fix articles 17343, face Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : face


Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement. (tags)

Los Angeles County residents should choose to get vaccinated instead of wearing face coverings.

State Of Mayhem: The Not So Perfect Days (tags)

This material was taken from the book "Memories Of Oblivion", written by Michael Lupa Jr.


fuck u zionazi censors of indy

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 7 (tags)

the diary of anne frank was written after her death by a bunch of thugs

The Shortwave Report 03/30/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Caribbean Religious Leaders Call for Debt Relief in Face of Disasters (tags)

From Grenada to Saint Lucia, religious leaders are calling for processes to provide debt relief in the face of natural disasters.

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation (tags)

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation

Trial Starts for Woman with Erb’s Palsy Punched in Face Repeatedly by LAPD Officers (tags)

Opening statements are scheduled to take place in Los Angeles this week in the civil trial (Case No. BC621315) of a disabled woman who alleges that in 2015 a Los Angeles police officer repeatedly punched her, including in the face, and pinned her non-functioning arm underneath her body. Zennea Foster, who was born with Erb’s Palsy rendering her left arm and hand immobile, is suing the Los Angeles Police Department for civil rights violations, assault and battery after she says she was viciously beaten by several LAPD officers in South Los Angeles in 2015.

Brazil: A short letter to President Trump (tags)

This beautiful fugitive bird, Mr. President, the hope of a smarter, peaceful and productive world, moves my fingers and my heart as I write this short letter to you.

A Disgrace : USA (tags)

This report is at once a summary of our shared predicament and an update on my particular challenges.

Philippines: Bongbong’s whitewashing of Marcos name anathema to 2016 plans (tags)

Akbayan took exception to Senator Bongbong Marcos’s statement that there was no downside to being a Marcos should he decide to run for higher office in 2016.

a refutation of cop logic (tags)

We've heard it all before and we're not listening.

Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps (tags)

PHILIPPINES: As I peered at Jennifer Laude’s serene face in the open casket, I saw the wound on her forehead that was barely concealed by the mortician’s make up. I did not see the bruises on her neck and shoulders, but a person familiar with the autopsy said they were severe.

ISIS is a CIA Inspired 'Frankenstein' Monster Designed to Villify Islam (tags)

The group called ISIS/ISIL is a CIA project that recruits emotionally and/or mentally disturbed individuals and enables them to become full blown psychotics with a mission to kill. The goal of this CIA operation is to (once again) bring destruction and war to the Middle East and give our troops and the military-industrial complex another job.

Argentina Debt Payments Blocked by US Court (tags)

The Argentine government announced Thursday that it transferred funds to the Bank of New York Mellon to pay the 92% of bond holders who restructured after Argentina's 2001 default.

America's Hidden Hunger Crisis (tags)


Uranium Madhouse unleashes The Duchess of Malfi in Hollywood (tags)

Uranium Madhouse revives John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi in a provocative new production. Playing at the Theater Asylum Lab in Hollywood select dates from May 23 through June 1.

Global Protests Against Bedouin Ethnic Cleansing (tags)


Netanyahu Launches Anti-Iranian Twitter Campaign (tags)


East/West Cracks on Syria (tags)


Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Human Rights Get Short Shrift in Israel (tags)

police state

Netanyahu's Israel (tags)


Israeli Soldiers Break Silence (tags)


Palestinians Living in Firing Zones (tags)


Spurious Terrorism Indictments (tags)

police state

Social Justice on Trial in Canada (tags)


US Higher Education in Crisis (tags)

class war

When Life Transcends Art. (tags)

A story of 2 women in hunger strike in Greece that can easily be in the front line of all those people who fight for a just cause like human rights, regardless if it is connected or addressed to race, colour, sexuality, gender, class or religion.

Life in East Jerusalem (tags)


BTL:As U.S. Poverty Rises, Social Safety Net Programs Face Cuts (tags)

Interview with Dr. Cathy Grace, director of early childhood development with the Children?s Defense Fund, conducted by Scott Harris

NATO's Ugly Face (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Bahrain (tags)

state terrorism

Killings, Detentions and Torture in Egypt (tags)


Freedom Now for Simos Seisidis - International Call for Solidarity (tags)


Reactionary Extremism in Wisconsin and Ohio (tags)

worker struggles

Supporting America's Peace Mom (tags)

Here's why and how we need to come together in support of America's Peace Mom, Cindy Sheehan.

Call out for West Coast Days of Action Feb 26th and 27th against police (tags)

This call out for Specifically West Coast solidarity is not meant to exclude any regions from acting (in fact we encourage it!) but to reaffirm networks of affinity that already exist. To realize our strength as a collective force, and the feelings of joy that spread through moments of solidarity and revolt in the face of a common enemy. It is our actions together that bind us.

Why Obama Fears Democracy in Egypt (tags)

Raising Lazarus from the dead would be easier than reviving the Egyptian President. So Obama is on to plan B. And as it turns out, plan B looks a lot like the status-quo, minus a change of face. The new face is a man handpicked by the U.S., Mohamed ElBaradei, a UN bureaucrat who hasn't lived in Egypt in decades and is virtually unknown by the Egyptian people. Placing ElBaradei in power will take behind the scenes political maneuvering combined with military repression, a plan that will collide with the revolutionary demands of the people.

CIA Puppet Mr. Hosni Mubarak MUST STEP DOWN! (tags)

It is illogical to assume that Hosni Mubarak's firing of his underlings will somehow restore democracy to Egypt when he himself is the source of the problem! Nor is it logical or probable that a thirty year dictator will step down "nicely" or "legally". Only when the Egyptian police grow weary of brutalzing their own people and rip off their badges and join the protests demanding Mubarak's full and complete resignation will democracy begin to emerge in Egypt!

Our Commons Future is Already Here: Maude Barlow (tags)

For I too am a steward, did you not know?”_ —J.R.R. Tolkien

Benigno S. "Noynoy" Aquino III: The new face of counterrevolution (tags)

The PESANTE BULETIN learned today through the ANG BAYAN, the official newsletter of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines published in the internet that last July 7, 2010 said that " Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III is the new face of counterrevolution. Formally installed on June 30 as the new head of the puppet reactionary government. He is now the main advocate of US imperialist rule and that of the local big comprador bourgeoisie, bureaucrat capitalists and landlords. On his shoulders rests the main responsibility of continuing the administration of the bankrupt semicolonial and semifeudal system, consolidating and running its state and suppressing any challenge to puppet reactionary power." The revolutionary newspaper also said that :' Just as US imperialism and the local ruling classes expected of him, Aquino focused his first few days on consolidating the puppet army. Aquino is well aware that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the main pillar of reactionary rule in the Philippines.

The face of Evil (tags)

The face of Evil



PHILIPPINES: Villar should face music, says worried Ocampo (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—Even his political ally agrees that Sen. Manuel Villar, a presidential candidate, should face the music and speak up in the Senate about the C-5 road project controversy.

More Than One (tags)

The recent elections in Massachusetts deciding the Class 1 Senate seat earned by Republican Senator Elect Scott Brown displayed holes in the Democratic Party's current strategy for winning public support. Perhaps the biggest and most obvious hole was that there didn't seem to be much of a strategy at all. After seeing how the New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts elections were handled one had to wonder if they truly cared. It seemed the plan was one to two weeks before an election go in and "what the heck - we may even win."

What Makes Jewelry An Ideal Gift (tags)

A small piece of a jewelry item is worth a dazzling smile on the face of the special person. Be it Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Thanks Giving Day or any other occasion, jewelry is a special gift and its charm will never fade.

copenhagen police destroy integrity of the conference (tags)

a new phase of climate destruction, the public violent beating of earth advocates

Mexico legalizes drug use (tags)

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession for “personal use” ! People detained with small quantities no longer face criminal prosecution when the law goes into effect today.


In December 14, last 2003, some of the people here in this country took charge of a review about the 90’s scene and the Movement’s outlook were third world. They were graduating but late and friends were youth but boring.

The revolutionary movement in Greece (tags)

The "small" revolutionary movement in Greece turned into a massive and strong movement against the goverment and the capitalistic system

Fire In The Hole -- SoCal Hiking Trail Gets Fixed (tags)

Upper Bear Creek Trail in the Angeles National Forest has been closed due to a gap in the hiking trail which made using the trail dangerous. Saturday the USFS, the Bear Divide Hot Shots, and the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders blasted the cliff face at the gap so that the trail can be re-established and get re-opened.

LAPD suppresses radical art space (tags)

Imagine a place where people can come together to exchange ideas, create art, play music, and otherwise invest in a better world, starting here and now in Los Angeles. Some LA heads went beyond imagining and created it. After many hours of hard work and planning, they finally opened it up to the community to host a hip hop show, a benefit for next month's anarchist bookfair. The crowd was mostly young people from a variety of backgrounds and different parts of the city. Some of us were painting and organizing for the first Los Angeles Really Really Free Market, but mostly people were just bobbing their heads to the beats. We were obviously a threat to the system and the American way of life.

Obama Nation (tags)

Obama Nation You didn’t want to know about our new corporate and elite family representative. The media sold it to you and you bought it.

NYCLAW Antiwar Digest (tags)

"In the States, if police burst into your house, kicking down doors and swearing at you, you would call your lawyer and file a lawsuit. Here, there are no lawyers. Their resources are limited, so they plant IEDs (improvised explosive devices) instead."


"The security cameras are just one part of a much broader high-tech surveillance and censorship program known in China as "Golden Shield." The end goal is to use the latest people-tracking technology — thoughtfully supplied by American giants like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric — to create an airtight consumer cocoon: a place where Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cellphones, McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer and UPS delivery (to name just a few of the official sponsors of the Beijing Olympics) can be enjoyed under the unblinking eye of the state, without the threat of democracy breaking out."

The Aquino Assasination, August 21, 1983, 25 years Later (tags)

Twenty-five years ago today, August 21, 1983, the armed minions of the US-Marcos dictatorship shot and killed Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. after arresting him inside the plane that took him home from his exile in the United States. Many articles have been written and will be written singing paeans to the late opposition leader and extolling him to high heavens but without understanding the reasons he went back to face his death in the Philippines.

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

Don White Remembered at Weekly Vigil for Haiti (tags)

Don White was one of the organizers and regular participants of the weekly vigil calling for the release of Haitian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. In the wake of Don's passing on June 19th, the vigil has been paying tribute to him.

Prop 98 can provoke a city-wide rent strike in San Francisco, LA, and elsewhere.. (tags)

Housing activists have absolutely no plan to effectively confront the passage of Proposition 98, which will abolish rent control statewide.

Costa Mesa police officer killed one and wounded another (tags)

Riverside County Sheriff's Department said at about 7:20 p.m. Saturday evening officers responded to a call of shots fired and a report of an assault in progress involving a deadly weapon in Old Town Temecula after words were exchanged between the off-duty cop and the persons shot.

Obama: The “Best Face” For Imperialism (tags)

Sullivan writes that a (ruling class) “consensus” agenda for endless war and increased repression will be in effect regardless of who is president. He challenges the reader to pick who could best implement all this in the face of global isolation and profound domestic alienation. And, in the process, he sheds light on the real role of elections in this society.

It's not my fault (tags)

This is the latest short story by me which shoulkd be printed out to paper for the full effect

Dozens of Illinois HS Students Face Expulsion After Antiwar Sit-in (tags)

Over 70 high school students participated in a sit-in against the Iraq War on All Saint's Day, Thursday, November 1st. The protest began when dozens of students gathered quietly in the lunchroom at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois and refused to leave.

End The War Protest (tags)

The march, die-in was very effective, putting a Face on War. More are needed to protest this government, the lack of Democracy, the invasion of our Constitution, this governments unwillingness to heed the voices of We the People.

U.S. Troops Are Dying, So That Bush Can “Save Face!” (tags)

Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), on Oct. 17, 2007, on Capitol Hill, said: “Thousands of kids are going to come back in caskets, [from the Iraq War], which we are not allowed to see, or with amputations, brain injuries, with traumatic stress.” Why? Rep. Filner answers: “[Because Bush] is going to make the Democrats take responsibility for ‘this thing.’ That is to ‘save his face.’” I say: Let Bush “save face” in prison, with V.P. Dick Cheney, as his cell mate!

Free the Jena Six, Stop the War on African People (tags)

This last week, thousands of people converged on the small town of Jena, Louisiana to show support for the six African teenagers who face felony charges following a series of attacks by a hostile white school and criminal justice system.

crime scene cleanup (tags)

The police, the fire department and the crime-scene investigators who arrive at a crime scene perform crucial tasks in the aftermath of a violent death.

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas (tags)

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas

Loan defaults escalating: Big Finance and governments Responsible (tags)

Many articles have been written on the tactic of pervasive and continuous debt as a form of economic social management. However, few financial ‘wizards’ and politicians understood the ramifications of such a tactic. To meet regular needs average people have been forced to borrow at rates never before seen. As a result of the created necessity to borrow large amounts and the ease of obtaining large loans, a rapid increase in loan defaults is occurring. Perhaps statistical information on the ‘spike’ in long term debt servicing and mortgagee defaults highlights the failure of the debt strategy. Hailed at the time as the optimum method of economic and social management, today it is proving to be just another strategy of big business appropriating more at the expense of EVERYTHING and everyone else.

Political conjunctions and Blurring definitions (tags)

A number of factors have recently formed a conjunction, which provided a new view of a popular ‘reality’. Whenever the flames of the terrorist ‘threat’ begin to wane convenient arrests are made that fan the embers back into flames of concern. Recent police raids in Sydney and Melbourne have resulted in the arrests of two Sri Lankan Tamils; “two men have appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on terrorism related charges,” ran the intro from one media outlet while another ran with, “men face terrorism charges after raids.” I’m sure we all get the drift but it should be noted that assistant commissioner to the Federal Police, Frank Prendergast, went to lengths "to make it clear that these men weren't involved in any possible attacks on Australian soil.” Well then, what?

Bush, Blair could face War-crimes Charges (tags)

George W. Bush and Tony Blair may face war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court over their military intervention and occupation of Iraq. The Internationally insignificant John Howard would face Australian courts prior to being handed over to the ICC.

When Superpowers go Rogue (tags)

History records instances of powerful, belligerent nations invading and annexing weaker nations in their bid for world domination and plunder. Various pretexts are utilised to justify these attacks/invasions, the most familiar and infamous are the USS Liberty attack, the Tonkin Gulf incident and more recently the imaginary WMD 'threat'. These examples have one thing in common; they are all orchestrated in order to harness the public as a manageable resource to be used and abused by prevailing powers and to justify an otherwise illegal invasion or military aggression. Nations bent on world domination are extremely predictable; world domination is the folly of a powerful military and inept leadership – history is familiar with a multitude of conquering clowns known to us today as mass murderers.

The Russian Bear rouses from Hibernation (tags)

Speaking at the Munich security conference, Vladimir Putin took the opportunity to denounce America for its pursuit of world domination. Putin’s verbal attack lacked the clout the old Soviet Union once possessed, however, the message was not lost on the Americans who immediately went into recovery/spin mode regarding their hegemonic pursuits.

It was a middle aged wedding (tags)

and the young folks wished them well

Inanity for Xmas (tags)

The arch-conservative Anglican Dean of Sydney's St. Andrews Cathedral, Phil Jensen, has delivered a Christmas message worthy of the most mindless, inane comment that the infamous neo-con war monger and lunatic Donald “uknown knowns” Rumsfeld could have delivered. The Dean stated that “Christmas is about God giving, that God gave the gift of God and the gift of God, is God," (!) Those Australians who imagined that mindless, unqualified statements only issued from American neo-cons be advised, conservative pro-American Evangelicals are alive and very ‘unwell’ in conservative Anglican Sydney.

Screw the 5th!! Feds now require you to keep computer snitch data (tags)

Feds now require you to snitch on yourself, or at least keep backup of computer files that can snitch on you

AFP orders court-martial to 30 officers (tags)

TWO generals and 28 other military officers will face court-martial for their alleged participation in the abortive coup against the Arroyo administration in February. The two generals to face court-martial are Maj. Gen. Renato Miranda, former Marine Corps commandant and Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim, former commander of the elite First Scout Ranger Regiment.

LAPD says its OK to pepper spray folks handcuffed in the back of a squad car! (tags)

I feel a lot safer now that I know its legal for the cops to pepper spray people who are handcuffed in the back of a police car! Well not really!

EYEWITNESS REPORT Oaxaca, MX 10/29/2006 (tags)

Eyewitness report from Oaxaca!

Mexico becomes part of the Amerikan police state! (tags)

Mexico extradites a record 50 fugitives to the U.S. this year

Court-martials ordered for 8 soldiers on murder charges during Iraq service (tags)

Eight soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division will be court-martialed on murder charges stemming from their service in Iraq, including two who face a death sentence for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl and killing her and her family, the military ordered Wednesday.

Congressman Ney Convicted of Bribery (tags)

Rep. Bob Ney was convicted today of bribery charges stemming from the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation

French Fries in the American Southwest (tags)

Hike the Mojave Desert.

Smoking George In His Fight To Stand Urban Warfare (tags)

Drag this filth through that brag of shaming fat oil where needle ends up such pathology of brat shit homing domicile to beat the bastards without tracking sucked-up attitude noded to wall until I smash the face of the devil.

chains for cheeny movement (tags)

operation restore democracy usa chains for cheeny movement as of now i wish to accuse the president of the united states george bush as well as the vice president dick cheeny of treason against the usa and it's citizens. I want to confront them in a public forum face to face in whatever constitutinal manner permited to defend these acusations, and as quickly as the constitution permits.

Hasan Shakur: A Maroon on Death Row (tags)

"Whether they murder me or not on Friday, I'm telling you, watch what Ima do, the ancestors are gonna be proud." Hasan Shakur uttered these powerful words a few days before he is scheduled to be executed in Texas, Thursday August 31st.

Internal Strife at SOS – Part II (tags)

While Save Our State and the Minutemen have seemingly been enjoying an upswing in momentum lately certain factors have become apparent that may point to a change. Following the July 8th police beatings of anti-Minutemen protestors and the subsequent giddy elation displayed by the Minutemen and SOS in the face of such violence, certain factors have come into play which highlight the authoritarian nature of Save Our State and the fact that some of the rank-and-file may get burned by the leadership very soon.

The Second American Revolution : Washington and Iran (tags)

A repeat of that Terri Schiavo business from a while back, as once again Washington takes on a great humanitarian cause to save the life of a vegetable.

Bush in Bagdad (tags)

President Bush’s trip to Baghdad Tuesday has been hailed by the American media and official Washington as something of a political masterstroke. In fact, the sudden trip, conducted in secrecy even from the Iraqi government that holds nominal sovereignty in the US-occupied country, was a demonstration of both the dire state of affairs in Iraq and the political isolation and disorientation of the Bush administration.

Glowing in the Wind (tags)

Someone told me that the final NIST Fire Report for WTC2 reads like the structural engineer's version of The Emperor's New Clothes! So I had a look at the report, and found it described pressure pulses, smoke and/or dust screens, large pieces of debris ejected at high velocity, extremely radiant molten metal flows, and other correlated unusual behaviors. Here is a closeup view that you probably haven't seen. (text and video extracts)

Detailed account of police harassment at City Hall - PHOTOS/VIDEO (tags)

Photos, video and text account of police harassment operation to clear the park around City Hall after the Mayday march for immigrants rights.

Doctrinaire Ideologues: Relics of the Past (tags)

It is the overwhelming masses of China that will assert their primacy against minority government and then spill across borders into surrounding regions. Existing maps of Asia and Europe will become redundant overnight. People across the globe will be spurred into action as they drag their corrupt leaders from their lairs to face the quick judgement of the people. The bunkers deep in mountains, designed to harbour criminal elites in times of devastation, have only a finite supply of resources before the inhabitants must emerge to face the final judgement of the people; justice is patient.


I have been inundated lately with a flood of articles analyzing the pros and cons of the various immigration bills, the impact of immigration on our social structures, the changing face of the color of our population, etc. I think there is something seriously missing in almost the entire discussion and analysis about immigrants; and that is the fact that the majority of them are misplaced people.

Save Our Face – SOS, Fascistic Immigration Laws + the “Thrill” of Defeat (tags)

The war is on. It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.

Hong Kong, Anti-WTO.. "EPILOG" (tags)

A FIRST SMALL VICTORY(?) Just a short while ago the S. Korean semi-official news agency reported that all the remaining prisoners from the anti-WTO protests can leave HK. But three Koreans will face trial soon...

Black History Month? Is It Only Window Dressing? (tags)

Throughout Black History Month, while paying homage to Black History, every single day there will be those African Americans calling one another niggas.

The Life of Coward (tags)

It takes much more courage to resist war than to answer the call of those who would send you.

New Face of SOS/MM/NV Hate (tags)

The new band Prussian Blue seeks to increase the numbers in the National Vanguard, Minute Men, and Save Our State.

Protest beating of Tony Muhammad (tags)

Minister Tony Muhammad was savagely beaten by the LAPD. We are going to the Parker Center to speak to the new police commissioners.

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

BP 2 from the SOS perspective (tags)

General observations for those interested - from the mind of a 'racist hate monger'.

Shock without Therapy, Market without Order, (tags)

Half of Russia's assets are gone. Was this caused by Yeltzin, the IMF or the Washington Consensus? This article by a Ukrainian novelist tells us that the end of history and victory capitalism are over as utopias. May we be summoned to serious reflection.

Babylon comes at Full Assault (tags)

Have empathy for the devil- not sympathy.

Voices Of The Lost And Forgotten - Pt. Three: The children's voices (tags)

These are some of the voices of the children lost in a world of poverty, homelessness and despair. Their voices are the most painful to listen to. Everyone needs to hear their stories to fully understand the nightmare of homelessness and poverty from a child’s perspective.

US Economy in Freefall (tags)

Any realistic analysis of the Bush Administration and it's impact on the US and Global economy indicates that the US Dollar is being demolished. - Greensplat

Iraq War Goes to Trial in Upstate New York (tags)

On March 17, 2003, four Catholic Workers from Ithaca NY walked into a local military recruiting station, poured blood on the walls, posters, flag, and carpet, knelt for prayer, and waited for the authorities. Surprisingly, in April 2004, the prosecution of the four war resistors in state court ended in a mistrial, with the jury deadlocked 9-3 in favor of acquittal. Four months later, however, the federal government jumped into the fray and issued subpoenas. With the trial to start this summer in Binghamton, NY, the "St. Patrick Four" face six years in prison (or more) if convicted. Provided is an audio link to an exclusive, in-studio interview with the four defendants.

Press Release from the Zanon Workers, March 4, 2005 (tags)

The wife of a worker at Zanon has been kidnapped and beaten.

America: Safer, Better, Stronger! (tags)

America is the A number one greatest fucking country on the face of the earth!

Join A Peace Vigil Near You, They Rock! (tags)

A friend of mine jokingly refers to vigils as "seances." Well, in one way they are seances. We, in the movement, have been working hard lo these past months to lift and remove from power all the zombies now taking up dead space in Washington. THE VIGIL MOVEMENT ROCKS!

US general Ricardo Sanchez linked to Abu Ghraib abuse (tags)

Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, head of coalition forces in Iraq, issued an order last October giving military intelligence control over almost every aspect of prison conditions at Abu Ghraib with the explicit aim of manipulating the detainees' "emotions and weaknesses", it was reported yesterday.

The True Face of War Just Won't Go Away (tags)

"Perhaps if we saw more of the true face of war in all its disgusting horror we'd be a little less quick to accept its necessity from politicians.. Already it begins to look like President george W. Bush's political Waterloo.."

Calif. Man Accused of 9/11 Fraud (tags)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A man who told investors he was developing a face recognition system following the 2001 terrorist attacks has been arrested on fraud charges, investigators said Monday.

"The Face of Victory" - Gulf War Soldier song (David Rovics) (tags)

"The Face of Victory" - David Rovics. Song about Gulf War Soldier. Live performance from February, 2004 in Vancouver, BC MP3 - 96Kbps - 4minutes 45 seconds. (4:45)

As We Protest Today, Remember Those in Trouble for Speaking Out (tags)

As thousands protest in NYC and across the world today, we must remember those who face police reprisal for their protests. One is Camilo Viveiros, arrested protesting the Republican National Convention in 2000, whose trial is coming on April 5.

Why Dennis Kucinich? (tags)

There are essentially two fundamental courses that America may take in the world, at this particular juncture: Imperialism or multilateralism.

Dangerous New Law Targets Women's Rights (tags)



Ah the web... vast and infinite. This debacle is the PERFECT example of how one must NEVER take at face value a news story, no matter where it's presented. Multiple sources, fact checking, and a healthy degree of suspicion are necessary to understand the news.


Many folks travelled from around the world to Cancun to protest the WTO. Many of those same people will be returning home tired, energized, impassioned and with RED EYES, from a virus that causes pink eye, or conjunctivitis. Read here for information on treatment, as well as how to prevent spread to others.

You don't have the right to believe in free-will. (tags)

promotion of fearlessness

Wide Right (tags)

George W. Bush is doing for his Party what the Kremlin did for theirs...

Saving face, losing a war (tags)

"Bring 'em on," the man said. He is not a brave man, but he plays one on television. When it came his turn to fight in a war, he hid behind Daddy. Then he had another drink and hid from the National Guard. Then he had another drink.

Pacifica bylaws by fraud (tags)

If it's good enough for the Republicans, it's good enough for Pacifica.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, women, and toilet bowls (tags)

"How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl?"

Dear American People, We Have A Duty (tags)

We now face a daunting task. An unpleasant and possibly fatal realization now confronts all of us in our daily lives. Many of our most powerful leaders need to be arrested for numerous and continuing crimes against humanity. The longer this action is postponed, the more harm will be done to everyone and everything on earth. No redress of our grievances by them is possible in the current situation.

Cameras Are Face Scanning Us (tags)

From Alex Jones ( They are putting cameras up everywhere with microphones, face scanning us. What for? So they can watch us. Why? Because they are abusing us and are now afraid of us.


It has become increasingly noticeable that the Pro-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.


It has become increasingly noticeable that the anti-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.


It has become increasingly noticeable that the anti-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.

Inland Empire Peace Activists Targetted by Violence (tags)

A peace protester is assaulted in a drive-by attack in Riverside -- hit in the face by a two-inch bolt, causing a gash requiring stitches. This is part of the same pattern of violent intimidation aimed at the peace movement -- but we won't let it scare us.

War: John Brown by Dylan (tags)

Hear it in you heart of hearts. . .


The best quote is the one from the Egyptian cabdriver. Such brotherhood in the Arab world

Shedding No Tears for Iraqi Civilians (tags)

On April 2nd, Al Jazeera news network reported that Bartallah, a predominantly Iraqi Christian town north of Mosul, suffered heavy civilian casualties after a night of intense coalition bombing. The local chief surgeon at the hospital reported that there were 120 dead and wounded civilians brought into the hospital within the past week.

Hey Dudes Lighten Up! (tags)

I'm fed up with those soft trendy vieodgraphic cyber-circulars.

Hey Dude - Lighten Up! (tags)

A reaction to the many soft, trendy-lefty video graphic joke circulars going around ... the one with Bush and Blair singing a ballad together.

3-23-03 LAPD Brutalizes Breakaway March (tags)

LAPD lies and brutalizes peaceful protesters

Breakaway March update Hollywood (tags)

Police Brutality at the Oscars

Brief Protective Gear List (tags)

This list of gear describes the tools which can help protect you and enable you to make your voice heard in the coming days. The list describes some basic tools which will protect you against tear gas/pepper spray, as well as a bit of first aid gear.

Hezbollah: US troops will face suicide attacks (tags)

The leader of Lebanon's Shiite Muslim militia Hezbollah warned here Thursday that US troops will face suicide attacks if they strike Iraq, in an address to hundreds of thousands of followers.

Blair could face a maximum 30 years jail for war crimes (tags)

Mr Blair could face a maximum 30 years jail for war crimes if he launches war on Iraq without UN backing, international law expert Professor Nick Grief said.

Remember the Alamo (tags)

163 years ago today, brave Texans dared to defend their independence from a dictatorship.

Unanswered questions for Diogenes (tags)

C'mon soothsayer. You always seem to vanish when any questions come up.

'Pro-War' Movement Springs Into Action (tags)

"We decided we can't sit idly by while President Bush's agenda, specifically his continuing efforts on the war on terror, specifically Iraq ... while they ... Democrats, the left wing and Hollywood ... conduct a well-coordinated, well organized, well-financed effort to undo the president and really to destroy him, because that's their goal," David Bossie, president of Citizens United, told

Confronting the Warmakers, Visioning a Different Future (tags)

Letter from a young revolutionary communist

TARGET: SCOTT RITTER: The War Party gets ugly (tags)


In These Times (tags)

What has the nation become

Rebels should consider taking positive steps to thwart monitoring (tags)

New technology applied by the fascist occupational government seeks to maintain awareness of all political activity within the occupied territories of the United States. The Resistance suggests that rebels take positive steps to thwart automatic government surveillance.

Presidents Chance & Putin Call for Israel to Disarm (tags)

The British Empire's imposition of the Zionist state has obviously been among the worst blunders in history. As always, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, pagans, agnostics, atheists and UFO-worshipers are welcome to live in secular nations such as the United States and Russia....

Bi-Polar Bush Face (tags)

Notice the nifty two sides of his face in this photo? David Cogswell caught the gem and writes about it at his website.

Bi-Polar Bush Face (tags)

Notice the nifty two sides of his face in this photo? David Cogswell caught the gem and writes about it at his website.

Zimbabwe Under Siege (tags)

A history of Zimbabwe and its ongoing land reform struggles in the face of drought, starvation and economic disaster perpetrated by Western intervention and demands.

Black Supremist Mugabe blinded by anti-Whte hatred (tags)

Zimbabwe White Farmers Face Fight-Or-Flee Decision

We Need Argentina-style Neighborhood Assemblies in L.A.! (tags)

Let's try this here!

How could they? (tags)

There is a new bill to stop issue of non immigrant visas to Iranian nationalities. This will iclude students and scholars, parents and relatives. Also, this will imprison every Iranian student/visa holder in United States.

Ireland: 'opposition' leader gets pie in face" (tags)

Fine Gael leader Micheal Noonan, received a much needed sweet+sloppy snack courtacy of a kindly custard thrower

October 22 - The People's Day (tags)

October 22 was the people's day!

BBC : 60 nations on US target list (tags)

just up on BBC site

Your Face Is Not A Bar Code (tags)

Phil Agre criticizes the public use of face recognition, and extends the argument to all forms of active technologically enabled monitoring. These technologies threaten us, because they automatically link our bodies (faces) to databases with our private information, making our personal information available to the companies and individuals that control public and private space (buildings, land, etc.)

Guatemalan student covers his face near burning tires REUTERS/Jorge Silva (tags)

A Guatemalan student covers his face near burning tires during a demonstration against tax increases, outside San Carlos University in Guatemala City, late July 26, 2001. Guatemalan security forces are on "permanent alert" after Congress approved a controversial Value-Added-Tax increase from 10 to 12 percent on Thursday. Guatemala's fiscal revenue accounted for 9.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product in 2000, the second lowest tax-take in Latin America, just after impoverished Haiti. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

Locke High Teacher Speaks Out (tags)

Safety means protecting what you value from harm. How is it possible to create any form of safety at schools, which do not value their community members enough to treat their children with respect?

CHiPs Videographer Spits in Face of Young Girl (tags)

Cops Out of Control

Protest Against Energy Profiteer: Yelling, Signs, Masks, Pie in the Face. (tags)

Links to photos of 6/21/01 protest against Enron CEO/ Thief Jeffrey Skilling and for Public Power. San Francisco Public Power Activists Picketed outside and interrupted his speech on the inside with yelling, signs, masks, and a pie in the face.

Shadow of the Dark Christ Inc. (tags)

New Order hides Old World shadow

The True Face of Death Row-A report from Terre Haute (tags)

An Indy Media REporter from Urbana IL covers the McVeigh execution and gives a report on the true face of Death Row in America.

SD-FTAA Protest Pictures April 27, 2001 (tags)

picture of the Fence that divided the Highway that helps border crossers enter Tijuana from San Ysidro, CA.... the protestors met up face to face with the military type- San Diego police....

Police Actions Called "Provacative" By Protestors, Some Abuses Seen (tags)

Largely unreported info from Assembly

Cops Attack after Rage Against the Machine (tags)

A whole new painful world of policing protesters is fully in effect in U.S. cities only months after it seemed so strange and brutal in Seattle.



Eyes Closed (tags)

This woman was face to face with police at the U'Wa March. She pauses. I don't know why.

Eyes closed (tags)

This woman was face to face with police at the U'Wa March. She pauses. I don't know why.

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