fix articles 17117, staged
Staged Bin Laden Killing Hokum (tags)
false flag
Ft. Hood Shooting Staged (tags)
There is no need for the military as it exists solely to murder the people of the world to steal their resources, usually oil, so as to maximize the profits of the oil companies and munitions companies. Thus, the entire illegal attack on the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan is staged, and American troops want to come home. This means a scapegoat is needed to build support of more war. The shooting at Ft. Hood could not have been done by one person with the weapons used.
VIDEO: LA School Teachers Stage 1 Hour Walkout (tags)
LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2008 – Teachers with the LA Unified School District staged a one hour micro-strike today. Walking out on for the first hour of their workday, teachers staged pickets in front of local schools today. The teachers are protesting budget cuts that are impacting their ability to provide education to their students. Uploaded is video from a picket line at a local elementary school.
What was thought to be the “last Festival of Pilipino Arts and Culture” ” – the 16th Annual FPAC to be exact turned out to be a resounding success! The festival presented b FILAMARTS called “HANDOG” ( Offering). The festival organizers explained that “ what makes the festival distinct was it was built fro, the ground up. “ They also acknowledged the fact that it defended on the support of the community, business groups and artist and they make the weekend event get through. This FPAC saw the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) staged a solemn re-enactment of the infamous Death March from Bataan to Tarlac in April 1942. The nine-day march cost he lives of more than 30,000 Filipino and Americans out of the more than 90,000 who surrendered in Bataan were brutalized by the Japanese along the 60 kilometer route during the Second World War in the Philippines.
What was thought to be the “last Festival of Pilipino Arts and Culture” ” – the 16th Annual FPAC to be exact turned out to be a resounding success! The festival presented b FILAMARTS called “HANDOG” ( Offering). The festival organizers explained that “ what makes the festival distinct was it was built fro, the ground up. “ They also acknowledged the fact that it defended on the support of the community, business groups and artist and they make the weekend event get through. This FPAC saw the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) staged a solemn re-enactment of the infamous Death March from Bataan to Tarlac in April 1942. The nine-day march cost he lives of more than 30,000 Filipino and Americans out of the more than 90,000 who surrendered in Bataan were brutalized by the Japanese along the 60 kilometer route during the Second World War in the Philippines.
RAN drops in on Ford outside LA Carshow (tags)
Thursday at Noon - Activists affiliated with the Rainforest Action Network dropped banner reading "Ford: Holding America Hostage to Oil" and staged a press conference in downtown Los Angeles.
Why wasn't there an interception at 911 by the State? See Alex Jones ( for more.
Tuesday, another G.I. killed in Iraq (tags)
Another funeral for some poor family in the U.S., stunned that lies were used to start a war and stunned that no weapons of mass destruction have been found.
Lights! Camera! Rescue! (tags)
We do want to feel good, to believe that we are good. We want to be seen as virtuous liberators, not conquerors. Yet these two signature stories from the invasion of Iraq are, in fact, too good to be true.
Lights, Camera, Rescue! (tags)
Reposted because the last time it was posted it got spammed to death.
Everybody is lookfing for a figleaf a way to "feel good" about killing a few thousand people and taking their resources. "Saving Private Lynch" was made to order for "good War PR". Another Bush Junta LIE.
1,500 protest against war in DC (tags)
15-hundred people opposed to war in Iraq have staged a peaceful protest outside the U-S Capitol in freezing weather during Bush's speech.
Palestinian Celebrations Possibly Staged (tags)
Translation from German article (Spiegel) asserting that Palestinian celebrations may have been staged.
Breaking the Barricades: The Battle Against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (tags)
While the heads of state met with their corporate allies to move toward implementation of the FTAA by 2005, activists outside this 400-year-old walled city staged militant protests condemning the secrecy of the negotiations and the erosion of democracy they claim is the result of surrendering government power to transnational corp.