fix articles 16913, discussion Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : discussion


How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)

Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.

"We must look at the side-effects" (tags)

"Restricting basic rights is no small matter, and it is the duty of politics to restore their exercise as soon as the infection situation permits." (Lockdown consequences: daycare centers and schools to open) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Video: Panel Discussion on Income Inequality, 53 min (tags)

Panel Discussion on Income Inequality Kathryn Edin, author of $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, and Stefanie DeLuca, co-author of Coming of Age in the Other America, talked about income inequality. They spoke at the 15th annual Annapolis Book Festival.

Video: Book Discussion on Louis D. Brandeis, 1 hr 24 min (tags)

Supreme Court justice Louis D. Brandeis is considered the father of modern anti-trust legislation. He stressed breaking up big banks and using countervailing influences. Bigness was opposed on moral grounds.

Panel Discussion on Government and Corruption, 1 hr (tags)

The Roberts court narrowly defines corruption as quid pro quo bribery. Are lobbyists a form of corruption? Can private debts become public debts? Call your representative and demand that they they reject Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership

A Call to Action: End the Siege on Black Lives (tags)

Black History Month Community Meeting

Latina organizers call for a radical path for the immigrant rights movement (tags)

Yolanda Alaniz and Christina Lopez will explore the question "Which Way Forward for Immigrants?" at a panel discussion on Saturday, May 24.

Academic freedom demands we reject the American Studies Association resolution (tags)

countering assaults on academic freedom in our schools

Jewish Voice for Peace supports hate speech (tags)

At the "Jewish Voice for Peace" anti-Israel site, they urge their fans to lobby to defeat Proposition 76:

Reporting from the Danger Zone - An LA Press Club and KPFK's Scholars' Circle Event (tags)

Live discussion and broadcast on reporting from the danger zone with journalists and scholars who have taken great risks from some of the world's most dangerous places to bring us the news.

There is no democracy without economic democracy (tags)

Cooperatives would not have stratospheric executive pay or financiers getting fat by skimming off a large share of the pie — without the need to produce excess profits, the result would be reduced work hours, higher pay and more left over for investment and taxes to pay for social services.

A Conversation Worth Having (tags)

The Nation magazine recently held a roundtable blog discussion that debated the effects of the failed Wisconsin recall. The discussion is important because of the seriousness of its subject. Such open and frank conversations have been sadly quite rare, so it is something of a credit to the Nation that they hosted this discussion.

Venice is changing soon to be known as Silicon Beach ... (tags)

Venice Town Hall: Silicon Beach - Thursday, April 12 come all who care about this 'town' to hear, talk, and discuss what is happening in your neighborhood or maybe just 'nearby' could happen to you too ... iNIMBY is not the same story

Occupy UCR General Assembly 11-21-2011 (tags)

There was a buzz amidst the students at University of California Riverside (UCR) when 2pm hit at the bell tower. "We are in solidarity with UC Davis and UC Berkeley so come join our discussion!" cried Jasmine, one of the facilitators, for this very first General Assembly (GA) meeting of the UCR occupation. The turnout was one of one hundred and fifty students, staff and faculty, including UCR Chancellor White and the surprise guest Chief of UCR police Mike Lane.

National Organizing Committee discussion, sponsored by Peace and Freedom Party of Californ (tags)

Please join us for discussion of a united alternative to represent working people in our own government

Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #1 (tags)

Harassing messages from PSL/ANSWER people

VIDEO: Supreme Power-Franklin Roosevelt and the Supreme Court (tags)

The state can and must corrupt jobs when the private sector is corrupted, fears for the future and speculates on foreign currencies.

VIDEO: BookTV Discussion of Rachel Carson "Silent Spring" (tags)

Paul Driessen is author of "Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death." Linda Lear is author of the biography "Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature." "We care more about our green lawns than about songbirds. Pesticides are persistent and can't be simply repressed. Birds and fish have injested pollutants. Humility and arrogance are part of our collective life story. We are not in control of nature and have to think of the whole of things, the interlocking nature of life.." RELATED LINK: "Trees have Standing" William O. Douglas, the longest serving Supreme Court justice (35 years), was an uncompromising civil libertarian and lover of life. Growing up in upstate New York, he grieved when lakes became cesspools. Lakes are not anti-freeze and mountains are more than landfill. Reducing nature to short-term profit is a blindness and path to anthropomorphic self-destruction.

The Sierra Madre Anarchist Picnic (From an Organizer's Perspective) (tags)

From the LA Anarchist Weekly Blog:

Anarchy in Riverside (tags)

February 6, 2010
RIVERSIDE, California - Riverside-area anarchists hosted a day-long event that included a series of presentations, a group discussion, and musical performances.

Reportback & Analysis of 'Anarchy in Riverside' & Some Thoughts on 'Building the Party' (tags)

Reportback & Analysis of 'Anarchy in Riverside' & Some Thoughts on 'Building the Party'

Call out for Workshops at an Anarchist Picnic (tags)

Call out for Workshops at an Anarchist Picnic

Discussion with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator) (tags)

On Nov. 23, 2009, a discussion regarding the global climate negotiation process with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator), was held in Washington D.C. This was simulcast to the UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law, UCLA school of law, and took place at UC's extension in D.C.

Monday, October 19, 7:00 PM California’s Budget Crisis: The Rich Profit, Workers Pa (tags)

Public report and discussion on the who, what, where and what to do on California's budget mess. Includes strategizing on how to build a movement to force a sane and pro worker budget.

California’s Budget Crisis: The Rich Profit, Workers Pay (tags)

Public report and discussion of the who, why, what, and what next of the California State Budget. Includes strategizing on how to build a movement to demand a sane, pro worker budget

"New Pacifica's" frontal attack on Democracy Now! (tags)

After rejecting Cynthia McKinney for ED, Aaron's Pacifica now turns on Amy Goodman

"New Pacifica's" frontal attack on Democracy Now! (tags)

After rejecting Cynthia McKinney for ED, Aaron's Pacifica now turns on Amy Goodman

"New Pacifica's" frontal attack on Democracy Now! (tags)

After rejecting Cynthia McKinney for ED, Aaron's Pacifica now turns on Amy Goodman

Anti-fascist documentary "uno di noi" now online (tags)

In December 2008, we created an anti-fascist mural in Bochum, to commemorate those seven anti-fascist from different european countries, who had been killed by neo-nazis during the last years. After we photographed the whole process of production, we brought those and several other materials together and made a documentary of it, about the mural and the background of the seven murdered antifas.

Latino Renaissance (tags)

A special panel discussion will be held on Latino Renaissance during the upcoming 8th Anniversary Celebration of the International Museum of Muslim Cultures at Jackson, MS.

Santa Cruz Anarchsit Convergence Workshop Descriptions (tags)

The Anarchists are Coming! There will be almost 40 workshops and discussions at the Santa Cruz Anarchist Convergence from May 7-11th. Here are times and descriptions of all of them! Also: flyers, dates, times, and descriptions of several events surrounding the convergence. Check it out!

Scientology Virtually Holds Daughter Hostage (tags)

Scientology says it will "negotiate" with the mother to return her daughter.

The Language of Looting by Michael Hudson (tags)

What "Nationalize the Banks" and the "Free Market" Really Mean in Today's Looking-Glass World

TV SET Post Peak Oil (tags)

An hour long video of well-considered discussion of scenarios that may occur post Peak Oil.


Philippine Congressman Herminigildo Mandanas together with Los Angeles Consul General Mary Jo B. Aragon held a dialogue with the Filipino American veterans and community leaders last Friday, January 9 at FASGI, 135 N. Parkview St. Los Angeles. They discussed the Filipino Veterans Support Bill, or SB 3689 that passed the Senate hearings last November 17 remains as the foremost concern of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV). Heated Discussion There was a heated discussion on the lump sum bill when JFAV leader Arturo P. Garcia brought put the fact that the SB 3689 has a quit claim and offers no recognition to the veterans. He also scored the vagueness of the bill.

First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair: A Beginning Marker of Resistence (tags)

Saturday, December 13, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The organizers of the first annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair sent out a call for "dreamers, fighters, organizers, and rebels to come, meet, strategize, learn from each other, get books, attend workshops, participate, and join the movement." And despite the state's efforts to squelch our efforts, come they did--more than 700 people, mostly from the greater Los Angeles area, although some came from as far as San Diego, the Bay Area, Oregon, New York, and even Canada, to participate in this herstory-making event.

International WShappens December the 6th to the 11th (tags)

We want a debate not from the perspective of the market because the market heralds resolved now that they will make the solution for what themselves caused, with their bad conduction of economic policy

Department of Energy Demands 800 Billion Dollars, Threatens to Shut Off Lights (tags)

Pay up or it's lights out!

UNIFEM Panel Discussion on Violence Against Women in Latin America (tags)

02.16.08 Panel Discussion on Violence Against Women in Latin America

The S. CA chapter of UNIFEM/USA and SOKA University presented a morning discussion on violence against women in the Latin Americas. Lucia Munoz, founder of Mujeres Iniciando en Las Americas (Women Initiating in the Americas), gave a talk entitled "Women in Guatemala: Hidden in Plain Sight." The event also highlighted UNIFEM's Safe Cities in the Latin Americas, a program which aims to free cities from violence against women in public as well as private places

Hannity investigates SSRI antidepressants and violent behaviour (tags)

Good 6 minute discussion of the presence of SSRIS in most if not all recent putbreaks of school shooting violence

LA Indymedia Workshop at Anarchist Conference (tags)

This is a thread with information about this event, which is at the So Cal Library, Room 3, 6-7 PM Saturday

SAVE THE PEAKS CALL FOR SUPPORT! - Legal Battle to Protect Sacred Site Comes to Pasadena (tags)

The San Francisco Peaks are a unique mountain ecosystem which are managed as public lands in Northern Arizona. The Peaks are held Holy by more than 13 Indigenous Nations. A small ski area is threatening expansion and attempting to make fake snow from treated sewage effluent filled with harmful contaminants. A coalition of tribes and environmental groups have unified to prevent the environmental destruction, community health hazards and extreme desecration that would be caused by the proposed development. Although the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the ski area plan, the case will be reheard in Pasadena on December 11th, 2007.

CHICAGO CONFIDENTIAL! First National Convergence of the Movement for a Democratic Society (tags)

It was a hectic week for activists in Chicago. There was the Select Media Festival, a Teaching for Social Justice Conference, a SNCC commemoration, the Humanities festival, a National Convention to End the Death Penalty, and Bob Brown’s law-suit against the corporations. Not least, the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) held its first national convergence at Loyola University, from November 8 through 11 with the participation of the newly inspired SDS, Students for a Democratic Society.

New video shows how government “data-mining” harms privacy (tags)

"FBI Unbound: How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy" is being shown in towns across the U.S. this fall -- especially on October 26, the anniversary of the PATRIOT Act.

More Green Party Bullshit... (tags)

Just when you thought there was nothing more to say about the Green’s self-destructive behavior. In the last few days I’ve taken a gander at what the Greens have been talking about on their discussion list. Nope, they are not talking about how they are going to end the war. Nor how they are going to organize to fight the Democrats. They are instead preparing to cyberlynch John Murphy, the delegate from Pennsylvania that I wrote about in a column earlier this week.

Feral Visions; Green Anarchist Gathering in Sierra Nevada! (tags)

Feral Visions gathering in the Sierra Nevada offers workshops on basketry, archery, shelters, alternative mental health, knots, natural birth control, herbal medicine, wilderness fist aid, self defense and many other useful skills..


CALL TO ACTION TO ALL TRANS PEOPLE AND ALLIES: Attend THE GENDERCATOR screening and hold the gay and lesbian community accountable! On Saturday, July 21st, Outfest at 6:00pm, at the Village at Ed Gould Plaza. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Riku Matsuda. The address for the Village is: 1125 N. McCadden Place Los Angeles, CA 90038



Sixth Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

Good evening friends and companeros, I don't have much time. It is late. But here is a brief description of my experiences today.

Release of Free Video Workshop (Inspired by Argentina's Piqueteros) (tags)

Interested in new ways to connect inspiring international social movements with the work going on in your community? Check out this new video featuring behind the scenes interviews and footage with Argentina's piquetero movements. The video is divided into short sections designed for use in workshops to spark conversation about the tactics, goals and strategies of your projects. And, it’s free.

ANSWER Film Series: 'Sir, No Sir!' (tags)

Join ANSWER for a film screening, update on Iraq and discussion.

2007 NCOR Event Details & Call for Proposals (tags)

The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares. We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C. The 2006 conference was a tremendous success, with 80 workshops and almost 2,000 registered participants. We hope to make the 2007 conference an even more vibrant and stimulating experience. NCOR is shaped as much by the people who attend as the people who run it. As volunteers, as workshop leaders, as discussion participants, you create NCOR. We hope you will join us to help make NCOR 2007 an inclusive and diverse forum for global resistance.

A Brief Field Guide to Moles N Trolls @ IMC LA (tags)

From Frothing loonies to Reasonable Persuaders. ( and why they turn into Frothing Loonies ) in a short order.

The Miracle of Vienna (tags)

Something happened in VBienna that could possibly and hopefully avert a threatened war.

Save The Farm (live panel discussion CD w/ IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE) . download now (tags)

Save The Farm (live panel discussion CD :: April 9, 2006)

What is political correctness? (tags)

What is political correctness, where did it come from, and why is it so influential at universities? It is the object of widespread ridicule, usually a very powerful weapon, so why doesn't it go away?

Roosevelt University fires teacher for allowing questioning of Zionism (tags)

Roosevelt University has fired a religion teacher for allowing students in his class to engage in questioning about Zionism, discussion of Palestine, etc.

CSPAN to broadcast 9/11 Truth Conference!! (tags)

author: Truthseeker

Senatore John Kyl - Everybody in the Senate lies so its OK for me to lie!!!! (tags)

“Every senator has [put fabricated information into the Congressional Record]. It is no big deal to submit material for the record. It is done every day,” he told the Tribune on Thursday.

In the Stagnation Trap: Capitalist Development (tags)

Demands for a different distribution and re-distribution, for economic democracy and social regulation opposing market radicalism must be in the foreground. Crisis and opportunity are represented by the same Chinese letter.

Watch for breakthrough 9/11 discussion on Thur. the 29th (tags)

Cathy Garger

Exposing NCLR’s Corporate Ties. (tags)

National Council of La Raza: What's in a name?

Connection: 9/11 and Radioactive Uranium (tags)

News on link between Uranium and 9/11 - Exploding buildings at World Trade Center What is the connection between 9/11 and radioactive Uranium? I have been more than curious as to the high incidence of lung diseases and cancers appearing in Ground Zero victims occurring too soon after 9/11 to be merely due to "asbestos" poisoning alone.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Live from the Struggle in Mexico – Days 1 and 2 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from Joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

U.S. Truth and Reconciliation Commission Discussion (tags)

Meeting and discussion about calling for a U.S. Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the crimes during the Cold war.

a vicious campaign of calumny (tags)

Taking time out from organizing today's visits to the South Central Farm by Ralph Nadar, Peter Camejo, and Donna Warren, Dele Aileman, co-coordinator of the South Central Farmers, issued a statement in response to concerns that African-Americans are not among the Farmers working the land. First, he noted the appearance at the Farm of Danny Glover, Evelyn Knight, and Maxine Waters, the highest ranking government official to walk on the farmland. Then he continued:

Molly Ivins: Pro-Israel 'Nutjobs' on the Attack (tags)

by Molly Ivins

What iranian president Ahmadinejad really said (tags)

The rcent kerfuffle over Ahmadinejad's remark about wiping israel off the map has been cleared by by Juan Cole, and midwifed by Christopher Hitchens!

Let's call the Israel lobby THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by MOLLY IVINS (tags)

This is not about conspiracies or plots or fantasies or anti-Semitism -- it's about rational discussion of American interests. Alan Dershowitz, who seems to be easily upset, went totally ballistic...over the mild article ["The Israel Lobby"] by Mearsheimer and Walt, calling them "liars" and "bigots." And, in my case, being pro-Israel. I'm looking forward to hearing from all you [name-calling] *NUTJOBS* again.

Let's call the Israel lobby THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by MOLLY IVINS (tags)

This is not about conspiracies or plots or fantasies or anti-Semitism -- it's about rational discussion of American interests. Alan Dershowitz, who seems to be easily upset, went totally ballistic...over the mild article ["The Israel Lobby"] by Mearsheimer and Walt, calling them "liars" and "bigots." And, in my case, being pro-Israel. I'm looking forward to hearing from all you [name-calling] *NUTJOBS* again.


I have been inundated lately with a flood of articles analyzing the pros and cons of the various immigration bills, the impact of immigration on our social structures, the changing face of the color of our population, etc. I think there is something seriously missing in almost the entire discussion and analysis about immigrants; and that is the fact that the majority of them are misplaced people.

Report back from Anti War Strategizing Discussion (tags)

Los Angeles- This past Saturday the 18th, thousands habitually marched through Hollywood to once again condemn the War on Iraq, after 3 and a half years of failed attempts at ending it. The following is a report back from a member of the Southern California Anarchist Federation (SCAF), seeking to further open the debate on building a long-term movement for radical social change, beyond simply ending the war on Iraq.

Anti War Strategizing Discussion 3/18/06 IN THE STREETS (tags)

March 18, after the march against the war in Hollywood, meet afterwards to plan, discuss, and strategize to end the war.

California Transgender Leadership Summit (tags)

Ttransgender community members, families, and allies join together for this, the first of its kind, two-day event. This Summit provided a unique opportunity to strategize, connect with individuals from across the state and learn or improve important advocacy and activist skills in a variety of areas.

from slave patrol to border patrol (tags)

Screening of Rights on the Line and Panel Discussion with Arnoldo Garcia, Monica Hernandez, and Chris Newman SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2 P.M

The Elephant in the Room (tags)

Life is full of topics that are difficult to breach, but there are some issues that are so problematic that we pretend they do not exist rather than confront them. This occurs so often that an expression has evolved to describe such a topic: the elephant in the room. Taking their cue from this phrase, eight USC art students publicly take on their own “elephant” in an attempt to finally generate discussion.

Fetishizing Process (tags)

...if anything is essential to anarchism, it is the idea that social decisions are to be taken by everyone affected, and that this inclusion must involve substantive participation of each in deliberation and decsion-making. Thus a dispute on the nature of such participation is a dispute about the very essence of anarchism.

Alternative Social Forum - Caracas, January 2006 (tags)

* From Venezuela we extend an invitation to an international event of and for social movements in the struggle, as a more valid option to the bureaucratic spectacle the World Social Forum has become.

Pacifica Radio: Lew Hill Project (tags)

On-line Discussion with John Murdock, a former Member of the Pacifica Foundation national board.

California Border Police or Police State? (tags)

Immigration Reform and AFL-CIO labor split discussed on live web cast from Thursday, August 4, 2005 from 8-9 AM

Reds come out fighting: Time to turn up heat vs. ultra-right, Communist meet says (tags)

CHICAGO — The Communist Party USA wound up its convention here in a fighting mood July 3, with the 450 participants vowing to pour their energies into blocking the ultra-right effort to take over the Supreme Court.

"Save Our State" / "Minutemen" Dreaming of a White Amerikkka (tags)

Reading white supremists web sites indicate fear and denial of the unavoidable reduction in white Americans in North America.

"Chavez, Venezuela, & the New Latin America", Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, (tags)

The Orange County delegation to the upcoming 16th World Festival of Youth & Students in Caracas, Venezuela will present a special screening of the film, "CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA & THE NEW LATIN AMERICA", by Aleida Guevara (eldest daughter of Che Guevara)

Dr. Emma Pérez Speaks at CSUN (tags)

Dr. Emma Pérez, Chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and author of The Decolonial Imaginary: Writing Chicanas Into History, and Gulf Dreams, gave a lecture titled “Decolonial Queer Theory” at California State University, Northridge, on Thursday, March 17.

A Spark Forum on the U.S. Health Care Crisis (tags)

Spark Forum and Discussion

Black Panthers & the Attica Prison Rebellion (tags)

Spark: Movie Showing and Discussion at UCLA

Victoria Indymedia Facing Shutdown in Hostile takeover (tags)

Vic-IMC's server is being shut down by its host in Vancouver. The collective is unsure why this decision was made, and how it will be implemented. It appears to be the decision of a former member of Vancouver-IMC.

Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, & the Bolivarian Revolution, UCOC, Friday, Nov. 19th (tags)

Learn more about Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, and the Bolivarian Revolution!

4 Events of Feral Visions Weekend in Southern California (tags)

Nothing man-made lasts forever.... ....and this civilization will also fall

Globalization & Civilization Teach-In (tags)


Feral Visions - A presentation by the Green Anarchy Collective (tags)

An Introduction to Green Anarchy...

"WAR: Protest in America" Series Screening at REDCAT (tags)

Free daily screenings of a powerful anti-war film collection. Includes Julie Talen's "Sixty Cameras Against the War" which can be downloaded for free through

RNC reportback- 10/6 - Flor y Canto- 7:30pm (tags)

Join local activists who traveled to New York in August to protest at The RNC. We will be discussing the details of what happened that historic week in New York City, as well as beginning a discussion of where do we go from here.

Film & Discussion this Saturday Night (9/18) in Santa Ana (tags)

Submedia TV ( has produced a 15 minute video inspired by the "L is for Love" chapter of Crimethinc's Days of War, Nights of Love.

Silverlake Film Festival screens The END of SUBURBIA (tags)

The END of SUBURBIA is arguably the most important documentary of the decade. If you haven't seen it yet, this is your chance to see it and meet some great speakers on this topic. We are entering a new era in humanity - we are at or just near the global peak in oil production and our modern society is extremely dependant on oil and we are totaly unprepared for the decline in oil production. The END of SUBURBIA is very successful at introducing the topic in an entertaining way. There are many ways we, as a community, can respond, but first we must educate ourselves and understand the crisis. The guests at these events include Julian Darley (author of High Noon for Natural Gas and founder of The Post Carbon Institute and Global Public Media), Michael Ruppert (a Los Angeles local who founded and is very active in the 9/11 truth movement and educating people about peak oil) , Gregory Greene (The END of SUBURBIA director), Joan Stevens (LA Permaculture Guild leader) and Lara Morrison (LA Eco-Village leader).

Be Afraid: Scared of Political Controversy at the Local Library (tags)

Farenheit 451 arrives. Ashcroft is intimidating political protesters with FBI agents; He’s already scared some local librarians about presenting authors of controversial books.

Update on the USA Patriot Act, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, August 20th, 6:30 pm (tags)

RICHARD GILLOCK, board member of the Orange County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, will give us an update on the USA Patriot Act and other pending legislation that threatens civil rights and liberties.

Nader in California (tags)

A response to Ralph Nader's inability to independently get on the California ballot and how Greens and anti-war advocates should respond.

Amending California's "Three Strikes" Law, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, Ju (tags)

Amending California's notorious "Three Strikes" Law

Report from Cuba, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, June 4th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

Several UCI students and local activists who traveled to Cuba in March to attend a youth conference (as part of a delegation sponsored by The Los Angeles Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba) will deliver reports about their visit to that island nation.

Report from Cuba, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, June 4th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

Several UCI students and local activists who traveled to Cuba in March to attend a youth conference (as part of a delegation sponsored by The Los Angeles Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba) will deliver reports about their visit to that island nation.

End of Suburbia (tags)

You are invited to a screening of The End of Suburbia Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

Lecture with David Barsamian: "Weapons of Mass Distraction" (tags)

Please join David Barsamian for a lecture and audience discussion on Friday, April 30th for: "Weapons of Mass Distraction and the Lies We Were Told: How Media and Government Misled Us Into War"

Clean Money Campaign Reform, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, May 7th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

SUSAN LERNER, Executive Director of the California Clean Money Campaign, will talk about the concept of publicly financing elections as a way of reducing the powerful influence that wealthy individuals and big business interests currently have upon the electoral process.

Globalization Study Group in LA (tags)

Is there any interest in forming a study group to discuss globalization, to seek some personal and community understanding of it, and to brainstorm plans of action to deal with it? Would you be interested?

Report from El Salvador, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, April 2nd @ 6:30 pm (tags)

HENRY H. DUKE, an Orange County healthcare professional and member of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador), will deliver a slideshow presentation about his recent visit to El Salvador.

March 20 and corporate structure (pt.3) (tags)


March 20 and corporate structure (pt.2) (tags)


Using History to Advance Social Justice (tags)

Come hear about the provocative book that labor experts and book critics are raising eyebrows -- and often tempers -- over at a compelling panel discussion sure to shatter enduring myths about the history and role of women, minorities and the Left in U.S. labor organizing.....

Petition to Encourage Discussion and Debate at NYU (tags)

Tell your friends, classes, parents, family, friends...

CIA Psy-Ops on the Internet (tags)

See, if the "retired" spooks flame in too nasty a fashion and too constantly, it makes them look bad. The technique used is to bring people in from outside with no other purpose than to start flame wars with, and otherwise harass the critic. An analogy would be the hockey player who can't skate but is on the team to take out the talented players on the opposing team by starting brawls. A trademark of these types is that they never contribute anything of substance. Their refrain is "so and so is a... blah blah."

Endorse passwords for users! (tags)

From the comments page: "This feature has been disabled temporarily pending discussion about how to deal with the flamewars happening on the website. Current discussion within the collective is pointing toward adding users and passwords to create greater accountability for each of the participants. "

Recent events at LA-IMC predicted (tags)

The recent removal of the "Latest Comments" function at LA-IMC was predicted, and is the right way to go.

Launch of the Progressive Webgroup Alliance (tags)

Introducing the Progressive Webgroup Alliance! A coalition of Free thinking and Progressive web based discussion groups, message boards and mailing lists.

Censorship at (tags)

In the wake of 9/11 Oprah was the only mainstream talk show host who attempted to address the issue of US foreign policy. She encouraged people, Americans in particular, to "wake up" to what the government was doing. Her shows on Anti-Americanism and Why Attack Iraq generated huge discussion and debate, not least of which on her message boards.

New McCartyism at (tags)

Help defend the 1st Amendment at message boards,where moderators and a group of rightwing posters have imposed censorship of anything critical of the US government.

Event: Fight the Power, Build the Power (tags)

Join Traci Harris and Roy San Filippo, members of Bring the Ruckus, for a discussion of white abolitionism, dual power, anti-authoritarian cadre organization and revolutionary feminism.


October 4-5, The Center for Process Studies will sponsor a conference on American Empire. Saturday's proceedings will be themed "The Reality and Nature of American Empire." sundays proceedings will focus on "Alternatives to Empire."

Pittsburgh FTAA consulta report for Miami (tags)

report on the ftaa consulta in Pittsburgh. With discussion about general disruption and padded bloc actions.

Stop The FTAA: Important Consulta Aug 29-31st in Pittsburgh (tags)

Information on a pivotal consulta to plan for the protests in Miami. The Miami summit will take place Nov. 20-21st assuming the tens of thousands of protesters from across the hemisphere dont shut it down.

an interesting discussion (tags)

there is an interesting discussion in english between greek demonstrators and some american patriots in indymedia athens.

Open Discussion on Anarchism and the Anti-War Movement. (tags)

Luna Sol Cafe 2501 West 6th St. Los Angeles

Open Discussion on Anarchism and the Anti-War Movement. (tags)

Sunday April 20th at 1pm Luna Sol Cafe 2501 West 6th St. Los Angeles

Why do we have rights and where do they come from? (tags)

Where do our right come from Nature, Government, or God?

Cal State Fullerton International Film Series "PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH" (tags)

PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH In this new phase of globalization, at a time when freedom and peace are threatened around the world, confronting and understanding different viewpoints on domestic and international conflicts become essential to building a harmonious global society. This series of films (feature films as well as documentaries from diverse parts of the world) will encourage students and the community to discuss the burning issues of “Peace and War on Planet Earth.” FREE ADMISSION

LB Book Discussion (tags)

Political Book Discussion in Long Beach

Build the Power: Revolutionary Organization Gets Off the Ground (tags)

Various people from around the country meet to develop an organization based on the Bring the Ruckus proposal released in April 2001.

Join The Localization Lobby (tags)

Localization as the only means to take back our economy and our democracy.

New Online Progressive / Activist Forum Launched (tags)

This is to introduce and announce a new website called Progressive Forum. The Progressive Forum aims to provide an online political community for progressive political activists.

COINTELPRO in full bloom at Common Dreams (tags)

This discussion at Global IMC is of special interest to LA, because Corn's crap republished in Common Dreams actually originated in the local porn industry. Please contribute to the discussion ...

Press Release (tags)

Media Advisory: Stopping Anti-Gay Violence in West Hollywood - a panel discussion and public forum

Fund AIDS NOT Foreign Debt (tags)

African governments should fund programs to combat HIV before they service foreign debts, U.N. special adviser Jeffrey Sachs said on Saturday at an Earth Summit panel discussion.

Religion and Revolution (tags)

Issues surrounding religion have generated much debate on -- in the discussion over the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA. Here are some excerpts from some of the themes under discussion: the role of religion in holding back liberation, how to criticize religion without seeming to attack the believers themselves, and whether some forms of religion can play a positive role in the revolution and in socialism.

The Russians Are Coming (tags)

The Russians Are Coming

Cross border anti-war event! (tags)

read on

WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON..................... (tags)

WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners

MAY DAY - Pacifica Matters - a culture for democracy (tags)

Does Pacifica Matter? What is going on at KPFK? What is all this talk abuot democratizing the network?


WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners

Robert Fisk Talk in Los Angeles (4/13) (tags)

Recording of Robert Fisk speaking out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine at Beyond Baroque in Los Angeles.

Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (All you "Tanarchists") (tags)

"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando

From the moderators of (tags)

From the moderators of

FBI pulls Raisethefist Yahoo Discussion List (tags)

FBI Pulls Yahoo Discussion List.

One way we can inform ourselves and others! (flyer art) (tags)

This is a flyer I've been passing out to hundreds of people where I am. I hope you will find a flyer of this type--broad demystification orientation--valuable enough to either use this same one or make one even better. The trick is, make one that may "bridge" with as many people as possible, instead of the usual "single issue" (usually topical) flyer we see all over. The beauty of this method is that it undermines all the "us vs. them" hysteria that most anti-war protesters are facing when they remain stuck in the single issue of the situation in the middle east.

National Conf. on Organized Resistance (tags)

The fifth annual NCOR will be held Jan 26-27 at American University in Washington, DC. There will be over 50 workshops, free lunch and childcare, and registration is only $10. Over 1,000 activists expected for this weekend of discussion, planning and protest- don't miss out!

N + R event description and analysis (tags)

Below is a discription and discussion of the N + R event.

The Role of cultural producers during war (tags)

Panel Discussion at CalArts focuses on role of art and artists in “Post-9-11” World

Remember our dead hero in Italy (tags)

It is important to remember the death of young Carlos in Genoa. So many times the movement has forgotten the sacrafices that people make on the streets.

Protest forces World Bank switch (tags)

"It is time to take a stand against this kind of threat to free discussion" -Caroline Anstey, World Bank

I Was Censored -- Please Take My Place & Confront the Racists on Their Own Site! (tags)

A few days ago on, someone posted information (under the title "people who hate") about a hate-fomenting anti-immigrant website and their on-line discussion group. I visited the website, read their stuff and let them know what I think about their paranoid calls for a "race war," etc. Suddenly, without advance warning or discussion, the webmaster of this "free discussion" site BANNED my ID Number, so I can read, but not write! Just goes to show I was getting to them ... Now its your turn!

Coverage and Analysis of the Anarchist Convention (tags)

Coverage and Analysis of the Anarchist Convention, from an outsider for outsiders (and a somewhat mainstream audience). I wanted to spend more time at the NAAC, but felt like I didn't fit in! There is discussion of putting on "our own" anarchist conference in Arizona by and for AZ anarchists.

A reminder to all who post (tags)

We must share our stories with mainstream message boards.

Please table this funding topic for now (tags)

Response to Response (tags)

thank you trainer --- c'mon everyone else (tags)

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