)

Considering Your Religion (tags)

In a humanity with the reason to reflect, to confirm oneself with the truth and decide for the good.

Proof Is What Counts (tags)

Politicians have a tendency to make promise upon promise come election time, and that's to be expected. They are competing with one another and that competition brings about the need to discuss those things they would like to come to pass as though they already have come to pass. It seems to bring about the need to discuss what they most wanted to happen as if it actually had occurred, whether it has or not. The competition tends to bring about the need to blame the other person instead of confessing some of your own faults.

Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing. The most glorious countrysides appear like boiled spinach, the best persons are repulsive or without torsos.."

Epilogue to a Life: Dorothee Soelle (tags)

Dorothee Soelle combined political activism and mysticism, unconventional thinking and passion for life. This epilogue written by her partner, the theologian and former Benedictine monk Fulbert Steffensky, reveals the feistyness and childlikeness of the liberation theologian.

Meditations on God, Faith and the Enlightenment (tags)

Christmas should be a time for the poor, for restructuring the economy so it does not only benefit a few and so public necessities like education, health care and housing are rights and not privileges. We are living in a dark age when financiers deny their responsibility.

The Dangerous Doctrine of Justification (tags)

While religion can make people happier by giving connection to a larger whole, it can also make them blind and neurotic. Self-righteousness is the grand delusion distorting life in the church and outside the church (cf. Eberhard Juengel).

Economy in Service of Life (tags)

The 2004 Accra confession of the Reformed World Alliance emphasizes justice in the economy and the earth. "The ideology of neoliberalism penetrating all areas of our life is incompatible with our Christian faith.. and does not serve life."

America's War on Islam (tags)

the unreported war

People of All Faiths to Wear Hijab on Sept. 11th (tags)

As a protest against persecution of Muslims, a local peace activist has launched a campaign asking people to show that not all Americans are bigots by adorning themselves with symbols of the Islamic faith (Hijab head scarf for women or Kufi skull cap for men) on September 11th.

“Innocents Abroad” Trek from San Diego to Gaza (tags)

When Larry Hampshire, Faith Attaguile and Hany El-Saldany signed on with an international convoy bringing supplies and vehicles to the people of the occupied Palestinian province of Gaza, they had so little insight into what they were getting into that they called their program “Innocents Abroad” when they reported on their experience to the Peace and Democracy Action Group of the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest May 6. They faced opposition mostly from the government of Egypt — including a police riot, the confiscation of their passports and the arrest of seven members — but they also had strong support from the people in the countries they went through, especially in the Middle East (Turkey, Syria, Jordan). Their presentation sparked a wide-ranging discussion about the prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian peace and whether the so-called “two-state solution” (a separate Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza next to Israel) is still practical or desirable.

Who Are You Working For? (tags)

Beginning with the campaigns for the 2008 elections political activism has hit peaks the likes of which haven’t been this consistent for decades. From all over the spectrum people are energized for causes close to their hearts. In doing so most end up selecting people they believe in to support for candidates in elections. Some of those candidates are sincere in their causes. We know not to expect perfect people nor every promise made kept, but we should count on some of promises, especially major ones, checked off.

Faith is Breakthrough (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard spoke of faith as a "leap across seventy-thousand fathoms of water." He sought to introduce Christianity into comfortable Danish Christendom. The language of proclamation runs crosswsays to the language of time. The me-society, the majority society, is lost.


On Wednesday, The Honorable Judge Manuel Real adjourned Alex's bail appeal hearing and ordered that the proceedings be continued Monday, August 17th, 2009


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greets the resumption of exploratory talks towards the resumption of peace negotiation between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) this coming weeks with guarded optimism We express elation whenever the peace process moves forward after almost five years of being stalled due to the intransigence and lack of good faith on the part of the US-Arroyo regime.

Capitalism as Religion (tags)

"The basic trust in capital still exists. Modern capitalism has gained a firm place in our subconscious. The debacle of the global financial markets should have led to a rethinking long ago. But the culprits will probably get off lightly because the capitalist system is held as divinely ordained."

God is Dangerous (tags)

Faith and religion could be a force for peace after militarism and intolerance are excised as false corrupted consciousness. Prejudice could be a stepping stone to the event of understanding, the fusion of horizons (H.G.Gadamer,Truth and Method).

The Angels on the Economy by Doreen Virtue (tags)

Economic conditions are more affected by human beliefs and expectations, than by oil prices or political concerns. This is true for you personally, as well as for everyone globally. Your personal finances are greatly influenced by your expectations and emotions

The Nature of the Christian Faith and the New Atheism (tags)

New atheism fights against fundamentalism, human religion, sees all violence as the product of faith, doesn't recognize the positive good in the church and theology and conflates all faith with fundamentalist literalism and reductionism. That Jesus is the way means no mone is alone.

Faith Based Groups Add Their Support to Prominent Union’s Platform for Change (tags)

Faith based organizations from across the country have lent their support to a California union’s fight to keep the labor movement democratic. United Healthcare Workers–West (UHW–West) is involved in a major dispute with its international union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) over member involvement and democracy. The UHW–West Executive Board, led by President Sal Rosselli, recently ratified a Platform for Change that outlines a strategy to build a democratic, member-run union with the mission of truly improving workers’ lives. The faith based groups supporting this effort believe that UHW-West’s platform is the best way to ensure that workers have a real voice in running their unions. “The absence of individual voice leads to a dictatorship, said Archbishop Eric Tan Ong Veloso. “That is the reason we support UHW-West leaders Sal Rosselli and Administrative Vice President Jay Valencia’s principled stand for the union and its members.”

New Year Sermon (tags)

God waits in the tomorrow. The orientation in Jesus Christ goes beyond all the technical achievements of our time. The navigation system is trust. Thomas only receives an answer because he questions. If Jesus is the way, no one is alone on this way.

Egoism versus Pluralism: The Crucifix Decision (tags)

The truth of faith can only prevail without worldly authority through the word of proclamation. The Christian chruch must affirm pluralism relativizing its own existence. The state has the task of limiting egoism.

Hate Preachers in Action (tags)

Many evangelics feel tricked by "born again" Bush on account of his lies about the Iraq war and his failure to honor the financing promises for welfare institutions. By Nov 2006, only $16 million was paid instead of the $6 billion promised in the election campaign.

Faith is More than Morality (tags)

With Jesus, there are only two models and two basic movements that ethically train a person. One leads from the heart of a person outwards in ever-greater distance. The other leads downwards from the heights where one stands. The first is loving. The second is descending.

From the Market of Religions to the Religion of the Market (tags)

The democratic order became concrete as a form of the market. While a secular state forms around the market, the market ceases being merely profane. The market as a fate religion accepts and rejects like a Calvinist God,

Israelis' faith in their democracy is lower than ever (tags)

As the country prepares for the selection of a new defense minister and president, in votes that could decide the government's fate, Israelis are more disillusioned than ever with their elected officials, according to findings released by the Israel Democracy Institute on Sunday.

Christianity without Christ (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce Christianity into Christendom when the state religion had become confortable and indistinguishable from the world. Kierkegaard like Boff calls us to authenticity in a world of reversible cups and self-righteousness.

A Theological Balance by Dorothee Soelle (tags)

Believing in love is more than worshipping the heavenly button-pusher.. Our way of life and politics separate us from Jesus' life, not what happens in the bedroom.. Learning to share is a feminist project annulling the oldest injustice.

Globalization - Christian Life in the One World (tags)

In the Bible, justice is always measured in the well-being of the weakest. Freedom could be understood as bond to community, not egomania. People are not commodities or a mass. There are no superfluous persons or superfluous continents. Ms Kassmann is a Lutheran bishop.

Christmas Sermon - Understanding Faith (tags)

No one is excluded from the Christmas prophet in the prophet Isaiah: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Biblical faith in its core is trust in God, not in ourselves.

Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion (tags)

Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion


It is my grave concern that American workers, especially Christian workers, and others who snub wisdom in spite of, or in lieu of faith, be paid on time, and on their regularly scheduled payday. Therefore I demand that Bush pay me what he owes me on time or God will surely torture him in hell for a minimum of 500 years. The current balance due would be about 100 million dollars.

The Pope's Evil Legend (tags)

There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of "Islamofascism" and the "Global War on Terrorism"--when "terrorism" has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush's handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world's oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers' expedition becomes a Crusade.

Prof. Jonathan Turley: “Stop Being a Country of Chumps!” (tags)

A conference was held on 09/18/06 at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), in Baltimore, to celebrate the birthday of the U.S. Constitution. One of the speakers was Professor Jonathan Turley of the GWU’s School of Law. He accused George W. Bush of creating an “uber presidency” and violating the “Separation of Powers” doctrine. He also blasted the two-party system as a monopoly. Prof. Turley said: “We need another political party!”

Muslims: The New Jews (tags)

As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or nationality.

Interview with Jurgen Moltmann (80) (tags)

Hope is a power in this life to begin life again, to be reborn in an affirmation of life from deep depression.. Hope continues like a star over our life.. We developed political theology to break through this prison `religion is a private matter'.

Haifa's Baha'i temple - a tempting target for Hizbullah? (tags)

Haifa's Baha'i temple - a tempting target for Hizbullah?

SCFs have won the political dialectic! (tags)

“First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi

Bush supporter, please take down your American flag (tags)

One page printable/downloadable handout aimed at Bush supporters points out why now is the time to abandon their American flags, support our troops magnets, and Christian symbols. Suggestion to download from included link, print out, and distribute.

Pope asks God why he 'tolerated' Holocaust (tags)

I always thought god approved of the Holocaust? Or since god doesnt exist i guess i would say that the pope approved of the Holocaust. Wasnt the vatican sleeping with the big wigs of both the Nazi Germany and the Fasist Italy at the time of the Holocaust happened? For that matter I think that the Vatican got its status as a country because of deals it cut with the Italian government.

Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing (tags)

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

The New Creation of All Things (tags)

Christ's end was his true beginning. If Christian hope is reduced to the deliverance of the soul in a heaven beyond death, then its life-renewing and world-changing power is lost..The hope of Jews and Christians is also hope for the nations and hope for the earth.

Call to Action by Dolores Mission (tags)

ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE FOR COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM at La Placita Olvera (Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish) 10:00 am, Friday, February 24

Resistant Chrisianity by Dorothee Soelle (tags)

Resistance is part of our nature as antibodies are part of our bodies. If Christianity is conformist and not revolutionary, it is only a caricature. Dorothee saw Christianity as ecumencial, feminist and mystical and as passion for justice.

Stanley Tookie Williams Vengeance or Justice (tags)

On Black Entertainment Television on Friday night, the Bloods, notorious rival to Tookie Williams' Crips gang, offered up their guns in exchange for Tookie's life. The arsenal was impressive, and the gesture unequivocal. Report from a viewer below. Boldface added.

No Room for Grace: Book Review (tags)

If abundance of life for all people is the heart of the biblical vision, economic thinking focuses on the shortage of resources.. Not subjecting everything to the market-benefit-calculus is vital.

The Bush Staff Goes To Morals School (tags)

Ethics morals and .........and the hush hush about Larry Franklin full links:

Canadian Treasury says uncle to Royal Jubilee Petition (tags)

This petiton to the Queen you will read below was replied to by her majesty's Royal Secretary and caused the Treasury Board of Canada to be sat down and briefed as to it's explicit accuracy by the senior analyst for the Canadian Treasury Board. Since Slavery is implied in this petition and it was verified as correct by treasury we can all wake up to the truth we are indeed slaves and must review our options.

The Future of Theology (tags)

"The social state is dismantled in favor of the globalization of industry..The democratic idea of equality is incompatible with ever-greater inequalities..If globalization produces third world conditions, theology of liberation logically becomes universal.."

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

On Monday, Allan Espiritu , a longtime Oxnard resident and a man of deep religious faith, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Iraq.

American Suicide (tags)

If Jeffery will permit ... here is my take on America the Beautiful and America the free.

Avakian: Religion is Religion, Communism is Scientific (tags)

A Leap of Faith and a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods This article was written by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, in response to a letter that sent to him. In addition to attacking communism, that letter also argued against the scientific viewpoint and method and insisted that atheism is just another form of religion. This article by Chairman Avakian speaks to a number of points in that letter but focuses on the fundamental difference between a communist and scientific outlook and method on the one hand and, on the other hand, a religious worldview which relies on "leaps of faith."

!6th Annual Pastors for Peace Caravan Get's on The Road (tags)

The 16th Friendshipment to Cuba is underway, expected to arrive in Los Angeles July 12th!

Human Dignity is Inviolable (tags)

The Christian faith is obviously losing ground. Disorientation and superstition spread. The merciless religionof the market has long replaced faith in the humanitarian God..Act so you always trat people as ends in themselves and never as means to an end (Kant).

UC Research and Technical Workers Set to Strike on May 26th (tags)

UC Research and Technical Workers Set to Strike on May 26th

Jews, Christians and Messianic Consciousness (tags)

God will be all in all! This article encourages the Jewish-Christian dialogue by criticizing the church's anti-Jewish disinheriting. Dog-matism and intolerance threaten to turn living water into a frozen waterfall. Without the origin, the present and future dry up.

Philosophers' Cafe (on sex!) (tags)

April 4th A Dialogue on Values, Faith and the Public Square

The Power of Money and Expectation (tags)

Money is a means of power over people and not only a means of exchange.. The expectation of the future gives us strength in the present.. God's love is boundless and refers to public life and economic and political conditions as much as to the individual heart.

The Progressive Muslim Union, North America (tags)

Regarding the formation of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America


Good-hearted Christians are rising up against Bush's compassionless regime of fear, greed, and arrogant imperialism. They're reclaiming "the radical message of Christ‘s love--the perfect love that casts out fear." They're putting faith into action and urging others to join them in voting for change on November 2.

Confronting Christophobic Thugs (tags)

Where Can Liberals Go to Get Respect? (tags)

Libertarian logic is circular -- If something isn't working, the solution is always the same: We need even freer markets and even less regulation -- without a mystical faith in free markets, their arguments fall apart.

Imagine A Noncoercive Society (tags)

John Lennon forgot to imagine no government. Why? because he was brainwashed in government state training camps and couldn't think independently.

Pamphlet against the False Prophet, George W. Bush (tags)

"Sorry, Mr. president, you don't serve the God who liberates through grace and patience, love and affection. You serve a god with Texan features..You have dishonored thousands and tens of thousands of fathers and mothers.. Mr. president, be not anxious.".

Hip Hop Missionary (tags)

A trip with the Missionaries, to Oaxaca, Mexico,leads to unexpected revelations for one student.

Let there be light (tags)

faith based solar initiative

europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)

europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"

Hitler too was Undone (tags)

Kennedy said once that, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

Judaism And Zionism Are (tags)

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night.

SOA 86 Sentencing Statement (tags)

" is the U.S. Government and the U.S. Army who are guilty of crimes: the crimes of fraud and terrorism carried out by the proxy agents of U.S. policy trained at this school, and the subsequent cover-up that has ensued, which, in the end, further demonstrates the corruption and moral and ethical bankruptcy present."

If your enemy is hungry... feed him. (tags)

There is a grassroots campaign underway to protest war in Iraq in a simple, but potentially powerful way.

Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing.. I asked myself whether or not Andersen meant scientific reason.." This sermon is translated from the German.

Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam (tags)

Notwithstanding the recent avalanche of popular writing on Islam, most Americans still know very little about this misunderstood faith and its 1.2 billion adherents worldwide. In American popular culture today, terrorism and Islam have become synonymous. In this engaging, evenhanded, and highly readable book, one of America's foremost experts on contemporary Islam seeks to correct popular misconceptions about this faith.

Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam (tags)

Notwithstanding the recent avalanche of popular writing on Islam, most Americans still know very little about this misunderstood faith and its 1.2 billion adherents worldwide. In American popular culture today, terrorism and Islam have become synonymous. In this engaging, evenhanded, and highly readable book, one of America's foremost experts on contemporary Islam seeks to correct popular misconceptions about this faith.

Catholic Church allowed horrific Sexual Abuse... (tags)

Is there any greater trauma to a child than rape? Is there any violation of faith than to destroy a child's faith in God? Well we ever care enough about children to protect them from these creatures? They should be exterminated!

Leap of Faith- Lord Mori Gallery (tags)

- Lord Mori Gallery by enid baxter blader 5:44pm Sat Dec 1 '01 This is an image from the Leap of Faith show at the Lord Mori gallery in Chinatown

Leap of Faith- Lord Mori Gallery (tags)

This is an image from the Leap of Faith show at the Lord Mori gallery in Chinatown

Leap of Faith- Lord Mori Gallery (tags)

This is an image from the Leap of Faith show at the Lord Mori gallery in Chinatown

Faith in corporate media is rooted in authoritarianism (tags)

This may be obvious to some

c'Love obituary (tags)

Local Artist, C'Love, Has Passed Away There will be a service for her at the Women's Center on the UCSD campus from 2 until 5 on July 22.

National Meeting of the Oct 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality. Feb 2-4 (tags)


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