fix articles 16353, minutes Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : minutes



scaremongering, fake vids pushing pig pharm´s convid narrative

Illegal Purchase Of Execution Drugs As Ark. GOP Gov Hutchinson Seeks To Murder 8 Prisoner (tags)

Arkansas Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson, Atty General Rutledge and Corrections head Kelley have been involved in illegal drug purchase as they try to murder 8 prisoners


Animal Defenders International (ADI) dramatic mission to save all of Peru’s wild animals from illegal circuses

No Future and Computerization (tags)

Crises, cracks in the mirror, wake-up calls and writing on the wall call us to rethinking and resistance, to new priorities and countermeasures. Didn't the Club of Rome around 1970 warn that it was "5 minutes before 12"? Government must be more than corruption.

Jane Fonda Divests From Wells Fargo (tags)

The actress-activist celebrated her birthday by joining #BankExit. “Don't forget how successful the divestment movement was in bringing down Apartheid,” she said. Later, a round dance took place in the busy intersection of Sunset and Vine, paralyzing traffic in all directions for several minutes (pictures following article).

Problems with Measure M (tags)

I'm probably voting for M, but there are some problems.

CBS' 60 Minutes Interviews America's Liar-in-Chief (tags)


Doctors Without Borders Spokesperson Says US Knew Coordinators Of Hospital (tags)

Doctors Without Borders reported that the attack by US planes on their hospital in Afghanistan did not stop for 45 minutes after the call.

The Illusion of Peace in Ukraine (tags)


#BlackLivesMatter Massive Lawyer Die-In at Los Angeles Courthouse (tags)

Los Angeles lawyers die-in outside courthouse for 15 minutes and 30 seconds in response to the police murder of unarmed citizens, including Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO and Eric Garner of Staten Island, New York.

Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account (tags)


Crushing defeat for BDS at San Diego State University (tags)

Bigoted #BDS resolution defeated at SDSU 16 no, 3 yes, 3 abstentions

Unbearable – Hell on wheels for circus bears touring the U.S. (tags)

Circus bears in touring America are undergoing unbearable conditions

Wrongheaded Fed Policy (tags)


Beyond electronic voting machines - fraud in case management systems of the courts (tags)

The Los Angeles Superior Court implemented in 1985 a fraudulent electronic record system - SUSTAIN - and with it, the Court was transformed into a State Crime Organization.

Leaflets and Truncheons at Riverside May Day rally (tags)

Report from Riverside, California, by Kevin Akin, Riverside County Chair of the Peace and Freedom Party.

Obama Plans More Middle East Wars (tags)


A Few Minutes with the Real Andy Rooney (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence recalls his meeting with the late Andy Rooney, longtime commentator for the CBS news show "60 Minutes." They encountered each other at the 1996 Republican Convention in San Diego and Rooney personally apologized for his infamous on-air homophobic slur six years earlier.

Five Minutes of Geography ? (tags)

The late Lenny Bruce once joked that the radical Right's fears about ? shock! ? sex education in the public schools were unfounded because schoolkids weren't going to come home and tell their parents, "Today at school we learned five minutes of geography and ten minutes of cocksucking." The modern-day radical Right's campaign to get rid of SB 48, a bill recently passed by the California legislature to require middle and high schools to teach the role and contributions of Queer Americans (along with Pacific Islanders and people with disabilities), is driven by a similar paranoia and a disbelief that there even are such things as Queer people ? and so far the Queer community's response to the attack on SB 48 is all too faithfully copied from the losing campaign against Proposition 8: a "coalition" made up mostly of straight people and a whiny argument about how we supposedly need "role models" to keep from drinking, drugging or suiciding.

Dire State of America's Children (tags)

class war

Santa Barbara's War on the Poor: Report from the Front (tags)

Activist/ rights advocate crusades against "obstructionism" and Republican chicanery as Santa Barbara City attempt to disrupt County's South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee.

Video: Joshua Holland "The 15 Biggest Lies About the Economy" (tags)

The effective tax rate is half the nominal corporate tax rate. Two-thirds of US corporations paid no tax. GE took a $3.2 billion corporate tax credit. l.

Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern! (tags)

California Judge Peter Meeka Refuses to Disclose Financial Benefits to Him by Bank of America, Accord Due Process ____ Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern.

Fraud on the Court by Bank of America in the Los Angeles Superior Court (tags)

Bank of America continues racketeering in the Los Angeles Superior Court, while Bank of America Associate General Counsel Sandor Samuels is titled President of Bet Tzedek - "The House of Justice" - and claims to engage in “repairing the world”.



Youth Celebrate Mandela’s Birthday With 67 Minutes of Education and Music (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida Celebrates Mandela’s Birthday with 67 minutes of educating others about their human rights

Iran' nuclear weapon (tags)

New York Times report.

Nazis go home! (tags)

The Neo-Nazis came out to Riverside to protest immigration on 9.26.09. A group of protesters confronted the Nazis in front of a Home Depot and many more protested from across the street.

Twenty Minutes with the President (tags)

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.

Bush's 4th of July Visit to Oklahoma (tags)

Former President Bush is coming to Woodward, Oklahoma to celebrate July 4th. This Oklahoma farmer, rancher and father who lost his son in Iraq has something to say about his visit.

A film about a succesful non-violent struggle (tags)

It's about a film that might interest all those who want to see non-violence not only in speeches, but also in action.

KPFK needs to update and keep website relevant & current (tags)

KPFK website is outdated, except for what the promotions the station wants to profit from. But information about it's doing is vacant and ancient .


I have been informed that the International Action Committee Stuttgart, an organization in which Turkish, Palestinian and German people work together, is holding this forum to commemorate Political Prisoners Day. Thus, I have been invited to speak on my experience of imprisonment and torture in the Philippines, together with two other former political prisoners who shall speak about their own experiences in Turkey-Kurdistan and Palestine. I thank the organizers for inviting me. And I wish to express my warmest greetings of solidarity to all those who are present and to all the people in organizations that are represented here. I have strongly wished to be with you tonight. But unfortunately, the Dutch authorities do not issue travel papers to me for attending this forum. We have to resort therefore to the audio-visual techniques that are available to us. As instructed by the organizers, particularly by Ms. Elsbeth Sureau, I intend to present to you the following: 1. a summary of my imprisonment and torture, 2. the reasons for imprisonment and the political situation then obtaining in my country, 3. the protest and resistance within and outside prison, and 4. the perspectives. I shall use 15 minutes to speak and let the German translation run for another 15 minutes. I shall answer your questions in the open forum.

The Ballad of The Bush League (tags)

A special Super Tuesday multimedia stage performance of "The Ballad of The Bush Leagues. February 5, 8:00 pm, Admission $5, cash bar. Approximately 45 minutes.

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 2 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (Links to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Go to Los Angeles Meeting Monday 8/20 Noon (tags)

Los Angeles Municipal Water District announced 18 Million Water drinking RatePayers from San Diego through most cities they serve in Greater Los Angees will get FLUORIDE 'Medicant' in water Oct 1 '07. PROTEST at PUBLIC Meeting Noon Oct. 20th Monday/ details:

Take 2 minutes to vote for Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne (tags)

Please learn why Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne merits 2 minutes of time now for you to cast your vote for him in a contest

Indymedia On Air - May 14, 2007 (part 1) (tags)

Part 1: Media Minutes; Deconstructing coffee (27 minutes)

The Proposed L.A. to Palmdale High-Speed Train (tags)

“In Tokyo they had the bullet train back in 1964--this is 2007. We’re way behind, and we have to catch up.“ – L.A. City Councilmember Tom LaBonge

BBC Reported WTC-7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell (tags)

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

BBC Bombshell - Video Evidence of Foreknowledge of Building & Collapse (tags)

While more than a score of New York City Fire Department members have recounted receiving warnings of the collapse of Building 7 starting about an hour and a half before the 5:20 PM collapse, this video is the first piece of video EVIDENCE for foreknowledge of the event. By accident, the BBC reported that the collapse of WTC 7 occurred about 23 minutes before it actually happened, with the building shown still standing behind the woman reporting it had collapsed. Naturally, she was cut off before the real collapse occurred, approximately 5 minutes later.

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC 7 Almost 30 Min Before it Happened (tags)

The 9/11 Inside Job, America's Reichstag Fire, both perpetrated by the ruling class to promote war and fascism to maximize the profits of the capitalist class, continues to be investigated. The latest evidence that the bombings of 9/11/01 were an Inside Job is that the BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade Center almost 30 minutes before it actually happened!


Did BBC make a collosal blunder? Because reporter talks of Salomon Brothers bldg (WTC7) having collapsed when its still standing, and can be seen behind her head!


An open mike video forum which will record each and every person who wishes to express their views --- in two minutes --- on the proposed United States/ Mexico border fence.

Turn everything off for 5 minutes!!! (tags)

On February 1st you can participate in the worldwide greatest action against climate change!!! Turn everything off - On February 1st between 7:55 p.m. until 8 p.m..

A kinder, gentler way for the state to murder people - lethal chemical injections! (tags)

Attorneys, death-penalty foes outraged by 34-minute execution

Area cops lead minuteman invasion of Maywood (tags)

Residents of Maywood and their supporters outnumbered minutemen objecting to their sanctuary city, but the counterprotestors were met by a hostile array of local and area cops fronting for the racist invaders.

Fighter jets in air minutes after crash (tags)

It is sure scary this police state mentality we now live with. Minutes after this plane crash in NYC the government sent up fighter planes up looking for terrorist airplanes to shoot down over NYC and other cities across the country.

The Divide 911 (tags)

Music video music VOICE video FluxRostrum 5 minutes

LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)

Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.

A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)

Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to cancel an AOL account (tags)

It is IMPOSSIBLE to cancel an AOL account! This is standard opperating procedure for AOL. They are crooks!!!! Almost 10 years ago I worked for American Express in Phoenix as a contract computer programmer writting software that allowed AOL subscribers to get information about their American Express Credit cards. As a part of my job I was required to get an AOL account which I billed AMEX every month, and which AMEX promptly paid for. I never used AOL in my private life. When I left American Express for another job it took at least 6 months of letter writting by me before I got AOL to cancel my account and stop billing me. I am sure it was a very intentional that AOL continued to bill me after I told them I did not want to use their services any more. Other people I have talked to have had the same experience when trying to cancel their AOL accounts - ie: AOL bills them for months after they want to cancel the account.

El Campo Continúa: Visitors and Visitations (tags)

"Negotiations" with the sheriffs, more celebs, and daily life. All to save the South Central Farm.

Alert on BofA survey (tags)

Marketing company conducting phone survey promising $100 dollars as reward for focus group. Company does not deliver promise.

its 1984 (tags)

its 1984

Council minutes show Coyotl was cut off two minutes before 7 pm (tags)

The minutes of the January 3rd meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council were recently posted online by the City Clerk. Not only do they state the meeting began at 6:00 pm, but they record that Mayor Allan Mansoor declared a "recess" at 6:58 pm. This confirms what investigative journalist John Earl, myself, and others have been saying all along: that Mansoor abruptly cut off Coyotl Tezcatlipoca about 40 seconds before his time was up and he did it roughly two minutes before the 7:00 pm "deadline."

AUDIO: Save Tookie Williams Teach-in at UCSC (tags)

As part of an international day of action, a teach-in to save the life of Stanley Tookie Williams took place at UC Santa Cruz on November 30, 2005. Speakers included Elisa Sanchez, Hector, Lance Lindsay, professor Paul Ortiz and professor Angela Davis. There was also a very special performance from Rainbow Theatre.

Maxine Waters Out -of-Iraq Teach-In in LA (tags)

INGLEWOOD -- U-S Rep. Maxine Waters led a rally today calling for the United States to withdraw from Iraq.

Protests Slowed But Important During June (tags)

LA, DC, Santa Cruz and Sacramento held demonstrations in front of the KTLA TV station, the Washington Post, the Santa Cruz Sentinal and the Sacramento Bee, respectively, to protest the "NO COVERAGE" of the Downing Street Minutes.

After Downing St. Rally at KTLA (Report with Pix and Video) (tags)

A rally was convened on just one day's notice to support the hearings convened by Rep. Conyers and over 100 other Members of Congress to investigate the Downing St. Minutes. These recently-leaked minutes detail Bush's illegal conspiracy with Tony Blair to invade Iraq almost one year prior to the official invasion.

Rally at KTLA to Force Downing St. Minutes Coverage (tags)

Demonstrate TODAY Thursday, June 16th 5:30pm at KTLA (5800 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles) regarding inadequate coverage of the Downing Street Minutes and the hearings being organizaed by Congressperson Conyers and others.

Nader Mulls Bush Impeachment (tags)

"The I Word" author: Nader/Zeese THE IMPEACHMENT of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, should be part of mainstream political discourse.

Menage A Trois (tags)

Was Tony Blair Folded Over Like Dubya's Shotgun?

J20 Coronation Protest in LA (tags)

Below find a Quick Time video of one minutes and 45 seconds and 8 images about the inauguration protest in Westwood, California, January 20, 2005.

Hollywood Anti Wars Protest (tags)

Saturday, November 6th, 2004, in Hollywood, California, more than 1,500 people protested the war in Iraq, Palestine, and Haiti. After the march hundreds filled up the parking lot of the Armed Forces Career Center at Sunset and La Brea. Twenty minutes later, about 50 cops showed up in riot gears and cleared up the parking lot. Reportedly four arrests were made by the LAPD. Below find 9 images and one video of 2 minutes and 20 seconds in length.

Venezuelan documentary (tags)

76 minutes Venezuelan Documentary people must see!

Take Back Democracy Film Festival (tags)

Northeast Neighbors for Peace & Justice presents The Take Back Democracy Film Festival: Five Fridays in October at Flor y Canto

Building Bridges Radio - What the Matter With Kansas Meets Billionaires for Bush (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 59 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Beware of Tabloid Journalism! (tags)

John Kerry and John Edwards were interviewed by Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, Sunday July 11. She asked Edwards whether he made a deal with Kerry. Then she asked Kerry whether Edwards is a better cam-paigner. Small talk ignored the vital issues.

Chavez dedicates 20 minutes to In Defence of Marxism on the TV programme "Alo Preside (tags)

Chavez, the President of Venezuela, does a regular TV programme, Alo Presidente. In the latest one he dedicated twenty minutes to In Defence of Marxism ( What this demonstrates is that solidarity action with Venezuela is very important and that any action that supporters organise around the world should be reported to In Defence of Marxism. Any action that you carry out will get into the Venezuelan press; the people like to hear about it.

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure (tags)

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure

"LA Grocery Workers Battle for Healthcare" - 45 Min. 20Mbps MP3. (tags)

LA (& SF) Grocery Workers Battle for Healthcare - 45 minutes. 20 Kbps MP3.

Photos: SHOP AND AWE...again (tags)

Seventeen supporters of the strikers entered a Pavilions supermarket, filled their cart to the brim, had their groceries bagged, and walked away without their groceries and without paying for them.

Speech by Sameena Faheen, Director of American Muslim Voice (tags)

Speech by Sameena Faheen, Director of American Muslim VoiceSameena Faheem, executive director of American Muslim Voice, speaks on the fate of Arabs and Muslims under the Patriot Act and INS registration. 55 minutes. 2 files, broadcast and slow modem. Use this link- Free to rebroadcast upon notification.

State firefighters rejected air drop request (tags)

tate firefighters rejected air drop request for Cedar Fire because of night regulations

Audio Recording: Cancun-Vis Livestream (tags)

22 minute recording of the spontaneous live streaming conference between Cancun, Mexico and Vis, Croatia on 4th of Sept. 2003.

Fools Gold: New Light Rail System Not Worth the Price (tags)

In comparison to the MTA’s notoriously overcrowded buses that creep along through the Los Angeles metro area, stopping every 2 or 3 blocks for passengers and red lights, there’s no doubt the Gold Line represents a new era for car-free residents in the adjacent neighborhoods. Yet there is an even better alternative for people wanting to make long distance commutes.

Exposed: The Carlyle Group (tags)

Influence behind the Carlyle Group that supports perpetual war for profit. THINK about the latest tax cut for the rich when you view the video (48 minutes)

Science Provides Existence of Soul - in 1907 (tags)

What the good doctor does not entertain is that the life force - the "Force Vitale" is a "Static" occupying neither Time nor Space. You just are - "Cogito Ergo Sum".


------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE LEARNING Resist the standard tests David Rapaport Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As California continues to operate in fiscal peril, we must seek to be innovators. But there seems to be no will to look at testing as a place to cut expenditures. So why not save hundreds of millions of dollars statewide and millions locally by permanently invalidating the highly disruptive state testing process?

9/11: Why Weren't U.S. Fighters Scrambled? (tags)

Let's look at some possible intercept times... An F-15 strike eagle flies at 1850 nmps. That is Mach 2.5 . This aircraft, according to the USAF's own website, goes from "scramble order" to 29000 feet in 2.5 minutes. New York City is 71 miles from McGuire AFB in NJ . At Mach 2, this plane could travel from the ground in NJ to NYC, in under 7 minutes.

oregon equates protesters with terrorists (tags)

oregon wants to jail protesters as terrorists under proposed law

innocent casualties of war (tags)

family annihilated in the name of war

Another diplomat resigns (tags)

Diplomats keep resigning over shrub's policies

Westwood Update, 7PM (tags)

Summary of activities at the Westwood Federal Building. Call updates in to the phone number or add as comments to the story.

Three More Independent Media Websites Dump PayPal (tags)

Stop Fascism!, Break Your Chains, and Rational Anarchism have all dumped their PayPal donation mechanism in Solidarity with the website What Really Happened.

chemical and biological weapons are not "weapons of mass distruction". (tags)

Chemical and biological weapons are not weapons of mass distruction. They are not very effective weapons. Far less effective than a 2,000 pounder.

More words of truth from Dubya regarding the War on Terra (tags)

A 2.5meg RealVideo file with excerpts from a speech given by Cowboy George. Approx. 3.5 minutes.

Seriously cool hip-hop-rock song on 9-11 unanswered questions (tags)

mp3, under 3 megs

Palestinian update, 7/01/02 uninvited guests become neighbors by Sam Bahour. (tags)

Today is July 1st. We enter our eighth day under Israeli military curfew (house arrest). We were rudely awakened at 7:20am by someone pressing and holding the doorbell of our home.

Michael Moore Talks About His New Book (tags)

Mike talks about his book, "Stupid White Men."

Michael Moore Audio From 2 Stops on His Book Tour (tags)

Recordings from Virgina and Minneapolis in both MP3 and real media formats.

The Shortwave Report 2/1/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba.

Argentina Erupts--Day 2 (tags)

An anarchist perceptions of the current situation in Argentina. Day 2

LA Activists Hear Pacifica Voices in Protest while KPFK Signal is Down (tags)

On Saturday, November 3rd, Pacifica Radio Network came to life at KPFK outside of the building at 3729 Cahuenga Blvd West in North Hollywood.

A DELICATE BALANCE (new poems from NYC) (tags)

Perfect, Shelleyian poetry once again appears, where & when most acutely needed. This small, green-covered handbook, recently printed less than 5 minutes away from the World Trade Center in New York City, proposes & pleads for an understanding of Time that is, temporarily, for many, still in agonized suspension. Readers will find, buried within it, many clear messages from a clearly necessary future.

Demonstrators get detained and cited for "jaywalking" after biotech rally (tags)


The Shortwave Report 2/9/01 Listen to the world! (tags)

30 minutes of news and opinion pieces recorded from a shortwave radio. New show every 2 weeks. (13.6mb) This edition features Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Spain, China Radio Int, and the Voice of Russia. Free to rebroadcast, please notify. Also times and frequencies for listening on your own. LISTEN GLOBALLY!

Riverside activist gets convicted for freeway demonstration (tags)

Frank Esposito stood tall, as the jurors delivered their verdict, not once looking him in the eye, as they convicted him of two misdemeanors related to the Nov. 1, 1999 freeway demonstration, which took place to protest the death of Tyisha Miller.

Health Care Activists Take Notes! (tags)

Read, Forward, Distribute, Digest and Begin the Cycle Again

Audio- Ralph Nader at Oakland's Super Rally, 10/21 (4 Minutes) (tags)

A short edit of some highlights from Ralph Nader's speech in Oakland before a capacity crowd at the Kaiser Auditorium. (4 minutes, RealAudio)

Smoke bomb outside Staples - Aug 14 (tags)

This was thrown Monday August 14 about ten minutes after Rage Against the Machine finished playing. Black Bloc rushed the fence at this spot seconds later. Illegal assembly was declared about fifteen minutes later.

Police Account of Demonstrations Not Based in Reality (tags)

Police did not live up to the terms of their dispersal order at the Human Needs Not Corporate Greed, March for Our Lives festival at the DNC and violently attacked demonstrators who were dispersing from the area (audio, listen in, 26:00).

Some lessons from Philly RNC (tags)

A few personal tactical/strategic observations from the Philly protests

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