fix articles 1633, deal Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : deal


Forward to the 1930s? (tags)

A look back makes the outlook easier: A speculative boom in 1929 leads to a stock market crash and recession, the budget deficit increases, the austerity policies drive the economy into a depression. Tensions within and between countries increase, scapegoats are sought, anti-Semitism and protectionism are spreading.

Pope Francis Releases "Laudate Deum" Ahead of Global Economy and Climate Meetings (tags)

Pope Francis urged international cooperation to tackle environmental crises, in a document released today. Laudate Deum – which in Latin means “Praise God” – is a follow-up to his 2015 Laudato Si, the most comprehensive Encyclical on climate and the environment.

Authoritarian Capitalism (tags)

The banks and auto corporations were bailed out and rescued and the ensuing public debt was invoked in order to cut public expenditures on health care, education, pensions, and public salaries. Furthermore, a new race to the bottom has started.

Degrowth - not just Green New Deals! (tags)

We live in a time of many and accelerating crises. Climate breakdown is breathing down our neck. Biodiversity is collapsing in ecosystems around the world, and many natural safety nets – water cycles, soil fertility, fish stocks, microbial diversity – are unraveling.

The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating (tags)

On January 20, 2021, Donald Trump departed the White House on a helicopter that took him to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he delivered the final remarks of his presidency to some of his supporters. Before boarding Air Force One for the flight to Mar-a-Lago, his gilded palace in Florida, Trump promised them, “We will be back in some form.”

The Rich's Deal (tags)

The richest percent of the world's population accounts for fifteen percent of global emissions, which is twice as much as the entire poorer half of the world's inhabitants together are responsible for CO2. Once again, the rich countries benefit from the deal negotiated in Glasgow.

Lessons from the First New Deal for the Next One (tags)

Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)

When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.

What moves the "Generation Greta"? (tags)

The global economy is in free fall. Social life and public debate are largely paralyzed, the usual protest and organizing formats of the social movements are completely blocked. Decisive decisions are made in the mode of emergency decrees and huge rescue packages. The politically unthinkable becomes possible,

New Deal means The Courage to Conflict (tags)

What we can learn from Roosevelt's reform policies of the 1930s today From 1929 onwards, as in many other capitalist countries, the US economy plunged into disaster. Between 1929 and 1933, GDP halved and unemployment rose eightfold to 12.8 million.

What could change with Biden and Harris? (tags)

The next few years will be all about democracy in the U.S., about the social cohesion of a diverse population, about stopping environmental destruction, and about a successful structural change of the economy that goes hand in hand with the creation of sufficient, well-paid jobs and humane working conditions.

The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)

From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.

Time for a Real Green New Deal w/Green presidential hopeful Howie Hawkins, Sunday Sept 22 (tags)

Puerto Rico Debt Deal Receives Court Approval (tags)

Judge Laura Taylor Swain approved a deal to restructure $17 billion of Puerto Rico's $72 billion debt on Monday.

Judge Delays Ruling on Puerto Rico Debt Deal White House Opposes Island's Food Assistance (tags)

On Thursday, Judge Laura Taylor Swain delayed approval of a $17 billion debt deal between Puerto Rico "COFINA" creditors and the island's oversight board.

PR Debt Cancel, Judge Reviews Cofina Debt (tags)

The Oversight Board in Puerto Rico has just filed for a dismissal of $6 billion of the island's debt because they say it was contracted unconstitutionally.

Finance Ministers Applaud Greece Debt Deal that Provides Aid and Continues Austerity (tags)

European Finance Ministers endorse a new Greece debt agreement that provides financing in exchange for maintaining austerity policies and economic reforms.

The Shortwave Report 05/11/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

gerrymandering by republicans (tags)

gerrymandering by republicans

Government Shutdown Solutions Could Leave Out Disaster Aid for Puerto Rico (tags)

As the Senate and White House struggle to avert a government shutdown, US disaster victims from Puerto Rico to Texas worry a deal on relief and recovery aid will continue to be delayed.

Puerto Rico Board Meets on Anniversary of Debt Legislation (tags)

Puerto Rico's oversight board is holding its eighth public meeting in San Juan at the Sheraton Hotel Convention Center.

Puerto Rico Oversight Board Mediates Last Ditch Debt Negotiations (tags)

Within weeks, Puerto Rico will likely enter bankruptcy proceedings tailored by Congress specifically for the US territory.

Puerto Rico and Bondholders Agree on Electric Company Debt Deal (tags)

Puerto Rico’s electric utility company (PREPA) and bondholders reached an agreement to restructure $8.9 billion in debt, according to an announcement from the island's government. 

Who Says It Can't Happen Here? (tags)

We have endured 40 years of creeping authoritarianism and it now appears that it may run right over democracy. We must resist and act in solidarity.

US mergers set new record in October (tags)

With Qualcomm’s announcement Thursday of a $39 billion deal to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, October has set a new monthly record for US mergers and acquisitions.

FDR's First 100 Days (tags)

The Works Progress Administration created 651K miles of highway, 124K bridges, 8K parks and 125K public buildings including 41K schools. In the US of Amnesia, corporate subsidies are called public necessities and public welfare unnecessary Orwell warned us of this inversion of language.

The Shortwave Report 04/29/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.

Is Jerry Brown Involved in the San Onofre Nuclear Plant Shutdown Scandal? (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry in this country and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world.

Puerto Rico House Approves Utility Reform Bill: Part of Proposed Debt Deal (tags)

Puerto Rico's House of Representatives approved legislation to reform its highly indebted public utility company "PREPA."

US Judge Explores Lifting Argentina Sanctions After Country Offers $6.5 Billion (tags)

US District Judge Thomas Griesa ordered "hold-out" investors on Thursday to explain why various sanctions on Argentina should not be lifted.

Republicans Again Fail to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Senate Fails to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Israel's Failed Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Campaign (tags)


Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin (tags)


Washington Intends Breaching Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Rabbis Against Peace and Stability (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria (tags)


Israel v. the World on Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Greek Rape and Pillage Bailout Deal: Germany Wants More (tags)


Greece and Troika Agree on Bailout Deal in Principle (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal: Binding Under International Law (tags)


Obama's Duplicitous Iran Nuclear Deal Speech (tags)


Propaganda Works: New Polls Show Most Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Proposed Arab Resolution to Monitor Israeli Nuclear Facilities (tags)


Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Blitzkrieg in Full Swing (tags)


Jonathan Pollard's Release Imminent? (tags)


Greek Bailout Deal: Greatest Ever Macroeconomic Management Disaster (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal Aftermath: Campaigning to Kill It (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal Aftermath: Greater Regional Destabilization? (tags)


The Shortwave Report 07/17/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.

Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing His Sellout (tags)


EU deal with Greece/Betrayal of OXI ideal (tags)

The die has been cast. The Geek prime minister Tsipras, who won the elections because of his promise to make an end to Trojka austerity measures, has capitulated, accepting the hardest EU deal with Greece ever. Shame on him and his party Syriza, which has lost every credibility. It's a horrible betrayal of OXI, plunging the Greek people in still worse misery. People of Greece, fight for Freedom!

Iran Nuclear Deal: The Real Battle Begins (tags)


Netanyahu and AIPAC Vow to Undermine Iran Nuclear Agreement (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: No Deal Yet (tags)


Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Bandits (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: Mixed Reports (tags)


US Bullying Iran to Capitulate in Nuclear Talks (tags)


Sellout in Athens (tags)


US Obstructing Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Deadlock in Vienna (tags)


Iran Bashing in Late Stage Nuclear Talks (tags)


Tentative Deal on Iran Sanctions Relief? (tags)


No Deal as June 30 Iranian Nuclear Talks Deadline Arrives (tags)


Leaked US-Led Iranian Nuclear Deal Sweetners Less Than Meet the Eye (tags)


John Kerry: War Criminal, Profiteering from Stolen Palestinian Natural Gas (tags)


Israel and Its Lobby Aim to Sabotage an Iranian Nuclear Deal (tags)


Venezuela Plans to Double Oil Production (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: Raising the Bar (tags)


Grand Theft Poroshenko (tags)


Grenada Reaches Debt Deal as Caribbean Mired in Debt Problems (tags)

Grenada Could Influence Global Debt Negotiations

Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)


Iran Bashing Heats Up (tags)


Israel: A Force of Pure Evil (tags)


Post-Nuclear Deal Iran Bashing (tags)


Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Include His Demands (tags)


Obama's Endless War on Humanity (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Program Framework Deal Postmortems (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Program Framework Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Netanyahu Apocalyptic over Treating Iran Fairly (tags)


Iran Nuke Deal Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: Kicking the Can Down the Road (tags)


No Deal on Iran's Nuclear Program - So Far (tags)


Nuclear Armed and Dangerous Israel Blasts Iran's Peaceful Program (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal: Getting Close, Hold the Cheers (tags)


Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Blocked (tags)


Fascist Republican Senators Threaten Iran (tags)


Hawkish US Senator Charged with Corruption (tags)


Greece Surrenders to Troika (tags)


Elie Wiesel's Anti-Iranian Big Lies (tags)


Proposed Congressional Legislative Sanctions on Iran (tags)


Why Austerity Kills (tags)

The poorest and weakest persons must pay the price for misguided political decisions. Political-economic decisions decide over the life and death of persons. The New Deal stands for an effective debt reduction. Germany has been an active driver of austerity.

Obama at APEC (tags)


A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership, 32pp (tags)

Talks between the European Union and the United States on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took off in the summer of 2013 with many political and business leaders hailing the deal as a silver bullet against the difficult economic recovery affecting both sides of the Atlantic.

ADI Films signs deal with ITV Studios Global Entertainment for worldwide TV distribution d (tags)

Award-winning animal rights documentary Lion Ark to be distributed on TV worldwide by ITV Studios Global Entertainment

Learning from Roosevelt: HIs "New Deal" (tags)

The Civilian Conservation Corps helped overcome the basic pessimistic mood in society. Within a few months, 500,000 young persons had hope again. The government should intervene in case of an economic emergency.

Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)

Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.

Historic Sino/Russian Trade Deal Signed (tags)


Rejecting TTIP, AFDL-CIO's Trumka Calls for "Global New Deal" (tags)

The demonization of anyone who talks about the dangers of concentrated wealth is based on a misreading of both the past and the present. Such talk isn’t un-American; it’s very much in the American tradition. So who will be this generation’s Teddy Roosevelt? (Paul Krugman)

Unconditional Surrender in Ukraine (tags)


Iranophobia (tags)


The Iran Sanctions Game (tags)


Congressional Budget Deal Betrayal (tags)

class war

AIPAC Pressure Threatens Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Unsafe at any speed - Irans nuclear ambitions (tags)

(original article on: )

Undermining Geneva (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal Bashing (tags)


Deal in Geneva: Hold the Cheers (tags)


No Breakthrough in Geneva (tags)


Longstanding Anti-Iranian Sentiment (tags)


Scuttling Middle East Peace (tags)


Overtime in Geneva (tags)


Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Why Was Syria Attacked? (tags)


Engineering Potential Disaster in Syria (tags)


Cyprus Postmortems (tags)

class war

The U.S. Role in Israel's Attack on Gaza (tags)

As Obama tours Southeast Asia to strengthen his alliances against China, Gazans are being killed and maimed by the hundreds, with the possibility of an incredibly bloody Israeli invasion. The United States still wields tremendous power internationally; its actions and inactions have direct consequences in international conflicts.

In the Blockade Trap (tags)

Barack Obama must stimulate the economy with state spending. The astonishing example of Europe could convince republicans who in the past blocked everything... The monetary policy of a central bank cannot replace fiscal policy,

Chicago's War on Education (tags)


September Surprise in Chicago (tags)


Chicago Teachers Union Sellout (tags)


The Executor (tags)

The economic crisis, the massive indebtedness of the country and Obama's election have radicalized politics and voters. Ryan's budget proposal was recently described as a fairy tale that would in no way stop the economic decline. Others call his plan a joke.

Israel Reneges on Hunger Striker Deal (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Wins Release (tags)


Spain: The Latest Shoe to Drop (tags)

class war

Headlines Reveal Life in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Hunger Strike Deal (tags)


Greece: The Epicenter of Global Pillage (tags)

class war

Khader Adnan Ending Hunger Strike (tags)


Duplicitous Mortgage Settlement Deal (tags)

class war

Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement Action Wed! (tags)

SOFITEL hotel in Beverly Hills, Wednesday. NOON to 2:30

Learning from Roosevelt (tags)

Harry Hopkins, head of WPA under Roosevelt, created 4 million jobs in 2 months. How many jobs in health care, education, bridge repair, community centers and journalism could be created today? Solutions are not lacking, only political will. Viva sharing and redistribution!

Editorial: Jan Perry's Latest Offensive Against the South Central Farm Land (41st & Alameda) (tags)

Tomorrow morning, October 15, City Council is scheduled to vote on Jan Perry's proposal that would release developer Ralph Horowitz of the 2.6-acre green space requirement and make it easier for him to sell the property. And so the future of the 14-acre plot of land, at 41st and Alameda is once again under dispute. Previously the site of the famous South Central Farm, once known as the largest urban farm in the country, if the not world, the land has become the most disputed plot of real-estate in the city. (At the time of its demolition circa 2006, there was a massive community mobilization to save it, and the goal of the farmers to reclaim the land has not died.)

Dissing Europe's Flawed Bailout Scheme (tags)

class war

Eurozone Bailout Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Eurozone Bailout Deal (tags)

class war

Obama's Budget Deal: Neoliberal March in the US (tags)

What should be the state's role in the future? What values and priorities should be set in a time when public resources become scarcer under the pressure of state indebtedness? Less state, less support for the unemployed, poor and sick occurs along with a free ride for billionaires and big corporations.

Video: Massive Jobs Program Only Way Out (tags)

Economics changes with the times as states and individuals change. Once savings was the elixir and then spending was the elixir with John Maynard Keynes. Speculative investment only leads to exploding inequality and atrophy of public spirit.

Budget Cutting Perfidy (tags)

class war

Bipartisan Debt Deal Betrayal (tags)

class war

Debt Ceiling Roulette (tags)

class war

The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction (tags)


BTL:"Gang of Six" Senate Debt Ceiling Deal Would Make Deep Cuts to Social Security Benefit (tags)

Interview with Eric Kingson, co-director of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, conducted by Scott Harris

BTL:Obama Adopts GOP Agenda, Offers Deep Cuts in Social Safety Net Programs to Get Debt Ce (tags)

Interview with Richard Eskow, senior fellow with Campaign for America's Future, conducted by Scott Harris

Creating a New Deal for Today: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (tags)

The American political process is threatened by corporate power on a scale we haven't seen since the Gilded Age?when big money became so powerful that we nearly lost our democracy. restricted the influence of money in government.

Greece must deny to pay an odious debt (tags)

In times of harsh neoliberal austerity and limited national sovereingty, the denial to pay an odious and illegitimate debt is a moral, political and social need. (by Nicolas Mottas/American Chronicle)

Palestinian Unity: Done Deal or Wobbly? (tags)


Palestinian Unity Deal Announced (tags)


Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)

The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.

BTL:Obama and Democrats' Surrender to the Right Could End FDR's New Deal Programs (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Blackwater Founder in Deal to Sell Company to LA-Based Investors (tags)

Erik D. Prince, founder of the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, has reached a deal to sell his embattled firm to a small group of investors based in Los Angeles who have close ties to Mr. Prince, according to people briefed on the deal.

The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)

Democrats will cave

The Dictatorship of America's Aristocracy (tags)

Obama's betrayal

Corporate Media's Version of Economic Justice (tags)

middle class destructions

More on Obama's Capitulation and Betrayal (tags)

capitulating to Republicans

Obama's Decision to Push Bush's NAFTA-Style Korea Trade Deal Without Real Fixes Is Mistake (tags)

Press release by Public Citizen about the Korean trade agreement that's being pushed.

Video: FDR's New Deal: Social Security Act and National Labor Relations Act (tags)

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Act, the FDR presidential library hosts a public forum to explore in depth the year that Roosevelt transformed the mission of the New Deal.

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Footprints In The Sands Of Time (tags)

The largest ever police operation had descended into chaos and confusion in the autumn woods of Lower Saxony, defeated by the courage and determination of peaceful protestors who marched for miles through woods to find places to lie down on the tracks and to scoop out gravel to delay the progress of the "the train from hell."

Obama Economic Team Passes Out the Kool-Aid (tags)

Mary Bottari is director of the Real Economy Project with the Center for Media and Democracy.

Sri Lanka seeks deal to share intelligence on migrants (tags)

Pact would help stop shiploads of Tamils from heading for Canada, high commissioner says

Net Neutrality Threatened (tags)

last free and open space in danger

Iran Urges West to Accept Enrichment Deal (tags)

"The deal is materially the same one the Obama Administration endorsed just a few months ago and was demanding that Iran agree to as recently as last month, but the US has condemned the deal, demanding Iran submit the offer formally for consideration by the IAEA, which they did today. But diplomats familiar with the situation say that the prospect of a deal is very unlikely, particularly as the Obama Administration moves forward with plans to sanction Iran which were nominally designed to punish them for not agreeing to the deal in the first place."

Feds Ask Questions about GEO Group, Formally Known as Wackenhut Prison Deal (tags)

According to our source the feds may be searching to see if Sansom received any kickbacks from the company. GEO Group, formally known as Wackenhut, gave Sansom’s campaign 500 hundred dollars for his 2007 campaign.

20 Theses against a Green Capitalism (tags)

Is a Green New Deal possible? These theses were published in an English translation in: Prager Fruhling (Prague Spring) in December 2009.

Climate Justice, Not Growth Mania (tags)

"In green capitalism, the bio-crisis is at the center of the growth strategy. The Green New Deal represents a kind of ecological inversion of Kennedy's famous sentence: Ask not what you can do for the environment but what the environment can do for you..."

Maryland’s Marty O’Gov Turns His Back on Fallen Mayor Dixon! (tags)

As a result of a plea deal, Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon will leave office, on Feb. 4, 2010. She was recently found guilty of stealing $530 worth of gift cards intended “for the poor.” Before the ink was dry on the agreement, however, Dixon’s ex-crony, the former mayor, and now Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley, was pretending that she no longer existed. Appropriately, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people.”

All Cards on the Table: For a Social Ecological New Deal (tags)

The neoliberal and fossilist finance market capitalism has become a discontinued model. With his New Deal, Roosevelt introduced state pensions, unemployment insurance and the minimum wage, reduced working hours and strengthened unions.

A New Paradigm: The New Deal of the 1930s (tags)

The New Deal that led out of the worldwide economic crisis in the 1930s was based on the combination of a new technical-economic model with a new socio-economic model. Obama's achievement is not turning the necessity of overcoming the crisis against the social principle

It's Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead (tags)

The “transparent government” that President Obama guaranteed during his electoral campaign has become yet another broken promise. On August 14th, the Huffington Post revealed a memo containing details of “the deal” that Obama cut with health care mega-corporations in secret White House meetings. And although the White House denies the authenticity of the memo, the details are consistent with earlier reports from other national media outlets.

Obama has lost "single payer" (tags)

He should go back to teaching.

Obama Needs a Bug Vacuum (tags)

There is a better way to deal with insects. Various companies make a science toy called the Bug Vacuum. (The one I've been using is made by a company called Summit, which I bought at a school supply store .) It sucks insects into a transparent holding area so that children can study them and then turn them loose. However, for the last several years, I've been using it to catch bugs in my home and set them free outside.

Another New Deal May Offer Arts a Needed Boost (tags)

Correspondent Spencer Michels reports on the prospects for a modern New Deal to help artists weather the recession. This PBS documentary was broadcast May 13, 2009.

FDR's New Deal v. Obamanomics in Their First 100 Days (tags)

stark mirror opposites

The Slow Decline of a Dying Rhizome (tags)

This Tuesday, the Rhizome Collective will begin to die its slow death. All residents and backspace organizations have been forced to vacate. Many fear the blow of losing one's home will taper any gained momentum to save the space.


In a couple of days, Richard Holbrooke - Hilary Clinton's pick to push the US imperialist agenda in Afghanistan - is about to get his feet wet by visiting neighboring Pakistan. Holbrooke, a former US envoy to the UN and considered an expert on the region's geopolitics will face an ally who's growing weary and suspicious of the US real intentions. The Pakistanis who were hopeful that the new Washington regime could somewhat relieve the toxicity of the Bush campaign were greatly dismayed when three days after the much ballyhooed Obama inauguration, a drone guided bombing killed 21 of their own citizens.

Burger King's Cultural Imperialism (tags)

Has anyone seen the new Burger King Commercial?

The State Invests and Memorandum 2008 (tags)

When the state invests, it ensures that the economy will grow faster tomorrow than today: new streets, better schools and new eco-techniques. In a few years we will all earn more. Even German bank president Axel Weber urges a state economic program.

The New Deal - in the US and Germany (tags)

A radical rethinking, a New Deal, is on the agenda. The worldwide depression can only be countered with stronger economic regulation, increased public spending and fiscal measures. This means an end to privatizations and rebuilding the essential infrastructure.

Obama and the Crisis of Expectation (tags)

With Obama elected President but not yet inaugurated, the question on everyone’s mind is, “what’s going to happen next?” Millions of people around the world are hoping that a Obama presidency will radically change the course of US politics, and with it, world politics. This is especially true for the huge numbers of mostly young volunteers working for Obama’s campaign, most of whom had never been involved in politics before. And while it is impossible to predict the future precisely, one can make an educated guess as to Obama’s future actions, based on answering two fundamental questions: which social class is Obama and the Democratic Party going to represent while in office, and what are the current interests of that class. For example, if Obama were to act in the interests of the working class, a number of measures would be immediately taken, such as increasing wages, improving healthcare, funding schools, ending war, etc. If, on the other hand, Obama is going to represent the ruling class, we can expect policies similar to the Bush Presidency, who long ago proved himself to be a puppet for the banks and corporations.

US-India nuke deal is signed, sealed, and delivered (tags)

WASHINGTON: Generations to come may slice and dice the US-India nuclear cooperation deal, but for now it has been firmly stated by New Delhi and broadly accepted in Washington that India will be bound only by the bilateral 123 Agreement with regards to the terms of the deal, other sentiments of the US Congress notwithstanding.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Sunday warned of a full-blown war with the peace process “in purgatory” after the government told the Supreme Court on Friday that a Moro homeland deal had been scrapped. MILF chief negotiator Mohaqher Iqbal told Reuters news agency that the MILF was no longer confident it could strike a final peace agreement under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s administration.

The Downhill Plunge Speeds Up (tags)

The state has a social nature and cannot only be power and security state. In crisis, we are all Keynesians. Taboo for a long time, the New Deal program slowly sounds promising again. The 1933 "Home Owners Loan Act" was created in the first 100 days of Roosevelt's presidency.

Big business hits Philippine SC ruling (tags)

The influential Makati Business Club (MBC) on Thursday said the Supreme Court decision on executive privilege did not conform to the “progressive standards of transparency” and restricted the ability of the legislature to check presidential abuse. In a statement, the MBC said it was “very concerned” about the tribunal’s ruling on the petition of then Director General Romulo Neri of the National Economic and Development Authority to stop the Senate from questioning him further on the $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp. “Their decision gives greater value to executive privilege than to the public’s right to know, which is not in keeping with progressive standards of transparency. It also has the effect of restricting the ability of the legislature to act as a countervailing force against executive abuse,” the MBC said.

Bern does not need US permission (tags)

Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey says her country does not need Washington's permission to advance its strategic interests.

PHILIPPINES: Lozada committed an act of valor and integrity, not destabilization (tags)

AKBAYAN Citizens Action Party Rep. Risa Hontiveros said that dismissing Lozada’s explosive statement as an attempt to destabilize the country would not do, saying that what Lozada divulged lays accountability on the National Broadband Network (NBN) deal at the doorstep of Malacanang Presidential Palace.

McDonald's farmworker raise fought by growers (tags)

McDonald's Corp.'s high-profile deal to raise wages for Florida tomato pickers appears to have run into a major obstacle: Florida's tomato farmers.

UAW Sellout at GM and Chrysler (tags)

Corrupt UAW bosses sell out their rank and file

Israel seeks exemption from atomic rules (tags)

Israel is looking to a U.S.-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available Tuesday to The Associated Press.

Blackwater cancels planned expansion (tags)

RALEIGH, N.C. — In more fallout from the Sept. 16 shooting in Baghdad that left 11 Iraqis dead, Blackwater USA apparently has stopped its expansion projects.

Philippines: Another Scandal rocks Arroyo regime (tags)

ZTE deal to cost US$527 million after 20 years of repayment

911 Truth "Imposters"! (tags)

But this really doesn't matter because the American public can't deal with a 911 "Truth" that shows that their government was behind something so horrific and inhuman.

We stole their land and their water! (tags)

We stole their land and their water! The Navajos have been screwed by the American government and the American people!

America Before a New "New Deal" (tags)

The laissez-faire capitalism as practiced in the US turned out to be a flop. The New Deal and the welfare state built by Roosevelt and his direct successors was systematically slandered, delegitimated and then destroyed.

At Best Americans Ruled By Slick Used-Car Salesmen (tags)

Are we just stupid?

AIPAC not doing its job (tags)

Poor old Steny and the rest of the traitors have to trave to Israel for their orders

AIPAC Congressmen (tags)

To block Saudi deal

U.S. Readying Saudi Arms Deal, Official Confirms (tags)

The Bush administration is preparing a package of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that could be worth some $20 billion over the next 10 years, a senior U.S. defense official said July 28. The official largely confirmed reports of the deal in The New York Times and Washington Post ahead of a joint trip to Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Russia to supply important Boeing parts (tags)

Boeing has set up a joint venture with Russia's VSMPO-Avisma, the world's largest titanium producer, to make components for the Dreamliner passenger aircraft.

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.

A backroom deal on trade? (tags)

Four bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs)--with Colombia, Peru, Panama and South Korea--are on the agenda this month for congressional approval, along with a June 30 deadline to reauthorize “trade promotion authority” (TPA) for George Bush. TPA, also known as “fast track” authority, allows the president to negotiate trade deals that Congress must either accept or reject, without amendment.

No ‘deal’ behind Jalosjos’ commutation — Malacañang (tags)

Malacañang yesterday assured the commutation extended to convicted rapist Romeo Jalosjos was not a result of a “deal” between the former Zamboanga del Norte congressman and President Arroyo. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, during a press conference, confirmed the President cut the jail term of Jalosjos from a double life sentence, which is equivalent to 40 to 60 years, to just 16 years, meaning he could be released from prison as early as 2010.

Immigrant Workers Union statement against new immigration proposal (tags)

Immigrant Workers Union denounces the new senate immigration bill for militarizing borders, breaking up families, and criminalizing workers.

AIPAC to pay Weissman's legal fees (tags)

"AIPAC reached a deal with lawyers for its former Iran analyst, Keith Weissman, to pay for his defense against Espionage Act charges."

Twenty Million Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against The Department Of Homeland Security (tags)

Former DHS Officer files a multimillion dollar lawsuit against DHS, ICE and CBP, Erin Brockovich attorney joins legal team.

Gates meets AIPAC (tags)

To ask for permission

The Pawn of Timor-Leste (tags)

Australian Special Forces have today surrounded the 'rebel’ Major Alfredo Reinado in occupied Timor-Leste; it seems Reinado has passed his use-by-date; a tense stand-off presently exists with Reinado threatening to shoot any Australian soldier who ventures too near.

Tzipi's nightmare (tags)

has come about

Cheney’s Oz Visit (tags)

Dick (dark side) Cheney is to visit Oz this month to thank Howard for his support, RUBBISH! Howard has recently returned from the U.S. where ample opportunity to “thank him”, presented itself. No, the world’s most hated man and notorious psychopath is visiting Oz to inspect and organise something tangible and corporeal. Why these neo-conservative clowns persist in treating the Australian people as servile morons is beyond me, or is it? Perhaps our fearful leader, John Howard, has given the ‘wrong’ impression to the world. Is it possible Howard the despicable coward does not reflect the true Australian character, are we really a bunch of colonialist slaves and lackeys? For now the shoe fits perfectly; the ‘boss man cometh’ to re-organise his slaves AND to set his property interests in order!


DIEBOLD WHISTLEBLOWER STRIKES PLEA DEAL ON FELONY CHARGES...Stephen Heller Agrees to Plead Guilty, Pay $10,000, Apologize and Receive Three Years Probation After Being Charged with 'Burglary' for Sharing Diebold Lawfirm's Privileged Documents with Newspaper, Election Integrity Activists Tells BRAD BLOG He Has 'No Assets Left, Other Than House' and Deal is Meant to Protect Him and His Wife as 'Best Deal I Could Get Based on the Circumstances"

AIPAC and Emanuel (tags)

We can't allow the Israelis and their supporters to run America anymore.

US may accept Iranian nuclear bomb (tags)

AMERICA is going to have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, US intelligence analysts have concluded at a secret meeting near Washington.

EU will provide airline data to US (tags)

English Police State to sleep with the U.S. Police State

Heneghan's Raw Posting: Bushfraud Panics (tags)

CNN is putting out a rumor that Bushfraud and John McCain have reached a deal on the secret tribunals aka rendition issues before Congress. Translation: Noted 9-11

The US media and the London terror scare (tags)

Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.

Cops deny attending meetings to keeps cops from getting tickets (tags)

DPS and Sheriff Joe deny attending meeting where Scottsdale cops agreed to squash speeding tickets of other cops. Scottsdale cops can't remember the names of the DPS and Maricopa County Sheriff Officers who attended those meetings, but say the meetings took place!

Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)

Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?

Why Horowitz did Not Sell the Farm to the SCFs (tags)

Horowitz did not reject the South Central Farmers' offer (Actually Annenberg Foundation) becuase he really cares about their politics. As a greedy developer Jan Perry hung out a bigger carrot for him.

Dumb ass Phoenix rulers get screwed out of $8 million (tags)

The standing joke around town was that more people showed up to the watch ostriches race in Chandler.

Al-Arian's Guilt (tags)

This Monday: Farmers Day in Court (tags)

Monday 17th, 2006 @ 8:30 in the morning in Superior Court Dept. 1.

When Propaganda Controls America’s Thinking (tags)

Propaganda is a science. No one knows that better than the Bush-Cheney Gang. It cleverly used every scare tactic and lie available to con the country into the Iraqi War. In the Dubai port deal, those same kinds of ruses were turned against it. George Bush was hoisted up on his own petard. The great Oswald Spengler reminds us of how the Media can influence us, via repetition, into believing any kind of lie. Now, will the U.S. be lied into a war with Iran?

“Best Director” Oscar for Ports Brouhaha Production (tags)

The Iraqi War has been raging for over three years with hardly a peep out of the Congress and/or the Media. Now, a deal which would permit an Arab-owned company to manage stevedore operations in six U.S. ports has sent both into a feeding frenzy. Why? The U.S. Coast Guard is in charge of security at the ports, not the stevedoring outfit. Whoever is behind this ports brouhaha affair deserves an Oscar nomination for - “best director!”

The REAL Story behind Bush's Handover of US Ports to Dubai (tags)

Bush claims he knew nothing of the sale of US port operations to a Saudi company. But all of the evidence suggests he not only KNEW - he helped make sure the deal went through unchallenged.

Arab Port Deal Distorted for Political Gain (tags)

Recently, 8,600 U.S. companies have been taken over by foreign ownership, while 20 percent of all U.S. assets are held by foreigners. The politicians were silent. Now, a United Arab Emirates’ enterprise will soon be operating stevedoring companies in six U.S. ports, including Baltimore’s. Its Mayor, Martin O’Malley, almost broke a blood vessel complaining. However, he didn’t say a word while the preceding British outfit was doing the work. Go figure!

Video of retreat, Government Closed and Seized, Streaming Video (tags)

I have noticed a large suppressive effort by the War party in power. I will no longer attempt to attend Alabama Government meetings due to abuses and extortion. Video of San Francisco with song to the thief Federal Protectorate and their cling on criminals at our throats, basically to Jack

Wal-Mart's Sweetheart Deal (tags)


Palmdale, Ca 11/26 - Truly Free Market (tags)

A beautiful fall day, provided us with a perfect backdrop this past Friday, when local community members converged on Courson Park to give and take various items at the "Truly Free Market" including; clothes, mattresses, food, electronics, children's toys, pots and pans, books, and various other items of use.

News Article from August 1st, 1944 (tags)

The October Surprise(s) (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The White House and a top Saudi official denied Monday a report of a deal to lower gasoline prices before the November presidential election. "There was no secret deal," White House spokesman Dan Bartlett told CNN.

Taxpayer Financed Jihad (tags)

Shut Down NPR!

Rumsfeld's 'incestuous' billion dollar deal with Boeing (tags)

"Doesn't all of this bother you, Mr. secretary, that this incestuous relationship that went on between Boeing and the United States Air Force and the secretary of the Air force in particular?" - Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)

The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.

How Will Bush Deal With the Deficits? Connecting the Dots to Iraq (tags)

Bush administration's perpetual war and attendant defecit spending responsible for illusory economic prolificacy.

How to deal with irritatingly good news (tags)

Within minutes of Paul Bremer pronouncing the words "We got him" to ecstatic cheers from Iraqi journalists, there were solemn-faced experts crowding on to my television screen to proclaim that the capture was largely irrelevant, or positively counter-productive, to the present difficulties in Iraq. The very same interviewers who had once invited their interviewees to prophesy endless anarchy as a consequence of America's inability to locate this man were now asking more or less the same people if his arrest was not pretty useless after all. Or (better yet) if it might not "inflame" the situation even further.

How the poor can win elections (tags)

It's been done before, and it's happening now.

Those who seek ''the death of the United Nations'' (tags)

While the United Nations is seen by many as merely a talk shop that gets little done, the truth lies elsewhere. For example, UNESCO has done a great deal for education and the work of UNICEF has been phenomenal.

Slime And Defend (tags)

Can you believe this? The gang that promised to restore honesty and integrity to the White House is, once again, going to "slime" the opposition for shedding light on the corruption which has bloomed and flourished under George W. Bush.

What American Sheep Think (tags)

self explanatory

Arrest the president now! (tags)

The Traitorous Bush Junta has committed crime after crime and murder after murder. If you do not express your outrage then you are an accessory. PERIOD - no wiggle room. If you do not stand up for what is right then you are supporting the evil. "I didn't know" doesn't cut it.

Arrest the president now! (tags)

Enough 9/11 evidence exists to hang Bush, imprison thousands (Will the U.S.A. survive this crisis?)



Men Must Deal With One Another As Traders. (tags)

Check out Alex Jones ( for government abuses.

Democratic Party History: a Revealing Rap Sheet (tags)

A history of the Democratic Party's role in co-opting and diverting independent political movements, while advancing the agenda of the global capitalist police state. This and similar pieces can be found at

Duped and Betrayed: "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape." (tags)

Will "moderates" - the people formerly known as "conservatives" - ever learn? Today's "conservatives" - the people formerly known as the "radical right" - don't think of a deal as a deal; they think of it as an opportunity to pull yet another bait and switch.

Wars yet to come - a fascinating Story (tags)

These two paragraphs from the full article are intro enough. The myth of easy American victory will be used in the worst possible ways for years to come and you'll need this for future reference and discussion.

Did the New York Times just change the rules of journalism? (tags)

Journalistic bombshells all (pardon the pun). But one-third of the way into Miller's story come these two paragraphs about the sourcing deal behind the scoop that she struck with Mobile Exploitation Team Alpha, the U.S. military team searching for WMD in Iraq. Raising more questions about her relationship to MET Alpha than she answers, Miller writes:

CIA's Golden Victory - US Bribed Iraqi Military Leaders (tags)

General Maher Sufyan, the head of the Republican Guard, was allegedly spirited away from the Al Rasheed airstrip, in south-east Baghdad, to an unknown location, according to the French newspaper Le Monde and the leading Arab news channel Al Jazeera.

Did US Allow Saddam To Flee? (tags)

BAGHDAD -- Did US intentionally allow Saddam Hussein to flee from Iraq to Syria for a final destination in Russia after a last minute bargain with Moscow to capture the capital of Iraq without fighting?


Benjamin Franklin compared the pause in the Peloponnesian Wars, before their flight-forward plunge into the Sicilian invasion (by Alcibiades), with the situation in London at the end of the "French and Indian Wars" of 1756-1763: "Athens had her orators. They did her sometimes a great deal of good, at other times a great deal of harm; the latter particularly when they prevailed in advising the Sicilian war, under the burthen and losses of which war that flourishing state sunk, and never again recovered itself. ...”







The Family that Preys Together (tags)

Something to tell your neighbours, before they start the TIPS program hahahahha

Edison Bailout Blocked by Federal Court of Appeals (tags)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit this morning temporarily stayed the secret bailout deal signed by Southern California Edison and The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) four weeks ago today. That deal would force ratepayers to pay between $3.3 and $4.9 billion to Edison. The emergency stay allows attorneys for The Utility Reform Network to argue its case against the bailout settlement before the U.S. District Court.

ACLU overview of new Surveillance Powers (tags)

On September 19, only eight days after the tragic terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush Administration unveiled its proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). These passed the house and the senate with only symbolic debate. Below are the ACLU's 5 major concerns. For a chart detailing all the changes please go to the website.


US CA: Column: Bush's Faustian Deal With The Taliban

Ted Hayes reflects upon the march back to Pershing Square (tags)

Ted Hayes, a local homeless advocate with the Dome Village speaks out in love and concern for the homeless and the current movement that rocked LA downtown LA today.

City Agrees to Let Protesters Use Area Closer to Staples (tags)

Convention: Officials yield to pressure from a judge and the Democratic Party. But demonstrators say they won't be confined.

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