fix articles 166701, boos
Like Dubya: Pelosi, Clinton and Mikulski Deserve Boos, Too! (tags)
In Washington, D.C., President George W. Bush was loudly booed on opening day, March 30, 2008. He tossed out the ceremonial first pitch and the huge baseball crowd gave him an earful. Too bad, the “Gang of Three,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, weren’t with him on the mound. They have enabled the Iraq conflict by voting to fund it, despite their promise to “end the war.” They deserve boos, too!
Impeachment Comes to Main Street USA (tags)
The boos from the crowd in Willimantic, CT were reserved for Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman, who may find himself a man without a party come August 8 for his ardent support for President Bush and the War in Iraq.
Schwarzenegger faces boos, turned backs at Santa Monica College (tags)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger took the stage Tuesday at Santa Monica College's Corsair Stadium, which was filled with a maximum capacity crowd, and faced boos, chants, turned backs and signs of protest to his policies on education funding.
Public Relations Debacle After Sen. Hillary Jeered & Booed By Heroes (tags)
Drudge Report, Sunday, October 21, 2001