fix articles 171378, earners
Social Security works. Don't let Trump destroy it (tags)
Millions of people count on Social Security for their survival. Over 60 percent of seniors rely on Social Security payments for at least half their income. Approximately one-third of seniors rely on Social Security payments for at least 90 percent of their income.
Workers Pay for Their own Impoverishment (tags)
A whole series of factors are combining to undermine the financial position of banks. None of this happened by chance. It is only to be expected that brokers should seize every opportunity to line their pockets. They use innovations to kid themselves they can abolish risk.
Presidential Hopeful Alexander wants $10 Minimum Wage (tags)
The Democratic control Congress recently passed a minimum wage increase tied to a Bush-Iraq War spending bill for $120 billion; within the next two years America’s lowest paid wage earners will receive a $2.10 pay increase. Presidential hopeful Stewart A. Alexander says, “It’s not enough.”
Kerry isn't as ignorant on economic matters as he sounds.... (tags)