fix articles 16435, fellow
Two letters to the editor on the pandemic lockdown (tags)
Our collective thinking has often been manipulated and corrupted (eg Vietnam, Iraq, Nicaragua, Iran). According to, the WHO made a late admission on Jan 20, 2021 that "the lockdown has no scientific basis" and test results are misleading. "Release the vaccines and put an end to the lockdown."
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency (tags)
See my reports and discover the reality of a system of laws and law enforcement that are irrationally brutal and often inhumane as presently applied.
This report places blame where no one wants it, on Everyman.
Human Right Self Defense (tags)
Our Unique American Right of Self Defense has been documented and freely available.
Career-accelerator Narcissism (tags)
Narcissism has nothing to do with self-love since the narcissist cannot love anyone, not even himself. Rather narcissism involves self-infatuation. The narcissist has a craving for superficial love and affection as an addict is driven by longing for hollow feelings...
BTL:GOP Presidential Candidates Revive Christian Right Culture War to Rally Its Extremist (tags)
Interview with Peter Montgomery, senior fellow with People for the American Way, conducted by Scott Harris
Video Tsunami of Rationality I (tags)
The expression of joy of a former Muslim turned an atheist and a humanist on his liberation from shackles of Islam.
Call Your Senator at 1-866-251-4044 to Save Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (tags)
We the 99% are outraged that the 1%, represented by mostly their fellow 1% members, the US Congress, are considering, through their Super Committee, to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. You can stop it now by calling 1-866-251-4044 where you will be connected to your US Senators. For more information, see
BTL:Study Finds 25 Top CEOs' Pay Exceeds Corporate Taxes Paid (tags)
Interview with Scott Klinger, Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow, conducted by Scott Harris
BTL:GOP Extortion Forces Deep Budget Cuts with No Tax Increases on the Wealthy (tags)
Interview with Dave Johnson, fellow at Campaign for America's Future, conducted by Scott Harris
BTL:How Will Bin Laden's Death Affect the U.S. War in Afghanistan? (tags)
Interview with Mel Goodman, former CIA analyst and senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Scott Harris
Minority leader Senator BOB DUTTON and the rest of his fellow Republicans are holding the budget hostage once again!
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) stands with our fellow US Muslims who say they are being unfairly singled out in the US Congressional hearings. The EPCC condemns the fact that the hearing conducted by the GOP in the House has become like a witch-hunt,. The EPCC asks: " Why is there no hearing on racist and white supremacist rightist groups? Why are they so quick to brand Muslim terrorist and soft on terrorism and quiet on the White guy who shot Rep. Giiffords and the conservatives quick to call him just "crazy"?
VIDEO: Bush tax cuts suck (tags)
Tax cuts do not pay for themselves, grow the economy or help balance the budget. George Bush Sr debunked Reagan's voodoo economics that pretended tax cuts would help balance the budget.
Volunteer Minister Returns from Haiti (tags)
“…Many, many people are pitching in” to rebuild Haiti
Death panel’s employees (tags)
Should not look for or find pre existing conditions that will kill Americans as it is now illegal to do so.
BTL:Media Spins Nov. 3rd GOP Victories as "Change Election" (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Please join your fellow jedi knights as they take on the Empire's STORMTROOPERS at 10:00 AM at the corner of Madison and Indiana in the City of Riverside.
Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist (tags)
* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.
White Supremacists Take Note (tags)
I don't particularly agree with the tone employed here. Desertphile makes one good point, however: White supremacists are free to believe as they wish so long as they don't actually hurt anyone.
BTL:Italy Indicts 26 Suspected CIA Agents for... (tags)
..."Extraordinary Rendition" Operation~Interview with Mel Goodman, former CIA analyst and senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
BTL:CEO Pay in Defense, Oil Industry Skyrocket, as Workers' Wages Decline (tags)
Interview with Sarah Anderson, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies & co-author of the "Executive Excess 2006" salary survey, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Death Threats Made Against L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa and CA LT GOV Bustamonte, Says GOV (tags)
"There's something very important that I need to speak to my fellow Californians about," Said Gov. Schwarzenegger to reporters at a news conference held in his office today.
BTL:Israel & U.S. Attempt to Isolate New Palestinian Hardline Hamas Government (tags)
Interview with Lori Allen, post-doctoral fellow at Brown University, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
BTL:Cuban American Associates of Convicted Terrorist... (tags)
...Luis Posada-Carriles Arrested in Florida ~ Interview with Wayne Smith, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
November 2nd World Can't Wait (tags)
On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime launches the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office.
Help Keep Venice Progressive! (tags)
Vote for Progressive Independent Candidates for the Venice Neighborhood Council
Understanding the Korean anti-US struggle.
The Evolution of Revolution: Part I of III: The Human Animal (tags)
must read analysis of the human condition
One Million at the DC Capitol January 6 - Then Look Out! (tags)
If we turn out one million people for the election suppression showdown on January 6, it will be impossible to hide how Karl Rove and the Republicans disenfranchised Blacks, Hispanics and students by - among other things - withholding voting machines and ensuring seven hour lines in the inner cities and no lines in the suburbs. What kind of inauguration after that!! Please send this to all appropriate mailing lists.
This article counterattacks the best-selling author's recent op-ed claim that Israel's Right was unhappy about Arafat's demise. It points out his own left-leaning proclivities, and argues that it's the Left not the Right saddened by Arafat's death. It then questions what he's doing at the Israeli right-wing research institute, the Shalem Center.
MORE torture photos from Abu Ghraib (tags)
The Washington Post has released more photos of U.S. occupation troops torturing Iraqi prisoners. Some of the photos can be found at:
20 Nobel winners decry Bush's misuse of Science (tags)
62 of the nation's leading scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, signed a statement decrying the Bush administration's misuse of science -- documenting more than 30 examples involving the major environmental concerns of our century.
Fear and loathing in Miami (tags)
It is fear, fear mixed with machismo that has raised these welts on my back. Those uniformed, legalized brutes in Miami were responding to months of indoctrination. Months of drills. Months of purposefully-instilled apprehension. "Anarchists are coming to destroy our city and our way of life!!" "Terrorists will be hiding in the peaceful rallies waiting for an opportunity to wreak havoc on the world!!" "They resent our democracy!!"
Despite the Southern California news media's insistence on stressing the results of CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll results, voters should be skeptical about what is going on with the recall election.
People-Powered Graphics (tags)
Unofficial site created by Dean for President volunteers, offering free printable graphics and resources to our fellow volunteers.
Traveling With Bad Companions (tags)
Western supporters of the Palestinian cause are morally blind.
From Whence Comes Income? (tags)
Much of the ignorance on the left comes from the false perception that income is distributed rather than earned.
Greenpeace: Momentum Builds for New UN Peace Resolution (tags)
Demands for a UN emergency session are on the rise! 32,015 of you have written to UN Ambassadors around the world. You've sent 29,700 E-cards to friends, colleagues, fellow students, and family members. This is an extraordinary response in a very short time, and what do we want??? MORE! Please re-post onother indymedia sites.
Brew not Bombs Benefit Party! (tags)
Brew not Bombs Benefit Party at Flor y Canto Sat. 15 8pm! More homebrew, less bombs!
Bush turns the corner in response to demands from the left.
A peace and love message from
Legal fund established for Pacifica radio protester (tags)
Edwin Johnston was falsely arrested for protesting at Pacifica radio station KPFT in Houston. A legal fund has been set up to help him fight for his rights.
Cooridor Opened to Receive Fellow Marchers (tags)
Near the conclusion of the Police Brutality March, Anarchist and other marchers open a corridor to receive fellow marchers who had been separated into two groups by police after a minor confrontation between police and marchers. Lawyers Guild members and others negotiated successfully with police to allow the marchers to reunite, defusing a tense standoff.