fix articles 17298, fest
Don't Nix the Mix – a show at KPFA (tags)
The MORNING MIX -- community radio by local show hosts at KPFA in Berkeley
“Words of Choice” Brings Reproductive Rights to Center Stage at the First WiredArts Fest (tags)
Pro-choice Production Offers New Venue for Social Justice in an Engaging Activism Based Theater Experience
LA's Transgender Film Festival (tags)
The second annual TG Film Fest will be held at the Renberg Theater on August 28th 2010 with four ninety minute screenings. The TG Film Fest continues to showcase entertaining, poignant, and intriguing visions from the queerest part of the LGBT spectrum.
UCLA CRISIS FEST: Protest for education (tags)
n November 18th, hundreds of union members and students from all over California will converge on UCLA in the leadup to the system-wide protest of the Regents meeting. With the support of union and student groups, there will be a day and night Tent City outside of Pauley Pavillion to house our convergence!
The Hands...A Must See Today (tags)
anarchist film fest chicago (tags)
seeking submissions/buscamos entrados
First annual West Coast Thrash fest. A festival focusing on the West Coast's most vital underground thrash-core scene. All bands playing the fest call the West Coast home.
Butoh at SOL fest
Green Anarchy Tour 2002
Freedom Fest for Mumia - Saturday, September 15, 2001, noon - 6p.m., Lemeirt Park
Lost Film Fest Set for West Coast Dem Convention Debut (tags)
>> Lost Film Fest Set for West Coast Dem Convention Debut (indieWIRE/ 8.15.00) -- Following a tumultuous run in Philadelphia that coincided with the Republican National Convention, complete with arrests, theft and police harassment, the Lost Film Festival 4.0 will present 4.01 in Los Angeles during the DNC.
FREEWORLD - a poli-sci-fi film at the Lost Film Fest (tags)
In the year 2023, America rules the continent. Few Canadians resist! Doko and Hedwing are drafted into the USNA military and forced to fight the French-Canadian resistance in search of a weird robot...