fix articles 1739, riot
San Francisco Day of Resistance March Occupies Market Street Once Again (tags)
As part of national Day of Resistance actions to protest police murders of people of color, marchers in San Francisco again occupied Market Street, the city’s main commercial thoroughfare.
Pussy Riot Propaganda Is For Naïve Americans (tags)
Pussy Riot, a Russian female punk band of recent notoriety, very much seems to have one tunnel vision goal—at least as reported to Western audiences by Western media—and that is to discredit and defame Russian President Vladimir Putin. The band name ‘riot’ is not hard to understand, as their supposed “art form” resembles a riot, as punk music often enough does; but it is more anti-music in its ear-splitting aggression. Behind scenes of this shallow morality play …lays larger political stories, pseudo-stories, propaganda, foreign inspired revolutions with plenty of American tax money being circulated to bribe public relations schemes and more lately accusations that even NGOs that supposedly care about human rights and the environment have been infiltrated to the point that their real mission is to engage in propaganda operations.
Big surprise: Corporate media fucks up chalk walk story (tags)
I don't usually do these opinion-type pieces, but I'm trying something a little different here. Bear with me.
UCR Occupied in Defense of Education (tags)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Thousands of students, workers, and community members gathered to participate in the governance of the UC system. When their participation was limited and ultimately shut off, they took direct action to ensure their voices were heard. For this, they were confronted by police from numerous agencies. Police violence broke out, and three arrests were made.
The Occupocalypse at Occupy Oakland (tags)
A first person story of the Nov 14th raid on Occupy Oakland
Riots in England/Uprising of the unheard (tags)
In contrary with the mainstream media and the British politicians, the 2011 riots in England are no ''mindless violence'', but a clear protest against the years of social unjustice and racist police violence
Sen. Bernie Sanders Reads the Riot Act (tags)
Bernie Sanders Reads the Riot Act, Senate Transcript: The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Poorer, and the Middle Class Disappears
French Students Mobilize: "Sarkozy, You're Screwed, The Youth Are In the Streets!" (tags)
From our correspondent in France
California Prison Erupts, Rapper "x-Rated" nearly killed during riot. (tags)
On March 19th 2010, a riot erupted on the Pleasant Valley State Prison yard between Northern Hispanic Inmates and Blacks. Notorious rapper Anerae, "X-Rated" Brown (Sacramento, CA) airlifted to hospital while nearly dying as result of his injuries
Puerto Rico: Beatings at the Sheraton (tags)
On the evening of May 20, the notorious Shock Force of the Puerto Rican Police brutally attacked a demonstration of hundreds of students and workers protesting against Governor Luis Fortuño. The assault took place in the luxurious Sheraton Hotel, where the privatizing, anti-worker governor was presiding over a fancy fundraising dinner. As our reporter recounts, the police brutally beat demonstrators with riot clubs and pepper-sprayed everyone with tear gas and pepper gas. This was the response of the government to the workers strike two days ago in support of the student strike at the University of Puerto Rico, which has lasted almost a month. It is urgently necessary to translate the worker-student unity that was on display on May 18 into powerful strike actions that shut down key sectors of the economy of the U.S.' Caribbean island economy. We publish here the on-the-spot report from our correspondent who witnessed and participated in the protest.
Nazis Hold Rally At Los Angeles City Hall (tags)
Out of Shape National Socialists Enrage and Unify Los Angeles Anti Racist Factions / photo Set 1 of 1
7/27: Open Letters from China Cyber Activists Against CNN media bias on Urumqi (tags)
Greeting from Hong Kong, China, I am currently at my last week of China-U.S. bi-national solidarity trip and forwarding you the request from influential Chinese cyber activists from Beijing, China call and their two open letters against New York Times and the Congress about their China bias/bashing against the recent July 5th riots at Urumqi Separatist Riot That Killed 190 civilians....
Statement of Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair on San Francisco Police Riot (tags)
After the Monday evening demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco was broken up by club-wielding police, video of the incident was widely distributed on the internet. One of those who saw it, Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair Kevin Akin, issued a statement demanding that the police videotaped beating demonstrators "at random, for no apparent reason, with clear malice and intent to inflict serious injury," be arrested and charged with assault. "This criminal assault shows us that after the murder of Oscar Grant, it is apparent that more members of Bay Area police forces need to be reminded that they can no longer get away with violent crime in this age of video."
Rave or Riot, Are you ready for Prop 8 D-Day? (tags)
The court decision on Prop 8 is expected sometime before the end of this month. Whatever the decision we will be in the streets.
Saturday (12/20): Reports from Greece (tags)
Today it's two weeks since the murder of Alexis and the beginning of the revolt. It is also day of international solidarity and global day against the police and state terrorism. Here are the major protests and events of the day in Greece.
Friday (12/19): reports from Greece (tags)
Another day in the streets. Big solidarity concert in Athens and more protests, most of the peaceful.
Thursday (12/18): reports from Greece (tags)
Nothing is over, thousands took the streets again!
Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece (tags)
Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece
Monday 12/15: reports from Greece (tags)
Monday 12/15: reports from Greece
Day 7 of the revolt in Greece (tags)
The Greek Intifada continues and the government is unable to impose its control in the country, spreading fears among the ruling classes all over the European Union.
Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot (tags)
Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot
The Ground Noise and the Static: A Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul (Illustrated) (tags)
“Please, please, my friends, my dear friends, please, please don’t be diverted by the ground noise and the static”—John McCain, on being interrupted just before he can accept the GOP’s nomination, 9/4/08
Anti-war march challenges McCain on last day of RNC (tags)
On the final day of the RNC, at the "No Peace for the Warmakers" march, the crowd was repeatedly tear gassed, 396 arrested as police pull out all stops to prevent anti-war march from reaching Xcel Center
The RNC’S Outrageous Assault on Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, and Alternative Media... (tags)
Revolution Newspaper writer Larry Everest takes on the attack on alternative media at the RNC. This is what imperialist democracy looks like!
Report Back From Tacoma Anti-ICE March (tags)
A synopsis from an anarchist
Riot violence is escalating in France, police groups say (tags)
Revolts are the inevitable product of the current social system. When a revolt breaks out you can’t ask yourself ‘how could it happen?’ but rather ‘how is it possible that it doesn’t happen everywhere, all the time?’. - Nights of Rage
The Hate Equation:Targeting Migrant Children in LA (tags)
The May 1 police riot in Mac Arthur Park sent a deliberate political message and was part of a larger pattern of attacks targeting Brown children and families.
“If the LAPD acts like this in broad daylight in front of cameras, what do they do at night?”
police can riot all they please (tags)
police riot (again) at macarthur park in los angeles
Cops Terrorize May Day Protestors (tags)
[ Screen capture from T52 Telemundo broadcast, showing LAPD Riot cops pointing shotguns at protestors during May Day protest ]
British Invasion 2K6: 1 Year Later (tags)
The one-year anniversary of the British Invasion 2K6 riots in San Bernardino.
Downtown Long Beach Protest Gets Attacked by Police, CWLA Member Arrested (tags)
First Hand Accounts from Demonstration in Downtown Long Beach Against Military Recruiters in our Communities Friday December 8th
Dec. 8th Long Beach Protest Followup (tags)
After-protest meeting notes about the Dec. 8th Anti-Recruitment and GI Resistance demonstration
Greece, Athens: 17-11-2006: A "small" witness report from the Hilton block (tags)
one of those who got away
Cops Riot, Minutemen Cheer (tags)
Police violence erupted in Hollywood today as a crowd of anti-Minutemen protesters and innocent bystanders were caught in the midst of a spontaneous police riot.
Nous les zonards voyous (riot in the french banlieue 2005) (tags)
We need to understand the reason of the Watts’ riot and what we need to prevent it in the future. Because only if we study and assimilate the Los Angeles’ lesson, drawing the due conclusions, could we hope to keep the unstable social components, which are presently clashing in the United States, under control (Robert Conot, The Watts’ summer, 1967). Prevent the phenomenon? Keep it under control? At present? In the United States? (n+1 editorial staff’s note, 2006).
about the riot in the french banlieue
Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos) (tags)
Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo & a riot (photos) & the co-operation of the European Social Forum with the police in arresting dozens of innocent passers-by and bystanders and charging seventeen of them.
Korean Troops Occupy Village for US Base Expansion (tags)
For three days, 1,000's of protestors have clashed with police and soldiers in a resistance to a U.S. base expansion. The expansion of Camp Humphreys (K-6) is part of the United States' Global Posture Review, following the agenda of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), and implemented by the Bush Administration to consolidate its military hegemony over Northeast Asia.
Riots erupt during the European Social Forum march in Athens (tags)
Anarchist rioters used dozens of Molotov cocktails as well as crowbars and flag poles to attack banks, stores, police cars, and police and government buildings.
Zapatista Red Alert: The Other Mexico on the Verge of an Explosion from Below (tags)
The Story Behind the Zapatista Red Alert as the Other Campaign Arrives at Zero Hour
Police State and Rebellion after March (tags)
Report back from Police State and Rebellion in Mc Arthur Park after Rally.
1886 The Haymarket Riot (tags)
Source: John J. Flinn. "History of the Chicago Police from the Settlement of Community to the Present Time" Chicago, Police Book Fund, 1887. Municipal Reference Collection, Chicago Public Library. "The police followed the retreating anarchists and sent deadly volleys into their midst (p.319)"
Greece: Anarchists in Athens welcome Condoleezza Rice (Photos & Videos) (tags)
Welcome Condoleezza – A detailed photographic chronicle and videos from the riots in Athens and the quick demo before that which was prohibited by the police.
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University (tags)
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
Baca Calls for Segregationism (tags)
LA Co Sheriff Lee Baca's response to riot: segragation.
Race Riot in SoCal Prison (tags)
chicago blog's perspective on california race riot
A Brutal Police Riot in Israel (tags)
It looks at the recent Police Riot in Israel.
Greece: Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police (Video) (tags)
Video – Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police and the Police Special Forces - Found at
Greece: Anarchists Riot Against the Government Harsh Economic Policies (video) (tags)
Video from the dynamic reaction by anarchists against the harsh greek government's policies, especially in relation to the economy, employment and suppression of personal rights and liberties.
The police use horses and riot cops to push the peaceful protestors back.
S. KOREA. Yesterday's Protest... (tags) front of Immigration Office in Seoul/Mokdong
A Short history of riots in Los Angeles (tags)
A Short history of riots in Los Angeles
Haitian police killed dozens of prisoners last week and carted out bodies in wheelbarrows during a riot that turned into a massacre, according to a human rights group.
KOREA. General Strike, Cops are Hunting Activists (tags)
Since yesterday's declaration of the general strike, the government is reacting with repression. Today migrant workers in Seoul are exactly ONE year in sit-in strike!
S. KOREA. 9.20/Last week's... (tags)
...MSSC struggle report
S. KOREA, "Summer Struggle"... (tags)
...a great experience of unity and solidarity
South Korea, Migrant Workers Struggle Continues (tags)
Migrant workers in the South Korean capital Seoul, threaten by the government's policy of forced mass deportation, are fighting back.
How To Prepare For Children At Protests: Vice Versa Is Not Possible (tags)
Protest zones are important classrooms. Attending protests with kids is different than attending protests without kids. But going to a protest with an affinity group, or as a street medic, is also different than going alone. How should we prepare to take kids with us?
collect evidence in streets today if police riot (tags)
For today's protests, make sure to collect the spent evidence of police riot materials afterwards. Take pictures of cops without name tags. Dress as Santa. Take fake babies to the front lines...
Marchers Protesting Elimination of Police Overtime Pay Brutalized by Police (tags)
Candelight Vigil to Remember Victim of Police Brutality-1/27 (tags)
see below
What Does Self-Defense Against Riot Police Look Like? (tags)
How do we utilize legal self-defense when cops go nuts? Why were 231 protesters criminally charged, and 0 police charged, in the FTAA protests in Miami? Tacoma Police Chief raped a woman, where should she go? How do we protect ourselves from cops?
G8 2004:War in Savannah? (tags)
$9.6 million for police overtime and ominous equipment like crowd-control fences, water cannons, bean-bag rifles and riot shields.
One LA Activist's Report Back From Miami (tags)
A report of the situation and my arrest in Miami.
Inmates Are Moved After Riot Kills 2 (tags)
SACRAMENTO — More than 130 inmates have been transferred out of a privately run state prison in eastern Riverside County after a weekend riot there left two convicts dead and tensions at the low-security lockup unusually high.
Riot urged against the execution of martyr Paul Hill (tags)
Paul Hill is now officialy a martyr for killing an abortion doctor and the doctor's partner-in-crime.
They have Civil War reenactments. We need Civil Rights Protest Reenactments.
Inglewood beating in Comparison to rodney king is Worse.
Fuck The Police. They're Fucking Us. It's Out Of Hand, They're This Fucked Up. (tags)
What I find the most disturbing about the Oakland PD's use of rubber bullets, wooden bullets and everything else they lobbed at protesters...
Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo (tags)
Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo
Over 50 protest in Riverside, one activist slashed by counter-demonstrator (tags)
Though crowds are smaller in Riverside, we received another reminder of the dangers of protesting a war in California's most conservative corner.
LONDON Westminister Bridge blocked, 100000 Athens (tags)
Breaking News UK 18:30 London. Westminster Bridge blocked by dancing protesters. 100,000 in Athens, 15,000 block freeway in Barcelona
Poetic justice for undercover piggys (tags)
instant karma-just add violence
Riot against Gray Davis (tags)
If the youth have any decency in them then they should stage a riot against Gray Davis.
Guns And Roses Fans Riot in Vancouver, Canada (tags)
Thousands of Guns And Roses fans rioted Thursday night, November 7, 2002, after an announcement outside GM Place in Vancouver that the show had been canceled.
Police State in Santa Ana!! (tags)
Hundreds of cops in full riot gear in Santa Ana, ready to beat and arrest about ten or so supporters of Matthew Lamont!
Spanish riot police lashed out at anti-capitalist protesters outside an EU summit on Friday
Mayday Long Beach Update (tags)
Ruckus and Alex Schwartz are scheduled to make their last pre-trial appearance in front of the court on October 30th. Also, more misdemeanor cases have had hearings.
Long Beach May Day Update (tags)
Updates from the October 23 pre-trial
just got back from O22, some observations+opinon (tags)
A quickie take on the day.
D.C. Riot Policeman-photo (tags)
A D.C. riot policeman makes a statement under his helmet at the S29 march.
D.C. Riot Policeman-photo (tags)
A D.C. riot policeman makes a statement under his helmet at the S29 march.
Guatamalan child in front of riot police in Guatemala City REUTERS/Jorge Silva (tags)
A Guatamalan indian child stands in front of riot police during a demonstration at a national one-day work stoppage in Guatemala City, August 1, 2001. Guatemalan riot police clashed with demonstrators across Guatemala on Wednesday, as widespread protests at an unpopular tax hike turned to violence. A nationwide coalition of business and labor groups called for the protests as part of a one-day "national stoppage" to oppose a two-point value added tax rise to 12 percent, that came into effect Wednesday morning. REUTERS/Jorge Silva
PARTY ON FRIDAY!! (or sunday) (tags)
There is a party over here, fuck you over there....
Border rally and march
Cops Shut Down Medical Center At Gunpoint (tags)
The police produced -- at best -- a chilling effect on the First; at worst they wiped their ass with it
Stop Police Brutality March and Protest (tags)
I have, on video, a police officer inciting riot at today's rally.
Police Attack Protesters at Parker Center (tags)
A short personal report from the demonstrations.
LAPD slogan.... "Whose streets? OUR streets!"
His only weapons are his ideas.
If you had a run in with these guys, how would you identify them in a report to the Police Complaint Desk? Without a badge number, an Officer is totally anonymous.
Response to DJK and the call for active defense (tags)
For those who think that non-violence is not working and are claiming that they want to step-up to the baiting of violent agencies and bodies, the question is are you going to be the one to take charge of a situation and be on the front line, the buffer to take the hits?
Critical Mass Arrests at Flower & 18th (tags)
One section of the Critical Mass rally was arrested at Flower & 18th tonight.
critical mass results in show of force (tags)
Los Angeles is an extreme car culture and a peaceful demonstration by bicyclists is transformed by LAPD into a ugly display of power.
A Black Bloc's view of last night's police riot (tags)
As an individual in the Black Bloc I felt that the police showed its true colors last night with the indiscriminate gassing and shooting of the people.