fix articles 167909, anthony fauci Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : anthony fauci

anthony fauci

Self-fulfilling Prophecy (tags)

The orchestrators of this global coup must be credited with a certain sadistic brilliance. Their sleight of hand succeeded, perhaps even beyond expectations. However, any power aiming at totalization is destined to fail, and this applies also to the high priests of the Covid religion and the institutional puppets they have mobilized to roll out the psyop.

Underhanded History of the USA (tags)

From Grade 5, many schools are becoming binary and anti-racist. "Attitude instead of Education" is by Willy Meyer.


the sars cov 2 virus does not exist : conclusive scientific, empirical and logical evidence for this pharmanazi scam


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus : conclusive scientific evidence

Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality? (tags)

The push for mandatory vaccines creates additional injustices by ignoring sudden deaths of people soon after taking the vaccine. The heavy handed tactics of coercion used by the Israeli government are now being followed by other Western nations.


"covid" is a criminal hoax : the scientific evidence


The alleged sars cov 2 virus, covid disease and pandemic do not exist : the definitive scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus/covid disease or pandemic thereof : all the scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged "sars cov 2 virus"/"covid disease"/"pandemic" : conclusive evidence.

We, The Citizens, Must Do Our Part (tags)

Any state in the United States that is still enforcing any mask mandate, or even suggesting one, must be reported to that Nuremberg 2.0 site for participating in actions that have assisted in the production of genocide and crimes against humanity. We, the citizens, must do our part.


Someone posted information calling the CDC is a members of the We Commit Crimes Against Humanity Group. Well, the director of the CDC just confirmed it. CDC Director Lies to America Announcing Latest "Pandemic" - "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" Confirming another CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

San Francisco - Still keeping Truth Out (tags)

Fauci a No Show at Hearing on COVID-19 Origins. Dr. Anthony Fauci — who has faced a wave of scrutiny in recent weeks over criticism that he flip-flopped on his messaging on coronavirus rules and mandates, including mask wearing — declined to appear.


conclusive scientific evidence for the convid scam


covid´s a spoof and here is proof


the alleged sars cov 2 virus does not exist : here is conclusive proof


I heard that San Francisco is thinking of bring back a series from years ago called Nash Bridges, or something like that. I think they should create a new one called The Sheep of San Francisco. Concerning covid-19.

The American Court of Human Rights (tags)



"covid" ´s a lie and here is y

Farm Animals Can Catch Covid-19, The Vaccine Court, RFK V Fauci (tags)

Farm animals, hunted animals, and horses sometimes sent to European slaughterhouses can contract Covid-19. The abuse of the Vaccine Court RFK Jr exposes Anthony Fauci's corruption

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

Ebola Depopulation Scam: Liberian Poor Held At Gunpoint In Quarantine Concentration Camps (tags)

The World Health Organization, CDC and international drug cartels continue their depopulation scam: ebola

“House of Numbers” Exposes the Faillings of the“HIV/AIDS” Myth (tags)

Brent Leung’s 2009 AIDS documentary, “House of Numbers," shows both sides of the controversy over whether the so-called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) actually causes AIDS. Leung got interviews with scientists, journalists and other experts on both sides, and showed that even within the HIV/AIDS mainstream the scientists are not anywhere as unified on key questions about AIDS as they pretend to be when they present themselves to the public. The film is available in two versions from Leung’s Web site, the basic theatrical version and a deluxe edition containing two discs' worth of additional material, some of which will be shown at the next meeting of H.E.A.L.-San Diego, Wednesday, October 6, 7 p.m. at the Activist Center, 4246 Wightman Street in City Heights. Please call (619) 688-1886 for more information.

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations (tags)

an insidious government-industry plot

Malnutrition in Africa #1 Killer (tags)

Malnutrition mimics the symptoms of "AIDS", yet improving diet is not as profitable as selling pharmaceutical products like AZT believed to "cure" AIDS..

Sex Crimes (tags)

“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)

NIH AIDS researchers: money under the table (tags) Two top scientists - Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his deputy, H. Clifford Lane - are among 916 government researchers who have been receiving royalties on experimental drug treatments without disclosing those royalties on their annual ethics forms or on experimental patient consent forms.

AP: U.S. Officials Knew of AIDS Drug Risks (tags)

WASHINGTON - Weeks before President Bush (news - web sites) announced a plan to protect African babies from AIDS (news - web sites), top U.S. health officials were warned that research on the key drug was flawed and may have underreported thousands of severe reactions including deaths, government documents show.

G8 backs HIV vaccine plan (tags)

The criminals engaged in the "Business of Disease" and of Tyranny, are planning a new weapon against humanity !! Know this: The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall of tyranny at the back of the theatre.

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