fix articles 1642, workers are Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : workers are

workers are

America's Dual Recession (tags)

There is every reason to expect that many of the lost jobs – perhaps as many as 40% – will never come back. In the short to medium term, the tragic paradox is that employment opportunities are both too few and pay too little.


Join Occupy Riverside, Redlands, San Bernardino Valley, Los Angeles and other Occupy groups in the region for the mass participatory direct action targeting Walmart's largest warehouse and distribution center. NO BUSINESS AS USUAL!

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side (tags)


Labor Fights Back (tags)

If the U.S. economy eventually recovers and current trends continue, U.S. workers won’t be celebrating in the streets. The corporate establishment has made it clear that a “strong recovery” depends on U.S. workers making “great sacrifices” in the areas of wages, health care, pensions, and more ominously, reductions in so-called “entitlement programs” — Social Security, Medicare, and other social services. These plans have been discussed at length in corporate think tanks for years, and only recently has the mainstream media begun a coordinated attack to convince American workers of the “necessity” of adopting these policies. The New York Times speaks for the corporate establishment as a whole when it writes:

Class Struggle in Claremont (tags)

Food service workers at Pomona College in Claremont, CA are fighting to organize an independent union. Claremont Solidarity fights with them, against labor exploitation and the corporatization of the university.

Global Sweatshop Wage Slavery (tags)

Worker exploitation in America and globally

Protest sweeps Europe (tags)

France Jan 29, 2009. Public and private workers mount a one-day strike with mass support. Schools, courts and transportation shut down in several cities. This article is from: Freedom Socialist Vol30 No2 April-May 2009.

The Myth of “Co-Management” in Venezuela: Reflections on Alcasa and Invepal (tags)

* With a lot of rhetoric and propaganda the Chavez administration has advanced different examples of co-management which, they claim, demonstrate their desire to transform Venezuela’s relations of production. A compañero from Europe visited us recently and got to know two of the most celebrated cases: Alcasa and Invepal. Here is the report he prepared for El Libertario # 51 about the actual working conditions in the country’s most “important” co-managed businesses.


MINUTEMEN are patrolling AZ border, armed with various weapons, and have already "captured" as much as 141 people. WE MUST NOT BE SILENT DURING THIS! ORGANIZE NOW!

Building Bridges Radio - The Other Iraq and Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor? (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio - The Other Iraq and Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor? (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Remember Afghanistan? (tags)

Digging through the media net to find out anything about our foreign policies.

Grocery Workers are Still Fighting (tags)

An article about the Southern California Grocery Strike/Lockout.

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