fix articles 172195, don beck
US Media's 'Left Wing' Agenda and the Public's Knowledge of Climate Science (tags)
You've heard it many times. --The 'left wing' U.S. media is 'scare-mongering and alarmist' about climate change. They are frightening the people of the U.S. about the affects of global warming without having enough facts and research to back up their statements. -- The statements from researchers 'on the ground' ARE very alarming, no one can dispute that. Here are a few of the past year or so from separate, independent, long-term scientific studies. [Links to the report that these statements are ripped from are provided below.]
Perfectly Clear, Shinning Example of Climate Change Danger - Here and Now (tags)
In the past several years there have been studies showing plants flowering as much as a month early, butterflies migrating weeks later than usual, changes in the timing and location of bird migrations, tropical frog extinctions, bears in Spain no longer hibernating because there is enough food to eat all winter, tree lines moving up mountainsides and up in latitude, the line of permafrost moving north, and others. But none of these are close enough or important enough to us, personally, to make us (Americans) concerned. These are all out on the fringe of our world and simply do not affect us.
CO 2 'Follows Temperature Rises' in Past Climate Changes (tags)
This is unequivocally true. The three ice cores of Greenland and the Antarctic have all shown this to be a fact.
The Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Growing? (tags)
The climate change deniers never miss a chance to tell us that research is showing the Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing. That sounds like the total amount of ice is increasing and things are just fine......the globe isn't heating up if it's not happening there......right?
Un-nerving Update to Recent Climate Report (tags)
What the IPCC Report Didn't and Couldn't Say
Think Not 'Global' Warming - Think 'Oceans' Warming (tags)
Global warming seems mysterious to most of us. A 1 degree rise in annual global temperature sounds minuscule, doesn't it....... until you remember that the oceans are involved ........ ... very heavily involved. The oceans are simply unfathomably immense! Their mass is actually incomprehensible, being 70% of the earth's surface (310 million cubic miles). If you could stack water 100 cubic miles long and 100 cubic miles wide, that column would reach 31,000 miles into outer space. That is truly an astronomical amount of water!
Blow Off the Arctic Ice Melting....Let's Drill for More Oil (tags)
The Arctic ice is melting at an accelerating pace, with this year already showing record retreat. There is still a month or so left of summer heating, but the record minimum ice melt has already been reached. "It is therefore almost certain that the previous 2005 record will be annihilated by the final 2007 annual minima closer to the end of this summer."(1)
Strange Weather Getting More Strange (tags)
We can all remember in past years hearing of a large blizzard or a large storm that produced several tornadoes, or an area stricken by drought. Every year there was always one or two or three of these major weather occurrences. We were shocked but not unduly alarmed at the news.
US Climate Science Reduced to a 'Pack o Lies' (tags)
by Don Beck "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States" - Dr. James Hansen, NASA climatologist Keep the facts of global warming away from the American people.....they can't handle the truth. That is the message we are getting from this Administration who have placed political appointees to head key agencies in order to filter and even alter the scientific facts. In February, the leading climatologist at NASA, Dr. James Hansen testified to a congressional committee in a hearing looking into the Bush