fix articles 164227, walter tribe
Updated Evidence on "A Flaw in The Fabric of Society." (tags)
First, The God News = My Television Show, "The Preacherman Show" is scheduled to be back on Television in The County of Los Angeles, California on Channel 24 in The Hollywood, CA on "COMCAST CABLE"
Chief Bratton Endangers Public Safety! May 11th, 2005 (tags)
MAY 11th, 2005 CHIEF BRATTON ENDANGERS PUBLIC SAFETY! May 11th, 2005 De-Generate Latino Women and White Women Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! For all News Casters... Real NEWS! 5-5-05 ------------------------------------------- iraq,war,bomb,bomber,suicide,LAPD,crooks,neighborhood,watch,commies,CIA,FBI,LADA West,Hollywood,Wallywood,Bratton,Mafia,Gay,Pride,Blue,Wall,of,Silence,ATD,LASD,K Credit for this wonderful information is Given to: Mary Ann Stratton Elenor White (all these women are brave, intelligent, great people!). (Posted by victim of horror and abuse, "Walter Tribe" on 5-4-2005.). H.R. 2977 / H.R. 3616 H.R. 2977 Oct. 2, 2001 We would like to thank Mr. Dennis Kucinich a Representative from Ohio who submitted the H.R. 2977 Preservation of Space bill into the House of Representatives on Oct. 2, 2001. This was a short lived bill but one of the most exciting disclosure projects of Government information. In the definition part of this bill as stated below there were true disclosure of directed energy like extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy (which has been used as a mind control tool) and words like mind control and psychotronics. When all of us victims saw this bill for the first time we cried and laughed for joy since we realized that our pain and suffering would soon come to an end. That our torture would finally stop. It was sent to the Armed Services Committee and several other committees where all of those disclosure words in definition section were omitted. We were saddened by this, but the bill H.R. 3616 is still standing for what the first one stood for which was to stop weaponization of space. We will support this bill and Kucinich for being so brave to stand up against such a super power Govt. for he is the only Congressman who has ever had nerve enough to expose the truth about mind control weapons and we will always support him.
Domestic Terrorist's Identified here! (tags)
Classified US Government Technology / December 20th, 2004 The United States government now has surveillance technology than can electronically see and hear through walls. Agents of the US government can move into a neighboring house and conduct complete surveillance of you in your home completely without your knowledge. The agents will never have to enter your home and place ...
From The Streets od L.A. = Terrorist's live next door! (tags)
Walter Tribe has some info U need 2 know! (GANG-STALKING) / (ELEC. PRISON) 12-14-04 SEE: