fix articles 17006, guerrillas
Las guerrillas argentinas en el siglo XX - Historia (tags)
Una historia de los movimientos revolucionarios armados en la Argentina del siglo XX
Alcanzar la liberación de México o morir (tags)
Campamento Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon
"Talk, Talk, Fight, Fight" on Peace Talks 2011 (tags)
The PESANTE BULETIN based in Los Angeles learned today from media sources in the Philippines that on the 42nd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), a regional guerrilla spokesperson Ka. Oris aka Jorge Madlos of Mindanao-NDF expressed optimism that the 2011 scheduled peace talks will produce results. Jorge Madlos aka Ka Oris is the spokesperson for NDF North Eastern Mindanao――said that something good could come out of the negotiations.
Hundreds flee Army, NPA war in remote areas nationwide (tags)
The ceasefire declared by the military isn’t holding as hundreds of villagers fled remote communities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao that have turned into battlegrounds between communist guerrillas and government soldiers. The flight of residents afraid of getting caught in the crossfire has created temporary communities in shelters where the civilians were brought for safety.
PKK Guerrillas Have Crossed Into Iran: Ex-Leader (tags)
KOYA, (Southern Kurdistan), Nov 11, 2007 (AFP) Thousands of Kurdish guerrillas have crossed the border into Iranian-occupied Kurdistan to escape a threatened Turkish offensive against their mountain redoubts in Iraqi Kurdistan, a former guerrilla leader said.
10 MILF guerrillas slain in clash with Army (tags)
News reports said government security forces and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) guerrillas clashed in a remote village of a Maguindanao town Friday, leaving 10 rebels dead and a soldier wounded, a military spokesman said on Sunday.
Esperon: AFP to wipe out NPA rebels in next 3 years (tags)
The military announced an intensified offensive against communist rebels in the country, vowing to wipe out the insurgency over the next three years, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said.
Iraq rebels in video taunt Chickenhawk with his own Rant (tags)
Iraq rebels in video taunt Bush
Predictable Torture of Iraqi Prisoners (tags)
The occurrence of torture is a deliberate strategy of counterinsurgency warfare and not the isolated acts of deranged, sadistic soldiers.
Clashes in oilfields kill 17 soldiers and guerrillas (tags)
15 government troops dead in fresh fighting in Colombia’s southern oil region. President Uribe seeks foreign help to beef up military muscle. US lawmakers promise more soldiers and mercenaries.
Colombia: Film Documents 'The Red Dance' (tags)
The Colombian documentary film "El baile rojo" (The Red Dance), marks an effort to restore collective memory of an experiment in reconciliation that was erased by blood and fire from the country's political map. The film's title comes from the name of the extermination operation against the Patriotic Union (UP), a legal leftist movement proposed in 1984 by the FARC guerrillas as a political means to end the civil war.
Colombian activists refuse to recognize justice system (tags)
Bogota — Activists in several rural Colombian communities have declared they will refuse to recognize the South American country's judicial system in light of mass detentions of suspected guerrilla collaborators.
193rd U.S. Soldier killed in Iraq since May 1st. (tags)
Another U.S. Soldier dies in Iraq... killed in a guerilla drive-by shooting. This death is the 193rd since resident bush declared the war over on May 1st. Hey George... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over? In the photo, U.S. occupation troops in a Humvee drive past a billboard altered by the resistance in Baghdad, Monday Dec. 8, 2003. The billboard's message had offered a reward of 2,500 USD to those providing information regarding activity of insurgents. (AP Photo/Laurent Rebours)
The Syrian Leader's Curious World (tags)
03/12/03 New York times President Bashar al-Assad of Syria understands that he no longer lives in his father's Middle East, where brutal repression at home, the refusal to deal with Israel and cozy relations with terrorist groups and rogue regimes were enough to ensure decades of unchallenged power. That much comes across in an interview with our colleague Neil MacFarquhar in The Times on Monday. What is less clear is whether Mr. Assad, the son and successor of Hafez al-Assad, fully grasps the magnitude of the challenge he has inherited, and so far failed to meet
''Parallels Between U.S. Occupation of Iraq and U.S. Involvement in Vietnam'' (tags)
Iraqi guerrillas are most likely aware that they will not be able to crush the U.S. military occupation in Iraq. They do know, however, that if they continue to kill and maim U.S. soldiers, it will only be a matter of time until the American public demands a return of U.S. troops and applies political pressure to the Bush administration. General Abizaid admitted as much, recently warning, "The goal of the enemy is not to defeat us militarily. The goal of the enemy is to break the will of the United States of America, to make us leave."
Commander Darth Vader is pictured at the Iraqi front with Lieutenant-Colonel Steve Russell (in black uniform), and Imperial Storm Troopers of the 4th Infantry Division's 1-22 Battalion. While Commander Darth Vader acknowledges that the Iraqi population is hostile to the occupation, he has stated that he will "persuade" them to accept being conquered.
23 soldiers killed as suspected rebels down helicopter (tags)
The Colombian Army looses yet another US donated Black Hawk helicopter during clashes with guerrillas. Several serious reverses for the government forces in the last few weeks.
The Evils of Low Intensity Warfare (tags)
The imperialist rationale for low intensity warfare
Rebels confirm: 3 CIA agents captured (tags)
Colombia's main leftist rebel army confirms to have downed a CIA plane and captured 3 US intelligence agents. The guerrillas are demanding the US and Colombian armies to hold their fire in order to be able to guarantee the safety of the prisoners.
US considers intervention in Colombia (tags)
Washington mulls tough response to kidnapping of CIA 'agents'
Crimes of War and Crimes of Press Media: Bolivarian Republics of Colombia & Venezuela (tags)
Billionaire corporados control world's media, cause death of democracy & millions of people. Their crimes in the Andes means people worldwide must seize the presses, crush elite, remake the world. USA cornered & vulnerable - revolution whenever we want. We onlywant the world... Why wait. US out!
Media Imbalance Amid Escalated Violence in Colombian Civil War (tags)
Millions of people rely on mainstream news sources to educate them on world events and foreign policy. Therefore, if the only explanation of the Colombian crisis provided by these sources falls within consistently selective standards that omit more than half of all violence, and show guerrilla attacks and the arrival of U.S. troops with no contextual analysis, escalation of the conflict will continue unchallenged.
Guerrillas propose prisoner swap (tags)
The Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC-EP renews an offer to release a number of prominent politicians and a score of army and police officers. In return the FARC demands the release of all guerrillas captured by the government forces
U.S. steps into Colombian liberated zones (tags)
"Look at what time it is, 12:45 p.m., the plain light of day," said Maj. Joaquin Enrique Aldana, the National Police commander here, shaking his head as he received word that a 30-man patrol had come under fire along Ultima Lagrima's dirt streets. "The people here love the guerrillas. They care for them. They lend them their houses so they can shoot at us. This is the urban war we are living, sadly with the community providing help to these terrorists who are destroying the town."
Colombia's largest guerrilla organisation FARC says that it is willing to negotiate peace with new Colombian president Alvaro Uribe if he cracks down on the paramilitary death squads and withdraw government forces from two southern departments.
In a new interview a retired US Special Forces sergeant who trained the Colombian military, explains why he now supports the armed struggle of the FARC-EP guerrillas in Colombia.
Recently declassified US documents show the depth of Washington's involvement in Colombia's civil war. Director of the National Security Archive Michael Evans says that the US is on the brink of direct confrontation with the Colombian guerrillas. Read more at the National Security Archive.
More than 120 troops were killed during a series of heavy clashes between guerrillas and combined paramilitary and government forces in the North Eastern regions of Antioquia and Córdoba departments.
When Bush declared 2002 the "war year," he claimed that Colombia was a terrorist stronghold, thus justifying his Plan Colombia. "Collateral Damage" is propaganda that furthers U.S. designs for an escalation of this war.
Colombian President Breaks Off Peace Talks With Communist Rebels (tags)
BOGOTA, Colombia - President Andres Pastrana broke off the peace process with Colombia's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People's Army (FARC-EP) Wednesday night, hours after the guerrillas hijacked a jetliner and kidnapped a corrupt senator complicit in his government's war against the poor.
Rebels in Nepal target Coca Cola (tags)
Maoist insurgents stage attack
For US imperialism, people fighting for national liberation are also terrorists (tags)
Asked if the same distinction would be made between fighting terrorists and fighting guerrillas, Francis X. Taylor, head of State's Office of Counterterrorism said the three Colombian groups "get the same treatment as any other terrorist group in terms of our interest in going after them and ceasing their terrorist activities." (FARC and ELN are allies fighting for national liberation. The AUC is a CIA backed right wing paramilitary organization; protecting the rich corrupt Colombian elite)
Recent Combat Reports from the Colombia War (tags)
In Colombia the Communist guerillas the FARC and ELN are fighting to the teeth against the silent U.S. counterinsurgency that doesn't want another Vietnam, critics say it is very likely.