fix articles 17201, sergio vieira de mello
Operation 'Copper Green' (tags)
A senior C.I.A. official confirmed that Operation 'Copper Green' stemmed from Rumsfeld's long-standing desire to wrest control of America's clandestine and paramilitary operations from the C.I.A.
CIA Spook says Iraqi Insurgents Take a Page From the Afghan 'Freedom Fighters' (tags)
Milt Bearden, a 30-year veteran in the C.I.A.'s Directorate of Operations, served as the Central Intelligence Agency's quartermaster and political agent to the Afghan resistance against the Soviet occupation from 1986 until the Soviets left in 1989.
Folly Taken To A Scale Not Seen Since WWII (tags)
No, the attacks on 11 September have nothing to do with Iraq. Neither did 11 September change the world. President Bush cruelly manipulated the grief of the American people - and the sympathy of the rest of the world - to introduce a "world order" dreamed up by a clutch of fantasists advising the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.
British Rats Flee Sinking Baghdad Ship (tags)
The British embassy compound in Baghdad has been evacuated following a "credible threat" of attack. Foreign Office sources told The Times British diplomats, security guards and contract workers had been moved under heavy guard to the coalition provisional authority (CPA) headquarters in the city. Thousands of US troops are guarding the CPA compound, the newspaper reports
Iraq Resistance *Condemns* the UN Bombing (tags)
In a recent statement aired by Al-Jazeera, an Iraqi Resistance group CONDEMNED the recent bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. They suggest that the bombing was done to DISCREDIT the Iraqi Resistance in general. This UN bombing couldn't be yet another staged "terror" attack/provocation could it? Remember, false Flag operations are an integral feature of US (and Israel) covert operations. Notice how the Western "free" press completely ignores this story/issue and automatically assigns blame to the Iraqi Guerrilla Movement.
Bush Administration Incompetence Results in More Dead (tags)
For his part, al-Sadr, while denouncing "the American occupation legitimized by the UN", wants "a representative government of the Iraqi people" as soon as possible. He echoes what is arguably the consensus among Iraqis: "Saddam [Hussein's] regime was unacceptable, but the foreign occupation is also unacceptable." On the heavy-handed behavior of American troops, the young al-Sadr pointedly says "one does not combat terrorism with terrorism".
UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Irag (tags)
Occupation of Irag