fix articles 17443, theologian
Epilogue to a Life: Dorothee Soelle (tags)
Dorothee Soelle combined political activism and mysticism, unconventional thinking and passion for life. This epilogue written by her partner, the theologian and former Benedictine monk Fulbert Steffensky, reveals the feistyness and childlikeness of the liberation theologian.
Leonardo Boff: Eternal Rebel and Liberation Theologian (tags)
Francis called all beings and living organisms brothers and sisters.. Francis lived hundreds of years ago but may be more current than many people nowadays. He is a new person and we are old in the sense of this ecological attitude.
Griffin Seals Case for WTC Demolition, Calls on NY Times to End Coverup (tags)
In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer,t he highest name in Germany, was put to death in the Flossen-berg concentration camp on April 9, 1945. In extreme situations, the question how a future generation can live is primary, not how one can come out the affair blamelessly.