fix articles 167085, saudi government
Massive Oil spill solution already exists (tags)
There's a potential solution to the Gulf oil spill that neither BP, nor the federal government, nor anyone — save a couple intuitive engineers — seems willing to try. empty supertankers to suck the spill off the surface, treat and discharge the contaminated water.
Saif Durbar: Universal Housing Experiment (tags)
Saif Durbar and Bovis Lend Lease have convinced the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to allow them to experiment with concepts for universal housing.
Saif Durbar - Man of the Hour! (tags)
Saifee Durbar, recovering from a bad bond deal, has convinced Saudi Arabia to let him use their resources to experiment with universal housing. He is also forging ahead with his trans-African railway, linking Cameroon and Sudan.
Saif Durbar: Universal Housing? (tags)
London businessman Saifee Durbar is not content to stop at building a trans-African railway. Now he is examining the problem of universal housing. He is experimenting in an interesting place, Saudi Arabia!