fix articles 167812, celebrity
Please Oh LA Times Get A San Diego Section—Please! (tags)
The U-T has never been, over the time I have lived in southern California, a terribly great paper—despite all the awards the news industry gives onto itself. Yet it is really the opinion pages at the U-T that suck (even with less news and staff). OK, given that the front page is now celebrity central as Hollywood Variety Magazine—that is a tabloid sensation for a cult of personality is questionable too.
Prison Promotion & Anti-Woman Campaign to Jail Paris Hilton (tags)
The reactionary and in the Paris Hilton case, viciously anti-woman, promotion of prisons instead of the abolition of prisons, including the presence of government fink Al Sharpton, has at as latest milestone the jailing of a woman at TAXPAYER EXPENSE for a misdemeanor, driving with a suspended license.
Entertainment Material Donations Stifled (tags)
Many entertainers appear for charities, but none donate 100% of their money, & none will allow me to.
Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions, and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.
For about one year I have noticed and experienced the strangest things. around me..
Report from RNC protests in NYC (tags)
plainclothes police rush protesters with motocylces
You (and Bush) are likely too dumb for this (tags)
If you?re an American, chances are there?s a celebrity who thinks you?re dumb. Maybe even stupid. Or an idiot. Or something worse, which we can?t print here.
A large coalition of local human justice groups joined together to protest Henry Kissinger's appearance at the Los Angeles Univeral Ampitheater