fix articles 167763, general public license
Transitioning to Linux and a (Late) Report on the 2009 Linux Expo L.A. (tags)
A non-technical person switches to Linux, and a late report on this year's Linux Expo in L.A.
Why the ''Free Market'' despises Open Source software (tags)
The Micorsoft's assualt on open source is like the WTO "free trade" conflict -- a massively subsidised, genetically modified, machinery and chemical-warfare wielding colossus at war with a tiny malnourished day labourer armed with a mattock.
Open Source community fires back at SCO (tags)
The open source Linux community isn't organized hierarchically like a corporation, nor is it a counter-cultural fringe element. The truth is that the community is very much in the mainstream and includes some of the largest businesses -- and comprised of some 18 million users.
On Open Source Code, Computers and the Revolution (tags)
The following are excerpts from the debate on – the website dedicated to a discussion of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA’s Draft Programme and issues of revolutionary strategy.