fix articles 170826, dove Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : dove



i cc fecero finta di escutere billau e perlman - né billau sente il dovere di testimoniare sul serio dopo 46 anni


i padri di isabella savona e patrizio bonanni dell´austin morris dei servizi a Fani, erano stati agenti segreti di sua maestà britannica durante la seconda guerra

Black Dove Support Network's New Website (tags)

This website is meant to be an online resource for anti-prison organizing and prisoner solidarity work. Here one will find a collection of prisoner news and updates as well as developments on the organizing to abolition prisons. We hope y'all enjoy.

Jan 27: Israel Bombing Gaza Again to Kill Dove of Peace (tags)

Everytime there is a hint of peace, Israel makes sure to obliterate it. After 1 Palestinian farmer was killed and 1 Israeli soldier was killed near the Gaza border, Israel closed the border to aid and bombed Gaza again. Meanwhile, peace envoy George Mitchell just arrived in the Middle East. Thus, Israel rushed to kill the dove of peace by bombing Gaza. That's our tax dollars at waste, $15 million a day.

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read! (tags)

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, the constitution could be law again!

Dove: To Agents and Personnel Working for the Opposition (tags)

[This is a message from Dove of Oneness to the People who are taking orders and carrying out the activities of the Dark Agenda Opposition – to the personnel, staff members, agents, and troops following orders of the opposition.]

DOVE HAT (tags)

Thousands of anti-War demonstrators marched through Westwood on the 29th of September.

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