fix articles 17190, powers Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : powers


Supreme Court's liberal justices warn of a "law-free zone" (tags)

"The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution," she wrote. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Justice Sotomayor

Shock therapy without end (tags)

Ukraine must not sell out its resources, minerals, fertile lands, but must be able to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for life and economy on its own. It needs living and housing space, labor laws and incomes that are attractive for the people who want to live there and, moreover, for the numerous refugees who want to return to a livable country of origin.

The Beam in the White House (tags)

Iran is the "greatest supporter of terror," declared president Donald Trump. With that, he justified his peace-endangering cancellation of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Reducing foreign policy to scapegoating is Hitlerian.

FEMA has the authority to order martial law and open up FEMA camps for dissident Americans (tags)

Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States.

Declarations of Independence (tags)

See the modern day version of the Declaration of Independence.

Revisiting Patriot Act Police State Legislation (tags)

police state

Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)


Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist Enabling Law (tags)


Obama Wants To Be Czar... Asks For More Powers Of War (tags)

Obama has asked for war powers to bomb civilians, adults, voiceless beings with more tens of billions stolen from US taxpayers.... while 66,000 bridges at home need repair... etc etc

Lawsuit to Protect Our Political Power (tags)

A lawsuit to ensure that state laws, especially the ones brought about by initiatives, will be defended in good faith, Goodnis v. Office of the Attorney General (Harris), has been filed in the Supreme Court of California. The court is asked to compel the state officials whose duty is to defend state laws, to do so in good faith, or officially select one or more alternate defendants to represent the state in defending the state's marriage laws. The court has also been asked to remove the restrictions they placed on a marriage law brought about by Proposition 22 of 2000. For more information please visit [ ].

Lawsuit to Protect Our Political Power (tags)

A lawsuit to ensure that state laws, especially the ones brought about by initiatives, will be defended in good faith, Goodnis v. Office of the Attorney General (Harris), has been filed in the Supreme Court of California. The court is asked to compel the state officials whose duty is to defend state laws, to do so in good faith, or officially select one or more alternate defendants to represent the state in defending the state's marriage laws.

Obama's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Philippines: Public urged not to be distracted from punishing pork plunderers (tags)

Amid the raging debate on the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), Akbayan partylist today warned the public not to be swayed by efforts from some quarters to use the issue to deflect attention on the plunder charges filed against several lawmakers involved in the multi-billion Janet Lim-Napoles pork barrel scam.

Anti-Iranian Media Bias (tags)


Pork barrel scam scandalizes the Philippines (tags)

Five senators who were linked to the scam are the following: Ramon Revilla, Jr. – P 1.017 billion, Juan Ponce Enrile – P 641.65 million, Jinggoy Estrada – P 585 million, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. – P 100 million, Gregorio Honasan – P 15 million

Hassan Rohani: Iran's President-Elect (tags)


History, subordination weigh heavily on unfinished Arab Spring (tags)

Western imperial powers have a long history of interference in Egyptian affairs. The failures of the Arab Spring can’t be disentangled from this history.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

police state

Detroit Symbolizes America's Decline (tags)

class war

I Can't See That Happening (tags)

We do so take our freedoms for granted in our country. They are storied and legendary. Right now, across the world, it is political systems modeled after our own that most often struggle to spring forth (though our government seems to be selective about which of the world's nation's citizens deserve support in their support of liberty and which don't). America's symbol and imagery to the world for so long has been “try and you can have freedom as we do, and we will help you achieve it.” Many of those people seeking more liberties, and a way of life free from oppression feel modeling their governments after our own could help them towards reaching those ends. There has never been a nation with a political philosophy as influential during it's time as ours has.

US secretary of state warns Russia, China over Syria (tags)

A meeting about the Syrian crisis attended by representatives of more than 100 countries, including the United States, big European powers and the Arab nations, called in its final statement President Bashar al-Assad to step down as part of a transition in the crisis-torn nation.

FBI Wants Greater Surveillance Powers (tags)

police state

Criminalizing Dissent in America (tags)


America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tryanny (tags)


Anti-Imperial Voices (tags)


ILPS Condemns US, NATO and puppet forces for their barbaric attacks on the people of Libya (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples? Struggle (ILPS), condemn in the strongest terms the US, NATO and their puppet forces for their barbaric military campaign against the people in the whole of Libya since several months ago and in Tripoli currently. The combination of escalated NATO air bombardments and ground movement of Libyan puppet forces and NATO special forces against Tripoli since 20 August aims to deliver the final blow on the Gaddafi regime.

A New Declaration of Independence, July 4, 2011 (tags)

As a free and independent people, we have full power to punish corporations for their criminal acts and to impeach, expel and dishonor our judiciary and our so-called representatives for their allegiance to corporate masters.

Duplicitous Congressional Posturing on Libya (tags)


Extending Key Patriot Act Provisions (tags)


ILPS joins the celebration of the Centennial of the First International Toiling Womens Day (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, express our most militant greetings to women all over the world and join you in the celebration of the centennial of the International Women’s Day. The history and current trend of militant women’s struggle must be highlighted in the midst of the global depression and chaos that pervade the various regions of the world today.

Down with Gaddafi! No to US-NATO intervention! (tags)

"In this time when events seem to be moving so fast, we must maintain focus on the essential meaning and purpose of imperialist efforts. Elites in Washington and other capitals of the west are desperate and working with full dedication to "roll back" the popular advances being made in the Mideast and across North Africa. This article is offered in the effort to support a progressive analysis while the mainstream media works triple time to confuse and obfuscate an understanding of the "full on class war" unfolding before us. No to the budget cuts. No to intervention in Libya. Organize to stand up and fight wall street and the banksters, and ther're "agents" in media and government. Organize in your communities and beyond quickly now. "You have a world to win and only your chains to lose."

Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

Unverified Misreporting on Libya (tags)


Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."

COPS (Criminals On Patrol). The Global Menance to the People (tags)

COPS (Criminals On Patrol) don't protect and serve you the people. They protect and serve Your Enemies, The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St., and The Powers that be. From The Middle East to Europe, Asia, The Americas, and Austrailia. Cops are Your Enemies Agents on The Streets

IMF Working Paper: "Inequality, Leverage and Crises" (tags)

"A financial crisis can reduce leverage if it is very large and not accompanied by a real contraction. But restoration of the lower income group's bargaining power is more effective."

Venezuela Votes (tags)

Chavez wins a parliamentary majority

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists (tags)

Another national emergency?


THE BUSH JR~ KARL ROVE TARP PONZI BAILOUT OF $700 BILLION BEGAN LONG PRIOR any of our ripped~off little American taxpayers ever heard of TARP... ~ TARP = TAKE ALL RESOURCES POLITELY ~

Can Obama reverse the silent coup d’etat in the US? (tags)

The coup d’etat completed by the flawed Supreme Court ruling in the United Citizens v FEC case.

David Swanson’s “Daybreak” is a Wake-Up Call for Patriots (tags)

America is in deep doo doo! It goes beyond the Wall Street-induced financial meltdown. David Swanson’s “Daybreak” book is a wake-up call and a plan for “Citizen Power” action. The Bush-Cheney Gang is gone, but President Obama acts like he is serving out Dubya’s third term. How presidential power was enlarged and the Congress collapsed is good to know. However, how to fight to get our country back from these usurpers, is even more important.

American Empire Foreclosed? (tags)

Mark Engler, a writer based in New York City, is a senior analyst with Foreign Policy In Focus and the author of How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy (Nation Books, 2008). He can be reached via the Web site

Oreo Cookie In Chief? (tags)

Bob Herbert the African-American New York Times columnist has just published a column in the New York Times called "Zimbabwe" in which he claims that Zimbabwe it is in a total mess and that it's all the president of Zimbabwe's fault.

Recrossing the Rubicon (tags)

Questions whether the U.S. is and will be a democratic republic.

Congressional Democrats to unveil new domestic spying bill (tags)

The Democratic leadership in Congress is preparing to introduce new legislation this week that would permanently legalize the Bush administration’s warrantless domestic surveillance, while possibly providing a blanket amnesty for private telecommunications firms that helped the Bush administration illegally spy on their own customers. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Democrat, Maryland) hastily called off a press conference called last Friday to introduce the bill, but indicated that a draft would be available by next week. The postponement apparently involved continuing differences within the Democratic caucus over the contents of the legislation.

More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater (tags)

Must Read!!!:Under the National Emergencies Act the White House has only utilized provisions relating to the military and U.S. national security. The White House can exploit extraordinary powers that suspend civil liberties and can even challenge the American Constitution. Because of the uncertain and the shifting shape of the “Global War on Terror” that is continually being redefined, a moment may arise when a “Constitutional Dictatorship” is declared to ensure the continuity of government.

Whale slaughter in Southern Oceans (tags)

Why is a Northern Hemisphere nation, JAPAN, permitted to flagrantly slaughter whales in Southern Hemisphere waters? Perhaps widespread inaction in the face of blatant Japanese smugness, arrogance, contempt for the environment, the International Whaling Commission and other nations is related to the world’s toleration of criminal wars resulting in hundreds of thousands of innocent human casualties! What chance do whales have if innocent HUMAN BEINGS are treated as expendable?

Why Bush is Always Right (tags)

With his signing statements, the president blurs the separation of powers and creates a grey zone where everythiing is possible.. Bush's crusade has become a murderous fiasco.. The coming constitutional crisis could develop into a purifying storm.

When Superpowers go Rogue (tags)

History records instances of powerful, belligerent nations invading and annexing weaker nations in their bid for world domination and plunder. Various pretexts are utilised to justify these attacks/invasions, the most familiar and infamous are the USS Liberty attack, the Tonkin Gulf incident and more recently the imaginary WMD 'threat'. These examples have one thing in common; they are all orchestrated in order to harness the public as a manageable resource to be used and abused by prevailing powers and to justify an otherwise illegal invasion or military aggression. Nations bent on world domination are extremely predictable; world domination is the folly of a powerful military and inept leadership – history is familiar with a multitude of conquering clowns known to us today as mass murderers.

A Life of Crime (tags)

The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals, via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determines who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’, regardless of the similarity of the acts committed.

The Voice of Freedom from Death Row (tags)

The real reason for his sentence is his advocacy for the voiceless.. A flight from truth occurs in the US and Germany, the truth about the causes of increasing impoverishment.. Mumia asks: Do you need protection from my voice or from your protectors?

King George Bush and the Tortured Truth (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer gives a disturbing analysis of just what kind of plan the Neocons have in store for the United States with their recent legislation to spy and torture state enemies -- and what kind of man they have in George W. Bush to carry it out !

The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings (tags)

The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we expect Congress to protect our rights? Do not count on it!

Largest U.S. Legal Group Challenges Bush Practice as Undermining Constitution (tags)

On January 24, 2006, the American Bar Association (ABA) issued a press release stating that, “Presidential signing statements that assert President Bush’s authority to disregard or decline to enforce laws adopted by Congress undermine the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers…” The press release was publicizing a report by a blue-ribbon ABA task force which was created in June 2006 to examine the “changing role of presidential signing statements” under the Bush administration. On August 8, 2006, the ABA’s House of Delegates overwhelmingly approved the report by voting to call on President Bush and future presidents not to issue signing statements that claim the power to bypass laws, and it called on Congress to pass legislation to outlaw the practice.

Krauthammer Has It Wrong: The Constitution is for Peace and War (tags)

He and the President are trying to justify dictatorship on the cheap by claiming that “everybody does it” during wartime, and then things go back to normal…except there is no war now, and the fake “war’ on terror will never end.

Congress is Derelict. Replace It With People Who Take Their Oaths Seriously (tags)

The president has made a joke out of congress by his unbridled use of “signing statements” to invalidate laws. If Congress won’t stand up to this usurpation, it is signing its own, and the Constitution’s, death warrant.

"War-Mongerers Become Prisoners of Their Own Words" (tags)

The conclusion is that the peaceful use of nuclear energy must be ended..The core of the problem is that the nuclear powers refuse to meet their obligation to nuclear disarmament..A two-class international law is impossible.

Populist #30 (tags)

Concerning Faithless Electors and Voter Turnout

Attorney General Attacks Free Press and Separation of Powers Doctrine (tags)

On the weekend of May 20, 2006 the Bush regime launched an attack on the separation of powers doctrine and the right of a free press. Significantly, both attacks originated with the actions and words of Attorney General Gonzales, the chief law enforcer (or is that breaker) in the nation. These attacks are part of the continuing effort to expand the imperial presidency or the unitary executive theory under this administration and to eliminate any so-called checks and balances between the branches of government.

Bush Regime Launches Attacks on Congress and Media to Silence Critics (tags)

Attorney General Gonzales is using the Justice Department as a political tool to silence and intimidate Bush regime critics, but his actions may have backfired.

FBI stages unprecedented raid on congressman’s office (tags)

The FBI conducted a search of the office of Louisiana Representative William Jefferson over the weekend in what is the first such intrusion by an agency of the executive branch into the office of a sitting congressman in US history. In a press conference on Monday, Jefferson, a Democrat, denounced the raid as an “outrageous intrusion into the separation of powers.” The raid on Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building on Saturday night was a politically motivated breach of constitutional boundaries aimed at asserting the power of the executive branch over the legislative. It is yet another political marker in the government’s moves towards dictatorial forms of rule.

Populist #27 (tags)

Power of the Executive Branch

Populist #26 (tags)

Responsibility and War Powers

Populist #25 (tags)

Limiting Presidential War Powers

Populist #23 (tags)

The Executive and War Powers, continued

Populist #23 (tags)

On the Executive Branch; Relating to War Powers, continued

Populist #21 (tags)

On the Executive Branch; Relating to War Powers

Populist #20 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch, continued

Impeach the Liar-in-Chief (tags)

Our Founding Fathers would not have approved of Bush concerning his honesty or his abuse of the powers of his office.

Last throes for NeoCon deadenders? (tags)

With increasing shrillness & desperation, the Bushed Regime is pushing for more dictatorial powers for POTUS(Prez of the U.S.) Could it be that, despite their majorities in both houses in Congress and a fundamentalist death grip on the 'Supine' Court, the GOP NeoCon cabal still fears losing control of its rightwing march toward A New American Reich?

Populist #18 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch, continued

How Much More ? (tags)

How Much More Will The American People Endure? Our Mothers (and Thomas Paine) Warned Us About People Like The Disciples Of Strauss

The Assassins’ Gate: America in Iraq (tags)

The Assassins’ Gate: America in Iraq In conversation with John Powers, Critic at Large for NPR’s Fresh Air

The Assassins’ Gate: America in Iraq (tags)

A look at the war in Iraq. The Assassins’ Gate: America in Iraq

Populist #15 (tags)

Deficiencies of Our Current Federal System, continued

Populist #14 (tags)

Deficiencies of Our Current Federal System, continued

Degenerated America (tags)

Watch, learn, and YOU decide

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/28/05) (tags)

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans.

Declaration of Independence (tags)

Targets of opportunity anyone?

Baldwin Park 2: Statement of a Harmony Keeper (tags)

In Honor of All of you who made Baldwin Park 2 a unified and potent expression of the heart and will of our People .

Environmental Activist and Political Prisoner - Tre Arrow (tags)

ONE DOWN, THREE TO GO: an update from the Media as the Judge speaking tour

States 'can postpone' U.S. elections (tags)

Both President Bush and some State's - including Florida, New York and California - can potentially postpone the election in "emergency circumstances". Over the last 4 months, three Congressional Research Service reports addressed election postponement, their findings unsettling - Congress appears duly "concerned".

More anti-terrorism power sought - JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SAYS PATRIOT ACT NOT ENOUGH (tags)

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is seeking to expand its anti-terrorism powers again, adding, among other things, an FBI subpoena power so secret that even a lawsuit challenging it had to be kept under wraps.

Building Bridges:The President's Powers to Arrest and Detain In Wartime (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minutes Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Howard Dean Hype: The Pro-War Views of an "Anti-War" Candidate (tags)


Your Vote Means Nothing (tags)

The 2004 Election Dog And Pony Show, Your Vote Means Nothing

An Executive Dictatorship? (tags)

The United States Is An Executive Dictatorship.

Colombian activists refuse to recognize justice system (tags)

Bogota — Activists in several rural Colombian communities have declared they will refuse to recognize the South American country's judicial system in light of mass detentions of suspected guerrilla collaborators.

An un-American activity (tags)

Now we know better. A classified FBI intelligence memorandum has recently come to light demonstrating that the FBI is using this new authority to spy on nonviolent antiwar demonstrators. Ashcroft seems to be ushering us back to the bad old days of J. Edgar Hoover, when the FBI made enemies of those who engaged in political dissent and civil disobedience.

Get Rid of Bush & What do you Have in Clark? (tags)

His job is to guarantee Bush Junior gets reelected. His job is to see that no viable Democratic candidate survives the primaries. His job, should he miraculously get elected over Bush, is to then run, execute, implement the American-led Empire precisely as George Bush Junior would have done.

The Truth about FEMA and the Future of America (tags)

This information can be backed up by the American Justice Federation

Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)


July 4 we Celibate what? Our independence? Our Freedom? (tags)

"...deriving their Just Powers from the consent of the governed." Did you give your consent to have your rights stripped slowly away? If you are not fighting it you are whether you wish to accept the responsibility or not.

UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Irag (tags)

Occupation of Irag

Patriot Act used for more than anti-terror (tags)

Washington -- The Justice Department has used many of the anti-terrorism powers granted in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to pursue defendants for crimes unrelated to terrorism, including drug violations, credit card fraud and bank theft, according to a government accounting released Tuesday.

Sedition & Treason in the US Imperial State (tags)

    But as I’ve said on radio shows before, these Democrats who are holed up in the Holiday Inn SHOULD have been arrested. Why? Because they were in clear violation of the relevant statutes of the sedition act as now revised and expanded, thanks to the USA Patriot Act.

Government moves to make Patriot Act permanent (tags)

Congressional push to remove the sunset provisions from the Patriot Act some time before 2005. If the govt. truly seeks to make this country safer it should stop bombing innocent people around the world in its push for greater world hegemony. No amount of spying will create peace and safety in that climate.

war (tags)

me & u

Republicans Plan to make PATRIOT Act Permanent (tags)

If this goes through, it will effectively end 227 years of constitutional rule in America. WHERE ARE OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES? Where is the freedom that had made America great?

Bush - Hitler Comparison (tags)

Specific comparisons of two sick depraved dangerous men. One of whom need be REMOVED FROM THE OFC. ILLEGALLY OBTAINED.IMPEACHED NOW - SAVE HUMANITY HERE AND ABROAD!

UN Authorization Can't Mke Rank Imperialism Just (tags)

If a war without UN authorization would be wrong, does that mean that a war with UN authorization would be right?

Act of Congress Needed for Iraq Invasion, Suit Says (tags)

A federal appeals court is weighing on a rare and expedited basis a lawsuit challenging the president's right to wage war on Iraq without a formal declaration of war by Congress.

RW: Music to Stop the War (tags)


Sen. Byrd warns of another Gulf of Tonkin (tags)

see. LBJ tapes re: Gulf of Tonkin


Extraordinary revelations from the investigative journalist who broke the TIPS story. Versions of this article have been printed in Australia and Europe, but this is Goldstein's full-length, un-edited copy.


The White House and Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge are calling for a review of the Posse Commitatus Act, which currently prohibits the military from engaging in domestic police activities.

Are we Federal Children owned by the Government?? (tags)

Your best investment in understanding may be a Black's Law dictionary, then you will understand the fraud that has been sucking away your life since you arrived on this planet!!

Relating to Our Elders, on Anarchist Radio News (tags)

Please visit our web page and join us for this important discussion.

Anti-Quarantine AIDS Activists Held On One Million Dollars Bail (tags)

First they came for the Middle Eastern/South Asian/Muslim people, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't Middle Eastern/South Asian/Muslim. Then they came for the people with AIDS. . .

NOW?!?!? (tags)

If not now, when?

Stop The Emergency Health Powers Act (tags)

The US government is waging war on Americans! The Emergency Health Powers ACT will give the feds legal power to quarantine and remove civil libirties for US citizens! It is imperative that all activists spread the word and speak out against this maddness.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

Terrorist Bills' effects on online privacy and separation of powers (tags)

This statement, given by Jerry Berman before the Senate Judiciary Committee gives a decent short history and a good explanation about what both the ATA and PATRIOT bills will affect on the separation of powers between Federal Investagatory Branches (FBI, CIA, ATF, INS etc..) and also on how the weaking of net privacy laws weakens democracy.

Anti-Terrorism Bill- and the creep towards Fascism (tags)

This article was originaly published soon after the WTC and pentagon bombing. Its call for action on the definition of "terrorist" are still relevant

Barbara Lee: Why I Opposed the Resolution to Authorize Force... (tags)

It was a blank check to the president to attack anyone involved in the Sept. 11 events -- anywhere, in any country, without regard to our nation's long- term foreign policy, economic and national security interests, and without time limit. In granting these overly broad powers, the Congress failed its responsibility to understand the dimensions of its declaration. I could not support such a grant of war-making authority to the president; I believe it would put more innocent lives at risk.

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