fix articles 165484, saturation patrols
Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial / Memorial Day weekend checkpoints (25-28/may/2 (tags)
¡Póngase abusado raza! Este fin de semana memorial va a haber un montón de retenes. A la gran cantidad de retenes también se suman varias patrullas de saturación, las cuales no constan esta lista. Cuidado también que la policía siempre realiza más retenes de los que se anuncian por la prensa. Si Ud. Mira algún retén en su área, favor de alertar a su comunidad al igual que la línea de retenes al 909-992-0440. Otra cosita: muchas de las agencias, al parecer, no están respetando la ley AB 353, la cual permite que un conductor cuyo único delito es manejar sin licencia (a excepción de que la licencia sea suspendida o revocada) llame a un conductor con licencia para recoger el carro antes del fin del retén. Este es su derecho, ¡pero lo hay que reclamar! Si no respetan este derecho suyo, les pedimos que marquen al mentado número para reportar el abuso. Con cuidado, ¡y que siga la resistencia!
Get wise, people! This Memorial Day weekend there will be numerous police checkpoints. In addition, there will be many saturation patrols, which are not listed here. Please be aware that the police always conduct more checkpoints than they announce through the media. If you see a checkpoint in your area, please alert your community as well as the checkpoint hotline at 909-992-0440. One more thing: it appears that many agencies are not respecting the law AB 353, which permits a driver whose only infraction is driving without a license (with the exception of suspended or revoked licenses) to call a licensed driver to retrieve the car prior to the conclusion of the checkpoint. This is your right, might you must demand that it be respected! If they do not honor your rights, we ask that you call the aforementioned number to report the abuse. Be careful, and keep up the resistance!
Retenes 4 de julio 2011 / July 4 weekend checkpoints (tags)
Cada 4 de julio, cuando el gringo celebra su conquista de estas tierras, tambi?n tiene su manera de recordarnos quien no somos "americanos": pobres, migrantes, latinxs, afroamericanxs, descapacitadxs, j?venes, la comunidad LGBT. Una de sus t?cticas es el ret?n, una violaci?n del derecho individual, y que tiene como finalidad el objetivo de encajarle a uno en una categor?a. Sigamos resistiendo.
Every July 4, the descendents of the settlers who appropriated these lands and the oppressed they have assimilated celebrate that conquest. They always seem to set up checkpoints around this time, too, as if to remind us who is not "American": the poor, the migrant, the latino/a, the African-American, the disabled, the young, the LGBT community. This violation of basic dignity, like all forms of conquest, is an attempt to place people into a category and, if possible, commodify them. Keep up the resistance.
Found this:
The Automobile Club of Southern California also is offering its free "Tipsy Tow" service from 6 p.m. Saturday to 11:59 p.m. Monday. People who have been drinking can get a free one-way tow and ride home for up to 7 miles by calling 800-400-4AAA.