fix articles 165633, regional committee
Spain Betrayed (by the anarchists) (tags)
For the first time in history Anarchists had the possibility of applying their theories on a grand scale. They enjoyed an unparalleled authority in Catalonia, the decisive and most industrialised region in Spain, and had the unconditional support of the overwhelming majority of the proletariat. The truth of a theory, like the efficacy of a remedy, is verified according to experience. What remains of the theories of Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta [131] after the Spanish experience? For decades we Marxists have demonstrated the limited and petit-bourgeois character of Anarchist concepts.
Possible Next Steps for the Million Worker March (tags)
Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make the MWM a reality. I look forward to seeing everyone in DC. As hard as we have worked, we must work harder still to guarantee the continuation of this great movement for the independent organization of workers and the working class.