fix articles 1740, building Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : building


The Solution is Social Housing (tags)

The Swedish government set a goal of building 1 million new units in the mid-1960s when the population was only 8 million (or about the same size as New York City). Despite a few setbacks and problems, this goal was achieved in less than a decade — We suggest that 10 million new municipal housing units would be a viable ten-year goal.

Support Prosfygika Squat in Athens/Greece (tags)

We address this call to collectives and individuals all around the world – in the frame of the solidarity campaign to our project – to join with any means they are capable of to our efforts!

Shoftim: Building The Tzadik State Of Israel (tags)

Goal of a Tzadik State of Israel: a Just, Prosperous and God-Centered Society.

Forty Years to the Resettlement of Beit Hadassah in Hebron (tags)

Hebron Has Been Jewish For Over 3,000 Years. King David Established It, As The Capital of His Kingdom, Before Jerusalem. Its Only Normal That Jews Live There.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 52 (tags)

the great anne frank swindle

Steven Taylor, Investor who Evicts (tags)

"He buys buildings with the explicit intention of bringing in new people, with no care for those whose lives are very deliberately uprooted in the process — rent-controlled tenants have pretty good protections against arbitrary evictions, so it’s just not a simple matter of asking them to leave."

Setback for Developer of SC Farm Land (tags)

Judge: Environmental Impact Report of PIMA warehouses must be revisited.

Housing as Infrastructure (tags)

Housing as a human right is sometimes superseded by the right of speculation. Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (a Federal program), non-profit or cooperative housing and SROs (single room occupancy) are solutions to the housing crisis.

Archbishop and Religious Groups Hold Puerto Rico Prayer Vigil at US Capitol (tags)

As Congress considers recovery and relief packages for hurricane-hit Puerto Rico, the island's Archbishop and national religious groups are holding a vigil in a Congressional office building on Wednesday.

Son Of Vietnam War Criminal Opts For Social Sanity (tags)

It is either walls or bones if it goes on any further, says Vitus Marker, son of army commander Widukind Marker, in the notorious Marker case over the removal of a phoney family home erected by the provincial government without clear order or convincing purpose. Marker argues if it were to turn out true that the building was specifically made for but not formally offered to him, and that it is cause for insanity of his father, and that a removal of the building could provide a circumstantial perspective for healing, then he does prefer the healing over the building.

May 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

20 uni students occupied an uni admin building in solidarity with 3 other arrested students, they all got repressed and arrested as did a journalist who answered their call to accompany them and cover what was happening, who was also beaten and tortured by security guards and then by police. A journalist who covers local corruption and gives coverage to local protests against a hydroelectricity dam received a chain of threats, to add onto old threats and aggressions. And, as usual council officials, who illegally sold ancestral land of a Garífuna community gets away with it, while an community activist gets arrested and charged for usurping their own ancestral land. A cameraperson for a media outlet has 6 gunshots fired at his body on his way home from work and is gravely injured. This and other abuses, happened in May 2017 in Honduras, read here

Renters Pay the Bill for Market Failure and State Failure (tags)

The extensive privatizations of the last 15 years have contributed to a market radicalization. Privatization was the door opener for the growing influence of financial market logic in housing. Developing a cooperative or nonprofit sector is a necessary and feasible alternative.

Venezuela Reveals New Evidence Against Opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez (tags)


Gaza in Ruins a Year After Israeli Aggression (tags)


Prearing for War Opposite Ways (tags)


The Rent Control Quandary (tags)

Why Rent Control is needed in most major cities.

Lawless Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Demonstration in Los Angeles: In Solidarity with Kobani (tags)

Date: October 12, 2014 at 04:00, PM Address: In front of the the Federal Building in Westwood,11000 Wilshire Blvd #1000, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA

Kiev Cluster Bombs Lugansk (tags)


Kiev Uses Chemical Weapons (tags)


Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account (tags)


Ukraine at War (tags)


Fascist Police Attack Anti-Maidan Protesters (tags)


Protesting Xavier Becerra's Support of TPP (tags)

“Hey Becerra, you can't hide—we can see your corporate side!”

New People's Daily Building in China (tags)

Gawkers cannot believe shape of Chinese newspaper’s sizable HEADquarters. People can't help but notice the similarity of the new building for the People's Daily newspaper to male anatomy.

Israel Wants Walls, not Peace (tags)


Ghost Village Beitin (tags)


Residents Unite To Protect Homeowners & Firemen (tags)

“The safety and health of residents and our first responders are our greatest concern,” said resident Jeffrey Lynn

Santa Cruz Eleven Court Report: Brent Adams (tags)

The court follies continues as the 4 remaining local Occupy activists have their felony jury trial is rescheduled to March 2014.

Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin! (tags)

On April 24 "Rana Plaza" a 9-storey building in an industrial suburb of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh (14 million), collapsed on about 3,500 workers (their number is not known precisely) working there. The building contained five textile factories, as well as a bank and many shops. The official present death toll is 1128, the number of injured is unknown. Most of the victims are women, who constitute 80 to 90% of the workforce in the Bangladeshi textile industry.

US Hatched Terror Plots (tags)

state terror

Lodge Squat Provided Housing for Many in SF (tags)

After a two year run, The Lodge, a San Francisco squat started by Homes Not Jails, came to an end on March 15.

Occupy Fights Foreclosure Protests $10 billion Settlement (tags)

Occupy Fights Foreclosure openly denounces the $10 billion settlement

Netanyahu: Unfit to Serve (tags)


What's Wrong with San Diego's City Finances? (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality heard a presentation July 26 from "Paradise Plundered" author Vladimir Kogan. The book, co-written with professors Steven P. Erie and Scott A. MacKenzie, argues that San Diegans have long wanted their city government to do far more in services than they're willing to pay for in taxes -- and recently they and the politicians seeking to lead the city, most notably Right-wing Queer Mayoral front-runner Carl DeMaio, have been scapegoating city workers and their unions for the city's pension crisis and other financial shortfalls.

May Day NYC on WBAI (tags)

LA, let's bring up our media game!

Building a Progressive Counterforce to ALEC (tags)

Katrina vanden Heuvel is editor of The Nation. Mark Enlger is an author and contributing writer to Dissent magazine.

Indybay Journalists Charged with Felony: Conspiracy to Make Media (tags)

SANTA CRUZ, CA — District Attorney Bob Lee has embarked on a full frontal assault against independent media in Santa Cruz by including four regular contributors to the independent news website amongst the eleven people charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors after the occupation of a vacant bank building on November 30th, 2011. District Attorney Lee apparently believes it is his duty to dictate how events such as the occupation of the vacant bank at 75 River Street should be reported on by the media, and if he does not approve of the coverage, then journalists risk the DA bringing charges against them.

(VIDEO) Workshop: Capacity Building for the Long Haul (tags)

Jenna Peters-Golden of Philly Stands Up and AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) Collective presents a workshop on capacity building for radical organizations.

Targeting Free Expression (tags)


UCR Occupied in Defense of Education (tags)

Thursday, January 19, 2012
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Thousands of students, workers, and community members gathered to participate in the governance of the UC system. When their participation was limited and ultimately shut off, they took direct action to ensure their voices were heard. For this, they were confronted by police from numerous agencies. Police violence broke out, and three arrests were made.

Queer-Oriented Obelisk Store Shut Down by Hellish Fire (tags)

Obelisk Bookstore, a major Queer-oriented business on University Avenue in Hillcrest, burned on Wednesday, July 6. Three other businesses in the building were burned out, as were 15 apartments on the second and third floors. Miraculously, none of the residents were injured because none of them were home at the time. Leo E. Laurence, J.D., associate editor of Zenger's Newsmagazine and a former volunteer firefighter in Tijuana, got photos of firefighters containing the blaze (they weren't able to save the Obelisk building but WERE miraculously able to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the block), the true extent of the damage (visible only from the alley behind the building) and the condition of Obelisk's stock after the fire.

Chandler Arizona City Councilmen and Councilwomen (tags)

These are the Chandler elected officials who let their cops park anywhere they want at the Chandler City Hall building

San Diego Hosts Three May Day Rallies (tags)

San Diego hosted no fewer than three rallies on Sunday, May 1 — one between the Centro Cultural de la Raza and World Beat Center in Balboa Park, followed by a march to the Federal Building downtown where the second rally was held, and a third at the San Diego Community Concourse that united the participants with another set of marchers, who had assembled earlier in the morning in Chicano Park, also for a walk downtown. The rally speakers focused on a wide variety of progressive issues — workers’ rights, education cutbacks, health care, immigrants’ rights, war and peace, Queer liberation — and attempted to draw connections between them and psych the participants for the long struggle ahead to preserve and extend those rights in the face of a relentless assault on them by the radical Right.

TMI Anniversary-anti-nuke (tags)

Three Mile Island anniversary...LA, Monday protest

$2.5 million loan to affordable housing developer places low-income renters into debt (tags)

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), one of Oakland's largest non profit housing developers, places low-income renters at risk of high rents or displacement by borrowing $2.5 million to renovate the 21 unit building they reside in!

Live From the Egyptian Revolution (tags)

I grew up in Egypt. I spent half my life here. But Saturday, when my plane from JFK airport touched down in Cairo, I arrived in a different country than the one I had known all my life. This is not Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt anymore and, regardless of what happens, it will never be again.

Mr (tags)

9/11 truth is out on the internet This is the truth - The WTC was destroyed by 3 thermo-nuclear explosions.

U.S. Election 2012: Weak Labor Demands, Bad News for Obama (tags)

Alexander says he has a plan that will create employment for working people; he refers to his plan as “A Better Deal.” Alexander’s plan would create employment in housing restoring existing homes and building low income housing; automobile manufacturing building electric cars and light rail automobiles; building mass transportation; and repairing the nation’s infrastructure. Establishing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is one unique element of A Better Deal. Alexander is proposing a UBI that will help to relieve poverty and homelessness.

Socialism Alive and Kicking in Los Angeles (tags)

Los Angeles Socialists and other community leaders organized in Westchester to discuss growing membership, building a united front and taking action.

Threats of violence from a "Buddhist Monk" (tags)

I just spent two months in Brazil volunteering for the New Kadampa Tradion International Temples Project... And was threatened with violence on three occasions by the monk in charge of the project. Others were also singled out for verbal abuse by this nut case. Be carefull before you volunteer for the NKT!!

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Have you heard of Building 7? (tags)

A group of 9/11 family members have produced a TV ad campaign called “BuildingWhat?” to raise awareness of the collapse of this building.

Arts District Artist Wins Law Suit For All Artist's Rights - Wurstkuche Restaurant Looses (tags)

Court ruling in case # LAM 10M07169 against Wurstkuche Restaurant said: "Nighttime operations causing excess noise constitutes private nuisance even if the use is permitted by city." A ruling in David Goldner's favor.

Electoral Coup d'Etats (tags)

Examples on world, national and condo levels

Is the LA Arts District being slapped in the face by Paul Solomon? (tags)

Developer Paul Solomon trying to rezone an existing AIR buildings back into warehouse...

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

LA Arts District Restaurant, Wurstkuche, in Defiance of City "Order to Comply" (tags)

“Order to Comply” ignored by Wurstkuche Restaurant as of September 24th, 2010. Illegal use of Artist in Residence loft continues late into the nights...

Arts District Developer / Landlord Paul Solomon in Defiance of City's "Order to Comply". (tags)

“Order to Comply” ignored by Paul Solomon as of September 24th, 2010. Illegal use of Artist in Residence building continues...

How to Spend this Day (tags)

"The right way to spend this day is to demand the truth through a new and truly independent investigation. Why do you think they melted the evidence down and sent it too be buried in third World landfills?"

Wurstkuche Restaurant Sued by Artist Neighbor (tags)

Wurstkuche Restaurant sued for the illegal use of an Artist in Residence unit in LA Arts District.



Mother Teresa snubbed by Empire State Building owner (tags)

The owner of the Empire State Building, Anthony Milkin refused to honor Mother Teresa by switching on it's lights for her birthday celebration. Mr. Malkin pointed out that "Billions of dollars she raised is unaccounted for and that she took money from many awful regimes in Central America". Abuses at her clinics have been documented by reliable sources and are the subject of two books including the "Missionary Position". WELL DONE ANTHONY.

Top Serect - 2 Long but interesting articles on the NSA along with waste and bureaucray (tags)

Top Secret - 2 long but interesting articles from the Washington post on the NSA and the mind numbing bureaucracy and waste that goes on there. If you don't have time stash these two article off some where and read them later.

Crooked Toyota Poway El Cajon Owner Vincent Castro Fighting Workers Comp For Mold Illness (tags)

Vincent Toyota Poway El Cajon owner is involved in criminal conspiracy to limit his liability for workers sickened by mold at the Toyota dealership in El Cajon, California

Representative David Dreier (R-CA) Violates Civil Rights (tags)

June 14, 2010 On June 10, 2010, disabled member Bob Maschi went to Representative David Dreier’s office at 510 East Foothill Boulevard, Suite 201, San Dimas, CA. 91773. Representative Dreier is a Republican and member of the House of Representatives for California's 26th Congressional District. Representative Drier’s office is located on the second floor of an office building that does not have an elevator – a stairway is the only way up.

200,000 march in Arizona (tags)

Report from the protest in Arizona


Strike: the Americans still to remind what means this word?

CA Candidate Leonard James Martin Commends Tesla for not Building at Downey Toxic Dump Sit (tags)

Candidate Leonard J. Martin has commended the decision of Tesla Motors Inc. not to build a green electric assembly plant at the contaminated toxic dump site in Downey, California. He also called for an investigation of sickness by Los Angeles County Of Education employees LACOE whose offices are located next to the site.

Landlord Crybabies Forced To Ellis Because Landlording Became So Unpleasant (tags)

If being a landlord is so unpleasant, why don't you just sell your building without evicting the tenants?


An employee of the bank that burned speaks out here -- a different perspective from what's pedaled by the capitalist media apparatus. PLEASE SPREAD THIS FAR AND WIDE...

Video: UCLA Students Murphy Hall Sit-in (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA CAMPUS – March 4, 2010 – 1:00 pm PST - At least 200 Students marched into Murphy Hall in an attempt to deliver to UCLA chancellor Gene Block a list of demands. Instead they were greeted by UCPD offices who prevented access into the chancellor’s office. Undaunted, the Students then read their demands via megaphone outside in hopes that those inside would hear them. Still with no response the Students declared a sit-in until the chancellor would come to meet with them. Uploaded is video from the action.


The Philippine Embassy Chancery on Bataan St. in Washington is an expression of the state of the Philippines Today. Old, decrepit and ailing like the Philippine economy propped up by the remittances of Filipino workers abroad. The ECPP NEWS elarned this from the Filipino writer Rodney Jaleco who said; “ blast from the past, the historic Philippine chancery finally reopens its doors in a few weeks. The old chancery stands opposite the present Philippine Embassy building along Massachusetts Ave. NW. It was purchased in the 1930s by Resident Commissioner (the Philippine representative to the US Congress) Joaquin Elizalde. It served as the seat of the Philippine government-in-exile during World War II.

Shut down LA March 4th! Mtgs (tags)

On March 4th cities across California and thorughout the nation will engage in strikes, work stoppages, occupations, and rallies for public education

Nazi Holocaust Deniers Move to Fountain Valley (tags)

The Nazi and Holocaust deniers of the Institute for Historical Review with it's Jew hating "director" Mark Weber have moved from its base in Costa Mesa to a new location in Fountain Valley, California.

Free Mumia! Los Angeles Rejects High Court's Ruling (tags)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LOS ANGELES - Despite heavy rain, a group of about 30 people attended a demonstration for the freedom of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The last-minute action was organized by anti-racist activists who were reacting to the overturning of a judgment that favored the condemned journalist. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals had overturned Abu-Jamal's death sentence, finding that the judge in the case had failed to properly instruct members of the jury to consider possible mitigating circumstances during sentencing. However, the Supreme Court overturned the lower court's decision, opening up the possibility that Abu-Jamal, who has always maintained his innocence, could return to death row.


“Why don’t we just get nooses for everyone of those lowlifes and hang them from a tree? They’re used to that kind of treatment anyway!” read the message on an email sent to upscale co-op residents of a redevelopment project smack right in the middle of a Harlem neighborhood last October. The anonymous post which originated from one of the units within the co-op added: “I hope you all agree that the best thing that has happened to Harlem is gentrification. Let’s get rid of these ‘people’ and improve the neighborhood once and for all.”

Report Back From Inside the Occupation of Campbell Hall, UCLA (tags)

LOS ANGELES – November 21, 2009 – Just after midnight in the early hours of Thursday November 19th a group of about 30 students seized Campbell Hall on the UCLA campus and began their occupation of the building. The building was renamed Carter Higgins Hall in honor of the two black liberation activists who were assassinated by the FBI on the UCLA campus during the sixties. The takeover was in response to the current budget crisis and to quote from the students’ statement; “reaches beyond the Regents, beyond the criminal budget cuts in Sacramento, beyond the economic crisis, to the very foundations of our society”.

Campbell Hall de-occupied last night at 6pm (tags)

Witness at the scene last night reports that the occupation of Campbell Hall ended last night at about 6 pm.

Students occupy Campbell Hall at UCLA (tags)

Students have taken over Campbell Hall at UCLA in protest of police brutality and privatization.


DVA DON’T DELAY, SPEED UP THE CLAIMS, YOU’RE BUSTED! Hundreds of protestors led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)- a national alliance of veterans, youth marched from Historic Filipinotown in the Temple-Beverly corridor towards downtown Los Angeles to the Federal building to dramatize their protest against long delays and slow-processing of the veterans claims. The JFAV protest march started from FACLA compound at 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. The march started at 10; 15 AM after an hour program inside the FACLA social hall. While scores of veterans, widows and seniors rode on vehicles provided by JFAV, hundreds of students from different colleges and universities marched the 2-mile route from Temple St to the federal building. This is the second march by the community led alliance towards downtown LA. The first was in 1997.

Israel's Ofra Settlement on Unauthorized Palestinian Land (tags)

more Israeli land theft

A Cave By Any Other Name (tags)

The warranty of habitability, the landlord’s guarantee that he will provide you a unit with more amenities than a cave or a cardboard box, is implied in every lease, written or verbal. Unfortunately, many landlords think their properties should perform like an annuity—that the rent should just roll in, like interest, while the landlord does nothing to maintain them.

Obama's secret surrender to Israel (tags)

Will be signed in London on Aug. 26, 2009.

Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.

South Side Alderman Decides Not To Pursue Eminent Domain (tags)

City planned to take Latino family land to sell to neighboring business for their 5.7 million expansion

Sat. June 20: Stop Killing Innocent People in IRAN (tags)

In protest to the fraud in the Iran ’ s presidential election and brutality of the government against peaceful demonstrations in Iran, Iranian and non-Iranian students are gathering in front of the LA Federal Building

Over 70 Activists Stage Marriage Equality Sit-in at S.D. County Clerk’s Office (tags)

Over 70 marriage equality activists occupied the office of the San Diego County Clerk Wednesday, May 27 as a protest against the California Supreme Court’s ruling that Proposition 8, which restricts marriage in California to one man and one woman, is constitutional. Michael Anderson and Brian Baumgardner led the action by demanding a marriage license, and other Queer couples followed suit. The event ended peacefully, with no arrests, when the crowd dispersed an hour after the official closing time of the building.

Highland Park Adds a Garden (tags)

Highland Park recently added the newest community garden to the growing list of those in and around Los Angeles, when the Milagro Allegro Community Garden broke ground on February 21, 2009.

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

Join the SCIC this Wednesday 01/21/2009 for an Immigrant Rights Rally (tags)

Rally at the Federal Building demanding an end to the ICE Raids, and full legalization for immigrants. Wednesday, Januray 21, 2009 at 5:00pm

Silent Vigil to End the Occupation (tags)

Martin Luther King Day, Monday, Jan. 19, 11 AM--silent vigil to end the occupation--end the war--end the conflict. bring signs. Westwood Federal building sidewalk....Veteran and Wilshire...

Local Groups Join Forces to Oppose Gaza Offensive (tags)

Demonstration at the Federal Building in downtown L.A.

01-10-09 Free Palestine (4) (tags)

4th set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood. (video only)

01-10-09 Free Palestine (3) (tags)

3rd set set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood

how to build solidarity and revolutionary movements (tags)

news reports come in from all over the world about attrocities against civilians and nations who have consistently been abused by the first and second world. lately there have been calls for building solidarity, and rightly so. but what are the important steps towards reaching this goal?

Jan. 10: Mass March & Rally in Los Angeles for Gaza (tags)

Take to the streets of Los Angeles for a mass march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building (11000 Wilshire Blvd.) on Saturday, Jan. 10. Everyone should build for this protest, which is a coordinated National Day of Action for Gaza. Bring all of your family, friends, coworkers, fellow students and everyone you know.

12/30: Latest Lists of Protest Worldwide Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protests will be schedule at the U.S. and the World on Tuesday December 30 and the following week!

Wednesday (12/24): Reports from Greece (tags)

Big demonstration in solidarity with the arrestees through the main shopping district. The occupations of the university buildings are ending and more actions are planned.

Monday+Tuesday (12/22-23): Reports from Greece (tags)

Police threating of raiding the Polytechnic University, occupants are not backing down. Protests continue.

Sunday (12/21): Reports from Greece (tags)

Things are usually slow on Sundays and that was the case today. However, many local assemblies took place to decide further actions.

Thursday (12/18): reports from Greece (tags)

Nothing is over, thousands took the streets again!

Occupied building of GSEE (in Greece) (tags)

Since 8 o'clock in the morning the building of GSEE (Patision and Alexandras) is occupied. We declare the building a Liberated Workers' Zone. Open Workers' Assembly at 18.00 The Building is open to all workers all day long.

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece (tags)

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece (tags)

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece

Fraud in the HUD affordable housing program (tags)

Tenants are being paid $3,000 to $5,000 to move out of a newly built HUD, tax credit building

JFAV Oct 10 Nationwide Mass Actions-Fight Racism! (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace! On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.

JFAV Oct 10 Nationwie Mass Actions -A Success! (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace. On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.

Karl Rove detained for crimes against humanity in Claremont (tags)

16 September 2008

CLAREMONT - Over 300 justice activists detained Republican mastermind Karl Rove for over an hour yesterday in Claremont, demanding he be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, democracy, and general moral sensibility. Despite fervent efforts, they were unsuccessful in executing a citizen's arrest.

Progressive San Diego Council Candidate Takes On Developer (tags)

Progressive San Diego City Council candidate Stephen Whitburn held a press conference September 7 to protest a new development proposal for the Hillcrest area that would erect two high-rise towers in a small-scale, intimate neighborhood, adding to traffic congestion and destroying the community's atmosphere. Developer Bruce Lightenberger, also interviewed, said he couldn't care less; he claims that as long as it meets existing zoning, he has an absolute right to build his project and neither the city nor the community can stop him.

RNC Convergence Center in St Paul Raided (tags)

Friday 29th Police Raid Convergence Center in St.Paul RUSH COPY Call in from Brian of TC-IMC at 10:20 pm St. Paul time.

Building Bridges Radio: American Idol - In Reality a Sweatshop (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Report and photos from DNC in Denver (tags)

Photos and report on the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, August 23, 2008.

Architects & Engineers Respond to NIST Final Report on WTC Building 7 - Thurs (tags)

Join the 430 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in this important live (audio) Press Conference as professionals respond to NIST's Final Report on the Mysterious Destruction of WTC Building 7.

Long Beach Mayor Vows to Close Main Library (tags)

Long Beach Mayor Claims that City Will Save Millions by Closing Main Library and keeping branch libraries for longer hours.

"Flipping" Self Help Graphics? (tags)

LA Eastside writer Victoria Delgadillo is following what's happening with the recent sale of SHG to a real estate speculator and "flipper" who is on a house flipping show. Will SHG be flipped away? Click link for full story

Temps and Time Needed 4 Melting Steel of WTC Towers (tags)

With GW Bush regime's frequent and persistant patterns of deceit used to justify invasion of Iraq, why believe the official version of 9/11 Commission on the WTC bombings??


Thanks to everyone who made the first LA Social Forum a success. We had over three hundred and fifty registrations the first two days and handed out 425 programs.

Workers walk off MGM Mirage Dubai World CityCenter Site in Protest (tags)

Union leaders: We'll picket until contractor meets demands for increased safety

Workers walk off MGM Mirage Dubai World CityCenter Site in Protest (tags)

Union leaders: We'll picket until contractor meets demands for increased safety

Report Back From Tacoma Anti-ICE March (tags)

A synopsis from an anarchist

Protect Sacred Sites: Stop Toxic Dumping on O'odham Land (tags)

On March 29, 2008 Traditional O’odham leaders and International Supporters arrived in the small village of Quitovac in the Northern Sonoran State of Mexico to honor the land, the sky, the water, and all life, and to continue organizing to stop the building of a toxic waste dump that’s planned to be placed just a few miles from one of the most sacred ceremony sites of the O’odham.

4/25: Con. Protests New Blackwater Development Near Cal-Mex Border (tags)

“Residents of San Diego County rejected Blackwater’s proposed mercenary training facility in Potrero, and I cannot imagine that San Diegans will feel any differently about Otay Mesa,” said Congressman Filner. “The use of civilian-defense contractors is irresponsible, and should be stopped immediately. Not only are they unaccountable to the Military, the State Department and Congress; they are civilians serving in combat and combat-training. Many have been wounded or have wounded others, and yet, they are not veterans; there is no safety net when they come home. It is criminal to ask civilian men and women to perform the role of the military when they lack the support necessary to return to their civilian lives. The paramilitary-style training conducted at these facilities has no place in our backyards!”

Forty Years Since King: With Dr. Clayborne Carson (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK BELOW


Money for Filipino Veterans, Not for the War! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) with the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP ) and Samahang Pilipino at UCLA will mark the 66th Fall of Bataan Day with a protest rally for equity and justice on April 10, 2008 at 5: 00 PM at the West wood Federal Building at the corner of Veteran and Wilshire Streets.

Sandy Hill Energy Sufficiency: April Fossil Fool's Day in Ottawa (tags)

Neighbors organizing around the tragic energy situation in Ontario, Canada.

Building Bridges Radio: NY : Cafeteria Workers Fed Up; Indian Guest Workers Revolt (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Plan Mexico Is Planned Repression (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Baraka on Obama and Black Liberation (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Building Bridges: Foreclosed: The State of the Dream (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community Labor Report - National Edition Produced by Ken Nash & Mimi Rosenberg *************************

Building Bridges Radio: Unregulated Work in the Global City (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET LINK BELOW

Berlin Commune Fights the Property Developers (tags)

The Köpi in Berlin is famous as one of the last remaining remnants of the city's squat culture from the early 1990s. The building, which is in a desirable location, has now been sold to a property developer -- but the residents aren't giving up without a fight.

Building Bridges: Mass Evictions in New Orleans (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Department of Homeland Security: Border Wall Eminent Domain (tags)

On December 7, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff issued a warning to those land owners who are resisting the building of the apartheid wall. Some of the land owners in the border zone are indigenous and are in danger of having their land forcibly taken over by the DHS to build the wall!

Blood In The Streets Of Oakland: Anniversary Death of Mary Jesus (tags)

In Memory of Mary Jesus... Today December 10, is the 3rd year anniversary death of Mary Jesus, who was hounded to death by Oakland's greedy landoords! Mary Jesus shook up downtown Oakland 3 years ago when she climbed onto the Oakland Tribune Tower and tossed down 100s of copies of a suicide note denouncing the plight of Oakland renters before leaping to a tragic bloody death...

McCarthy Building Contractors building new UC Berkeley vivisection lab (tags)

McCarthy Building Companies, with offices in Southern California, has plans to build a new vivisection lab in Berkeley. This would lead to a 70 percent expansion of Berkeley's Northwest Animal Facility.

Building Bridges Radio: Writers Strike for their Future (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

"Beyond Global Climate Change" -- talk at CSULA, Nov. 28 (tags)

A plant biologist looks at ways we can all help with the global warming situation. This event is part of the nationwide Focus The Nation effort.

Building Bridges Radio: Kucinich on Impeachment (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 26.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Waterboarding; Torture, Terror & Security (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Civil Disobedience, Demonstration at Recruiting Center Near Pasadena City College (tags)

“Not long after our arrival, a young man, interested in joining the military, tried to enter the building but was blocked by protesters."

NORAD: From mountain to volcano? Sources say a risky situation is only growing more so (tags)

"In the faster, quicker, cheaper mode of operations, NorthCom is just bypassing [Air Force] test squadrons because they are too stringent and require too much documentation, and, if it doesn't work, they will tell the world," the source said. "NorthCom has set up the fox, Lockheed Martin, to test the henhouse door and certify it works."

Building Bridges Radio: War & Healthcare are SICKO (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Why is the antiwar movement so weak? (tags)

SINCE THE start of the Iraq war, antiwar sentiment has grown dramatically in the U.S. In 2003, 23 percent of the U.S. population thought the U.S. invasion was a mistake. Today, that figure stands at 58 percent.

Building Bridges Radio: The UAW-GM Contract with Jerry Tucker (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW


National MDS Convergence When: Friday, November 9 - Sunday, November 11 Where: Loyola University (North Shore Campus) 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL

Building Bridges Radio:9/11 Health Reports Attacked; Unions Demand 911 Health Care Funds (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Defend Your Right to Resist U.S. War (tags)

Federal authorities have arbitrarily denied permits for the tent-city encampment permits. The political nature of this denial is obvious and should not be tolerated by the anti-war and social justice movement here in Los Angeles or anywhere in the nation.

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics (tags)

he majority of us accept as fact that the current administration manipulates science for political ends.

Techies View Video Link, Two Jolts Recorded, Camera Stopped, Why? (tags)

Federal Crime Syndicates stealing and killing. In the video linked below, I was made to leave a government building in Alabama. It all links back to a murder in San Francisco's financial district and the murder was labeled a suicide. It was around the time of Bush's Sr.'s last vice presidential term.

Building Bridges Radio: Utah Mine Disaster; Midsummer Markets Meltdown (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET LINK BELOW

Federal Building Protest Against Arrest of Elvira Arellano (tags)

Over 100 people protest outside Federal Building in support of Elvira Arellano. Activists re-energized by arrest of migrant mother. Protest march scheduled for Sat. August 25th

Building Bridges Radio: Barbara Ehrenreich Covering the Class War; I.W.W. vs Starbucks (tags)

WBAI'S Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Missing Plane Parts, Other Analyses, Dispute Official Pentagon Tragedy (tags)

The analysis of experts point out the oddities at the Pentagon during one of the most tragic loss-of-life situations in recent United States History.

Building Bridges Radio: Michael Moore Interview - Sicko (tags)


Building Bridges Radio:NYC Residential Construction: This is What the Bottom Looks Like (tags)

WBAI's Buiding Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINKE

Building Bridges Radio:Immigration Debate and Day Care Union Busting in NYC (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: :Immigration Debate and Day Care Union Busting in NYC (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Why bush demolished the WTCs with explosives (tags)

The "2 birds with 1 stone" story

L.A. gang members go union (tags)

'They take that street toughness that puts them into Corcoran or Pelican Bay [state prisons] and put it into this.... What we require is no fear. They're perfect for us.' Robbie Hunter, president of the Ironworkers Union

Building Bridges Radio: India's Economy - The Real Story (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Italian Television the Latest to Enter the “911” Ring (tags)

In late April, Italian Television, Canale 5, aired a segment by that presents many questions to the official story of one of the most tragic events in US History.

Building Bridges Radio: Spying on the Billionaires; ACT UP for Health Care for All (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report National Edition Produced by Mimi Rosenberg & Ken Nash **************************************************

March 25 Begins, Again (tags)

Today's commemoration and kickoff to the May 1 boycott against immigration raids and deportations began today, under the shadow of ICE

12:00, Noon - Protest going on at downtown federal building now. (tags)

Caller estimates 600 to 800 people there now with more said to be arriving. Protesters say they plan join hands and ring the building at some point today if they have the numbers.

Jerry Rubin Breaks Fast, Brings Scroll to Westwood (tags)

Peace activist Jerry Rubin ended his month-long anti-war hunger fast today, and displayed his 1000-foot message scroll for peace at the Westwood Federal Building. Around 100 people attended an adjoining 4th anniversary vigil.

Building Bridges Radio: Taxi Spyware and National Health Care (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Petition:No more Stonewalling from the BBC re WTC 7 (tags)

People, here is a petition on the recent BBC WTC7 scandal. Lets get as many to sign it as possible

March 17 Mass Anti-War Protest in Los Angeles (tags)

On the 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War - Stop the War! Mass March and Rally - Regional Action in LA Live Concert by Ozomatli & Performance by Jackson Browne

Marches Begin Against Racist "Immigration Raids" (tags)

Protesters peacefully marched downtown to the Federal Building. The group said "No more" to the recent ICE raids and arrests against the Mexican and Central American community.

BBC Reported WTC-7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell (tags)

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

BBC Bombshell - Video Evidence of Foreknowledge of Building & Collapse (tags)

While more than a score of New York City Fire Department members have recounted receiving warnings of the collapse of Building 7 starting about an hour and a half before the 5:20 PM collapse, this video is the first piece of video EVIDENCE for foreknowledge of the event. By accident, the BBC reported that the collapse of WTC 7 occurred about 23 minutes before it actually happened, with the building shown still standing behind the woman reporting it had collapsed. Naturally, she was cut off before the real collapse occurred, approximately 5 minutes later.

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC 7 Almost 30 Min Before it Happened (tags)

The 9/11 Inside Job, America's Reichstag Fire, both perpetrated by the ruling class to promote war and fascism to maximize the profits of the capitalist class, continues to be investigated. The latest evidence that the bombings of 9/11/01 were an Inside Job is that the BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade Center almost 30 minutes before it actually happened!


Did BBC make a collosal blunder? Because reporter talks of Salomon Brothers bldg (WTC7) having collapsed when its still standing, and can be seen behind her head!

The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media (tags)

With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.

What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11 (tags)

For a long time its been assumed that the WTC was designed to withstand a 707 flying into it at a low speed. But its now been confirmed that the original design was made to withstand a plane flying at 600 MPH.

James Howard Kunstler: “America, Think Downscale!” (tags)

America is headed for “a long emergence,” according to author, James H. Kunstler. He’s convinced that the days of the economy running on a cheap supply of fast-fading oil will soon be history. He spoke at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 20, 2007. Kunstler said it’s time for the country to think: “Downscale!” He sees hard times ahead. Kunstler also doesn’t think much of how the U.S. looks either. He said much of it is a “piece of crap.”

Update on the Southwest Museum (report and photos) (tags)

Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition recently presented three alternative plans for preserving the facility as a complete museum with additional uses. The Autry National Center, which owns the property, wants to change its use to a cultural center and scale down the exhibition of the Southwest Museum Collection to just a fraction of space, with much of the collection relocated to a yet-to-be-built building in Griffith Park. Among the new features proposed by the Coalition are a scenic restaurant that is being likened to Castaways in Burbank, expanded parking, new space for exhibition of the collection, and a cultural and education center. Council person Huizar said he would oppose Autry’s plan to downsize the original museum.

Bush's Megalomania (tags)

What some called good flowed into chaos.. You wil know them by their fruits. Not even the Pentagon doubts that the fruits of Americans in Baghdad stink.

Building Bridges Radio: Law Students Work To Aid Gulf Coast Residents! (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Personal Account & Photos of the Los Angeles J27 Protest (tags)

A firsthand account of the January 27, 2007 antiwar march in Downtown Los Angeles, with 12 photos taken on the route.

Historic Danish Anarchist Center Faces Destruction (tags)

Undomgshuset, an historic Scandanavian anarchist youth center located in the an historic leftist/communist building, is slated for destruction by the new owners, an ultraconservative Christian sect.


BAGHDAD -- A senior ally of radical Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr warned Friday that thousands of the planned 21,500 extra US troops en route for the war-torn nation would "go home in coffins."

Building Bridges Radio: Rep John Conyers-National Health Care – The Time Has Come (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio:Lights,Camera & No Unions; Restaurant Workers Fight Job Segregation (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Violent protests in Copenhagen - "Ungdomshuset-The Youth House Stays" (tags)

Sunday December 17 - More than 300 demonstrators were arrested in the Danish capital on Saturday after violent clashes between police and youths who were protesting against the planned closure of a youth centre in the city. "Ungdomshuset-The Youth House Stays"

Building Bridges Radio : Goodyear Strikers Roll Over NASCAR Banquet (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio::NYC Taxi Workers Advance and Westchester Day Labor Win (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Evangelical College Student Walks Across Country To Protest War (tags)

Real Christians Don't Choose War

Building Bridges:Religion Gone Bad and Labor Gone Wrong - Politics Today (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Visit Presidential Canidate John McCain and his druggy wife Cindy (tags)

When your in Phoenix visit Senator John McCain and his drug addict wife Cindy at his new yuppie condo at 2211 E. Camelback Road.




Building Bridges Radio: Si Kahn-The Fox in the Henhouse (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK


Below you will see exactly what your tax dollars are doing in the Air Support Division of the LAPD. Not only are they perverts, they harbor child molestors like Rod Bernsen. (accused)...ha. What's the saying.....where there's smoke, there's fire?

Building Bridges Radio: Protesting The Killing Floor At Smithfield Hams (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges; Your Community and Labor Reports brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

Thursday's World Can't Wait march united immigrants, nurses, anti-war activists, opponents of torture, truth-seekers, and all those disaffected with the state of the union in a movement that burgeoned even as it walked down Broadway.

Today something historic happened in the Hart Senate Office Building, By Medea Benjamin, (tags)

CODEPINK Cofounder Medea Benjamin shares her experience of peaceful non-violent action at its finest at the Hart Senate Office.

Building Bridges Radio: Call 911: Workers In Peril at Ground Zero! (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Building Bridges Radio: Global Class War (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Bush Signs Pension BiTolling the Retirement Bell in Americall (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Digitally Erasing a Massacre:Why Hezbollywood Was Born (tags)

Maybe they did win. While the bombardment of Lebanon has claimed hundreds of lives, the controversy over a single demolished apartment building kept the media spotlight on Qana. The argument here in the United States shifted away from the brutality of Israel's actions and U.S. culpability for it, and became entrenched in whether casualties on the ground took place at all. Debate about the morality or reasons behind the death, destruction went up in a cloud of digitally manufactured smoke.


After reporting this to Internal Affairs, it was kicked back to the Hooper Heliport for investigation. Given the fact that the Captain is one of the men involved, I hardly feel they can conduct an unbias investigation.

Prisons: Alexander Propose Saving Californians $20 Billion (tags)

Widespread spending abuse in California’s prison system has more than doubled since Governor Schwarzenegger was elected in 2003 and the governor has failed to address a growing prison crisis. However the governor has been more concerned with building more prisons to deal with the state’s growing prison population; now over 172,000 inmates in a system designed to accommodate less than 100,000. Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor with the Peace and Freedom Party, wants to cut the fat by $20 billion.

From Iraq to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime (tags)

Protestors marched in the third largest Jewish city in the world to stop the U.S. and Israeli war machine.


U.S. biodefense lab raises concerns United Press International 07/30/2006

Building Bridges Radio: Union Rights For Eight Million At Stake! (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 26 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Israeli paper reports that Israel Lied (tags)

In its lead story [1] today (August 1), the Hebrew edition of Ha’aretz Online reported that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) claim that Hezbollah missile launchers and Hezbollah fighters were in and around the building in Qana which they shelled early Sunday morning was false.

Israel massacres 56 civilians - 34 of them children (tags)

Photo: A civil defense worker carries the body of Lebanese child recovered from the rubble of a demolished building at the village of Qana, Sunday, July 30, 2006. Israeli missiles killed 56 civilians... at least 34 of them children. AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

'20 children' among Israeli raid dead (tags)

Many of those hit in the raid were fleeing attacks in Tyre At least 20 children are among more than 40 civilians killed after an Israeli raid destroyed a three-storey building in the southern Lebanese town of Qana, Aljazeera's correspondent reports.

The call that tells you: run, you're about to lose your home and possessions (tags)

The voice sounded friendly enough. "Hi, my name is Danny. I'm an officer in Israeli military intelligence. In one hour we will blow up your house."

Grave suspicion of a war crime (tags)

Killing of 9 members of the Abu Selmiyeh family in Gaza bombing: Grave suspicion of a war crime

GAZA (tags)

Dear All, The Israeli media has diverted attention, almost entirely, from Gaza to Lebanon since yesterday's events there. So that you will know that Israel's war on Gaza has not ended, below are 2 reports on Gaza, followed by statistics (from Mona's blogg). Lastly is an analysis by Tanya Reinheart of why the IOF is in Gaza and what the government intends the IOF to do there. Best, Dorothy

World Trade Center 7 and Financial Markets (tags)

911 Inside job. Why World trade center 7 came down.

Public Forum on the Southwest Museum (article and transcript) (tags)

On July 1st, The Southwest Museum closed. The Autry National Center, which owns it, claims the future of the museum is secure, while Friends of the Southwest Museum is concerned about the lack of a concrete plan and whether or not relocating parts of the museum to Griffith Park is necessarily the best scenario. The lack of a tangible plan as well as a claimed scarcity of public input has fueled suspicion by the Coalition as to the owner’s true motive.

Report Back from Mexico City and Toluca, Mexico 06-28-06, 06-29-06 (tags)

I stayed in Mexico until the 29th of June, and wanted to stay until the 3rd but was unable to change my flight (due to the lack of funds). This is the last report back. Now that Im back home in Los Angeles I will work on translating these into Spanish so that other communities and the people in Mexico that I met will have a chance to read them as well. A friend also talked about helping me turn the reports into a pamphlet. I like to think of the reports as a look into the struggles of Mexico right before the elections.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Live from the Struggle in Mexico – Days 1 and 2 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from Joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

Building Bridges Radio:Paul Krugman-Medicare for All (tags)

WBAI'S Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW.

Aging Hollywood getting face lift (tags)

LA government rulers are using eminent domain to steal peoples land and giving it to rich developers. isn't government great! (well at least for the developers that get the stolen land)

Cops over react as they almost always do! (tags)

Reported gunfire at Capitol wasn't

Building Bridges Radio: Capitalism in Health Care; and Sago "Mine Safety (tags)


Sylvia Mendez & The Desegregation of CA Schools speaker @ Saddleback College (tags)


LA VA Westwood Forcing Experiments, Not Giving Medical Records, Attack Them is OK (tags)

The LA VA Westwood forcibly injected me and did medical procedures per the request of the criminals in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation executives of San Francisco. I was a bank examiner. Now I am labeled a felon and insane. I am a victim

International Anarchist Academics in Claremont, CA (tags)

The full schedule of the International Anarchist Academics and Activists Conference to be held on the Pitzer Campus College, 1050 N. Mills, Claremont, Ca 91711

Building Bridges Radio: Immigrant Rights - The National Debate Heats Up (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 58 or 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK WEB ADDRESS LINK

4/10/06 and 5/1/06 National Student Demonstrations (tags)

see below

On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"? (tags)

Millions in the U.S. and worldwide now know there is evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job"; "false-flag," state-sponsored terrorism to provide a pretext for a premeditated war. But in exposing this evidence, the 9/11 Truth effort is also shedding light on a significant story-within-the-story: that the World Trade Center (WTC) was obsolete and asbestos-laced, and that its destruction on 9/11 may, for certain interests in the U.S., have been both desirable and profitable--independent of any interest in war.

SOS-NAZIS will be in Riverside tomorrow Mon 4/3 (tags)

Building Bridges Radio: France Strikes; Triangle Fire Poem (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

3/30: Actions Need For Senate Immigration Bill, Call Your Senator! (tags)

1. Why the Senate's Proposed Immigrant Bill is Bad for the Immigrants. 2. Take Actions! Call Your Senator to Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform!

Update on Pro Migrant Hunger Strike (tags)

On this 34th hour of the fast we have many amazing updates for you.


This past weekend saw demonstrations all around the world with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets to protest the third anniversary of the War in Iraq. But something new is happening.

Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story (tags)

Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.

Building Bridges Radio: The Worst Immigration Bill in a Century (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 27 minute radio program. To listen click on web link below.

Report back from Anti War Strategizing Discussion (tags)

Los Angeles- This past Saturday the 18th, thousands habitually marched through Hollywood to once again condemn the War on Iraq, after 3 and a half years of failed attempts at ending it. The following is a report back from a member of the Southern California Anarchist Federation (SCAF), seeking to further open the debate on building a long-term movement for radical social change, beyond simply ending the war on Iraq.

Jonathan Smith, geodesic domes (tags)

Interview with Jonathan Smith about building disposable geodesic domes.

ballyhoo in sanberdoo (tags)

why would the police gas thousands ofinoccent people

California Transgender Leadership Summit (tags)

Ttransgender community members, families, and allies join together for this, the first of its kind, two-day event. This Summit provided a unique opportunity to strategize, connect with individuals from across the state and learn or improve important advocacy and activist skills in a variety of areas.

List of local places to protest the execution tonight. (tags)

Ninth circuit court refuses stay of Morales execution. The execution is set for midnight tonight. Death penalty opponents plan protests and vigils. Here’s a list of protest sites in the Southern California area:


Schwarzenegger wants to build more state prisons to reduce overcrowding, however building more prisons will be wasteful spending and misguided planning.

Building Bridges Radio: Medicare for All (tags)


"the intended target was Liberty Tower in Los Angeles" (tags)

A lie or just a slip of the tongue? Only Bush's handlers know for sure!

Southern California Anarchist Federation LA Youth Collective (tags)


Building Bridges Radio: NYC Transit Workers Reject Deal & 2 More Mineworkers Die in W. Va (tags)


Building Bridges Radio:NYC Transit Strike Over - Struggle for a Just Contract Continues (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program - TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Editorial on the Minutemen (tags)

PRESENTLY TENSE What’s in a name? Modern Minutemen can’t talk their way out of their moniker’s past

The Oklahoma Bombing. (tags)

They, the government, bungled it. Charges that didn’t go off, teams that were called early and the usual club footed incompetence. Of fools who think they are so fucking clever.

MON. 6PM: Vigil at the Federal Building in Westwood (tags)

MON. 6PM: Vigil at the Federal Building in Westwood If the Terminator Doesn't Grant Clemency for Tookie

Take Action to Save Tookie Williams NOW (tags)

Now is The Key Time to Act to Save Tookie Williams: 1. Make your call TODAY (Schwarzenegger - 916.445.2841) 2. Rally for Clemency on Thursday, 10AM at the Capitol Building in Sacramento (other events at 3. Send a Letter to the Editor under 250 words, include your address and phone # to, and other papers (samples at

Building Bridges Radio: IWW Wins Victories vs Starbucks; Argentineans Fire the Boss (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)

Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.

eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)

How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.

Building Bridges Radio: New York University - Union Buster (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 or 10 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

TUESDAY: "War on Terrorism and the Constitution" (CORRECTED PHONE #) (tags)

Associate Professor Scott Bowman will speak about executive power and individual rights in the post-9/11 era.

Building Bridges Radio with Robert Greenwald, Producer Wal-Mart Movie (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report present this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK.

Infamous Slumlord Violates Probation (tags)

Infamous Convicted Slumlord, Monica Hujazi, who pled no contest to 10 violations of the Los Angeles County building health and saftety codes, last year, and is serving 3 years probation for those violations, is up to her old tricks again. Monica Helena Hujazi, 44, puportedly owns a slum empire in excess of 80 tennement style buildings, mostly in the San Francisco Bay area. She is expanding her empire by investing in dilapadated slum type buildings in the Los Angeles area as well. However, residents in Los Angeles are aware of Mrs. Hujazi's tactics and are organizing and fighting back in what can only be called a mass renters revolt. Her latest debacle, a old art deco apartment building, of 3 stories and 72 units, is litterally rotting to the ground. Despite the deplorable condition perpetuated on the low income renters of the Hollywood Area of Los Angeles, her rents are constantly escalating, in gross violation of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance of Los Angeles. A small, one room bachelors apartment at the Alexandria Court Apartments, now costs on or about $1,000.00 per month, and a one bedroom upwards of $1,400.00. She markets her building as a "luxury" apartment, by installing granite coutertops, marble flooring in the bathrooms, and new plumbing fixtures. But these efforts are only cosemetic, she does not renovate the buildings structural, plumbing, electrical, heating, or any other renovations at all. These tennants live in conditions reminescent of the slum tenements of New York, at the begining of the 19th century, complete with rats, mice, cock roaches, fleas, ticks, spiders, and other guests of her apartmets. The residents at the Alexandria building, now lovingly refer to thier home as the "Hujazi Hilton".

Talk at CSULA: War on Terror and Individual Rights (tags)

Professor Bowman will talk about executive power and individual rights in the War on Terror.

SOS/MM/KKK Supporter Sent to Jail!!! (tags)

A Minuteman Domestic Terrorist is convicted and sent to prison. Another one of these terrorists are running for office (Jim Gilcrist).

World Can't Wait Pre-Demos All Along Wilshire Building to Mass Demo at 5pm Today (tags)

Pre-demonstrations erupted at eight corners along the entire length of Wilshire Blvd. today, building to the mass World Can't Wait demonstration at Westwood and Wilshire at 5pm TODAY! BE THERE!

Building Bridges Radio:Assassination of Nestle Philippines Union Leader Mumia on Katrina (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK.

Building Bridges Rad:Assassination of Nestle Philippines Union Leader & Mumia on Katrina (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 26.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK.

CSUN art project harrassement by CSUN ROTC (tags)

. This story below is just in from CSUN: California State University at Northridge, in the San Fernando Valley: here we find an ROTC Colonel who feels empowered to challenge art students freedom of speech in court. here is yet another sign that the new bunker mentality is being normalized in the USA with censorious repercussions on campuses both red and blue, and in the art world.

Tired of marching in circles? Join the anti-war network (tags)

An invitation to people who are tired of wars to get involved in building a more effective alternative to meaningless marches around the White House.

Building Bridges Radio: Jesse Jackson on Reconstruction & Farmworkers Organize (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program - To Listen click on Media Link

The Levee were blown? (tags)

There's something very wrong with the chronology of the levee breaks in New Orleans

Beginning the Discussion on Goals and Strategy - SCAF (LA) (tags)

Beginning the discussion on Goals and Strategy [and structure] -- Southern California Anarchist Federation (Los Angeles Chapter)

Orange County Peace Coalition Meeting, Sat., Aug. 27 (tags)

Plan for Peace!

Pic of Suspicious Design In Government Building, Weapons? (tags)

We must beware of all government buildings. Here is a pic of some possible hardware in a government building where you can get a nose bleed going into a judges courtroom or leaving the building, and where the government door is closed.

Darfur Vigil at Federal Bulding 7/21/05 (tags)

Join several LA grassroots organizations at a vigil in front of the Westwood federal building to show the US government that we will not stand by while thousands are being murdered each day in Darfur.

Parsons Corporation: War Profiteers in Pasadena (tags)

Pasadena based, Parsons Corporation, is building prisons and military bases in Iraq.


One of America's leading newspapers, The Washington Post, was protested yesterday for it's failure to cover the leaked UK documents about Bush's 2002 plan for war with Iraq.

WEHO 20th Anniversary Celebrations (tags)

Emser Tile Building 8431 Santa Monica Blvd Friday, June 3 – Sunday June 5 8:30 pm and 10 pm

Very Diverse Demonstrations in May (tags)

A total of 49 separate reports in May, the largest being - an estimated 40,000 marched in New York City to abolish nuclear weapons.

Bush and Al Capone (tags)

A tax offense was ultimately Al Capone's undoing although he was responsible for the most serious crimes like murder.

Class Matters events in LA (tags)

Please join Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of "Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists," at one of these LA-area events:

We, the Students: UC Students Rise Up to Oppose UC-Bechtel! (tags)

Dozens of students from across the UC system will converge at the UC Regents meeting at UC San Francisco Laurel Heights to speak out in opposition to the UC's join bid with Bechtel for management of the nation's nuclear weapons labs. After meeting at 9 a.m. outside of the Laurel Heights building, the students will command the floor during the Regents' public comment period at 10 a.m. At roughly 11:20, we will conduct a rally outside the conference building. Please join us in opposing the nuclearization and corporatization of the UC! Contact to carpool from SoCal to the Regents meeting.

It's not foreign terrorism that threatens us, it's domestic corporate power and influence (tags)

We’re told to fear the evil-doers overseas, but it’s our own American corporations, greedy to avoid safety regulations and flush with campaign contributions, that really threaten us with disaster after disaster.

The Profit Of 911 (tags)

Subject: the rabbi, RC planes, and 9-11

UFPJ Responds (tags)

UFPJ Responds

From Abortion Rights to Reproductive Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freed (tags)

A press release regarding an upcoming abortion rights and social justice conference.

March/Rally to Defend the Bolivarian Revolution in L.A. (tags)

Coalition Against Intervention in Venezuela

Building Bridges Radio: Homeland Security Attacks Its Workers Plus Tribute to Ossie Davis (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27:40 radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON URL LINK BELOW.

Building Bridges Radio - With Ossie and Ruby (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this one hour radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report - National Edition Produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash presents a one hour special

Building Bridges Radio - Social Insecurity plus The Next Pres. of Chile? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - Bring the Troops Home - Cong Owens plus Dr. King on Vietnam (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 minute program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Pending Actions & 9th Circuit Page on Beardslee Possible Execution 1/19/05 (tags)

On Jan 19, 2005 at 12:01 a.m., the State of California will murder a human being, Donald Beardslee, with our tax dollars, unless we do everything we can to stop this barbarism, the death penalty, which has been abolished in Europe, and is rarely used except in the most backward countries, like the USA.

Building Bridges Radio: Fighting Wal-Mart in N.Y.C & Quebec (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Children and Natural Disasters: Sylmar '71, Northridge '94, Quakes to Tsunamis (tags)

The recent Tsunami in Asia reminded me of the Northridge Earthquake in some ways. The chaotic aftermath, the immediate panic...It reminded me of the fears as a parent I have had during major earthquakes. So, I have written this essay talking about kids and parents in natural disasters...

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Social Insecurity Bush Style & Working the Unfriendly Skies (tags)

Building Bridges : Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minutes radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Social Insecurity Bush Style & Working the Unfriendly Skies (tags)

Building Bridges : Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minutes radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Ledge Sit and Hunger Strike in DC Government Building Needs Support (tags)

Help Support DC fight for shelter. A homeless activist is currently doing a hunger strike while sitting on a 5-story ledge in the Wilson Building (city hall and mayor's offices), until there is shelter in SW DC. Join the fight

Building Bridges Radio: 1.Workers' Advice Center;2.Revitalizing the Labor Movement (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents his 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Building Bridges Radio: The Survivors of BhopalThey Hunger & Thirst for Justice: (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 27 minutes radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.


Shut down the city January 20th to protest the re-election of Bush and the war in Iraq. Converge en masse at the Westwood Federal building.

Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines (tags)

Building Bridges:Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Don't Certify the Votes: Go on record with your Senator (tags)

Don't Certify the Votes: Go on record with your Senator This list of 10 Senators are those which I hope to focus lobbying efforts to try and find at least one to protest the certification of the final vote tally in congress. I've set-up the thread with a topic for each Senator, so we can keep track of any feedback from the Senators. I've started a Thread at the forum on DU Here:

ERR Communique from the Cultural Front (tags)

The Ever Reviled Records Worker Collective is proud to announce the launching of our new website: another step in on our on going efforts to undermine capitalism and the state while building the counter-culture. We got our cyberspace guns loaded and ready to storm the internet front!

Building Bridges Radio - US Representatives Demand Election Irregularities Investigation (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA WEB LINK BELOW


Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous movement happening across the United States that literally astounded me. There are protests and marches in every major city in the country.

Building Bridges Radio- Bangladeshi Worker's Dream & SEIU: Labor Must Organize or Die (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET WEB ADDRESS LINK

Building Bridges Radio- Bangladeshi Worker's Dream & SEIU: Labor Must Organize or Die (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET WEB ADDRESS LINK

Emergency Demonstartion (tags)

Emergency demonstartion called at Westwood Federal Building tomorrow at 6PM

STOP THE FALLUJAH ATTACK! - Westwood Federal Building Tues, Nov 9, 6 pm (tags)

We urge everyone to join us at the demonstration against the Fallujah attack. Bring signs, banners, placards and friends.

Building Bridges Radio - Wal-Mart Discriminates with Liza Featherstone & Judy Gorman Sin (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK





Why you should vote for Nader/Camejo! (tags)

[V]oting for Kerry doesn’t necessarily mean voting against Bush’s policies. All that Kerry has said so far shows that the goals of his presidency would look a lot like the Bush administration’s.

Building Bridges Radio: The Jobless "Recovery" (tags)

Building Bridges: Your community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW



Building Bridges Radio: Molly Ivins on Bush & So. Africa Union Federation Sec'y Vavi (tags)

Buiding Bridges presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Molly Ivins on Bush & So. Africa Union Federation Sec'y Vavi (tags)

Buiding Bridges presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - Why Do We Need a Million Workers March? (tags)

Building Bridges Radio pressents this 26.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - Why Do We Need a Million Workers March? (tags)

Building Bridges Radio pressents this 26.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - The Other Iraq and Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor? (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - The Other Iraq and Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor? (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - "Unconstitutional" with Producer Robert Greenwald (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 29 minutes radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - What the Matter With Kansas Meets Billionaires for Bush (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 59 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio- N.Y. Labor Protests Bush and the RNC (tags)


Building Bridges Radio- N.Y. Labor Protests Bush and the RNC (tags)



Cheney can't see 2 Americas and he has cleaned his glasses to make sure. I did not watch the presumed nauseating speech by the Vice Cowboy Dick Cheney but I already know what he was going to say. Besides, "He (Cheney) does not know what they know", (congress), "You do not know everything I know" (the public) and "we do not know what each other do" (Bush's cabinet).


Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK.

Building Bridges Radio - 1.Paul Krugman 2. Flood Devastates Bangladesh (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 29 minutes Radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW


Today (KST) during a struggle propaganda tour it cames to clashes between from the construction mafia hired gangsters and protesters.

Building Bridges Radio - 1.Paul Krugman 2. Flood Devastates Bangladesh (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 29 minutes Radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: OUTFOXED STORMS THEATERS with Robert Greenwald (tags)

Buiding Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio-Outrageous Immigration Raids, Far from the U.S. Border (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 27.5 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio -Trillin Rhymes Bush and the AFL-CIO Must Change (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio-Ehrenreich-The Working Poor plus Unions Say-Withdraw from Iraq Now (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK BELOW

The ALF Force Company to Drop Plans to Build Lab. in England! (tags)

The world's biggest concrete company has pulled out of building a controversial laboratory at Oxford University because of attacks by animal rights activists.

Building Bridges Radio - Boycott Liberty Apparel: National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - The CorporationThe Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power: (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Yeah the wall is ILLEGAL (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

Building Bridges Radio - National Edition - WALMART DISCRIMINATION SUIT; NYC UNEMPLOYMENT (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 29 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK ON BOTTON OF THE PAGE

Building Bridges Radio - National Edition: Walls or Bridges?- From Palestine to N.Y.C. (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK

Building Bridges Radio-Reagan the Liberal and I.W.W. vs Starbucks (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK

Building Bridges Radio- Class War with Bill Moyers, Meizhu Lui, and Chuck Collins (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK

Anti-Occupation Protest Downtown LA June 5th, 2004 (1 of 2) (tags)

First 10 of 20 pictures of the demonstration against U.S. Occupations held in downtown Los Angeles on June 5, 2004.

LA answer Peace and Justice - June 5 2004 (tags)

Images from the march for peace and justice from downtown LA to the Federal Building. Activists called for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an end to occupation throughout the world. 5,000 people including Ron Kovic and Danny Glover.

Building Bridges Radio - 1.Vietnam Vets 2. NYC Day Care Workers Strike? (tags)


Building Bridges Radio- POLICE BUST AT PURCHASE COLLEGE, SUNY & Bhopal Disaster Continues (tags)


Building Bridges Radio-Some Strategies Towards Revitalizing the Labor Movement (tags)

Building Bridges Radio : Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minutes minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDY MEDIA AUDIO LINK

Building Bridges Radio -Modest Job Gains Insufficient, America Must Do More (tags)


Emergency Protest Sat. May 15th 12 noon @ Westwood Federal Building (tags)

Emergency Protest on Sat. May 15th,  Armed Forces Day

Natural Building and Deep Ecology Training in Tennessee (tags)

The Sequatchie Valley Institute at Moonshadow, a non-profit organization, will host its 3rd annual Natural Building Workshop June 18th-27th. Learn how to build a natural, affordable, long-lasting, beautiful home with materials from the land. Particpants will learn through hands-on workshops using cob, adobe, timber-framing, and more. The workshop cost is $650 with work trade and scholarships available. Limited space is available and you must register to attend. For more information, please contact SVI at (423) 949-5922, or email More information is available on the web at

EMERGENCY Protest Against Unjust Occupations Worldwide at the Westwood Federal Building (tags)

Activate LA is holding an EMERGENCY march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building Saturday, 15 May 2004 at 12pm noon.

Liberation Weekend - Bringing the revolution home May 15th... (tags)

A forum on Earth and Animal liberation, with a serious discussion about building a revolutionary movement in the U.S. The weekend will explore past failures and future struggles, as we search for the direction our movement needs to take to end the system's assault on life.

Building Bridges Radio - Pete Seeger Special (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 56 minute special program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK.

Building Bridges Radio - Unemployment and Contract Workers in Iraq, Israel and Palestine (tags)


Liberation Weekend - Bringing the revolution home May 15th... (tags)

A forum on Earth and Animal liberation, with a serious discussion about building a revolutionary movement in the U.S. The weekend will explore past failures and future struggles, as we search for the direction our movement needs to take to end the system's assault on life.


The City of Chicago tries to cover up death of six workers.

LA4DC Pro-Choice Rally (tags)

Pictures from the LA4DC Pro-Choice Rally today at the Westwood Federal Building.

Building Bridges Radio:Columbia Grad Employees Strike & N.Y.U Adjuncts Protest (tags)


We strongly doubt that building democracy in Iraq will rally America (tags)

In our annual forecast we stated that the election was Bush's to lose, and he is making an outstanding attempt to lose it. Why? Because he has needlessly adopted a two-tier policy: a complex and nearly hidden strategic plan and a superficial public presentation.

Beware in Long Beach (tags)

Ask a question at City Hall and you may wind up in Guantanimo, especially if you have a dark complexion.

Building Bridges Radio:Battling Killer Cola in Colombia & ROC-NY vs. Restaurants (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK

Building Bridges Radio-AMERICAN SCREAM: ALLEN GINSBERG’S HOWL with Jonah Raskin (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 27 minute Radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK

It's Getting Ugly (tags)

Dear Friend- see how you like this.

Building Bridges Radio - Iraq Labor Under Siege & Tariq Ali (tags)

Building Bridges; Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute Radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK.

Building Bridges Radio - LUCY ELLA GONZALES PARSONS - American Revolutionary (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 56 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON RADIO FOR ALL WEB LINK BELOW

Grassroots Effort to Save Theatre Garners International Support (tags)

Snubbing an imminent appellate court ruling, Raymond Theatre developers choose to “build at their own risk,” moving ahead with a March 15 project Design Review. City officials, expecting record-breaking crowds, change venues for what may be the final hearing in the 16-year battle to save historic Pasadena theatre. Friends of the Raymond Theatre prepare to take legal action to stop demolition, while supporters gear up to block bulldozers if necessary.

Building Bridges:The President's Powers to Arrest and Detain In Wartime (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minutes Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Building Bridges Radio - The Secret White House Civil Rights Tapes of Pres. Johnson (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA. LINK.

L.A. Demonstration vs. Coup in Haiti 3/1/04 (tags)

A fully produced audio report on an emergency demonstration vs. the coup in Haiti that was held Monday, 3/1/04 in Los Angeles at the Westwood Federal Building.

L.A. Demonstration vs. Coup in Haiti 3/1/04 (tags)

A fully produced audio report on an emergency demonstration vs. the coup in Haiti that was held Monday, 3/1/04 in Los Angeles at the Westwood Federal Building. The demonstration was organized by ANSWER. Feel free to broadcast this or use it in any other way that you like. I recorded this myself and can therefore grant such permission, and do grant it here.

Building Bridges Radio-The Fight for Labor Rights From Iraq to the U.S. (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

TURNING THE TABLES ON CRYPTOME.ORG: SPY PHOTO OF THEIR HQ (tags) ( ) says it wants to be "the most disreputable site on the web," and it pursues this goal by publishing declassified government memos and information about Government officials, including the names of FBI agents and pictures of officials' houses - the so-called "Eyeballing" series of photos. Here we have turned the tables on Cryptome operator John Young, "Eyeballing" his own abode.

Building Bridges presents Lennox Hinds’ Indictment of George Bush (tags)

Building Briges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute Radio program. To Listen click on Indymedia link.

Building Bridges presents Dr. King in the fight for civil rights, labor rights and peace (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Building Bridges Radio-Labor and the Bill of Rights (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET LINK.

Let's Build Liberation: A Conversation with Chris Crass (tags)

An interview with Chris Crass about anti-racism, anarchism, feminism and movement building

Building Bridges Radio-Bush's Plan for Immigrants (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Building Bridges Radio -NAFTA at 10 (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Building Bridges Radio presents David Rovics (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

SAn Diego mad cow street theater! (tags)

The danger from mad cow is real. We are doing an action in San Diego highlight how the USDA is misleading the public.

Building Bridges Radio - Rev. Billy & Stop Shopping & Military Families Speak Out (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Building Bridges Radio-Holidays Anti Sweatshop Rally & family of soldier who died in Iraq (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. To listen click on indymedia link.


Estimates of the WTC dust cloud expansion are used to provide a lower bound for the quantity of explosives used to bring down the towers.

Freelance Reporter arrested for documenting story about DR Horton (tags)

As a freelance reporter for the INDIMEDIA -I was arrested twice; once for taking pictures of DR Horton Representatives moving fences and changing property lines and then for gardening in my front yard. Charges dropped.

Building Bridges Radio- Central Amer Free Trade Agreement & Taxi Workers Demand a Raise (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 27.5 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Ahmed Shawki on Resisting Empire this weekend in LA (tags)

Editor of International Socialist Review (ISR) to speak this Saturday at UTLA building in Los Angeles on anti-imperialist resistance in the Middle East.

Building Bridges Radio - John Pilger Breaks the Silence on the War on Terror (tags)

Building Bridges: Community-Labor Report Interviews John Pilger on his new film Breaking the Silence: Truth & Lies in the War on Terror LISTEN TO THIS 28 MIN RADIO PROGRAM - CLICK INDYMEDIA LINK

Help Justice for Janitors for T-Day (tags)

This is being reposted by an IMCer. A report back from the GWS anti-Bechtel demos, and news about janitors looking for some support.



Building Bridges Radio-The Southern California Supermarket Strike/Lockout (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK


LIFE IS CHEAP...BUT CONSTRUCTION DELAYS ARE EXPENSIVE..or, why construction continues to be such a hazardous industry to work in..

Wal-Mart in Rosemead (tags)

A public scoping meeting about Wal Mart is happening at the Rosemead Doubletree over by the MTC.

[gangbox] SCABS OF NEW YORK (tags)

SCABS OF NEW YORK...rat contractors, company unions and the decline of union labor in the Manhattan residential construction sector

Sadly failed again (tags)

The prime target Wolfowitz responsible for thousands of deads, sadly escapes again a deadly strike but the jewish homicidal strategist looked shaken and his heart drops fast into his boots

Building Bridges Radio:Colombian Coca Cola Union Calls for Boycott (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 26 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Reexamining Columbus & Columbus Day (tags)

Building Bridges Radio brings you this 28 minute radio program. To Listen click on Indymedia Link.


LA NUEVA CARA DE mass immigration has changed the American building trades

Bias For Rush (tags)

Building Bridges Radio-On the Buses with the Immigrant Workers Freedom Riders (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 15 minute radio program. To listen click on indymedia link

Building Bridges Radio- Lula Speaks to Labor (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 27 minute radio program. To Listen click on Indymedia Link

Panama-General strike to defend social security (tags)


Kidnapped at Federal Plaza (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Kidnapped at Federal Plaza (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Draft Proposal for An Anarchist People of Color United Front (tags)

A Proposal by the Black Autonomy Network of Community Organizers (BANCO) for the creation of an Anarchist People of Color United Front

Building Bridges Radio-Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride & The Next Pres.of El Salvador (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 28 minute Radio Program, TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Building Bridges Radio-Yale on Strike (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 27 minute radio program - To LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

9/11-Just Look at the Evidence (tags)

As much as GWB lovers deny it, there's no dismissing the lack of evidence for some of the "facts" we've been told are true.


Sherman turned himself in to the marshals in room 394 of the Roybal building around11:30.

Building Bridges Radio:DeUnionizing Federal Workers &EL Salvador at a Turning Point? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 min 46 sec radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

(2)PHOTOS: Westwood Federal Building, Occupy the Occupiers (tags)

PHOTOS: Westwood Federal Building, Occupy the Occupiers



Building Bridges Radio-Unemployment Crisis:Portrait of Inequality (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 min radio program:A Portrait of Inequality –Today’s Unemployment Crisis - TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

ACTION ALERT: Occupy the Occupiers, Friday August 22, Westwood Federal Building (tags)

Occupy the Occupiers!

ACTION ALERT: OCCUPY THE OCCUPIERS, Friday August 22, Westwood Federal Building (tags)


Be At the Westwood Federal Building This Friday (tags)


Court Solidarity for Rob Middaugh 8/18 (tags)

Read more for latest charges filed against political prisoner, Robert Middaugh.

Protest for Rob Middaugh (aka Ruckus) 8/18/03 (tags)

Read more for latest charges filed against political prisoner, Robert Middaugh. Show up at his court date to protest this injustice.

Building Bridges Radio - Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride- 28min (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report-National Edition presents this 28 min Radio Program"Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride" TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Support Political Prisoner Rob Middaugh 8/18/03 (tags)

Anti-racist activist charged with supposedly "assaulting" a federal police officer with on...

Support Political Prisoner Rob Middaugh 8/18 (tags)

Anti-racist activist charged with assaulting a federal police officer with soda...

Building Bridges Radio-Immigrant Day Laborers Under Attack (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 27min 51 sec radio program about day laborers in the NYC area. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Building Bridges Radio-Venezuelan Unions In Reshuffle (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 27 min radio program-To Listen click on indymedia link

San Diego Activists Occupy Feinstein's Office, Demand Truth About WMD's (tags)

A group of about 6 activists from San Diego is currently occupying Diane Feinstein's office


This article reviews the well known interview of professor Thomas Eagar (of MIT) by Peter Tyson (chief editor of NOVA) concerning the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. It points out many of the errors contained in this interview. In fact, the errors in the interview are so many that one has to conclude that the article is deliberate deception.


The University of California Board of Regents voted unanimously today in favor of a Clean Energy and Green Building policy that sets a new bar nationally for environmental leadership by any institution. This vote follows the year-long “UC Go Solar!” campaign run by students across the state and Greenpeace.

Westwood Federal Building - Iranian March and Rally (tags)

July 8th 2003 Los Angeles CA -- Approximately 3000 marched down Wilshire Blvd through Westwood Village then rallied at the Federal Building The Event was held in solidarity with the Student Democracy Movement inside Iran. Huge support was displayed for George Bush and Reza Pahlavi, the late Shah of Iran’s son and heir to the throne.


This is an article about resistance in several neighborhoods of many latin american countries: the way they get active in the community and how they are evolving and making difference in their lives in a self-organized way.

Letter from Jenin (tags)

The Apartheid Wall is nearing completion on the West side of the West Bank - where its estimated to have confiscated around %10 of the most fertlie land. As well as cutting through or displacing - redefining - 30 towns or villages. This is ethnic cleansing on a massive speed and scale. Remember that when the media talks about a roadmap to peace.

Picket Line at LA Times (tags)


Building Bridges Radio-African Cocoa & Indentured Child Labor (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28.5 min radio show with Terry Collingsworth, Dir of the Interntl abor Rights Fund. TO LISTEN CLICK ON iNDYMEDIA LINK

Why Did the WTC Towers Collapse? (tags)





ON MONDAY 6/23, join fellow workers in the Northeast by call SEIU President Andy Stern at 1-800-424-8592 to demand democracy in the Northeast: -STOP ATTACKING AND DENYING REPRESENTATION TO UNION DISSIDENTS -END THE TRUSTEESHIPS. HOLD FAIR ELECTIONS IN BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK PRESS RELEASE FROM SEI

NYC: The Political Persecution of Juanita Young (tags)



A Call to Converge on October 10-11, 2003 In Burlington, Vermont

Nazi Germany's War on Terrorism (tags)

No matter how things change they stay the same. "Killing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity."

Guantanamo Bay Death Camp? (tags)

The following comes from the Australian "The Mail" Newspaper (online edition)

Bomb damages Yale Law School (tags)

NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 21 — A bomb exploded Wednesday in a mail room at the Yale University law school, FBI and police officials told NBC News. There was no immediate report of injuries, but damage was described as heavy, and witnesses said they saw a blast of debris.

Who Exactly are the Paranoid Anti-Americans? (tags)

Remember, these terrorists are brilliant. They are so brilliant that they anticipated and managed to piggy-back the September 11th attacks on top of two drills going on that morning. (One, a CIA drill, where an airplane crashing into a building was to be "simulated", and the other, a semi-annual NORAD drill apparently intended to "test" our nations defenses against attack.)

Westwood Federal Building Protest against US Aggression against Cuba, May 20 (tags)

Westwood Federal Building Protest Against US Aggression against Cuba, May 20

Ha, ha SUCKERS. (tags)

"It's all over but the shouting. And the screaming. And the endless years of U.S. occupation in the Middle East, the quiet building of U.S. military bases in Iraq so we can keep those uppity bitches Syria and Egypt and Lebanon in line, forge ahead with the long-standing plan to strong-arm those damn Islamic nuts into brutal compliance with Bushco's bleak blueprint for World Inc. What, too bitter? Hardly. "

Debunking Conspiracy Theorists Paranoid Fantasies About 911 Detract From Real Issues (tags)

"...the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer 4 planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly 2 hours ,crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do. "

Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact (tags)

Before beginning this article, I met Auxiliary Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. at the World Trade Center Memorial. Paul, along with many other firemen, is very upset about the obvious cover-up and he is on a crusade for answers and justice. He was stationed at Engine 10, across the street from the World Trade Center in 1998 and 99; Engine 10 was entirely wiped out in the destruction of the towers. He explained to me that, “many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.”


This article presents proof that the WTC towers were deliberately demolished, probably by the detonation of many small explosive charges throughout the buildings.


Photographic evidence of the use of explosives in the World Trade Center collapses, is presented.

Building Bridges Radio - Behind The Invasion of Iraq (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. Building Bridges can be regularly heard over wbai Mondays 4-5pm pt streaming at

Photo: Non-Violent Civil Disobedience- Wed. April 16th, downtown LA (tags)

non-violent civil disobedience

(1) Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown LA, Wednesday, April 16th (tags)

Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown Los Angeles, Wednesday, April 16th

(2) Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown LA, Wednesday, April 16th (tags)

Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown Los Angeles, Wednesday, April 16th

(3) Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown LA Wednesday, April 16th (tags)

Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown Los Angeles Wednesday, April 16th

U.S. Troops kill 10 Iraqi demonstrators (tags)

U.S. "Liberation" troops fire on a crowd of demonstrators in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul... killing at least 10 and injuring 100. Meanwhile, at the US-sponsored talks near Nasiriyah on the formation of a new government... 20,000 protested the U.S. invasion, chanting "No to America. No to Saddam."

Isolated protestors by the Federal Building in Westwood, Saturday, April 4th, 4:30 p.m. (tags)

Two isolated men protesting the war by the Federal building in Westwood

Today at Downtown LA (tags)

This mornings protest at the Downtown LA Federal Building.

M30 Mass March and Rally (tags)

A report from todays powerful march and rally.

Pro-War Rally Info (tags)

Just a heads-up that this is what those pro-war fucks are planning to do this Friday.

Downtown LA peace rally Wednesday (tags)

3 arrested at downtown Federal Building Wednesday AM, MArch 26


Need info

Message analysis - Focus on Empire (tags)

Empire is a concept that connects many of the reasons to oppose this war in a logical, clear and reasonable way that can make sense to many Americans. Includes links to anti-war for Empire posters (PDFs). For anti-Empire posters:

Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo (tags)

Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo


Rally today in West LA - Federal Building

Flags flying in Hollywood (tags)

Report on Hollywood demo with photo of peace flag juxtaposed on top of US flag

L.A. rally goes free style (tags)

After days of tension between police and protesters at the WEstwood Federal Building, L.A. rally turns freestyle, provoking an intense stand off between protesters and the police, shutting down Santa Monica Blvd.

We're Bombing Iran Now? (tags)

ooops - sorry!

Photographs from around Westwood Federal Building, March 21st (tags)

A few pictures taken around Westwood federal building this evening at about 1700 and 2200.

27 Arrested in Los Angeles (tags)

Twenty-Seven People from Across LA Arrested in Nonviolent Civil Disobedience for Peace

Twenty-Seven People from Across LA Arrested for Peace Downtown (tags)

Twenty-Seven People from Across LA Arrested in Nonviolent Civil Disobedience for Peace Interfaith Service and Antiwar Action at Downtown Federal Building



8am Federal Building - Downtown (tags)

I will be at the Downtown Federal building at 8am. Everyone needs to go to peace vigils every day.

Federal Building 3-19 (tags)

Protest continued into the night at the Westwood Federal Building


Two Pasadena students arrested today at a peaceful walkout rally; Protest police brutality and the PCC administration's wrongful charges Friday 3/21 at 3 PM!!!

long days journey into night (tags)

in the moments before the strike; report from the trenches in LA

3/19/03 Westwood Demonstration Pictures (tags)

Account with Pictures of Antiwar Demonstration at Westwood Federal Building March 19, 2003.




Emergency response to the impending war on attack on Iraq. Bush is going to be addressing the nation today at 5PM, so should we.

UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest (tags)

lots of fun!

Mayhem in Buenos Aires (tags)

Mass eviction in Argentina

Bush vs. Einstein on Economic Policy (tags)

Mayhem in Buenos Aires again


A Long Term Strategy for the Antiwar Movement

Building Bridges Radio:Lufthansa U.S. Subsidiary-An Employer from Hell (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community Labor Report presents this 26 min program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK. Building Bridges is broadcast Mondays 4-5pm PT over WBAI in NYC & streamed at

Building Bridges Radio-Rev Herbert Daughtry on Labor and the War (tags)

Building Bridges:Community and Labor Report presents this 29 min radio program. Building Bridges is broadcast Mon.s 4-5pm PT TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Embattled union SEIU in ad campaign (tags)

A labor union representing security officers in San Francisco office buildings, engaged in fruitless contract negotiations and competition for workers' loyalties




The Federal Emergency Management Agency report into the collapse of World Trade Center Seven is seriously flawed.Flawed to the point where it is considered a JOKE.



STOP THE PATRIOT ACT! Protest @ Westwood Federal Building this Friday (tags)




Building Bridges Radio: U.S. Labor Against the War (tags)

Building Bridges presents an interview with two key organizers of the recently held meeting founding US Labor Against the War TO LISTEN TO THIS 27 MINUTES RADIO PROGRAM CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Support Political Prisoners This Sat. Jan 25 GREAT MUSIC!! (tags)


Anarchists break away from ANSWER and take back streets (tags)


Anarchists Break from ANSWER protest (tags)


Stop the FBI! Stop the PATRIOT ACT! This friday @ Westwood Federal Building! (tags)


2000 Anarchists go on Rampage in San Francisco (tags)


(sf update) breakaway-- (tags)


More pics from Federal Building 1/16/03 (tags)

More pics from Federal Building 1/16/03

LA-Times on the Civ. Dis. arrests (tags)


LA Federal Build 1/16/03 (tags)

Pics of Die In at 11:00 AM in front of the LA Federal Building. Part 3

LA Federal Build 1/16/03 (tags)

Pics of Die In at 11:00 AM in front of the LA Federal Building. Part 2

LA Federal Build 1/16/03 (tags)

Pics of Die In at 11:00 AM in front of the LA Federal Building. Part 1

Arrests at Federal Building (tags)

from knbc4 website

STOP THE FBI! STOP THE PATRIOT ACT! Converge at Westwood Federal Building, Jan 24! (tags)


Thousands Rally Against War in Iraq, Push Peace (LAT) (tags)

Protest in Downtown L.A. (BRIAN WALSKI / LAT)

Take Bus to Huge Anti-War demo today! (tags)

Tens of Thousands expected at Peace March today. Assemble 11 am Olympic and Broadway, march to federal building (at Temple and Olympic) for rally from 2-4:30pm. Expect to park far away and walk in, or take bus or metro.

Osama Mama (tags)

Why is Osama Moma, Patty Murray, getting the kid glove treatment from the press? Only FOX is speaking out. Is the rest of the press just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party?

Register Your Dissent-PROTEST Muslim Roundups JAN.10 (tags)

Statement from Arab community and list of events occuring nationwide on the next registration date.

BTL:One Year After Argentina's Economic Collapse... (tags)

...Citizens Building Democratic Community Institutions. Interview with Todd Tucker, of the Center for Economic Justice, conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris

Building Bridges Radio - What's Happening in Venezuela (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 min Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON THE INDYMEDIA LINK. Listen to WBAI'S Building Bridges live on the web Mondays 7-8PM EST by goin to

Protest @ Westwood Federal Building, Jan 24th, 03 - 1 year anniversary of FBI raid on RTF! (tags)


Building Bridges Radio - Blue Christmas at the NYC Dept of Education (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 12 min radio program. To Listen click on indymedia link.

INS Protest at the Federal Building (tags)

12/21/02 Los Angeles CA Immigrants and supporters assembled at the Westwood Federal Building for a second day to denounce the incarceration of hundreds of male immigrants.

Federal Building Rally for Venezuela (tags)

Pot Banging Protest in Los Angeles in support of the Government of Venezuela.

Federal Building Rally for Venezuela (tags)

Pot Banging Protest in Los Angeles in support of the Government of Venezuela.

Westwood Protest @ 3pm (tags)

Protest INS Arrests of Iranian Americans trying to get greencards dubbed 'terrorists' @ the Federal Building in Westwood on Dec 18 3PM . Thousands are expected to show up. Show solidarity

Building Bridges Radio-The Issues in the NYC Transit Negotiations (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community Labor Report presents this 12.5 minute radio program with Roger Toussaint, President of Transport Workers Union Local100 To LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

feds withhold crucial wtc evidence (tags)

by chris bollyn

UP COMING ACTION: Candle Light Vigil for Peace (tags)

Five hundred marched from the Federal Building to Westwood United Methodist Church. West Los Angeles 11/10/02. See photos.

Building Bridges Radio-The Murders of Colombian Unionists Continue (tags)

This 27 min radio program can be heard by clicking on the indymedia link. Building Bridges:Community & Labor Report is broadcast over WBAI,99.5fm in NYC -Mondays from 7-8PM EST. It is streamed live at

Up Against the Cops in Cabrini Green (tags)


Anti War Conference -OCT 25-27 (tags)

Tired of marches ? Want to revise your tactics? Come get encouraged and educated at the same time!



Anarchist Anti-War Conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)


Building Bridges Radio-Rep. McKinney, & Actors, Sarandon, Robbins & Sheen Against the War (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27.5 minute radio program on the growing opposition to the war on Iraq.

Imperial War of Conquest (tags)

Personnal comment on the "Not In Our Name" Rally @ the Westwood Fed. Building on Oct. 6th. 2002

peace rally at federal building oct. 6, 2002 (tags)

thousands gather in front of the federal building in westwood to protest war in iraq.

Last minute info. Sun. protest in Westwood (tags)

Just added, Ron Kovik, author "Born on the Fourth of July". New: parking map!

December 20 and 21 days of social disobedience to help Argentina (tags)


DECEMBER 20 &21, days of social disobediece, to help Argentina (tags)


Building Bridges Radio-ILWU Locked Out &British Peace Rally of West Coast Ports (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 28 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

september 11: Thierrry Meyssan's view (tags)

Thierry Meyssan has suffered such abuse on the intenet. Lets hear what he has to say. Here is his speech in abu dhabi

Protest Iraq War Friday 5pm (tags)

Please join the Coalition For World Peace this Friday Sept 27, and every Friday from 5-7pm, in protesting the threatened war on Iraq, at the Westwood Federal Building

An open letter to my fellow American Jews (tags)

American Jews must come to terms with our/Israeli faults before peace can exist.


LA's event as part of the National Days of Resistance

Lessons of the Brazilian Workers' Party (tags)

WBAI'S Building Bridges presents this 12 minutes radio program which can be heard by clicking the indymedia link - Building Bridges can Mondays be heard 5-6PM PT over



Artwork about April 29th, 1992 uprising. (tags)

I did this Oil Painting based upon what I witnessed in the immediate aftermath of the "not guilty" verdicts for the LAPD Officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. The April 29th, 1992 acquittal lead to the bloodiest riots in United States history.

April 30, 2002 Pro Palestinian Rally at the Federal Building (tags)

Several thousand gather at the Federal Building in Los Angeles to voice their solitary with the West Bank Palestinian population and to demand and end to the violence and occupation.



Palestine Land Day Demo #3 (L.A.) (tags)

On March 30th, several thousand demonstrators held a protest march at the Westwood Federal Building in solidarity with the Palestinian People

Palestine Land Day Demo #2 (L.A.) (tags)

On March 30th, several thousand demonstrators held a protest march at the Westwood Federal Building in solidarity with the Palestinian People

Building Bridges - 1.Arab Workers in Israel 2.NYC Budget Crisis (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 58 minute internet radio program 1,Arab Workers in Israel with Assaf Adiv Coordinator of the Workers Advice Center and The New York City Budget Crisis with David Kallack, Senior Fellow at The Fiscal Policy Institute. TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM CLICK ON THE INDY MEDIA LINK



Anarchists clash with police during an attempted counter protest against Racists (tags)

A account of the clash between the SKAA shield line, and federal law enforcefment


On Friday, March 12, the ‘Angels of Public Interest" descended upon the headquarters of the FCC. Head of the FCC, Michael Powell (son of US war criminal Colin Powell) recently approved the existence of even worse corporate media monopolies than ever before. The angels attempted to enter the FCC building to speak to either Michael Powell or a representative. However, the protesters were blocked by baton/stick wielding police officers who made very clear that they would use force to stop them from entering a building that supposedly represents the public good. AmeriKKKa, a democracy? Yeah, Right!

Racists plan rally March 23rd in Los Angeles (tags)

The Southern Kalifornia Anarchist Alliance calls for militant action against racist groups CCIR and American Patrol.

Building Bridges Radio presents Silkwood -A Women's History Month Special (tags)

Building Bridges:Your Community & Labor Report produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash presents Silkwood-a 58min radio program.Building Bridges is regularly broadcast over WBAI 2-3 PM EST streams live & rebroadcast Wednesdays at 8pm EST on WBAI in Exile To listen to Silkwood click the indymedia link.

Racist groups plan rally in front of LA Federal Building March 23rd (tags)

The Southern Kalifornia Anarchist Alliance calls for militant action against racist groups CCIR and American Patrol.



Building Bridges - safety and health & surveillance in the post 911 era (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 57 min radio program on 2 issues of concern in the post 911 world: worker safety and health in the WTC area and electronic surveillance post 911. TO LISTEN CLICK INDY MEDIA LINK

Building Bridges on immigration & on the death penalty (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 58 minute radio program featuring Ron Tabek – Pres. Of NY Lawyers Against the Death Penalty and Steve Colatrella author of “Workers of the World : African and Asian Migrants in Italy in the 1990s”


The ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE JOBS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (ASJE) is a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world where nature is protected, the worker is respected, and unrestrained corporate power is rejected, through grassroots education, organization, and action. JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL MEETING IN PORTLAND, OREGON!

Building Bridges Radio - Denis Brutus & Horace Campbell on Globalizatio (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 59 min Internet Radio progam in which Denis Brutus and Horace Campbel talk about corporate globalization. Building Bridges is broadcast over WBAI Radio in NYC. PLEASE CLICK ON INDY MEDIA LINK TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM

Electro-magnetic weapons conference and protest (tags)

There is a electro magnetic weapons, micro wave weapons etc. conference being held in L.A. on Feb.2 as well as a protest in front of the federal building on Feb. 3

Building Bridges Internet Radio - Mayor Bloomberg, Don't Fire 3,500 Workers (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents a 9.5 minute radio program - Community Voices Heard,DC37,AFSCME, City Council members & Parks workers demand that NYC stop the firng of 3500 employees transitioned from welfare to work.They are to be moved into lower paying jobs w/o benefits through a temporary agency

Black Bloc Ruckus at Taco Bell HQ (tags)

Ruckus explodes at the Taco Bell Headquarters

Building Bridges Internet Radio for the new Year - Wm Katz and Jesse Jackson (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents this New Year's 75 min radio show with speeches from author William Loren Katz and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Building Bridges is regularly broadcast over WBAI IN EXILE Tuesdays from 9-10PM est TO LISTEN NOW CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE

Building a Global Grassroots Infrastructure-5, Mutual Aid and Mutual Trust (tags)

A multipronged strategy for getting rid of global capitalism is proposed, in which building a global grassroots infrastructure plays a key strategic role

Building Bridges Radio-Labor in Pakistan & Immigrant WTC victims demand rights (tags)

Building Bridges:Your Community & Labor Report in Exile presents a 59 min radio program 1.LABOR IN PAKISTAN TODAY - an interview with MAQBOOL A. BABRI, Pakistani labour videographer & 2.IMMIGRANT VICTIMS OF THE WTC DEMAND RIGHTS AND BENEFITS. Building Bridges is broadcast over internet radio WBAI IN EXILE Tuesdays9-10PM est

Building Bridges Radio-Labor in Pakistan & Immigrant WTC Victims Demand Rights (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents a 59 minutes internet radio program 1.LABOR IN PAKISTAN TODAY - an interview with MAQBOOL A. BABRI, Pakistani labour videographer and 2.IMMIGRANT VICTIMS OF THE WTC DEMAND RIGHTS AND BENEFITS. Building Bridges is broadcast on WBAI IN EXILE Tuesdays 9-10pm EST

Nazi Germany's Reichstag Fore: A lesson in seizure of power (tags)

A nation is shocked when a beloved building explodes in flames after terrorists attack. A leader rallies his own partisans, and pre-empts the opposition. Scared citizens gladly surrender their constitutional rights. Years of war result. 2001? No, 1933.

Building Bridges Internet Radio - NYC Union Sq Rally - the War at Home & Abroad (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report in Exile presents this 58 min radio program linking the War Abroad to sweatshops, globalization, and attacks on civil rights and civil liberties at home. Building Bridges is broadcast on WBAI In Exile Tuesdays at 9PM EST YOU CAN HEAR THIS PROGRAM NOW BY CLICKING ON INDY LINK ABOVE

Anti-War Protests Continue At Westwood Federal Building (tags)

Approximately 250 protesters showed up at the Westwood Federal Building to continue protesting the ongoing war as Ramadan began.

Building Bridges Internet Radio presents Solidarity Forever Concert (tags)

Building Bridges; Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents this concert/discussion held in conjunction with the ICFTU'S "Global Days of Action". Building Bridges is regularly broadcast over WBAI In Exile on Tuesdays from 9-10PM EST

Building Bridges Internet Radio present International Labor & the War (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report in Exile presents a 57 min. internet Radio program on International Labor & the War in Afghanistan with participants from Pakistan, the U.K., the U.S. & South Africa. Building Bridges can be heard over the internet on WBAI In Exile on Tuesdays from 8-9PM at

Building Bridges Internet Radio - Angela Davis Violence Here and Abroad (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents a 45 min. internet radio program with Angela Davis on the connections between domestic violence, violence in the larger socity and the War abroad. Building Bridges is broadcast over WBAI In Exile- on Tuesdays from 9-10PM EST

Building Bridges Internet Radio - Undocumented Workers after the WTC Attack (tags)

Building Bridges Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents a 45 minutes internet radio show exploring the impact of the WTC attack on the eonomic conditions of undocumented workers and on those immigrants caught up in the criminal justice system. Building Bridges is broadcast over WBAI In Exile on Tuesdays 9-10PM EST over

Building Bridges Internet Radio features the War & International Law (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report in Exiles presents a 58 minute internet radio program on the War featuring Michael Ratner,Abdeen Jabarra & Manning Marable. Building Bridges is broadcast over WBAI In Tuesdays 9-10PM EST. TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM NOW CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Internet Radio presents:Update on the Case of the Charleston 5 (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents this 58 internet radio program featuring the Ken Riley, President of Charleston, S.C. Longshore Local1422.BUILDING BRIDGES IS NOW BROADCAST OVER WBAI IN EXILE ON TUESDAYS AT 9PM EST-

Police go berserk in Tucson (tags)

This was posted on the Arizona Indymedia. Many felony charges from the protest last Friday have not been dropped. Please call the Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall at 520/740-5600 and urge her to drop ALL charges!

10/13 at the westwood federal building (tags)

10/13 at the westwood federal building

10/13 at the westwood federal building (tags)

10/13 at the westwood federal building

blase bonpane at the westwood federal building (tags)

10/13 at the westwood federal building

10/13 at the westwood federal building (tags)

10/13 at the westwood federal building

4 U.N. Workers Killed in Initial Strike (tags)

Perhaps the Chinese Embassy should consider evacuating as well?

Westwood Protests Continuing Update (tags)

An ongoing log of information from the anti-war demonstration at the Westwood Federal building.

S29LA sound truck downtown (tags)

No justice no peace!



S29 Rally at the Federal Building (tags)

In the background, a large crowd has gatherered to hear speakers at the anti-war rally in Westwood. The stark Federal Building looms in the foreground.


Between two and three thousand people gathered at the Federal Building in Westwood, California Saturday, joining in solidarity with the September 29th nation wide protest against the pending war on Afghanistan.

march and rally at the westwood federal building (tags)

Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march at the westwood federal building.

march and rally at the westwood federal building (tags)

Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march at the westwood federal building.

march and rally at the westwood federal building (tags)

Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march at the westwood federal building.

march and rally at the westwood federal building (tags)

Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march at the westwood federal building.

march and rally at the westwood federal building (tags)

Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march at the westwood federal building.

Westwood, Peace March Arrives at the Federal Building (tags)

As cars honk in support, protesters congregate at the edge of the Federal Building and Wilshire Blvd.

Plan Colombia Demonstration- Oct 5th at Westwood Federal Building at 12 Noon (tags)

October 5th- 12 noon at the Westwood Federal Building. A protest against Plan Colombia and U.S. involvment in Colombia.

United for Peace - L.A. demo./22nd (tags)

One of 400 protestors opposed to War in the Middle East.

PEACE PLEASE - L.A. anti-war Demo. (tags)

Protestors carrying signs reading, "PEACE PLEASE" and "NO MORE VICTIMS."

LA anti-War Demo/22nd. (tags)

A memorial to those victimized by Terrorism.

September 22nd Rally About the Horror at the Federal Building (tags)

Yesterday at 12:00 noon on a Westwood sidewalk, an event about this nebulous “War Against Terrorism” amplified itself with the honks of the many cars and trucks driving by. With people against a violent intervention packing the sidewalk along Wilsire in front of the west-side Federal Building, the happening felt in flux.

Building Bridges Internet Radio-"The NYC Candlelight Vigil for Peace" (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile brings you this 25 minute internet radio piece on the "Candlelight Vigil for Peace" held at Union Square Park, Friday, Sept 14 - 6-8PM Building Bridges is broadcast on internet Radio WBAI IN 8-9PM EST

Building Bridges presents Labor and Public Housing Tenants UNITE (tags)

a 58 minute radio program on the community and labor protest to fight federal forced work requirements in public housing

Amy Goodman and Edwin Johnston on Building Bridges over (tags)

On Wednesday, August 29th from 8-9 pm est Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report (In Exile) will broadcast a special one hour program on the crisis at WBAI and Pacifica

Building Bridges presents Harry Belafonte (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile presents a one hour conversation with Harry Belafonte on Wednesday, Aug.22 from 5-6pm PT over WBAI Radio In Exile

Building Bridges Internet Labor Radio-3 Crises:Argentina, Pacifica & Welfare (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report is broad- casting Wednesday, August 8 from 8-9pm over WBAI RADIO IN EXILE over we explore 3 crises: Argentina's financial meltdown, Welfare in the U.S. and continuing purges at WBAI-Pacifica

Dmitry Sklyarov Bail Hearing Aug. 6 - Attend Protest Rally, Show Supprt (tags)

Dmitry Sklyarov bail hearing on Aug. 6 at San Jose Federal Building. Attend protest rally, pack the court room, and show your support.

Building Bridges - Labor Internet Radio - Wed 8/1 (tags)

Building Bridges, which was exiled from WBAI-Pacifica is still produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash and is now broadcasting over WBAI in Exile, Wed. 5-6 pm PT

Save the Zapata / Zapatismo Mural (tags)

Hector Ponce's Mural Depicting Emiliano Zapata and Chiapas Leader Sub-Commandante Marcos Declared an Illegal Sign and Slated for Destruction by the Department of Building and Safety

Berlusconi's new regime born in Genoa (tags)

Info from front page

Message from Lisa Fithian at Genoa-IMC (tags)

I just received this message from Lisa Fithian, who's inside the IMC building in Genoa. Any ideas about how to respond?

Ind. Building Protesters Arrested (tags)

Protesters Arrested

La Resistencia! (tags)

La Resistencia, what we're all about, our plans for the summer, meeting summary from 6/30, building the movement for immigrant rights, soping migra brutality, and the militarization of the border.

Meeting on L.A. Gentrification (tags)

There will be a meeting this Monday at 7pm about the "revitalization" plans for downtown LA.


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - Mexico / New Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - New Mexico/Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

Cops Shut Down Medical Center At Gunpoint (tags)




Show support to abortion providers JOIN the car caravan this Saturday March 10 ! (tags)

JOIN US AT THE WESTWOOD FEDERAL BUILDING at 9.00 AM to show appreciation for abortion providers. Partecipate to the car caravan!

re: counter CCIR protests in L.A. Feb. 10th (tags)

"California Coalition for Immigration Reform" holding a rally in L.A. on Feb. 10 at the federal building in Westwood

J20 LA: Well, At Least They Didn't Shoot Us (tags)

2000-3500 people; dissident Democrats and Greens took the stage; an enthusiastic march; hokey folk music before the Federal Building; and an unusual amount of restraint from the good 'ol head-bashin' LAPD.


Protests In Seattle!

Demonstration in Sacramento Calls for Overhaul of U.S. Electoral System (tags)

Over 200 protestors gathered in California's Capitol today to demonstrate against the casting of electoral votes by the state's electors. Charging that the system has become utterly corrupt, demonstrators raised issues from abolishing the Electoral College to racist election policies. Police remained peaceful, and there were no arrests.

From L.A.: call to action against Bush brownshirts! (tags)

A week ago Saturday, at the Westwood (L.A.) Federal Building, FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP BY PRO-BUSH THUGS. YES, THE CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP TOO. I was just told this by an eyewitness.

Los Angeles Election Protest Satuday (tags)

Protest the Republican Coup d'Etat this Saturday, 1pm, at the Federal Building in Westwood.

Mainstream Corporate Media Dismisses Democracy (tags)

By ignoring critical social issues mainstream corporate media dismisses democratic values in the United States.

Justice for Youth (part 3) (tags)

Ending a march from Belmont Learning Complex to CA Gov. Gray Davis' office at the Ronald Reagan State Building, marchers set up a stage right in front of the building and about 100 police officers. Off-camera and in between speakers, Sen. Tom Hayden (D), brings together key organizers to negotiate the 10 demands with a Davis rep.

Demands of Tuesday Justice for Youth March (tags)

The Justice for Youth March on Tuesday morning was part of continuing statewide efforts to fight for more Schools and less Jails in the State of California. The following were the 10 demands presented at the Ronald Reagan State Building where California Gov. Gray Davis' office is located:

Police Surround Convergence Center (tags)

Police occupy area surrounding D2K convergence center on Wed. night

Police Converge on Convergence Center (tags)

A minor incident brings 120 police to the Convergence Center,where they occupy the street for an hour.

Alleged Bomb Threat Blocks IndyMedia Satellite Transmission (tags)

The Los Angeles Police Department has informed the Independent Media Center, Shadow Convention, and other occupants of the Patriotic Building in downtown LA of an alleged bomb threat. T

Alleged Bomb Threat Blocks IndyMedia Satellite Transmission (tags)

The Los Angeles Police Department has informed the Independent Media Center, Shadow Convention, and other occupants of the Patriotic Building in downtown LA of an alleged bomb threat. The IMC, which occupies the 6th floor of the building, was informed of the threat around 5pm on Monday afternoon. The police have cordoned off the building's parking lot, which is preventing the IMC from broadcasting the satellite transmission of its daily live TV show, Crashing the Party. LAPD have also mentioned a possible evacuation of the building.

Yes (tags)


Activists charged with trespassing, held for political questioning by LAPD

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