fix articles 17210, organizing
Link to an archive of Unity newspaper from the 1980s.
Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets!: Transmedia Organizing (tags)
This is CC share alike attribution.
Our Revolution L.A Organizing Meeting (tags)
Please come to the first organizing meeting for Our Revolution LA. The national organization is hoping that local affiliates will self organize acoss the country. They received 1000 applications.
How Cities Can Protect People Threatened By Trumpism (tags)
Copied from Common Dreams
Brief History of Ohio Farmwokers in FLOC near Toledo (tags)
The US Midwest does not plant, grow, pack or transport many vegetables. However near Toledo OH the Farm Labor Organizing Committee AFL-CIO has organised agricultural areas with walkouts and the signing of strike authorization cards by over 2,500 members in the early 1980's as covered by Multinational Monit
Fight for 15 in LA has been hitting stores along Crenshaw
Fast Food Workers Win a Union…through Zoolidarity (tags)
Union members have watched in awe as fast food workers struck over the last year, calling for “$15 and a union.” Despite the slogan, however, the prevailing wisdom has been that union recognition isn’t really the goal; that’s too hard against giant employers insulated by a layer of franchises, with a part-time and transient workforce.
Firing Up Action On Climate Change (tags)
As wildfire season commences in California, a local group of citizens is stepping forward on May 29 to ask Rep. Judy Chu of Pasadena to address the cause of the increase in fires by taking a leadership role in Congress on climate change legislation and resources, including ending the sequester which harms California's ability to combat fires..
Is The “Democracy Initiative” What We Need? (tags)
Last December, at the National Education Association headquarters in Washington, D.C., leaders from a variety of progressive organizations such as Greenpeace, the NAACP and the Communication Workers of America met with the intention of beginning a national campaign to, in the words of Mother Jones reporter Andy Kroll, “remake American politics.”
Union Loss in Bend, Oregon (tags)
The game is rigged, but not the fight.
The Taft-Hartley Act: ‘Neutrality’ as a weapon (tags)
All the new rules put into place by the act were directed against employees, despite the neutral-sounding language.
MDS STATEMENT on "Stop The Machine, Create a New World" (October2011) (tags)
Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) reports on the October2011 organizing effort. Calls for dialogue in the face of abuses.
DC to LA--StoP the MaChiNe-CrEaTe a NEw WoRld (tags)
Seeking help in organizing locally for national October 2011 action in DC-- support the October 2011 Coalition
National Organizing Committee discussion, sponsored by Peace and Freedom Party of Californ (tags)
Please join us for discussion of a united alternative to represent working people in our own government
Mountain Justice Training Camp May 20-27 Letcher County, Kentucky (tags)
Mountain Justice has been honing a skill set that we have effectively used to work against the coal industry here in Appalachia and many of these tactics apply to all surface and underground coal mines.
Tax Day Protests on April 18th! (tags)
Several groups are planning different Tax Day (April 18th) protests against austerity, tax loopholes for the rich, and the banksters.
March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)
Photo copyright 2011 David Sachs / SEIU. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike.
March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)
Photos by Chris Valle.
March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)
Photos by joiseyboyy on flickr.
March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)
Photos by Slobodan Dimitrov.
Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)
Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists
Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) hosts workshop-meeting at US Social Forum in Detroit, June 24th.
Passing of John Delloro (tags)
John Delloro, a dynamic young FilAm labor organizer who helped expand labor education in the Los Angeles community colleges suffered a fatal heart attack.
Labor Under the Democrats #1 (tags)
Labor article 1
The Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) and Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana join the call made by the National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON), the National Latino Congreso, and the Southern California Immigration Coalition (SCIC) to call on the Lakers organization to add Los Lakers to their name to demonstrate their support for the good people of Arizona and oppose SB1070 similar to the Suns basketball initiative last week.
Summer Activist Training (tags)
Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)
Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .
Oklahoma T-baggers want Militias! (tags)
on MSN today.
Wage-Stealing Boss Sent to Slammer (tags)
A dirty rat boss who cheated workers out of 1.5 million dollars is going to be sent to prison. This is a NYC story, but has national implications.
LA IMC 10th Anniversary - Technology Workshop (tags)
Activists representing many progressive organizations and Independent Media Centers across the nation met to discuss and share experiences organizing around issues of technology. Resonating themes in the discussion included corporate media's implementation of technology and strategy first used by the IMC movement 10 years ago, questions of diversity, empowerment, and shared skills among technologists and organizers, having an outward message and intentionality versus holding open space on- and off-line, technology activism, and legal issues around freedom of speech online.
Rivers Casino's Union Busting FEAR Tactics (tags)
Did Rivers Casino Security Officers vote against unionization or did they Fall Victim to Jackson & Lewis Union-Busting FEAR and Intimidation Tactics?
AFL-CIO’s Dull, Narrowly-Based Culture Has No Appeal to Young Working People (tags)
Harry's over 90 years old, but he's nailed one of the big problems of the AFL-CIO's labor movement - it has no appeal to young working people. It's a bunch of old people - grandparents and great-grandparents.
Indymedia Los Angeles 10th Anniversary Event! (tags)
On Saturday, November 14th, 2009, Los Angeles Indymedia will celebrate 10 years since the first Independent Media Center (IMC) opened its doors in Seattle to cover and support the demonstrations against the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). LA IMC is hosting an all day event, open to the public, encouraging current and former IMCistas to come out. There will be workshops, food, music, and community groups sharing their knowledge.
Behind the Coup Regime Curtain (tags)
"Providing an example of what else these citizens in civil resistance are up against, the pro-coup media then takes the demonstrators’ attempt to remain within the coup decree’s 20-person limit on public assemblies, and portrays it as a sign that the resistance has lost steam. The daily Heraldo, for example, covered that same demonstration with these dishonest words: “The security lines remain, and an important number of national and international journalists, and, of course, demonstrations, which are already almost insignificant for the number of participants."
Amazing Organizing in Honduras (tags)
“Who led the march?” he asked, then answering: “The young people, and also children and senior citizens did. We went into the streets with our drums. Our drums have accompanied this process since the beginning. Last night at this event’s inauguration the energy was high because our culture was here with us, and with us the voices of the ancestors, as we go forward constructing the new nation, the new community. A better future for the community depends on each one of you.”
Announcing its intention to challenge the Democrats and Republicans in 2010, a national organizing effort to build a new electoral party of the left has announced its interim leadership and basic unity statement. Debra Reiger of Sacramento, who also serves as North State Organizer of the Peace and Freedom Party, is the Interim Chair of the National Organizing Continuations Committee (NOCC). The committee was empowered to coordinate the multi-state effort at the National Organizing Conference held on August 1 in San Francisco. The Interim Secretary is Georgia Williams of Fresno, who also serves as Secretary of the Peace and Freedom Party State Central Committee.
anarchist conference - one photo + videos (tags)
2nd day is the cultural affair
A Call to Action for Street Medics, Clinicians, and Herbalists (tags)
A newly formed faction of the Seeds of Peace Collective, named Eastern Seeds of Peace, is committed to organizing medical infrastructure in support of the expected large-scale actions against the International Pittsburgh Coal Conference and G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in late September. This is a call to action for street medics, clinicians, herbalists, and all those interested in contributing to the medical support that is crucial to the success of the planned marches and demonstrations.
Holocaust-denial events in SoCal, July 25 & 26 (tags)
This July, David Irving, a British neo-fascist and fraudulent historian, goes on the road in the United States, planning to hold approximately one and a half dozen speaking engagements over the course of a month. As militant anti-racists and anti-fascists, we are making a public call for resistance at each stop along the way of this tour.
Sept. G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA, US -- CALL FOR A GLOBAL MOBILIZATION (tags)
Harvard Law School Professor Employee Free Choice Compromise Don't Work! (tags)
Professor Benjamin Sachs Harvard Law School on the Employee Free Choice Act: To address the labor-business impasse, I suggest two alternatives to card check and for changing the Employee Free Choice Act.
A Union for the Jobless (tags)
With unemployment in LA over 10%, and probably closer to 20% in our working class communities, the time has come for an organization for the unemployed. Harry Kelber is a writer whose been in the labor movement since the 1930s, a real veteran.
Employee Free Choice Act: Union Organizer Dir. Available For Comment or Debate on the EFCA (tags)
Union Organizer Director / Union Busting Expert with over 30 Years Experience is Available to Comment or Debate opposing opposition on the merits, Facts and Truth of WHY we need the Employee Free Choice Act
Black Dove Support Network's New Website (tags)
This website is meant to be an online resource for anti-prison organizing and prisoner solidarity work. Here one will find a collection of prisoner news and updates as well as developments on the organizing to abolition prisons. We hope y'all enjoy.
Continue to Fight for Universal Healthcare (tags)
This current economic crisis, a Virtual Depression, is creating the conditions for the people to fight for, and win, Universal Health Care rights, so everyone is entitled to quick, quality health care, funded by federal, state, and local governments.
Can we rebuild the labor movement with the Employee Free Choice Act? (tags)
Much has been said in the United States labor movement around the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a bill many mainstream leaders tout as the solution to the decline of unions. With the recent election of Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party holding the majority of seats in both houses of the US Congress, these same leaders have their hearts set that their millions of dollars in campaign contributions will pay off with the passage of the bill.
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Continues to Spread More Lies about the EFCA (tags)
The 500-member Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) today released a letter it delivered to every member of the 111th Congress.
How to Start a Union in Ten Steps (tags)
(below are the lessons taken from a successful organizing drive in 1997) 1) Be the best worker at your workplace If you are to influence your co-workers to join a union, you’d better already have their respect at work. This doesn’t mean that you must be the absolute best, but that you are a leader and rank among one of the best. This first step is the all-important foundation for your effort, directly or indirectly affecting EVERY other step toward forming a union. It helps also to be the best liked co-worker. Not that you need to be prom-king/queen popular, but that you are easily approachable, social, and generally kind. In being so, you’ll make your job of talking with your co-workers about a union – which constitutes 95% of the work of organizing — MUCH easier. If your trust is earned as a good worker and friend, you can better expect that your ideas will be not only better received, but kept away from management during the initial stage of secrecy.
Reid: Vote on Employee Free Choice Act card check bill, a labor priority, likely in summer (tags)
Washington — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will likely turn its attention this summer to the Employee Free Choice Act — the union organizing bill being watched in Las Vegas and across the nation.
Organizing Call- Workers' International Industrial Union (tags)
A call to organize under the Workers' International Industrial Union- a union for all wage workers, no matter what your job and whether you are employed or unemployed.
Watch out for employers' attorneys writing as guest columnists on the Employee Free Choice (tags)
January 14, 2009 By Stephanie Kraft There's no law to keep newspapers from grabbing whatever comes across an editor's desk and cramming it into a column with the discreet disclaimer "Viewpoint."
LA's Really Really Free Market (tags)
Help organize the Really Really Free Market for Black Friday, November 28th!
After DNC/RNC, fight ICE and support immigrant rights struggle: a call to action (tags)
please read, forward widely, discuss with others, and ACT!
Terrorism charges lodged against 8 protesters at GOP convention (tags)
REPOST--Prosecutors in Ramsey County, Minn., have formally charged eight alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee -- one of the groups organizing protests at the GOP convention in St. Paul -- with terrorism-related charges
Open Letter to SEIU Members and Leaders on Violence at Labor Notes Conference (tags)
As SEIU members who attended the Labor Notes conference held on April 11-13, 2008 in Dearborn, Michigan, we denounce the attempts by SEIU International to violently disrupt a fundraising banquet on Saturday, April 12 attended by nearly one thousand labor activists from around the world who gathered to discuss ways to rebuild labor’s power.
SEIU International Attacks Labor Gathering - Conference Goers Assaulted. (tags)
When you are trying to put the movement back into the labor movement, you’re going to meet resistance.
Rediscovering the Arusha Declaration and Abandoning the NGO Model: (tags)
Selma James and Andaiye chart a path from the 60s to Tomorrow
Two prominent international women's movement leaders visited Los Angeles in December as a part of a special North American tour. Selma James of London and Andaiye of Guyana spoke to a packed room at the Southern California Library on what we can learn from the past and present of autonomous socialist organizing in the Global South. Both women organize with the Global Women's Strike, which calls for recognition of and payment for all unwaged work, and an end to the twin terrors of poverty and war. The Strike's signature event is an annual work stoppage on International Women's Day, March 8.
Photo by Sidney Ross-Risden: right to left — Selma James, host Margaret Prescod, and Andaiye
La activists travel to Fort Benning, Georgia for anti-militarization mobilization (tags)
Join LA area activists at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia at the vigil and nonviolent direct action to close the SOA and to change U.S. foreign policy.
Camp Justice for Farmworkers Rights in Delano, CA (tags)
Farm workers gather at second Camp Justice event in Delano, CA to organize and share skills to fight poverty wages, pesticide exposure and other abuses faced daily by farm workers in CA's central valley..
Double Victory For Bally Casino Workers (tags)
Dealers, Security Officers at Bally's Casinos In Atlantic City Vote for Union Representation
Art and the Oaxaca Commune (tags)
At a time when many US citizens feel powerless to stop the criminal direction of ‘their’ government, the examples of revolutionary movements elsewhere give not only hope, but practical education towards organizing a society where humans outrank profit on the list of social priorities. The ‘Oaxaca Commune’ in Mexico is such an example. For three months, the Mexican state of Oaxaca was controlled by a people’s ‘popular assembly’ that took rapid measures in ousting the corrupt state government and its accomplices within the media and police. The Mexican federal government has since taken severe action in repressing this popular movement, but further organizing and revolutionary momentum has already begun. The huge successes of the movement and its continued political evolution should thus be an inspiration for all those interested in social progress.
Labor Union Resources and Labor News (tags)
Labor Union Resources is designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts.
Pittsburgh: Somewhere Over the Barricades (tags)
You are cordially invited to attend "Somewhere over the Barricades," an informal Formal.
December 7: A Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees and Political Prisoners (tags)
Student/Farmworker Alliance Days of Action! (tags)
1-2 Punch! Nationwide McDonald's actions Oct. 27-28th From 'sweet spot' to sore spot!... This October 27-28th, join students and young people across the country in standing with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to end sweatshops and modern-day slavery in the fields!
Labor Union Resources is designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts.
World Can't Wait -- National Organizing Meetings (tags)
Los Angeles joins cities across the US in making plans for October 5.
Exciting News and Updates from the Student/Farmworker Alliance! (tags)
thousands of students are returning to campuses across the country and crafting their organizing plans for the year. This fall and beyond, the stakes are high in the struggle for fair food as McDonald's continues its attempts to undermine the CIW's movement for decent wages and dignified working conditions in Florida's fields.
Cuban women in Miami to demand their right to travel to the island without restrictions (tags)
(English/Spanish) FOR the fifth time in the last 10 weeks, the Association of Christian Women in Defense of the Cuban Family is organizing a demonstration to demand that the government of George W. Bush respects their right to travel to Cuba and visit their families without restrictions.
7/28-30 Washington, DC: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference (tags)
Together, We Build A New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights / Civil Rights Movement!
Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)
The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.
Joaquin Cienfuegos: Live from the Struggle in Mexico – Days 1 and 2 (tags)
The following is a correspondence from Joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.
This year, as we prepare to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and 9), it is imperative that the global peace movement show the links between that genocide and the slaughter of innocent civilians carried out by the U.S. military in its "conventional" war in Haditha, Fallujah and throughout Iraq.
ANSWER-LA Summer Internships - Apply Today (tags)
Become an intern with the ANSWER Coalition in Los Angeles this summer. Help build the independent people's movement against war and racism and for immigrant rights!
Truckers Set to Shut Down LA Harbor on May 1st. (tags)
"Day Without and Immigrant" Spreads to the LA Harbor.
Southern Girls Convention (tags)
The Southern Girls Convention is this June 23-25 in Houston, Texas. Make sure to register, propose a workshop, sign up for the craft fair, and find out more!
Anti War Strategizing Discussion 3/18/06 IN THE STREETS (tags)
March 18, after the march against the war in Hollywood, meet afterwards to plan, discuss, and strategize to end the war.
Day Lborers 2 Counter Minutemen Nationally (tags)
Day workers across the country will peacefully respond to coordinated vigilante actions organized by Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control and local cells of the so-called “Minutemen.”
Anti-Sweatshop activists demand Levi’s take responsibility (tags)
Sweatshop Watch, a California-based coalition working to end exploitation in the garment industry, joined Billionaires for Bush, a group that uses humor and street theater to expose corporate greed to protest sweatshop labor.
11/8 Labor Election Victory (tags)
Nazi Schwarzenegger got the defeat his $70 million special election deserved, and his defeat was led by labor, as it must be. The anger was so great at this unnecessary, viciously anti-labor special election that the voters defeated all of the state propositions with a Bingo NO!
URGENT! World Can't Wait--High School student suspended for organizing (tags)
High School students organizing to Drive Out Bush! at Reseda High suspended!
First LA Cop Watch Meeting 10/24 (tags)
First meeting to begin planning for a Cop Watch in Los Angeles on Monday October 24 at 7pm at the YJC Center 253 W. Martin Luther King Blvd
Protest Racist KFI, Support Day Laborer Rights! Friday September 30: Outside KFI Studios (tags)
What: Press Conference and Rally Who: Day Laborers and their Allies When: Friday, September 30, 2005 10:30 Press Conference Where: Outside of KFI Radio Station 340 W. Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91502
Join us in San Diego - August 27-28, 2005 - for a weekend of strategizing and organizing against the border and the minutemen.
Conference and open forum for multi-racial intensive organizing. South Central l.a 8/21 (tags)
ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! CONFERENCE AND OPEN FORUM FOR MULTI-RACIAL INTENSIVE ORGANIZING in South Central LA SUNDAY AUG 21, 3:30PM @ the Southern California Library 6120 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044
ISO statement re: Baldwin Park II & democracy in movements (tags)
Los Angeles ISO's response to posts about the anti-Minutemen Project/SOS movement
Occupied Territory Postponed (tags)
The Organizing Collective with Occupied Territory is announcing that the Occupied Territory Gathering is going to have to be postponed for several months.
“Behind Closed Doors:” Bringing Sex Workers’ Struggles into the Open (tags)
“Behind Closed Doors,” a study recently released by the Urban Justice Center in New York City, documents what most any sex worker could have told you long ago, but which the general public and policy makers are still slow to catch on to.
When Bush Comes to Shove (tags)
When Bush Comes to Shove: Youth Organizing Against Right-Wing and Corporate Power. March 11-13 NYC
Why I am protesting J20 organizing (tags)
Stepan Workers Organize with UE in Anaheim, (tags)
21st Century American Revolution (tags)
IN THE TIME OF KINGS, THE PEASANTS SHARPEN THEIR KNIVES: Anarchists and the 2004 Election (tags)
A statement on the 2004 elections by a Anarchist-Communist point of view that analyzes the reasons to reject the reformist pro-Kerry stance and puts forward an alternative vision of building popular and revolutionary movements.
Boston Social Forum: Significance, Achievements and Some Lessons Learned (tags)
analysis of the recent Boston Social Forum by two of its organizers
Call for October 22nd National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality (tags)
Attached is the call for a national day of protest to stop police brutality, repression, and the criminalization of a generation.
Unions UNITE HERE for greater power (tags)
CHICAGO – Two of the nation’s most active unions formalized their merger here July 8-10.
Minneapolis Labor Street Fest (tags)
July Street Festival to Commemorate 70th Anniversary of Strikes That Made Minneapolis a Union Town
Attention California Shoppers (tags)
I need money to go to Boston to be part of the organizing effort re:protesting the corporatization of the world at the DNC, going on the 276 mile peace march between conventions, and being with Eco Bloc at the RNC in NYC Aug.30-Sept.4. The earth and all sentient beings thank you for being sane, and supporting my willingness to participate.
PFLAG Chapter Forming in Temecula (tags)
How can you help take a stand against discrimination and intolerance? Jim Woodward of Temecula is organizing a local chapter of PFLAG -- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons.If you want to be part of the PFLAG chapter, there is an organizing meeting in Temecula on Sunday, May 16 at 3:00 p.m. For directions and more information, please call Jim Woodward at (909) 693-4852.
A Message to Young People Who Are Considering Taking a Job as a Union Staffer
New York City is gearing up for massive protests around the Republican National Convention slated for August 29th through September 4th. Everyone from community based organizations to unions to faith-based-groups to global justice activists is preparing for this epic event. is a website designed to help facilitate communication and resources for all those opposed to the RNC.
Cuba Presents Large-Scale Use of New Technology (tags)
G8 2004: Police crackdowns begin in Savannah (tags)
Savannah, March 15--Today, 15 Savannah Metropolitan Police officers swarmed a dozen leafleting labor union leaders in historic Johnson Square.
LIFE AFTER BUSH Conference Updates! (tags)
Let's Build Liberation: A Conversation with Chris Crass (tags)
An interview with Chris Crass about anti-racism, anarchism, feminism and movement building
We Can Do This: Direct Action against Global Capitalism and US Imperialism (tags)
Ingrid Chapman has been involved in direct action organizing for the past 4 years. At 23, she has helped pull off successful mass actions, worked with thousands of activists around the country and bases her work in the question, "How do we build broad based movements capable of challenging global capitalism and US imperialism?" While it is easy to get depressed about the state of the world these days, those in power would also like us to forget that the largest anti-war movement in history was mobilized this past year and that global movements for justice are standing up against capitalism. Ingrid Chapman is one of the many younger generation radicals developing visionary politics and strategic practice to build our movements.
Finding Colours of Resistance (tags)
What lessons have we learned since the anti-WTO actions in Seattle? Can those lessons be applied to anti-war organizing? Can local struggles challenge global capitalism? How do we build movement for global justice that is anti-racist, multiracial and feminist? Pauline Hwang and Helen Luu have not only been asking these hard questions, they have worked to open up movement wide discussions about these issues in Canada and the United States. Pauline and Helen's activist work, writing and ability to connect people through the Colours of Resistance network have all helped to keep the hard issues on the table. And, as they argue, these are issues we must face if we're serious about collective liberation.
Organizing is under way to create a new Indymedia Center in the Central Valley. Here are the details about the meetings that have been set up to organize this project.
CA Anarchist Gathering 2004 FEB 18-20, 2004 (tags)
Slave Master Revolt;Critique of DNC Call (tags)
submission call- Journal of Aeshtetics & Protest iss.#3 (tags)
Borders Books Workers StrikeWorkers at Borders Books store #1 in Ann Arbor, MI went on strike this past Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 AM.
[gangbox] SCABS OF NEW YORK (tags)
SCABS OF NEW YORK...rat contractors, company unions and the decline of union labor in the Manhattan residential construction sector
First Ever All-California State-Wide Convergence Of The California Campus Greens! (tags)
Conference and gathering to build a movement . . .
Pittsburgh FTAA consulta report for Miami (tags)
report on the ftaa consulta in Pittsburgh. With discussion about general disruption and padded bloc actions.
WTO CANCUN - latest updates (tags)
The next ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization will take place in Cancun, Mexico on September 10-15. From the 8th on, a huge mobilization will greet the meeting with creative protest and visions of alternatives. Below is our report on some of the preliminary organizing we did last week in Cancun and Mexico City.
Building Bridges Radio - Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride- 28min (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report-National Edition presents this 28 min Radio Program"Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride" TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK
YO BASTA!!!! STOP CAFTA Free Trade Talks are coming to Houston and the resistance needs to begin
A Call to Converge on October 10-11, 2003 In Burlington, Vermont
"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" (tags)
The war is not the responsibility of Bush alone, but deeply rooted in the capitalist-colonial nature of the US system.
LernerGate: None of this Helps Kids in Iraq, But it Sure Got Michael Lerner Airtime (tags)
Michael Lerner's Ego Detracts From Worldwide Anti-War Protests.
Building Bridges Radio:Lufthansa U.S. Subsidiary-An Employer from Hell (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community Labor Report presents this 26 min program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK. Building Bridges is broadcast Mondays 4-5pm PT over WBAI in NYC & streamed at
OCRC (Orange County Revolutionary Collective) Meeting THIS Thursday Feb 6 @ 7:00 PM (tags)
5 Reasons ANSWER is not the answer (tags)
We can and should do bette than ANSWER!
Support Political Prisoners This Sat. Jan 25 GREAT MUSIC!! (tags)
Re: yesterday's rally, Shawn is right! (tags)
How about a day of mass organizing?
West Coast Anti-war Student Conference (tags)
Students Against War at San Francisco State are sponsoring a West Coast anti-war student conference.
New Online Progressive / Activist Forum Launched (tags)
This is to introduce and announce a new website called Progressive Forum. The Progressive Forum aims to provide an online political community for progressive political activists.
Fighting for peace and justice (tags)
Students join with labor / Youth flexes power to stop war
Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)
vanguards & Authoritarians
Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)
vanguards & Authoritarians
Voices of Anarchist Union Organizers (tags)
I asked a few folks to tell me a little about themselves and their views on organizing for unions. These six people identify as either an anarchist (with or without adjectives) or as an anti-authoritarian (an anarchist that doesn't know it yet!). They all work as union organizers or have worked as union organizers.
SEIU - SF Janitors To Picket Union Hall & Andy Sterns House by Bay Area Workers Democracy Network (415)861-6810
is POWER organizing the Orange County Bush protest? (tags)
Support Sat. Long Beach March/Rally To Stop Police Brutality (tags)
Corrections and additions to news account of the Long Beach Event.
Not In Our Name Organizes Day of Mass Resistance (tags)
"Not In Our Name," the umbrella group under which all individuals, activists and political groups can unite against the massive world war called by the Bush government, held a conference to begin the organizing of a National Day of Mass Resistance against the war.
Southern Girls Convention 2002 (tags)
Cross border anti-war event! (tags)
read on
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON..................... (tags)
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners
Down with Direct Action against Racists
April 20: Mobilizing for Peace in L.A. (tags)
Hey all you peace-lovin' LA folks!!
RISE UP 2002: Hundreds of activists join with Farmworkers at UCLA (tags)
The RISE UP 2002 Conference has started. Hundreds of participants collected at Perloff Quad on UCLA campus this morning for the opening plenary; and are presently filling the classrooms of both Royce and Rolfe Hall in the first series of workshops. The conference has been organized by the Coalition of Imokalee Workers (CIW)as part of the Taco Bell Truth Tour.
POWER meeting tonight!! (tags)
read on
Jan 15th - PROTEST Corporate Headquarters of Taco Bell! (tags)
This is not the National Protest, just a picket to gear up for the March 11 Protest outside the Taco Bell Corporate Headquarters.
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POWER! People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers meeting This coming Monday Jan 14 (tags)
read on
so you say you are an anti-authoritarian ?
Tired of the Sectarians? check out 2nd progressive Radcials Against War Meeting (tags)
come join us
Come to our 2nd Progressive Radicals Against War meeting this MONDAY! (tags)
Come join us
Tomorrow is our 1st Progressive Radicals Against War Meeting (tags)
come join us
1st Radical Progressives Against the War Meeting (tags)
are you an anarchist? are you against the war? come join us and tell us what YOU think.
Progressive/Radical Youth Against War FIRST MEETING!! (tags)
Come to our first meeting and help us build our new group. You are all invited.
After Genoa: Diversity and Solidarity (tags)
Why We Need to Stay in the Streets: "Our large scale actions have been extraordinarily effective. In fact they have, they have significantly changed the agendas and the propaganda issuing forth. In any case, the actual policies of these institutions will be the last thing to change…. Our purpose is to undercut their legitimacy, to point a spotlight at their programs and policies, and to raise the social costs of their existence until they become insupportable. Contesting the summits has delegitimized these institutions in a way no local organizing possibly can."
Anarchism in Action: Methods, Tactics, Skills, and Ideas (tags)
I've put together a book ( that is a compendium of anarchist/activist methods skills and tactics. It covers everything from decisionmaking, direct action, fundraising, and security -- and much more.
Progressive Technology Project Grants (tags)
Progressive Technology Project Accepting Applications for Spring 2001 Grants Pool works to raise the scope and scale of technology resources available to grassroots organizing groups working for environmental, economic, and social justice.
Milestone Reached In Musical Battle For Mumia As New Single Passes 500 Downloads (tags)
More than 500 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.
March 25 1911 an Infamous Day for Supporters of Labor/Immigrant/Women'sRightsNYC (tags)
On the 10th floor of Triangle Shirt the doors had been locked to keep out organizers. Inside a fire started that killed 146 young Italian and Jewish women. Some are buried today in Queens in an unmarked grave. This fire was on Greene Street near Washington Park (refer to map) and it lead to a mass march that helped to change society at that time. Two men Immigrants themselves were indicted and put through a trial. Laws were changed and International women's day was founded by Socialists in Europe.
Y2K+1 (New Years) Anti-Corruption Protest (tags)
The upcoming Y2k+1 Anti-Corruption Protest (from Dec. 30, 2000 to Jan. 2, 2001) will be taking place worldwide with people organizing locally and networking internationally. There is still time to get more people involved to make this a succesfull event!
FTAA? NLC? Not in Arizona! (tags)
People in Arizona are searching for information on the relationship of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) to the National Law Center (NLC) located in Tucson AZ (USA).
After the conventions: organizing to win (tags)
Mass mobilizations can work, but only if they don’t take the place of resistance in our own hometowns. Only by organizing at home can we build an anti-capitalist movement broad enough and strong enough to win.
Bus Riders' Union Marches (tags)
The Bus Rider's Union marched today. What are they about, and why do bus riders need to unionize?
Converge in Boston to take action at the first presidential debate (tags)
On Tuesday, October 3, thousands of Americans will converge in Boston to take action at the first presidential debate, demanding real democracy and a real debate of the issues ordinary citizens care about. A week of education and community building will culminate in mass marches, colorful parades, and determined direct action designed to send.....
is a change in tactics necessary?