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Santa Ana Police Department: taking payoffs to jail the innocent (tags)
In Santa Ana, real criminals never need fear arrest as police get $ to arrest law-abiding fathers, brothers, sisters, and children who have committed no crime except for failing to have their proof of citizenship. Do you have yours?
CM Protest Against Three Little Pigs: Silly, Garbage & Baloney (tags)
The Minuteman Junta that controls the Costa Mesa City Council (Mayor Allan Mansoor, Eric Bever and Gary Monahan) call allegations that they pander to extremists the equivelent of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale and "silly garbage baloney," but local residents who marched through Costa Mesa July 8 feel otherwise.
Report, photos of Costa Mesa city council protest (tags)
As people of various views and backgrounds protest the mayor of Costa Mesa, people from SOS(Save Our State), Gilchrist, and Minuteman people show support.
1-24-02 -- A report back from one of the Taco Bell Boycott Committee activists. The activists went to pick tomatoes.