fix articles 16765, general boykin
Military's officer corps: too political? (tags)
"There is a lot of dissension right now about the Iraq war plan, or lack of plan, within the uniformed community, both at leadership and rank and file levels. It may well be that more retired folks are speaking out because they feel that the uniformed folks cannot."
God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State (tags)
"Liberals want no iota of religious speech, image, or thought anywhere in public -- if it is Christian. They allow and even encourage expressions of Islam."
The Boykin Affair Still simmers (tags)
One top U.S. official noted that when the Boykin story broke, it "was the worst day of my life. . . .It confirmed [the] conspiracy theory that the war on terrorism is really a war on Islam."
The religious right, their Republican Party supporters, conservative columnists and television commentators all have leapt to defend General Boykin for stating that, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States ... he was appointed by God ... He's in the White House because God put him there."
Countdown to 2004: A week of greater gods and weaker men (tags)
Arab Americans voters are called on by Presidential contenders, members of the House call for General Boykin to be censured, and the "sensitive" Trent Lott calls for Iraq to be dismembered.