fix articles 171161, california voter foundation
ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)
RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.
Alabama - Louisiana solar links (tags)
Links to groups, in ALABAMA to LOUISIANA, supporting LOCAL Renewable Energy, Honest elections, safe schools, healthy children, disease prevention, clean water, clean air, cancer prevention and LOCAL Organic Family farmers. Please help set up and support in your LOCAL community, groups that support the above. Thank YOU.
Harvey Rosenfeld v. Gov Davis on Davis' Anti-Consumer Law (tags)
Harvey Rosenfeld, the author of the pro-consumer Prop 103 re auto insurance, may run for governor on the Recall Gray Davis ballot, because Davis just signed a pro-insurance auto bill that effectively violates Prop. 103.
Kim Alexander: 'Electronic rigging?' (tags)
As election officials scramble to replace old, Florida-style voting systems with new, modern ones, many people are beginning to question the wisdom of entrusting our precious ballots to an entirely computerized process. These concerns are well-founded.