fix articles 172360, gilles dauve
"Feminism Illustrated" by Gilles Dauvé (tags)
The Blast & Meor editions are pleased to announce the translation of the French brochure “Feminism Illustrated“ (44 pages in A5 format).
The anarchist subculture and the leftist protest ghetto: a review of 'Fireworks,' Issue 3 (tags)
A small contribution to understanding the larger problems of resistance in capitalist America...
Not "Fascism or Obama": Fascism and Obama (tags)
It is all too obvious that anti-fascism renounces revolution. But anti-fascism fails exactly where its realism claims to be effective: in preventing a possible dictatorial mutation of society. The fight for a democratic state is inevitably a fight to consolidate the state, and far from crippling totalitarianism, such a fight increases totalitarianism's stranglehold on society.
Space 1999: San Francisco's Mission Yuppie Eradication Project (tags)
A critical re-examination of an ultra-left effort against the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 1990's.
Announcing: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
Finally, a collection of first-hand accounts of the Fare Strike, in which thousands of San Franciscans openly and spontaneously united along class lines and rode mass transit for free. The alienated space of public transportation was briefly transformed into an arena of solidarity and radical possibilities.