fix articles 172616, oil drilling
Professor's Study Highlights Health Risks of Urban Oil Drilling (tags)
A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health this week reveals heightened rates of asthma in densely populated Los Angeles neighborhoods located near active oil-development sites.
How much offshore oil does Arnold Schwarzenegger plan to drill for? (tags)
Arnold Schwarzenegger;s proposal to extend oil drillling leases off the coast of Santa Barbara is shrouded in secrecy, backroom dealing, wildly conflicting numbers about projected revenue, and Governor Schwarzenegger's power grab for authority over the oil drilling lease permitting process. If we, Californians don't act to protect our coast, we may well see a lot more oil drilling than that now proposed, before Governor Schwarzenegger leaves office, in 2011, all in the name of solving California's budget crisis.
Schwarzenegger's budget is an oil spill, off the California Coast (tags)
California Governor Schwarzenegger proposes to help fill California's $19 bilion budget hole by extending new oil drilling leases off the coast of Santa Barbara, but the leases only $100 million this year. But, he refuses to tax extant oil drilling, which would net $1 billion, 1/19th of the shortfall, this year.
Alexander Agrees with Schwarzenegger, No Offshore Drilling (tags)
Socialist V.P. Candidate Stewart A. Alexander seldom agrees with any political positions of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; but when the issue is offshore oil drilling, Alexander firmly supports the Republican governor’s position to continue the prohibition on offshore drilling. On this important issue, Alexander is asking the nation to give Governor Schwarzenegger their full support.
Congressman Reynolds [R-NY] backs oil drilling in Arctic (tags)
Reynolds said he plans to co-sponsor legislation asking President-elect George W. Bush to support the proposal to drill on the refuge. Bush, a former Texas oilman, has made giving energy companies drilling access to the refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal plan a key part of his national energy policy