fix articles 170261, on fox
Zenger’s vs. Fox on “Undocumented” vs. “Illegal” Immigrants (tags)
Does it look to you like he’s wearing a dress? That’s just one of the loonier accusations leveled against Zenger’s Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence, J.D., shown being made up for one of his two recent appearances on Fox News. He was invited on “Fox and Friends” and “The O’Reilly Factor” to discuss his campaign to get the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) to recommend that immigrants in the U.S. without official papers be referred to as “undocumented” rather than “illegal.” What he got was a firestorm of bigoted, prejudiced and frequently ad hominem attacks from members of Fox’s core Right-wing audience; “idiot” was actually one of the less mean things he was called in the hundreds of e-mails that flooded in to his accounts after the shows.
The US media and the London terror scare (tags)
Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.
New book on PR industry ties to Bush regime (tags)
New book by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber exposes the role that PR companies play in manufacturing consent for US wars. Go out and buy a copy today to help put this title on the bestseller lists.
FOX NEWS and the Rehabilitation of Mark Fuhrman (tags)
Mark Fuhrman, the corrupt, racist LAPD cop who testified in the OJ Simpson trial, and was famously revealed to have made repeated statements using the 'n' word, including that he believed all n*****s should be burned , was featured on FOX NEWS today as an expert commentator on the Sniper shootings.
Please Email Rep. Andrews Now! (tags)
U.S. Representative Andrews of the state of New Jersey was justifying the attack on the Palestinian populace on Fox News Channel today. Email him with your opinions!