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Retenes este fin de semana / Weekend checkpoints (26-28/jan/2012) (tags)

Veanse la lista de los retenes anunciado para este fin de semana, teniendo en cuenta que siempre se realizan mas de los que se anuncian. Sigamos en la lucha.

See below for the list of announced checkpoints, keeping in mind that they always do more than the ones that are announced. Let's keep in the struggle.

San Patrick's Day Weekend Checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana de San Patricio (12-19/m (tags)

E-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.

Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a.


Three buses used for a pro-immigrant rally have been burned.

"New" Confederacy! (tags)

This is an article sent to a pro-mm email group. Please note the response of one the groups members. "Those Southerners really know how to treat the enemy, don't they?..." Please join us on Saturday April 22nd in Burbank to put an end to this racist hate.

save tennessee mountains with a call! (tags)

Phil Bredesen, the 48th governor of Tennessee, took office in 2003, with a promise be the "environmental governor" and "to make government work on behalf of its citizens for the betterment of the entire state." Instead Bredesen and his administration have flung open the door to mountain top removal mining in clear violation of the laws they swore to uphold.

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