fix articles 173573, us courts
Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler is provided with additional evidence of large-scale c (tags)
The US courts computer systems - PACER and CM/ECF - enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in the US courts. The systems undermine both Human Rights and Banking Regulation in the United States. Prof Yochai Benkler, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to review the evidence and provide an opinion.
Prof Erwin Chemerinsky is Asked to Take a Stand on US Court Corruption (tags)
The validity, integrity, and transparency of court records are at the foundation of Fair Hearing/Due Process and the Human, Constructional, and Civil Rights of the People. Widespread corruption of the US courts is key to the disintegration of socio-economic development and civil society in the United States under our watch.
Cookbook Recipe: Four Simple Steps for Determining Validity of the US Courts Records (tags)
Human Rights Alert (NGO) published a simple four-step recipe for the public and pro se filers to examine records of the US courts and determine whether they are victims of fraud by the court.
False Litigation Records and False Bank of America Banking Regulation (tags)
Actions by US Congress were asserted as essential not only for restoring the integrity of the US courts, but also for restoring the integrity of banking regulation and ending the current economic Depression.
‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: US Court Clerk TERRY NAFISI Asked to Provide Judgments Attestation (tags)
The Clerk of the US Court is charged with attestation of judgments and the maintenance of honest dockets. On both accounts Clerk TERRY NAFISI was previously found at fault.
Request for impeachment of US Judges JED RAKOFF, VIRGINIA PHILLIPS, JOHN WALTER, and US Ma (tags)
The request alleged that the conduct of the named judges and magistrate undermined Banking Regulation and/or Human Rights in the United States.
William Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States – Evidence of Public Corrup (tags)
Conditions that prevail at the US courts today undermine Human Rights and banking regulation, and contribute to disintegration of the frameworks of democratic government in the United States. Reform of the judiciary in the United States is also essential for addressing the current Depression.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Clerks are Key to Integrity Failure of the US Courts (tags)
US Congress is called upon to take action to restore the integrity of the US Courts, through placing the Clerks under authority of the US Attorney General and enacting federal rules of PACER and CM/ECF.
Indian Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)
Many Indian nationals had their marriages in India and domicile in the United States. They travel back to India for the purpose of obtaining divorce judgments according to the Hindu law. The issue of jurisdiction becomes important factor for the recognition of their foreign divorce judgments in the United States. This article analyzes this issue.
L.A. Gay Activist Expands Gay Marriage Battle (tags)
LA Gay Activist Rev. Troy Perry, the first Southern Californian to be legally married in Canada, to fight for us recognition.