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Economist: "TTIP is Doomed" (tags)
Resistance rages across the two parties. Two hegemons negotiate who are not accustomed to making compromises. The US and the EU are like two proud gorillas. The lawyer branch will put up a fierce resistance to losing that niche.
2004 Annual Rainbow Gathering (tags)
The 2004 Rainbow Gathering takes place over the 4th of July in either California, Nevada or Utah. Get involved now.
More Than Transportation Bike Weekend (tags)
This a weekend long DIY bike event happening in downtown LA. All workshops are free, shows are $5, $3 with a bike! Vegan food will be available all weekend, as will mad bike positivity.
Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read! (tags)
Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, the constitution could be law again!
Big Critical Mass Ride Tonight! (tags)
Announcement: Join Critical Mass for a celebration/demonstration of the world's most effecient and gas-free form of transportation, the bicycle.
The CIA Goes Primetime: Is History Repeating Itself? (tags)
Josef Goebels would have loved this. Hollywood shows its true colors--and pimps for the world's greatest terrorist organization: the CIA. All you media activists in L.A. should give Hollywood hell for sure...