fix articles 1632, countries
What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)
Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.
Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)
The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
Labor migration has always existed (tags)
Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)
What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)
Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.
A look back makes the outlook easier: A speculative boom in 1929 leads to a stock market crash and recession, the budget deficit increases, the austerity policies drive the economy into a depression. Tensions within and between countries increase, scapegoats are sought, anti-Semitism and protectionism are spreading.
The sun is setting in the West (tags)
The West's misjudgement also applies to the course of the war, where the Russian army is advancing again after the failed counter-offensive in Ukraine. There is a shortage of weapons, ammunition and soldiers. The strategy of wearing down the West seems to be working. In the US, the Biden administration is already encountering difficulties in mobilizing further war credits.
Global Economic Losses Since Dawn of Pandemic Hit $3.3 Trillion (tags)
Since 2020, the global economy lost $3.3 trillion. The loss affected the most vulnerable countries hardest noted International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva.
Global Economic Losses Since Dawn of Pandemic Hit $3.3 Trillion (tags)
Since 2020, the global economy lost $3.3 trillion. The loss affected the most vulnerable countries hardest noted International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva.
Saving the planet means saving the world (tags)
Instead of today’s economic system, which increases inequality, a new system is indispensable, according to Rockström and colleagues. What is needed is a ‘wellbeing economy’ which serves people and the planet—rather than people and the planet serving the economy, as the Wellbeing Economic Alliance (WeAll) puts it.
Brazil Chairs G20 and Vows to Address Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change as Finance Minist (tags)
The Brazilian Presidency of the G20 hosts finance ministers for their first G20 meeting this year.
IMF Says Historic Low Growth and Sluggish Economy Will Continue (tags)
The IMF forecast 3.1% global growth in 2024, a fifth of a point increase on its October projection.
The Looming War Against China (tags)
In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.
COP28 Climate Summit Negotiations Focus on Commitments for Developing Countries to Adapt a (tags)
Most Developing Countries Spend More on Debt Service than on Addressing Country Climate Crisis Challenges
Too big to fail, too weak to lead (tags)
Through the World Bank and IMF, they were able to push through privatization and the dismantling of social benefits and trade union rights in the over-indebted countries of the South. They also pursued this policy domestically, while corporations and the upper income brackets were spoiled with tax gifts. There were also massive arms orders.
Morocco G20 Finance Meetings Make Few Decisions on Crisis Response (tags)
G20 finance ministers met on global economic growth, debt, inflation, expanding development bank aid, the pandemic and other crises.
IMF and World Bank Meetings Wrestle with Low Growth, High Interest Rates, Debt Crises and (tags)
As world leaders arrive for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF forecasts the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for the two decades before the pandemic.
Jubilee USA Statement on IMF Global Financial Stability Report (tags)
The IMF releases the Global Financial Stability Report and raises global concerns over continued inflation, the banking system and climate investments.
IMF Speaks: World Economy Loses $3.7 Trillion Due to Pandemic and Economic Shocks (tags)
As World Leaders Head to Morocco, IMF Leader Raises Growth and Debt Challenges
Pope Francis Releases "Laudate Deum" Ahead of Global Economy and Climate Meetings (tags)
Pope Francis urged international cooperation to tackle environmental crises, in a document released today. Laudate Deum – which in Latin means “Praise God” – is a follow-up to his 2015 Laudato Si, the most comprehensive Encyclical on climate and the environment.
Is the USa Failed State with Michael Hudson (tags)
It’s a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we’re in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.
"The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" - part 2 of 3 (tags)
Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.
G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga (tags)
On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government.
The end of the "Golden Age" of cqapitalism and the rise of neoliberalism (tags)
The rise of the neoliberal world economic system marked by the dominance of financial markets – whose financial superstructure collapses over us – resulted from the radical economic crises of the early 1970s that seized nearly all western industrial countries.
Who determines the rules of the "rules-based world order"? (tags)
Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States - that is the global West, for too long imagined that it was the world. In fact, colonialist exploitation & forced labor - were the foundation of its power. But the world has changed.
Can state-capitalist China inherit the USA as hegemon? (tags)
China's growth is also running on credit, and the People's Republic is similarly highly indebted as the descending Western centers of the world system.10 The Chinese deficit economy is generating even far greater speculative excesses than was the case in the U.S. or Western Europe,
Re-nationalizing Soviet History and Who breaks the international rules? (tags)
The construction of differentiated historical narratives that overcome one-dimensional perpetrator-victim polarizations in discourse with other affected nations and integrate one's own complicity step by step is an extremely laborious, painful process. It will probably take decades.
Michael Hudson on de-dollarization (tags)
Krugman is saying that other people have no reason at all for what they’re doing. And when they move out of the dollar, there’s no reason for them to do it. If you read what these countries say, they explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. .
Brazil's Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance (tags)
“Why can’t a bank like that of the BRICS have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other countries?" he continued. "It’s difficult because we are unaccustomed [to the idea]. Everyone depends on just one currency".
IMF Forecasts Lowest Growth in Decades as World Leaders Descend on Washington for Meetings (tags)
Debt Roundtable Meetings Attempt to Break Impasse on Debt Relief From China and Private Sector
Global Growth Remains Low Amidst Debt Concerns, War and Inflation, Says IMF (tags)
Press release.
New old financial crisis (tags)
Since Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Corporation, & Signature Bank all toppled within a week in the U.S. & now First Republic Bank has also run into trouble, there are increasing signs that the next big financial crisis could now erupt with force. $9 trillion has been injected into the "U.S. market."
UN Charter: Negotiations! and Good wars, bad wars? (tags)
The seriousness of the escalating conflict over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders, which has now led to war, has been clear to all involved since at least 1994. Russia has repeatedly warned that admitting Ukraine and Georgia to NATO would violate its elementary security.
China's peace plan & It's about everything (tags)
In times of crisis, right-wing populists, with the benevolent support of influential media, play the national card and pit disadvantaged groups of people against each other. Scapegoats, like Jews in the past and refugees today, are blamed for the collapse of the welfare state and security.
Journalism is in denial about itself & China's Mediation (tags)
If you live on a powder keg, you have to avoid sparks. Therefore, especially in crises, truthful, trustworthy communication and respectful communication in society is more important than ever. The fourth estate in the state is failing now - as it has in recent crises.
The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)
The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.
Davos: Crises, Developing Country Debt, WB Forecasts (tags)
World Bank Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Developing Countries Struggle with Debt
Reflections on the Political Crisis and Right-wing Populism (tags)
The policies of neoliberal globalization have driven an enormous strengthening of transnational corporations and finance capital, and at the same time the division between rich and poor, between the top "1%" and the rest of the "99%"[28].
Utopias and Dystopias and Cooperation with China (tags)
Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama.
War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)
This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.
UN Climate Conference Agrees on Fund to Address Climate Change Impacts in Developing Count (tags)
COP27 Agreement Asserts Climate Change Results in High Debts and Development Failures
Biden and 90 Other Heads of State Descend on COP27 United Nations Climate Summit (tags)
Resources for Climate Action and Poor are Major Themes for Egypt Meetings
Let the advertising die! (tags)
Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.
Hundreds of Billions in New Lending on the Table at Cote d’Ivoire Gathering (tags)
World Development Banks Meet for Third Annual Summit
"Nord Stream 2 energy is an indispensable part of understanding what this is all about," Beattie said. "It's all about who controls Europe. Europe, we have since learned, is even more of a vassal state of the United States than we imagined.
IMF Predicts Global Economy to Lose $4 Trillion (tags)
The global economy is more fragile noted IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.
African Bishops Call for Debt Relief and Aid to Address Multiple Crises (tags)
G7 and African finance leaders should work together to remove the heavy burdens of debts in Africa, Catholic bishops and other faith leaders from the region said in Accra, Ghana, at the end of a two-day meeting.
IMF Provides Emergency Food Crisis Loans (tags)
The IMF launches the Food Shock Window to aid countries facing food shortages by expanding access to rapid, low-interest loans.
Nobody knew China landed on the moon and Bill Gates (tags)
In 2020, China was the second and so far only country besides the USA that was able to put a flag on the moon.
For an anti-imperialism solidarity (tags)
Ukraine is not an imperialist state, but a young country whose independence and own nation-building Russia does not accept. The governments of Europe and the United States share responsibility for the escalation of geopolitical tensions.
Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)
Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?
Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)
History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.
Hiroshima is everywhere. The never-ending struggle (tags)
Times have changed considerably. In the past two decades, almost all disarmament and arms control treaties have been scrapped - exclusively on the initiative of the USA - including the most important INF Treaty signed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan at the end of 1987.
The Unbroken: Evo Morales (tags)
Recent events give hope for a resurgence of the left on the continent. Morales points to recent electoral victories in Peru, Chile, Colombia, as well as Lula's soon expected return to the Brazilian presidency. "These times are coming again," he says.
The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles (tags)
Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality.
No fear of peace negotiations (tags)
For Ukraine, security means that a peace agreement will not be followed by renewed Russian threats or incursions. For Russia, security means that their withdrawal from Ukraine will not be followed by NATO's eastward expansion.
The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)
What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.
The "West" and its war aims in Ukraine (tags)
The Western-oriented countries want to help Ukraine, but not all of them have the same goal in mind. Whereas shortly after the invasion the focus was on defense, since Ramstein the U.S. has been talking about Kiev's need to win the war.
The war in Ukraine and the consequences for the world economy (tags)
The Corona pandemic already shows that a rethink of trade policy is needed and that the neoliberal form of globalization is not fit for the future. Large-scale investments in renewable energies and a fair design of trade agreements would be advances that benefit everyone.
It was the West that, immediately after the end of the East-West confrontation, once again made war a "normal means" of international politics. Russia is now following suit, more than twenty years behind.
Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)
The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.
Waging war or building bridges (tags)
"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.
Ukraine: A war for the disintegrating world order (tags)
The consequences of rearmament and economic sanctions are foreseeable: among other things, the aggravation of crises through higher economic burdens. They can already be seen in the form of price increases for heating oil, fuel and gas.
Much wants more and loses all (tags)
It is the West that cannot imagine a life without money and the resultant luxuries. Sanctions or no sanctions, Western companies will sooner or later (I bet: sooner) resume business with Russia because – as everybody in the West knows – “money makes the world go round”.
Sanction the oligarchs, not the people! (tags)
It is time to develop a new kind of sanctions. They must be targeted specifically at the oligarchs who have become wealthy as a result of the regime. This would require the establishment of an international financial registry, a measure that will not please the Western wealthy.
The UN vote against the Ukraine war (tags)
For many abstaining states in the UN vote, Russia's belligerent incursion into Ukraine should be rejected, but the U.S. should be denied its prosecutorial status as a champion of a just and peaceful international order, and Russia should be accorded legitimate security interests.
No to the war over Ukraine (tags)
Right now we need an immediate ceasefire and serious negotiations on broader issues. That means urgent diplomacy — not more military force — to end this war. Every war eventually ends with diplomacy.
Today's Crisis Over Ukraine (tags)
What President Putin is demanding, an end to NATO expansion and creation of a security structure in Europe that insures Russia’s security along with that of others is eminently reasonable... It is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict.
I don't want Russia and China marching arm in arm (tags)
We should also take a step back and look at somewhat longer horizons, not just the moment - the aim must be to win Russia back as a partner. One sentence by Egon Bahr remains true: "Without or against Russia, there will simply be no peaceful future on this continent."
"In 10- to 59-year-olds, there is a 15-fold higher risk of death from corona vaccination compared with corona infection" (6). The broad majority is always mistaken - or allows itself to be misled. Children need love and closeness, not coercion!
The Danger in the Shadows (tags)
While everyone is distracted with Corona measures and coverage, the danger of nuclear war is increasing. The new "Krefeld Appeal" for Peace of November 2021 wants to draw attention to this danger and at the same time put public pressure on the government to stop the path it is on.
The richest percent of the world's population accounts for fifteen percent of global emissions, which is twice as much as the entire poorer half of the world's inhabitants together are responsible for CO2. Once again, the rich countries benefit from the deal negotiated in Glasgow.
Promoting Sustainable Economics (tags)
The protagonists of neoliberal globalization seek to fight the devastations – for which they bear responsibility – by the same means that cause the devastations. Now is the time to seize the opportunity and build up economic policy pressure to enforce the development of an economic order that is sustainably oriented...
What will it be like after the pandemic? (tags)
From the March outbreak to the end of May 2020 alone, over forty million people filed initial claims for unemployment benefits. Images of endless lines in front of soup kitchens went around the world. In the meantime, the USA threatened to sink into chaos.
Who is Saxony's worst fucker beyond Sachsen-Paule? (tags)
In eight years the trained butcher Michael Berndt from Lausitz (Saxony) traveled through a total of 100 countries and indulged in unrestrained erotic adventures with local women.
The war on the virus is a crucial backdrop for destabilization and fear, before which vast amounts of public funds are siphoned off in the name of saving lives, saving the environment, and saving people's livelihoods - all of which are attacked by the arbitrariness of this very capitalist rule.
Rescue Plan of the Biden Administration (tags)
Thanks to the rescue plan, the US economy is expected to grow faster than at any time since 1984. The rest of the world will also benefit. Families with children will receive tax rebates. 70% of Americans are in favor of the plan.
Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)
Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...
Shrinkage means the voluntary downsizing of the national economy, including a reduction in gross domestic product. "Voluntary" here indicates a preference for voluntaristic solutions - though not as individualistic and unplanned where well-to-do opt out of the consumerist market model.
The Fascism Construction Manual (tags)
Immediately after the proclamation of this pandemic, many elements of absolute all-around totalitarianism were put into effect in most countries of the West, even in countries that had previously been robust democracies. All of this happened very quickly and comprehensively.
"Europe derived great power and huge profits from colonizing Asia, Asia has grown amazingly because of American and European outsourcing, and now the United States and Europe are propped up by infusions of Asian investment and talent. This is the true nature of the global system, not multipolar competition."
Corona in global retreat (tags)
The number of reported cases in the US has fallen massively since the beginning of January-by around 60 percent. Experts consider the Corona measures in the US to be less stringent than in many European countries.
"We must look at the side-effects" (tags)
"Restricting basic rights is no small matter, and it is the duty of politics to restore their exercise as soon as the infection situation permits." (Lockdown consequences: daycare centers and schools to open) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future! (tags)
We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt).
The Cure is the Sickness, 2001 (tags)
"Good policy" in the sense of the Washington Consensus can be paraphrased with these ten principles. The key to development successes lies only in a correct policy mix. Development backlogs, continuing poverty and so forth are referred back everywhere to "bad policy".
Resistance against Agropoly (tags)
Food sovereignty remains the most important political program of the strongest international movement to date for a transformation of the food system: away from the agropoly of a few corporations. Tina Goethe is a sociologist and responsible for the area of the right to food at the Swiss organization Bread for All.
How should our economy grow? (tags)
If, on the other hand, the inequality distribution is reduced via increased spending on education, positive growth effects may result. In addition, too much inequality can destabilize the political system through social unrest, creating great uncertainty for investors, for example with regard to the protection of property rights.
8 points for a global agenda of structural change in the COVID-19 pandemic (tags)
"We can have democracy or concentration of wealth, not both," said Justice Louis Brandeis, the longest-serving Supreme Court justice."
For a borderless pragmatism. Outline of a Progressive Migration Policy (tags)
Immigration leads to stronger economic growth, which in turn creates jobs, Without migration, we would all be sitting in Olduvia in East Africa, as we were 100,000 years ago. About 3% of the world's population, about 215 million people, live in a state other than the one in which they were born. Migration has always existed.
Big Pharma profits at any price (tags)
"Almost all innovations today come from public research," says Marcia Angell. This often results in spin-offs that are then taken over by large pharmaceutical companies. "The pharmaceutical companies also locate themselves locally around the universities so that they can only cross the street to buy a patent.
New corona measures. We need "Sweden light," instead of "lockdown light" (tags)
COVID-19 is currently responsible for 1,2% of deaths in Sweden, but probably gets 99% of the attention. We need to maintain some perspective. Sebastian Rushworth, MD
Today we produce and waste more food - although often produced in an unsustainable way - than is actually necessary to feed all of humanity. The fact that people are starving should therefore no longer exist. Hunger is created by other, full people.
Tax haven USA wants to dry up other tax havens (tags)
Two US states lure with particularly lax laws for companies. Constructions such as mailbox companies, which help to conceal the true owners of companies, are flourishing. The American government can certainly be accused of double standards in this matter:
What was thought to be temporary has remained until today. Snowden warns of a similar process in the context of a real crisis. Surveillance is accepted The virus is dangerous. But the destruction of our rights is fatal because it is permanent, Snowden believes.
Blame the Covid-19 failure on your governments, not on China (tags)
The anti-Chinese narrative is based on false statements and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism. Build hospitals and expand health care! Cut military spending in half!
LA Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources (tags)
Some links to local resources.
How Singapore has taken control of the virus and avoided panic (tags)
The city-state has learned a lot from the sars crisis and is not letting the coronavirus get it down. Not all recipes are transferable to other countries, but some are. And unusual measures are taken to ensure the cohesion of society.
Social Inequality and Universal Basic Income (tags)
The welfare state in Germany is not as efficient as in the Nordic countries. In Germany, more than twice as many persons are at risk of income poverty - particularly children and single parents. We have to make a decision: entrepreneurial paradise or a little less faith in the market.
Vancouver B.C. has 26 community centers that give an identity to working and nonworking persons. Three hours of free computer use, libraries, gyms, theaters, game rooms and $4 casserole dinners are among the many amenities.
Pope Francis: Mauritius Reject "Idolatrous Economic Model" (tags)
Reject your "idolatrous economic model," were the words Pope Francis addressed Mauritius' political leaders with on Monday.
From Punitive Tariffs and Trade Conflicts to Economic War (tags)
Trump's punitive attacks on several trading partners, above all China, are changing suddenly into a destruction of the multilateral structures of the world market. With "America first," the president wants to restore the past hegemony. The wrecking ball is not the only model!
Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)
The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.
Poor Countries Lose Billions from Tax Avoidance, Reveal "Mauritius Leaks" (tags)
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released evidence that laws in the country of Mauritius help corporations avoid taxes globally, including on the continent of Africa.
From Enlightenment to Counter-Enlightenment (tags)
Brilliant minds elevated "the market" into a "higher being" of the post-modern age to which we must submit. The primacy of the market replaced the primacy of politics. Dr. Schulmeister is an economic researcher in Vienna whose latest book is "The Road to Prosperity" (2019).
Housing Financialization, 66 pp (tags)
April 16 2019 Inmigration Rules do not Hold Water (tags)
people have a right to organize for sanctuary laws.There are reasons for this.What we do not like, is the funneling of tens of thousands of people who have been apprehended by border patrol and then delivered like a ups to these sanctuary zones.
Needed: a Jewish Honor Guard on US Campuses (tags)
Anti-Semitism Is Growing Worldwide, Jewish Students On College Campuses Are Getting Attacked, Jews Need To Learn To Defend Themselves. Jewish Knowledge means Jewish Pride, Jewish Self-Defense means Jewish Security!
Public Good or Private Wealth (tags)
The deep and growing chasm between the rich and the poor is not an accident. This gulf is the result of political decisions. Many rich countries have lowered or abolished property taxes. Governments reduce spending on education and health care.
The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)
The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.
The rulers want to divert from the real causes of the refugee wave and from their own misdeeds because the cause of the misery is an exploitation crisis of capital and the greed of mammoth world corporations. Only the prospect for a future in their country can stop refugees.
Driven to Consumption and Money out of Nothng (tags)
Growth originally created a material prosperity about which earlier generations could only dream. However, more economic growth does not lead to people becoming happier. We are prisoners of a system that forces us to permanent growth. Banks create credits.
Debt and Tax Policies Needed to Prevent Crisis Says Finance Watchdog Group (tags)
Financial institutions, experts and economists fear a new wave of financial crises hitting countries from Ghana to Italy.
When Banana Ruled (documentary) (tags)
Documentary traces the sordid history of United Fruit/Chiquita.
Crisis Regulation in Global Capitalism (tags)
The globalization euphoria waned with the 1997 Asian crisis. Hundreds of billions were needed to bailout bankrupt banks. The US with its high solvent demand stabilized the world economy for a long time. The US could become indebted in its own currency.
Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)
Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.
Black Ops Which Involved Us In War (tags)
War profiteer networks, CIA and Pentagon hawks, and egodriven presidents have caused many immoral wars and illegal invasions of other countries.
Globalization: hope on the horizon despite Fake Liberals. (tags)
I consider the Fake Liberals as the greatest threat to global freedom and western civilization. They promote globalization, using racism as a political weapon labeling opposition as racist, fascist or white nationalists. Globalization has Corporate and right wing support creating the swamp which is being opposed.
The Beam in the White House (tags)
Iran is the "greatest supporter of terror," declared president Donald Trump. With that, he justified his peace-endangering cancellation of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Reducing foreign policy to scapegoating is Hitlerian.
Trade War and Zero Deficit Myth (tags)
State debts are often necessary and are not automatically bad economically. Investments are prerequisites of future prosperity. When private parties spend too little, the state must step into the breach.
Bioeconomical resilience (tags)
Bioeconomical resilience
The Shortwave Report 05/11/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
The Struggle against Aggressive Tax Avoidance (tags)
Experts estimate a fifth of world wealth is hidden from the tax authorities of states and considerable parts of international corporate profits are not taxed. Google and Amazon parked billions in shadow financial centers. Tax avoidance makes a functioning state impossible
5 Questions on Tax Justice (tags)
Tax justice must be created and tax avoidance stopped to fight inequality and poverty. Apple paid 0.0005% tax on its profits in Ireland - merely 50 euros on a million euros profits. Corporations dodge their just contribution as part of society through tax avoidance.
There is outrage over the nationalist economic policy of "America First." The parallels to the 1929 system crisis are obvious. The unstable house of cards could now finally collapse. Credit-financed demand is created for a goods-producing system that suffocates in its own productivity.
Crisis 2.0: A Policy for the 99% (tags)
The capital surpluses are a constant source of new speculative waves and maneuvers. The crisis of state finances is mainly a crisis of tax refusal. The elites shifted the tax burden from businesses and high incomes to consumer taxes and fees.
The power of ideology is so great it easily creates a distorted perception of facts. Where money is spent is crucial, not the size of the public sector. The Internet, the touch screen, semi-conductors and the GPS were developed with state risk capital. Tax havens cause revenue shortfalls.
The Driving Force of Global Inequality (tags)
Behind closed doors, a powerful industry has developed worldwide since the 1980s: tax avoidance. Taxes that are avoided must be compensated by higher taxation of households with lower incomes.
US Executions Violate The 14th, 8th, and 1st Amendments To The Constitution (tags)
Only 16% of US states still perform the barbarism of prisoner murder. Less than 20% of the world's countries do. The US is among the top 5 execution countries.
In Praise of Taxes by Nicola Liebert (tags)
Our tax system p[romotes private wealth and impoverishes the community. Even if no one pays them gladly, most are aware taxes int he interest of the community are sensible. "Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, former Supreme Court justice).
The Unification Church is not a Church and is Seeking New People to Abuse (tags)
The Unification Church has been involved in brainwashing many people. It is a landowner and owner of hotels and newspapers in some countries and is very right wing. The leaders come from South Korea but many live in the U.S.A. and operate a small group Committee for
Urban Official Report that several Latin American Countries Sendimg Pro Dictator to U.S. (tags)
Noy much is known about this, but right wing Haitians were reported moving to Florida and other states.There are other countries who have right wing or left wing officials who have to qualify to move.
Secession is the withdrawal of a state or place from a larger organization such as a country. In 2018 there might be a vote in California asking people if they want to secede from the United States. There are irreconcilable differences between the left and the right. Secession is a way to settle those differences without one side ruling over the other side or annihilating the other side.
Hurricane Harvey, followed quickly by Irma, left in its wake upended lives and enormous property damage, estimated by some at $150-180 billion. But the pummeling that America received also raise deep questions about its economic system and politics.
IN National and International News Teavana is Putting over 300 Stores Out of Business (tags)
Teavana owned by Starbucks is putting the "out of business " sign on over 300 locations in the USA. Starbucks office says it was due to low sales, profits and customer traffic.
What Happens to Immigration in Communist Countries? (tags)
A few countries have experienced communist led "revolutions" sincethe Russian upheaval in 1918. Cuba also went through a war as did China. None of these countries saw many people immigrate to their borders.
Time on our Side by Anna Coote (tags)
In her opening essay, Juliet Schor argues that countries in the rich world cannot continue to grow their economies if they are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to sustainable levels. We must face up to a future with little or no economic growth.
Mozambique Audit Reveals Corruption and Short Falls in Financial System (tags)
Ahead of President Trump's first G20 meeting in Germany this weekend, Mozambique released an audit exposing violations of the country's laws to secure now-defaulted loans.
Tax Avoidance: Drastic Consequences for the Public (tags)
Taxes are the most important foundation of all government activities and public services. Corporate economic activity and profits cannot be clearly assigned to individual nation states anymore. Founding offshore centers is child's play Tax avoidance and tax fraud lead to revenue crisis
How the World Heads for the Next Crash (tags)
Governments secure the money of the rich. State debts have grown in nearly all countries of the world since 2010. Ten years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the economy is again in a standstill or mired in crisis. Trump wants to cancel the recent bank regulations and cut corp taxes.
G7 Could Move Financing for Famine Relief, Says Religious Development Group (tags)
As G7 leaders continue to meet in Taormina, Italy, relief groups like Oxfam International are intensifying calls for aid monies to address famine.
Rigged reform - Oxfam Media Briefing, April 12, 2017 (tags)
US companies are dodging billions in taxes but the proposed reforms will make things worse.
KLM refuses seven passengers following Trump's muslim ban/KLM accomplice to discrimination (tags)
Airline company KLM is accomplice to discrimination, Islamophobia and deportation of refugees. Concerning discrimination and Islamophobia, it is one of the executioners of Trump's policy, by refusing passengers from the seven banned muslim countries. It's complicity with deportation of refugees consists of flying deported refugees for the Dutch government. Both are crimes and KLM's full responsibility, because they have a choice to refuse.
Trump Voids Dodd-Frank 1504 Transparency Rule (tags)
President Trump signed into law Congressional action to void requirements that the oil, gas and mining industries report financial activity in countries where they operate.
By Yair Rosenberg January 30, 2017 • 9:11 AM Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google Plus Pinterest On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order barring all immigrants and visa holders from entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. The order included green card holders and also banned all refugees for 120 days. Given the Jewish historical experience with being both refugees and subjected to religious loyalty tests, this directive unsurprisingly evoked a strong reaction from much of the American Jewish community. As so—contrary to some earlier claims—Jewish groups across the spectrum mobilized in opposition to the executive order, in a rare display of unity. The American Jewish Committee was one of the first out of the gate, offering a detailed rebuttal to the policy: “For more than 110 years, AJC has been a consistent voice for a fair, non-discriminatory, and generous U.S. refugee and immigration policy,” AJC CEO David Harris said. “We are all related to those fortunate enough to have been admitted to this country – in my case, my mother, father, wife, and daughters-in-law, and we believe that other deserving individuals merit the same opportunities to be considered for permanent entry.” Assuring security in the implementation of immigration laws and procedures is essential, but lost in the current discussion over the suspension of refugee admissions and the issuance of all visas to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries this week – as in the rhetoric of the presidential campaign – are several facts: • Refugees from Syria, Iraq and other states in violent upheaval are already laboriously and intrusively vetted by U.S. immigration authorities, assisted by U.S. intelligence agencies, in cooperation with other nations’ intelligence services. For those approved, it generally takes 18 to 24 months to gain U.S. admission; • Refugees from Central America are, almost exclusively, women and children who are at risk of violence, sexual assault, and even death if they are returned to their home countries. They deserve compassion and a fair hearing. • The terrorist threat attributed to refugees is a cruel and distracting fiction, especially when viewed against the actual incidence of mass violence committed with chilling frequency – in schools, churches, shopping malls and other venues – against Americans by Americans. In the 14 years ending in October 2015, a period in which 784,000 refugees were resettled in the United States, there were exactly three arrests for planning terrorist activities (none of which occurred); • Since the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, the United States and the international community as a whole have recognized an obligation to assist refugees. For America to close its eyes – and its borders – to even painstakingly vetted refugees contravenes that international treaty. President Trump, of course, is authorized to assert the sovereign right of the U.S. to assure the integrity of America’s borders and the effective enforcement of the country’s immigration and asylum laws… However, blanket suspensions of visas and refugee admission would suggest guilt by association – targeted primarily at Muslims fleeing violence and oppression. AJC regards such actions, contrary to international perceptions of a compassionate America and reinforcing anti-Muslim stereotypes, as both unjust and unwarranted. As the full scope of the executive order became clearer in airports across the country, the AJC later told reporters, “We are outraged by the new US refugee policy, its draconian face. This is not the American way.” The Anti-Defamation League was similarly scathing. “History will look back on this order as a sad moment in American History – the time when the president turned his back on people fleeing for their lives,” said ADL executive director Jonathan Greenblatt. “This will effectively shut America’s doors to the most vulnerable people in the world who seek refuge from unspeakable pain and suffering.” “For the Sunni family whose son languishes in prison in Iran because of his faith, for the former Army translator in Iraq who has been threatened because of his service,
Low Taxes is an Act of Desperation (tags)
A low business tax can be counter-productive if a deadbeat infrastructure arises through lower state revenues. Lowering business tax rates leads first to enormous budget holes. Employees will bear this burden at the end.
Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump.
Ethics and the Profit System: Global Change of Values Necessary (tags)
Profit-making is not profit-maximizing. From the magic word profit-mongering is derived the absurd unequal distribution of wealth, cheating of consumers, the exploitation of workers and ultimately the abolition of democracy. An invisible hand makes business profit into common good
Botswana Minister supports highest level of protection for African lions (tags)
Tsekedi Khama appealed for countries to support CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Proposal 4
Neoliberal Crisis Policy has Failed (tags)
The term "invisible hand of the market" goes back to Adam Smith. This assumes all economic activity promotes the common good. Neoliberalism's survival is surprising because its theoretical assumptions are dubious. People cling to neoliberal prescriptions against reality.
UN Summit Reaches Debt, Tax and Trade Agreements (tags)
Member countries of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) renewed a mandate for the UN agency on economic issues. The agreement will guide UNCTAD's work for the next four years.
Negotiators Struggle for Agreement on Debt and Tax Issues at UN Development Summit (tags)
A United Nations global development summit begins its fourth day of difficult negotiations in Nairobi, Kenya.
Who Owns the Sky? The Climate in the Globalization Trap (tags)
The bad news is that there are more inconvenient truths. Climate change is present, not future. Globalization and protection of the atmosphere do not go together. Climate policy has a past. Economic profit dominance always has a priority over climate protection.
38 Arguments Against TTIP (tags)
TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership) agreement continues an old thinking instead of everyone sharing int he profits of a few. The private arbitration courts enable corporations to sue states and could have a chilling effect on labor and environmental protection.
TTIP and CETA Must Be Prevented (tags)
Under TTIP, TPP and TiSA, corporations can sue states for lost profits. The German Judges Union calls additional protection of foreign investors "nonsense" that undermines democracy and the constitutional state.
Politics in the Age of Acceleration and Sharing (tags)
Why do international crises always come over us so suddenly, seemingly without any signal? This happens because we consistently ignore all the signs. We want to know everything in real time-and miss the big connections. Whoever sows weapons reaps refugees.
Hillary Clinton Has Helped Kill A Lot Of Animals (tags)
Hillary Clinton is aligned to the world's biggest animal killers
Brain Disorders Chemical and Structural Differences that manifest in late teens or 20's (tags)
Mental Illnesses have never been understood well even though they are a minority of health cases in all the worlds ethnic groups. Over the last 100 years physiology , anatomy, bio chem and other forms of gentle probing have illustrated worlds inside our head with MRI PET
Economic Multicutural Strangulation in US 2016 (tags)
We welcome immigrants. However certain subgroups are getting the lions share of visas both temporary and resident as well as the jobs. This economic cancer must be turned around before more locals are threatened.
Oxfam Study: Six Reasons to be Outraged (tags)
Whether inequality harms or benefits was disputed for a long while. It could motivate individuals to more effort and stimulate growth, one side believed. It takes the chances for education and development from those who are poorer, the other said... Money buys power.
Argentina Negotiates Debt Dispute with "Holdout" Hedge Funds (tags)
Argentina begins negotiations with groups that sued the country for more than $1 billion after it's 2001 default.
Pope Francis' Jubilee Year Begins (tags)
Pope Francis began the Catholic Church's "Jubilee Year of Mercy" at St. Peter's Square with a public mass and ceremony attended by 50,000 people. Pope Francis opened a "Holy Door" at St. Peter's Basilica to officially launch the year-long celebration with its themes of mercy and solidarity for the poor.
Paris Attacks - Bourgeois Terrorism (tags)
statement on Paris attacks from Internationalist Communist Perspective
Capitalism is the Problem (tags)
Prosperity in large part is based on the ecological and social exploitation of poor countries in Africa and Asia. Today 20% of humanity consume 80% of global resources. The poor are played off against each other while the richest hide billions in tax havens.
10 Shocking Realities of the TPP (tags)
Now we see why the US Trade Representative and President Obama wanted to keep the TPP secret for four years after it was ratified. It if had not been for a very aggressive fight against fast track trade authority in which hundreds of thousands of people participated, we would not see the text.
Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)
The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.
A Tidbit about anti-Vietnam War [US] History Coffee with Soldiers (tags)
The Vietnam War was a very unneccessary, long and monumentally grotesque with over a million deaths in sevral countries and over 5 countries providing material, aid or troops for "our side".Anti-war demonstrators met with US troops at coffee houses near US bases in the US
Latest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee "Surge" (tags)
Baghdad OK's Russia Bombing ISIS in Iraq (tags)
Economist: "TTIP is Doomed" (tags)
Resistance rages across the two parties. Two hegemons negotiate who are not accustomed to making compromises. The US and the EU are like two proud gorillas. The lawyer branch will put up a fierce resistance to losing that niche.
Tax Justice for Social Justice (tags)
Every year states lose billions in tax revenues through the aggressive tax avoidance practices of international corporations. These companies profit from public services whose financing is left to citizens. 1 trillion euros are lost every year from European public budgets.
Solidarity in Moscow Against US-Supported Terrorism (tags)
Putin: The Best Hope for World Peace (tags)
US and Russia: Geopolitical Opposites (tags)
Putin Was Always Right About Syria (tags)
US Imperial Wars Responsible for Refugee Crisis (tags)
Pentagon Updating War Plans Against Russia (tags)
Iceland Boycotts Israel (tags)
Obama Talks Peace, Wages Endless Wars of Aggression (tags)
Putin v. Obama on Syria (tags)
America Created and Supports the Islamic State (tags)
The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)
Unwanted Refugees: EU Countries Block Borders (tags)
Something to chew on about people coming here [usa] (tags)
A handful of nations are the majority of legal visa recipients to USA cities where the majority of legal immigrants find jobs and housing. Other countries cannot be given legal visas.Money transfers are a major prop up for some countries with money transfers being the top 5
US Media Ignore US Responsibility for Refugee Crisis (tags)
US-Led Western Nations Plan Escalated War on Syria (tags)
Israel's War on Refugees (tags)
False Reports of Russian Military Intervention in Syria (tags)
Vladimir Putin Straight Talk (tags)
Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Dollar As World's Reserve Currency Threatened (tags)
908 Environmentalists Have Been Murdered in Brazil, Many Elsewhere As Well (tags)
Chico Mendes, Santos Rodrigues, Ohio nun Dorothy Stang are some of the nearly 1000 environmentalists murdered in Brazil by cattle ranchers, loggers, and other financial interests.
US/Israeli Attempted Color Revolution in Lebanon? (tags)
Sergey Lavrov's Message to Washington (tags)
Everything Western Media Report About Russia Is a Big Fat Lie (tags)
Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)
fbi/cia influence over NATO et al (tags)
The fbi/cia seek to control all NATO countries, etc.
Pedagooogy 3000 World Tour for a New Education and Peace Alliance - Press Release (tags)
Conference to Help Teachers, Parents Learn New Tools to Educate Today’s Children, Relieve Stress, Increase Participation, Lower School Violence
Because of the trillions of dollars in the cancer industrial complex internationally (drug companies, hospitals, corporate, government and university research labs), many cancer cures are being suppressed.
Syria's Refugee Crisis Just Got Worse (tags)
United Nations Votes for Global Bankruptcy Principles (tags)
Iran Nuclear Deal Aftermath: Greater Regional Destabilization? (tags)
Pope Francis Calls for Global Bankruptcy Process (tags)
Pope Francis called for an international bankruptcy process in a news conference as he left Latin America on Monday. According to the Associated Press, when asked about the Greek debt crisis, Francis stated, "if a company can declare bankruptcy, why can't a country do so and we go to the aid of others?" Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.
Choice for Greeks: Rebel, Leave or Starve (tags)
Entrapping Greece in Debt (tags)
Minors Abused in Adult US Prisons (tags)
police state
Leaked Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Draft Text (tags)
Obama Declares Permanent War on Humanity (tags)
Ukraine: Rogue State Deadbeat (tags)
Trans-Pacific Partnership Guarantee (tags)
Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)
As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.
Russia Vows Continued Support for Embattled Syria (tags)
BDS Effect on Israel's Economy (tags)
EU Bashes "Russian Propaganda" (tags)
Attempted US Color Revolution in Armenia? (tags)
TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)
TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.
Thousands in Britain Rally Against Austerity (tags)
Thousands in St. Petersburg Defy US Sanctions (tags)
Uncivilized Western Civilization (tags)
TTIP - Why the World Should Beware, 61 pp (tags)
Radical free trade policies did not begin with the birth of NAFTA, nor with the founding of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 – both had been in place in over 90 developing and transitional economies for over a decade through structural adjustment programes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF. (Walden Bello)
US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)
Leaked TPP Trade Bill Healthcare Annex (tags)
The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries (tags)
Fast Track, TTIP, TPP and TISA should be scrapped! Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO described the TTIP as "secret tribunals" where only "foreign investors" can sue. This article from The Guardian UK focuses on El Salvador. and Pacific Rim.
Obama Wants More Sanctions on Russia (tags)
G-7 Leaders Stay Tough on Russia (tags)
G-7 Summit: Russia Bashing Featured (tags)
Is Washington Planning Barbarossa II? (tags)
At G7 Summit Trade and Debt Policies Take Center Stage; Bishops Call on G7 to Enact Global (tags)
G7, Jubilee USA Network, Debt
Kiev Wants Foreign Troops Aiding Its War on Donbass (tags)
US-Dominated NATO Myths v. Russian Hard Truths (tags)
Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) (tags)
Jingoistic Media Scoundrels Bash China (tags)
Russian Travel Blacklist: Critics Ignore Their Own Policies (tags)
Devastated Nepal Daily Pays $600,000 on Debt (tags)
Nepal underwent another earthquake on May 12 amid recovery from the April 25 quake. It owes billions of dollars of debt to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and foreign lenders. Anti-poverty organization Jubilee USA Network states that debt relief would aid Nepal's recovery efforts.
US/Iranian Relations: Back to Square One? (tags)
Governments Negotiate UN Agreement on Global Development (tags)
The United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and finance ministries are meeting in New York to finalize an agreement for the Financing for Development Conference (FfD) to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in July
World Bank and IMF Announce $1.1 Billion in Debt Relief for Chad (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank announced $1.1 billion in debt relief for Chad. The money comes through the IMF and World Bank's two major debt relief programs: the Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative (HIPC) and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Chad is the 36th country to receive HIPC relief and the first since 2012. Chad is the fourth-least developed country in the world. More than half its population lives in poverty.
Aftershocks Pummel Highly Indebted Nepal: Poor Country Spends 217 Million Annually on Debt (tags)
As Nepal experiences aftershocks from Saturday's earthquake, it may find relief in the IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, a fund that cancels the debt of poor countries in crisis.
Average wages in the US are lower than 30 years ago. Profits and income inequality explode, not investments. The austerity policy that has always worsened unemployment and economic growth is promoted as without alternative by German chancellor Merkel.
350 McDonalds Shut Down Since January 350 More Scheduled To Close (tags)
Hundreds of millions have moved away from animal flesh. McDonald's is one of many chains feeling the change.
World Bank Announces Package of Aid and Loans to Ebola-Affected Countries (tags)
The World Bank announces $650 million in new concessional loans and grants for Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone at the start of the Spring IMF and World Bank Meetings.
IMF Reports Debt and Human Crises Drive Uneven Growth (tags)
Global Stability and Economic Outlook Reports Released
Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)
Britain Prepares for Nonexistent Russian Attack (tags)
Israel Joins Obama's War on Yemen (tags)
Hypocritical and Hippocratic Economic Policy in Europe (tags)
The crisis is multilayered-a bank crisis, a crisis of wealth distribution and a misallocation of capital between long-term real investments and virtual financial investments.. The frugal Schwabian housewife is not a suitable model.
Animal Agony, Union Busting, Deforestation, Human Disease At McDonald's (tags)
Unionbusting, obesity, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, animal agony, deforestation, rainforest destruction, energy waste, crime, litter associated with the Western wrold's biggest restaurant chain
Growth Criticism and Social-Ecological Transformation (tags)
Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Words can be like spears breaking frozen souls. (Kafka) Education is the great transformer (John Kenneth Galbraith). Economics as taught today is like brainwashing. (Ulrich Thielemann) Incentives to investing in the real economy are vital after the phase of credit- and bubble prosperity.
US Saber-Rattling on Russia's Borders (tags)
Democracy for Sale: Stop Fast Track and TTIP! (tags)
The investment protection clause of the TTIP grants investors special protection regarding their so-called :"legitimate expectation." Businesses can sue when they feel restricted in their business activity by new laws in the public interest. Financial services are an important sector for US investors.
TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracyand the Public Interest (tags)
The controversial investment-protection agreement establishes a parallel justice giving security to all investors.. The states would be liable for compensation for any lower profits.. We all know our plane can only survive when we do everything for a sustainable economy.
World Shock At USA,s Atrocities (tags)
See a summary of the global study of my reports on the complete corruption of the government of the USA.
Feinstein And Boxer Want To Make Vaccines More Mandatory (tags)
Senators Feinstein And Boxer Want To End The Right To Refuse Vaccines For Personal Belief
Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine (tags)
Pharma Cartel Poisons Kids with Thimerosal Ethylmercury Vaccines (tags)
Several vaccines still contain Thimerosal and the ethylmercury compound believed to be linked with higher rates of autism in children and some adults. Unfortunately the corrupt western medical establishment under pharma cartel influences remains opposed to banning Thimerosal outright as suggested by the UN and continues to distribute these toxic vaccines in lower income countries and also in the U.S.
US Official Insults Cubans (tags)
Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)
US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Humanity (tags)
New Geo;olitical/Financial Bombshells (tags)
PBS' And Frontline's Double Standard Re Putin (tags)
Soldiers, Children Of the Poor, Are Collateral Damage For The Rich
Public Funds Brought Smart Phones (tags)
All personal achievement would have been impossible without state investment in roads, schools, hospitals, airwaves, health and food safety. The state share is completely faded out in the conventional story about business history.
West?Russia Rapprochement? (tags)
Blessed Are the Peacemakers (tags)
The Shortwave Report 12/12/14 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.
Gorbachev and Lavrov on US/Russian Relations (tags)
West Wants Putin Deposed (tags)
United Nations Votes for Process to Create Global Bankruptcy Framework (tags)
UN Process Could Limit Default and Stop Predatory Funds
US and Israel: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace (tags)
US House Declares Cold War on Russia (tags)
Kiev Plans Full-Scale War (tags)
African Mayors Call for Debt Cancellation for Ebola-Stricken West Africa (tags)
G20 Moves Forward on Ebola Debt Relief Plan.
US-Led NATO Risks Global War (tags)
Putin: Sanctions Violate International Law (tags)
US Brings Jubilee Ebola Debt Relief Request to G20 (tags)
Treasury Secretary Lew Brings Jubilee USA Request for Debt Relief for Ebola-Stricken Countries to G20. US Seeks to Move IMF to Cancel $100 Million in Debt for Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.
Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)
Sino/Russian Alliance Challenges West (tags)
Dueling Ideologies: America v. Russia and Venezuela (tags)
Strengthening Sino-Russian Ties (tags)
business and finance
Argentina's Christina Fernandez de Kirshner's UN Address (tags)
predatory capitalism
Argentina Faces US Contempt Hearing (tags)
US Federal Judge Thomas Griesa scheduled Argentina to appear for a contempt hearing on Monday, September 29. At issue is Argentina's failure to follow a court order to only continue to pay the 92% of bondholders who restructured after the country's 2001 default if Argentina pays a group of hold-out hedge funds. Argentina organized payment to restructured bondholders via an Argentine bank to avoid paying the hedge funds. The hedge funds, popularly known as "vulture funds," are asking the judge to hold Argentina in contempt and fine the South American country $50,000 per day.
Asian Socialism Conference in the Philippines (tags)
The Asian Socialism Conference will be held in Manila from November 28 to 29, 2014. The conference will be capped by the participation of guests and delegates to the November 30 rally in Manila to commemorate Bonifacio Day, a national hero who led the armed struggle in the revolution against Spain.
Arab countries in anti Isis coalition (tags)
Five Arab countries have joined the coalition against ISIS
OECD Takes Strong Stance on Corporate Tax Avoidance (tags)
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a major proposal for curbing corporate tax avoidance yesterday. The OECD recommends international cooperation to prevent large corporations from avoiding taxes in the countries where they do business. The OECD plan comes amidst increased calls to crack down on corporate tax avoidance.
Lavrov on Syria, Ukraine and Terrorism (tags)
The BRICS: Challengers to the Global Status Quo (tags)
Can the BRICS wrest control of the global economy from the United States and Europe, or will their internal contradictions tear them apart?
Anti-Russan Sanctions Wars Continue (tags)
United Nations Small Islands Conference Fails to Address Major Debt and Tax Crisis (tags)
As the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) continues in Samoa, the agreed upon final outcome statement fails to address the major debt and tax crises facing many of the attending countries. According to the World Bank, 10 of the 30 most heavily indebted countries in the world are small islands.
Russia and America: Geopolitical Opposites (tags)
Anti-Democratic Straitjackets (tags)
The TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (also called TAFTA) is an undemocratic corporate investment agreement that allows corporations to sue sovereign states for lost profits. This agreement negotiated in secret since 2013 does not allow states to sue.
Both Germany and the US follow an economic policy without enlightenment. Slight economic stimulation will not solve problems of mass unemployment and corporate welfare. Tax evasion of corporations and tax cuts for the super-rich lead to suffering and a revenue crisis.
The Middle Class Continues Shriveling (tags)
A century ago people said a progressive income tax would never happen. Today it is reality. The top tax rate in the US between 1930 and 1982 was 82 %. That was a very interesting experiment because very high incomes were covered.
The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges (tags)
Talk given by Sonny Melencio, Chairperson of Partido Lakas ng Masa-Philippines (PLM), during the Socialist Alliance Conference in Sydney, Australia on June 7, 2014
IMF Paper: Corporate Tax Avoidance Hurts Global Economy and Poor Countries (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a staff paper noting that corporate tax avoidance negatively impacts all economies, but hurts developing countries the most. The IMF's release comes as the G20, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and United Nations bodies seek vehicles to diminish corporate tax avoidance.
A term becomes a myth; the myth becomes a religion. We are all conditioned by the misguided use of terms and connections so a way of looking at things seems absurd. The German economy acts like a bulldozer rather than a locomotive.
Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt Case (tags)
Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt and Validates Hedge Fund Predatory Behavior
Argentina Battles in Two World Cups (tags)
While National Team Prepares to Face Bosnia, Government Fights Hedge Funds at US Supreme Court
Propaganda & censorship alert: NATO countries' media coverage of the elections in Syria (tags)
The June 3 presidential election in Syria was a massive defeat for the NATO countries which have been collectively waging a genocidal war on Syria since 2011. Apart few exceptions, this momentous event was conspicuously absent from the front pages of US, British, French, German, Italian and Turkish newspapers. Those few that reported it on the front page did so in the habitual propaganda format. Meanwhile, few others went as far as publishing anti-Syria propaganda reports on their front page without making any reference to the presidential election.
Financial Market Inflammation (tags)
Bubble formation covered up a period of long-lasting stagnation... Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers even spoke of stagnation as a "new normality"... The crisis consequences are shifted to other subjects. Unemployment and indebtedness are exported.
The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)
Russia can only be said to be an “aggressive” and “imperial” power so long as one accepts the unrelenting hypocrisy of U.S. and Western leaders. After all, it was not Russia that invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, killing millions.
Irresponsible Syria Bashing (tags)
Iranian Nuclear Roulette Continues (tags)
The new indebtedness is a consequence of the crisis caused by the financial industry-and in no way owed to an excessive social state, demographic change and so forth.. There are many critics of this policy of mastering crisis by flooding the financial markets with fresh money.
IMF World Economic Outlook: Economy Improves for Some as Inequality Persists (tags)
Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20
TTIP Attacks on Wages, the Social and the Environment (tags)
The belief that growth and prosperity for all people are promoted by free trade is as old as capitalism. This is often wonderfully represented in the model worlds of economists. But reality looks different. Specific particular interests are sold as the general interest.
Glow In The Dark: Consume Radioactive Fish Oil Or Fish (tags)
It is not just Fukushima that continues to pour radiation into the ocean. Many countries are illegally dumping their nuclear waste.
Interview with Jose Maria Sison (tags)
Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines by New Culture Magazine, Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil
Israel's Secret Nuclear Program (tags)
Netanyahu and Rohani in Davos (tags)
Talking Peace, Waging Wa (tags)
Rogue State Accuses Victims of Incitement (tags)
Christianity's Savior in the Middle East (tags)
With one exception, Christians throughout the countries of the Middle East are at risk or on the run, their churches burned, their property expropriated, their personal safety in peril from thugs intent on beatings, rapes, and murders
Philippines’ Foreign Debt Payments Dwarf Relief Aid After Typhoon Haiyan (tags)
More than a month after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the country has paid approximately $900 million in debt repayments—more than twice as much as it’s received in pledged aid from countries around the world to support the recovery effort.
The WTO pushes through bad deal; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winners (tags)
The 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) pushed through a Bali Package in the final hours, extending the Conference to December 7, but at the cost of the developing countries, the poor and the hungry.
Trans Pacific Partnership Tutorial (tags)
A couple links about the Trans Pacific Partnership, a secret agreement being pushed, undemocratically, in Congress. Stop the TPP!
Ukraine Dodged a Bullet (tags)
Philippines: They Destroy, We Suffer (tags)
Capitalism is destroying the planet. Now we suffer. The devastating horror unleashed by monster-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) upon the eastern and central Philippines regions is unspeakable. As of writing, estimates of the number of casualties and actual damages are tentative because many areas remain isolated and communications, power, road and port systems are down.
Super typhoon Haiyan is climate wake-up call (tags)
It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.
Best And Worst Country And Corporate Recyclers (tags)
As a UN environmental report urges vegan diet for the protection of Mother Earth, some countries are doing better than others.
Israel Avoids Human Rights Scrutiny (tags)
NSA Spying on World Leaders (tags)
If it walks like a duck .....
The World War against the Poor (tags)
More and more money capital concentrates in the hands of the rich which they let `work for itself.' Every day $1.5 trillion circulates around the globe and changes hands. Only two to three percent of that is needed to handle the business with goods and services. The rest is speculative excess.
International Monetary Fund Reviews International Bankruptcy Process for Sovereign Countri (tags)
International Monetary Fund Reviews International Bankruptcy Process for Sovereign Countries
IMF Secures Windfall Gold Sales Profits for Concessional Lending to Low-Income Nations (tags)
On October 10, 2013, the International Monetary Fund announced that member countries have approved their commitment to fund the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) for concessional lending. Financing comes from windfall profits made from the IMF selling part of their gold reserves that currently totals $3.4 billion. Currently, the IMF provides zero-interest financing to low-income nations through this fund.
Der Spiegel Interviews Assad (tags)
U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Take Argentina and NML Capital Debt Case (tags)
The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to take the landmark debt case between Argentina and bondholders led by NML Capital, a hedge fund that buys the debt of countries in financial crisis. Argentina is expected to file a second petition in the coming months that the Supreme Court will review and decide again if it will hear the case.
Capitalism is not the Opposite of the State (tags)
Without the permanent intervention of the state, there would be no functioning capitalism. No economic branch depends on the state like the financial branch The deregulation was based on the trick of slandering state regulation as strait-jackets.that could strangle the economy.
New Millennium Resource Wars (tags)
Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)
Norwegian Audit Finds Loans to Developing Countries Don’t Follow New Lending Standards (tags)
Ractopamine Banned in 160 Countries Yet US' FDA Allows Livestock Use (tags)
The butcher industry dominated FDA has allowed ractopamine to be administered to slaughterbound sheep, cows, pigs etc. though it is banned in 160 countries
Ten Theses on the Crisis and its Solution (tags)
Problems don't disappear when they are ignored. Deregulation is a collective and political crisis. Language and democracy are endangered when arsonists are called firefighters, when private losses become public losses and crime in the suits is normalized as a business model.
EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)
Snowden and Latin America Expose Washington (tags)
One of America’s genuine heroes, Major General Smedley D Butler revealed in his memoirs the true, abhorrent nature of Washington’s foreign policy. Butler had led countless military operations in Central America and the Caribbean as a US Marines Corp commander in the era of «gunboat diplomacy» during the early 1900s. Years after his retirement, he spoke out candidly and ruefully of his highly decorated military service in a book entitled War is a Racket. Here is how Butler characterized with unsparing words his service for country in 1935, five years before his death:
The Ideological Mantra "Competitiveness" (tags)
The policy that Merkel and Co. forced on the crisis countries has led to social catastrophes...The competition ideology has managed to establish the notion that generalized competition is the real human condition.
Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)
It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.
Targeting Foreign Leaders: Longstanding US Policy (tags)
police state
Obama Threatens Humanity (tags)
police state
Quelle Surprise: NSA Spies on Europe (tags)
police state
State Department Debunks Iranian Latin American Terrorism Links (tags)
Israel popularity 2'nd from last of 197 nations - BBC poll (tags)
A new poll commissioned by the BBC was released this week, and it shows again that isra hell is ranked second from the bottom of 197 countries, is considered a danger to world peace, and is just about the world’s most negatively viewed country, and that it's support globally continues to evaporate.
Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin! (tags)
On April 24 "Rana Plaza" a 9-storey building in an industrial suburb of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh (14 million), collapsed on about 3,500 workers (their number is not known precisely) working there. The building contained five textile factories, as well as a bank and many shops. The official present death toll is 1128, the number of injured is unknown. Most of the victims are women, who constitute 80 to 90% of the workforce in the Bangladeshi textile industry.
US-Style Free Trade in Good Hands with Michael Froman (tags)
The Tiger And The Dragon: 28 Things China Can Learn From India (tags)
Abolition of capital punishment, nonviolent diet, human rights, protection of primates, noncensorship and other things China can learn from India
Neoliberalism as a Variety of Social Darwinism: Ten Million More Unemployed (tags)
Social cuts are a danger for democracy..When fear of social descent or collapse seizes the middle class, the danger grows that exclusion-ideologies may gain acceptance like racism, nationalism or social Darwinism..The economic future is given away on the altar of an ideology that raises location competition to the leitmotif of political-economic policy.
Asset Distribution and the Financial Crisis (tags)
A perverse system arose out of the interaction of deregulation of the financial system and polarization of asset distribution. A reform of the financial system can only be part of the repair of the system. When wages grow again with productivity, an economic balance will be possible
Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated (tags)
Mirror images and ideological straitjackets on the path from Solidarity to sellout (tags)
A particularly harsh brand of capitalism was instituted via shock therapy in Poland, against the repeatedly expressed will of Poles. Unemployment, severe wage cuts and a growth in poverty were the results, just as with today’s austerity programs.
The BRIC - States: World Economy on a Silk Thread (tags)
In 2013 for the first time since the beginning of European industrialization, the production volumes of the threshold- and developing countries will surpass the volumes of the triad. Sinking real investments is true for all `developed' countries.
Argentina Payment Plan Would Protect Poor Hedge Fund Holdout - NML Capital - has Until Apr (tags)
Defending IMF Financial Terrorism (tags)
class war
Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)
class war
Another Side of Israel: The Impact of Tikkun Olam (tags)
A side of Israel we never hear about
AIPAC Conference Promotes War (tags)
Child Poverty Massively Increases through EU Austerity Programs (tags)
Caritas warns "lost generations" are growing up in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. The Cairitas study blames the austerity programs for the impoverishment of children. A new prioritization and an even distribution of the burdens of the debt crisis are demanded.
The Liberal-Regressive Modern Age (tags)
The financial crisis of the states-dramatically intensified by the costs of bailing out the banks-shifts the costs to the broad population without touching the wealth of the economic elites. Political governing is increasingly uncoupled from the approval and influence of citizens.
Israel's One of the World's Biggest Land-Grabbers (tags)
Moscow to West: Hands Off Middle East/Africa (tags)
Responding to financial crisis: are austerity and suffering inevitable? (tags)
Austerity in a recession is counter-productive. Lower taxes and lower wages mean lower demand, lower GDP, lower state revenue and higher unemployment.
Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)
Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .
Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)
Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .
Cancellation of Illegitmate Debts Instead of Bailout Umbrellas for Financiers (tags)
The inflation of public indebtedness was an essential element for the enhanced power of financial capital. That inflation was a result of a conscious under-financing of the state and is a lever to enforce an austerity policy. Financialization intensified the pressure to precariousness.
Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)
UNICEF's Christmas appeals, Sir Alex Ferguson and gaping contradictions (tags)
As the United Nations Security Council passes a resolution for the deployment of foreign troops in Mali and the United States announces its plan to deploy troops to 35 African countries in 2013, UNICEF and The Independent launch a campaign “to help child soldiers in Central African Republic”.
Complex Chavez Recovery (tags)
USA Government has a Christmas Project in many poor countries (tags)
If Americans think they control the Brazilian oil they have to be ready to die for it because we are willing to kill Americans to defend what is ours.
Isle of Man Enacts Legislation to Outlaw Vulture Funds (tags)
This week, the Isle of Man passed legislation that would prevent vulture funds from exploiting the debts of some of the world’s poorest countries.
On Typhoon Bhopa and the Doha Conference (tags)
Typhoon Bhopa (Philippine name Pablo) have resulted to a total number of 647 casualties, with another 1,842 people injured, and 780 missing.
Obama Plans African Wars (tags)
In show of power, financiers impose will on Argentina’s Navy (tags)
Billionaire speculator buys bonds of indebted countries at pennies on the dollar and then uses every means possible to get them to pay him for the full value, regardless of the cost to those countries’ people.
“IMF is dead, a walking dead” - FDC Philippines (tags)
MANILA, Philippines – As the first female chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited the country for the first time and met with Pres. Benigno S. Aquino III Friday morning, debt watchdog Freedom from Debt Coalition staged a protest near the Malacañan Palace, in solidarity with the peoples of the Eurozone.
Haaretz on Obama's Reelection (tags)
Free Internet Book: Youth and Skills - Putting Education to Work, 450pp (tags)
Around one in six of the world’s population are aged between 15 and 24. These young people are disproportionately concentrated in some of the poorest countries, where their numbers are still rising. more young people in 2030 than it had in 1980.
Boston University investigates causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Nicaragua (tags)
Since 2009, upon a request received from Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) and Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), a research team from the Boston University School of Public Health (BU) has been investigating an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Nicaragua of unknown cause.
Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines' (tags)
Britain has a worse record on internet freedom than countries such as Estonia and the Philippines, a new report suggests.
Iran's NNC News Interviews Lendman (tags)
NATO Edges Closer to War on Syria (tags)
Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy (tags)
The Arab Spring showed the world that the Palestinians are happier and in better situation than their Arab brothers who fought to liberate them from the Israelis. Now, it is time to stop the hatred and wars and start to create better living conditions for the future Arab generations.
Pressure Building for More Middle East War (tags)
Is Capitalism Collapsing? (tags)
One of the causes for the obvious helplessness of the governments is that they function as simple receivers of orders of the financial industry. The financial industry has no interest in a policy that would make it liable for its inflicted disaster..
Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)
Another Road for Europe (tags)
Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.
Long Knives Target Iran (tags)
Irrational Draghi Exuberance (tags)
class war
Stealth Corporate Coup d'Etat (tags)
Assad’s fall will renew the Arab spring (tags)
As this phase of Syria's revolution closes, the debate about the future of this part of the world should also enter a new phase. Much of the debate about Syria, in the US at least, characterised the Syrian campaign as “liberal interventionism”. So people argued about that, based on what they already thought about the notion. Though fed by some of the rhetoric, especially from the US government, that framing of the argument was misconceived. As I argued earlier this year, it was – and is – a mistake to see the Syrian case as a generic case for or against liberal interventionism.
Assad’s fall will renew the Arab spring (tags)
As this phase of Syria's revolution closes, the debate about the future of this part of the world should also enter a new phase. Much of the debate about Syria, in the US at least, characterised the Syrian campaign as “liberal interventionism”. So people argued about that, based on what they already thought about the notion. Though fed by some of the rhetoric, especially from the US government, that framing of the argument was misconceived. As I argued earlier this year, it was – and is – a mistake to see the Syrian case as a generic case for or against liberal interventionism.
Right to Rent and Social State as Prosperity Motor (tags)
The Scandinavian countries show that more social equality can be combined with more education and economic growth and less unemployment and poverty. Humanity is rich when wealth is shared.
Bona Fide Eurozone Crisis (tags)
class war
Trillions Stashed in Tax Havens (tags)
grand theft
Syrian False Flag Planned? (tags)
Full-Scale War in Syria (tags)
Volunteering in Thailand Having a good feeling of purpose and of accomplishment (tags)
Most of the program runs throughout the whole year so you have the option to plan well in advance and also talk to your family and friends about it.
Illegitimate Sanctions on Iran (tags)
Fidel Castro: Absolved by History! (tags)
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has been absolved by history, writes Nicolas Mottas on the 59th anniversary of the Moncada barracks attack.
Organisations Launch Call for a Global Ban on Asbestos (tags)
National and International Epidemiology Organisations Launch Call for a Global Ban on Asbestos
A medieval present of austerity, a future of feudalism (tags)
Financiers can’t tolerate losses flowing from their own greed and reckless gambling. Their solution is to have the state guarantee their stratospheric profits, bonuses and salaries. Governments can only do so through extracting money from their citizenry and facilitating the upward flow of wealth within corporate structures.
For a European Anti-Crisis Front (tags)
Lowering the public debt burden is not an end-in-itself. Debts could serve to stimulate the economy and improve the living conditions of the victims of the crisis. Debt reduction must occur mainly by increasing the tax revenues (higher tax rates and combating tax evasion), not only by cuts.
New Economic Thinking - Turning Away from the Market Fetish (tags)
"New economic thinking" rejects the view of the person as "homo oeconomicus" reduced to maximization of individual benefits and offers a more comprehensive and realistic concept in which justice, norms, routines and emotions appear. "Homo recipocans" is an alternative.
Opponents of Corrupt "Trade" Agreement Stage March, Rally July 7 (tags)
About 200 opponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the so-called "trade" agreement that has been negotiated in secret between government and corporate representatives, marched on the Bayfront Hilton Hotel in San Diego July 7 during the most recent round of TPP talks. The march and rally finished a week of events protesting the secret negotiations of a corporate-welfare treaty under the guise of "free trade."
The high cost of private profit in health care (tags)
The extra money, extracted from people and from government, are massive subsidies for corporate profit, and gigantic payouts for executives and financiers.
Unresolved Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)
TPP: A Trade Deal from Hell (tags)
Community Activist Join Labor Against Phony "Trade" Deal (tags)
Progressive San Diego's official opposition to the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a NAFTA-like agreement seeking to subject the U.S. and a wide range of other countries to corporate dictatorship — began July 2 with a rally outside the Bayfront Hilton Hotel, where the TPP's negotiators are meeting. Speakers from labor, environmental, women's and Queer organizations explained what the TPP means to them and why it should be stopped.
class war
The world’s richest 22 people own more than Switzerland produces (tags)
Four heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune, the two Koch brothers who inherited their father’s company and two software moguls piggybacking on the government-created Internet are among those whose wealth is in the stratosphere.
class war
Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)
The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.
Hillary Clinton Should Share the Blame for Killings of Armenian Soldiers (tags)
Absence of U.S. Warnings Emboldens Assassins Before State Visits.
Remembering Bob Chapman (tags)
Austerity has never worked (tags)
It’s not just about the current economic environment. History shows that slashing budgets always leads to recession [...]
In the Towrope of the Financial Markets (tags)
"High growth has a well-known hook. Surpluses are only possible when natural resources from clear water to rare earth are available, when the energy supply is guaranteed and when the pollutant sinks are sufficient.. The debtors are now those states that had to become indebted.."
Charting a path out of impasse for Greece, and other countries (tags)
Should Greece remain within the eurozone or should it return to the drachma?
In the crisis, there was a paradigm based on the belief in unlimited economic growth on a planet with infinite resources. This paradigm identifies happiness with wealth, well-being with accumulation of material goods and progress with consumerism.
class war
free expression
PLM Statement on increased US military presence in the Philippines (tags)
PLM Calls for an Independent Foreign Policy and a Non-Aligned ASEAN
Heading for War on Syria (tags)
No to US and Chinese expansionism (tags)
PHILIPPINES: Akbayan Party condemns plans for increased United States military presence in the country amid burgeoning Chinese military expansionism. We believe these acts by the two superpowers will inevitably destabilize the West Philippine Sea and Southeast Asian region.
Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement Action Wed! (tags)
SOFITEL hotel in Beverly Hills, Wednesday. NOON to 2:30
Lee Siu Hin:Journey to My Home--Happy Spring Festival (AKA Chinese New Year)! (tags)
Greeting from Shanghai, China! Middle of my China-US solidarity working for building bi-national activist solidarity movement.
Forecasting Economic Decline (tags)
class war
Dancing the Apocalypso with the Microbial Gestapo (tags)
The Biological Weapons Convention meets in Geneva amidst allegations that the US has violated the treaty
The New Normal: Economic Weakness and Decline (tags)
class war
Heading for More Middle East War (tags)
Shock Strategy for Europe (tags)
The cocktail of social cuts, deregulation and privatization struck societies like a blow. The economy hit the wall; social securities were taken away. The debt problems were used as "timely opportunities" to gain new ground for the free market.
Crisis Conditions Grip Eurozone (tags)
class war
Netanyahu Rejects Peace (tags)
Deepening Global Financial Trouble (tags)
class war
Grim Holiday Season Tidings (tags)
class war
"The illegitimate debts must be cancelled" (tags)
A neoliberal tax policy followed for twenty years drastically lowered the taxes paid by private corporations on their profits, above all by big business. The debts are not an incomprehensible plague but the result of a conscious and completely unjust policy.
Banker Occupation and Europain (tags)
class war
class war
Alternative for the Euro Zone (tags)
In a new study, leftist economists from a dozen EU countries criticize the policy of the German government in the Euro crisis. Its analysis and the proposed solutions are wrong. The state deficits are not the cause of the crisis. The financial crisis caused the state deficits.
Wrecking Europe to Fix It (tags)
class war
The Shortwave Report 12/09 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)
Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.
CELAC: A Washington-Controlled OAS Alternative (tags)
Latin America
Bailouts, Bondage and Political Bankruptcy (tags)
class war
Central Bank Intervention: Much Ado About Nothing (tags)
class war
At Risk Eurozone Sovereign Credit Ratings (tags)
Spreading Eurozone Contagion (tags)
class war
Eurozone Doomsayer Got it Right (tags)
Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)
Dissing Europe's Flawed Bailout Scheme (tags)
class war
Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.
Eurozone Bailout Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)
class war
class war
Halloween-inspired protest greets World Bank chief in Manila (tags)
Manila, Philippines – It was an early Halloween at the World Bank office here Thursday afternoon.
Obama's Imperial Arrogance (tags)
Troubled Eurozone Finance Capital (tags)
Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya (tags)
9/11: Echoes of the Big Lie (tags)
Politics in the Crisis Trap (tags)
A discontinuance of debt-financed economic programs leads to an economic slack period resulting in stagnation and recession. Crisis policy finds itself in a philosophical paradox. The political class can only choose between more indebtedness up to state bankruptcy (with hyper-inflation) or harsh austerity programs.
Strikes, riots, revolutions. This is the shape of the new Class War.
Debts and a New Beginning (tags)
Problems don't disappear when they are ignored. Through deregulation, the law of profit maximization and government failure, the financial sector was expanded and made independent of the real economy. 14 million jobs could be created through the Internet.
9/11: Who Really Benefited? (tags)
Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourselves who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and continuous politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people and individual states of this federation to look at a troubling set of facts. There seems to have been ?several? beneficiaries of 9-11 that don?t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).
Social and Economic Inequality in Israel (tags)
On the Failure of the Mainstream Economy (tags)
The neoliberal mainstream economy and its political backers experienced their Waterloo with the most serious financial and economic crisis in eight decades. States bailed out banks and banks made money by lending back to states. A policy of reduced working hours is necessary.
The Crisis of Financial Market Capitalism as a Challenge for the Left (tags)
The crisis of neoliberal financial market capitalism broke out in its center and has one central systemic cause. This crisis was triggered by the independence of the financial sphere... A solidarity mixed economy, democracy and peace are alternatives.
Urgent Appeal: Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists (tags)
Manila -- Around 70 members of Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) held a brief picket in front of the Malaysian Embassy this morning to protest the arrests and detention of 30 activists belonging to the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).
IMF Financial Terrorism (tags)
financial terrorism
Greece must deny to pay an odious debt (tags)
In times of harsh neoliberal austerity and limited national sovereingty, the denial to pay an odious and illegitimate debt is a moral, political and social need. (by Nicolas Mottas/American Chronicle)
Icelanders Vote on Predatory Bailout (tags)
The financial crisis became an economic crisis and mutated into a state budget crisis when trillions were given to "system relevant" banks and private losses became public burdens. What is Plan B?How can the financial sector be shriveled? Can state banks (like NDakota) be a model?
BBC: US and UK Imperial Tool (tags)
Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations (tags)
For the first time since John F. Kennedy, the USA has a charismatic leader to the point of being popular in other lands, becoming a reference for the electorates of different countries
No to imperialist military intervention in Libya! (tags)
Since Saturday, March 19, a US-led military coalition, including, besides English and French Forces, participation by Canadian, Italian, Spanish, and other countries, commenced the bombardment of military installations and concentrations of troops loyal to the Gaddafi government. The stated purpose of this military intervention which has been endorsed by the Security Council of the UN and the Arab League, is to get government forces off the offensive against the rebels, in order to avoid a “massacre of the civilian population”.
ILPS joins the celebration of the Centennial of the First International Toiling Womens Day (tags)
We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, express our most militant greetings to women all over the world and join you in the celebration of the centennial of the International Women’s Day. The history and current trend of militant women’s struggle must be highlighted in the midst of the global depression and chaos that pervade the various regions of the world today.
WikiLeaks at the Forefront of 21st-Century Journalism (tags)
"WikiLeaks is filling a void in traditional media, as the level of distrust of the mass media is now at record highs. A recent Gallup Poll found 57 percent of Americans do not trust the media, and a Pew Poll found a record low 29 percent trust the media. There is good reason for distrust. The New York Times helped start the Iraq War by publishing the false weapons of mass destruction story. It recently misled the public about a Blackwater employee arrested in Pakistan by hiding the fact that he worked for the CIA, while reporting that Obama said he was a diplomat. Even the way the Times and the Washington Post reported on WikiLeaks documents showed reason for distrust. WikiLeaks described Iranian long-range missiles that could hit European cities but also reported that Russian intelligence refuted the claim. The Times and the Post evidently made a decision to exaggerate Iranian capability and mislead readers by excluding the Russian intelligence report. The Times admits it provides WikiLeaks documents to the government in advance and excludes material at the request of the government."
Dollar-Yuan Currency War (tags)
The value of the Yuan is not the cause for the US trade and balance of payments deficits. The reasons are the high state indebtedness (armaments/ wars and tax gifts to the rich) and the indebtedness of private households. The US has a trade deficit with 90 countries.
"Globalize the Struggle, Globalize the Hope!" (tags)
No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people.
A powerful wave of anger among the poor and unemployed Arab masses shakes the young, voracious and brutal capitalism of the North African and Middle Eastern countries supported by the old and bloody capitalism in Europe and America. Anticipation of a social wave that can only be resolved in favor of the vast majority of the population by the emergence of the proletarian class.
America Replicating Japan (tags)
stagnation here like Japan
Does Money Buy Happiness? (tags)
A new article in Science Daily says money does not by happiness.
The America began to bleed.
Assange: Many Top Arab Officials Are CIA Spies (tags)
“These officials are spies for the US in their countries,” reported Assange, adding that there was also information proving allegations that the US regularly sends “suspects” to some nations for torture."
Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (tags)
The Commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress has been created at the beginning of 2008 on French government's initiative.
Survival calls on Obama to support the UN Declaration on indigenous rights (tags)
To mark tomorrow's opening of the White House Tribal Nations Conference, Survival International has called on President Obama to support the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. The United States is the only country in the world that still opposes the Declaration.
Desperate to stop the "truth telling" (tags)
"The imperialists of the world are desperate to stop the "truth telling" of wikileaks. To do so they have thrown away the cover of respect of "freedom of speech" in particular and "support of democratic principals" in general. They are naked now in their hatred of democracy. Organize, resist, do all that you can to protect these true heros from attack. Most importantly, aid them in their efforts to reveal the truths that just may "set us free."
Manning Assange Bring Regime Change in Iran Foreign Minister Gone (tags)
The keyboard is mightier than the sword.
Seven Reasons Why the Economy Can't Recover (tags)
As the recession grinds on, politicians in most industrial countries have an incentive to make exaggerated claims about the supposed coming economic recovery. Some say the recession is over. Obama is in the group that claims we're on "the road to recovery,” while other nations can only spot recovery "on the horizon.” Below are seven important social phenomena that point to a more realistic economic and political outlook. 1) Central Banks are Dumbfounded. The usual tricks that U.S. and European central banks use to avoid recessions are long-exhausted. Interest rates cannot get any lower. And because cheap money wasn't working, the printing press was turned up a notch, into what the U.S. federal reserve calls quantitative easing -- injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into the world economy, escalating an emerging trade war.
Flotilla Support for Gaza (tags)
coming until siege ends
“Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”: Big Pharma's Latest AIDS Drug Marketing Strategy (tags)
The latest marketing strategy of the AIDS establishment and Big Pharma to sell toxic "anti-HIV" drugs at exorbitant prices is a sinister development called "pre-exposure prophylaxis." This is the idea of selling the drugs to HIV NEGATIVE Gay and Bisexual men engaged in so-called "high-risk" sexual lifestyles, supposedly to keep them from becoming infected. But it actually appears to be the industry looking for another market in the face of the recession, which is likely to reduce government and philanthropic funding for HIV meds in the developing world and thereby derail the pharmaceutical gravy train of AIDS. Fortunately, today's Gay men have got out of the intense fear of AIDS that ruled the Queer community in the 1980's and 1990's and are therefore unlikely to fall for the siren call of "pre-exposure prophylaxis."
World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)
"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."
Israeli and American Rankings on Violence and Corruption (tags)
Rankings understate reality
The IMF Dictates More Than Ever (tags)
"Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import food necessary for their populations today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the cou9ntries of the South. Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated.."
Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger South of the Borde (tags)
"The reason there is a bizarre attempt to pretend that this coup attempt never happened, is to hope that people won’t ask who might have benefited from such an action. A quick examination of the actions of President Correa sheds considerable light on that. In 2006, working with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Correa moved to increase state control over oil production in the country.[9] In 2008, he announced that Ecuador would not pay several billions of its more than $10 billion foreign debt, calling it “illegitimate.”[10] In 2009, he refused to renew the lease of the U.S. military airbase in Manta, saying that “the only way the US could keep their military base in Ecuador, is if Ecuador were allowed to have one of its own in Florida.”[11] In 2009, he officially brought Ecuador into ALBA – the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas led by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. When a country increases state control, challenges illegitimate foreign debt, pushes the U.S. military out of the country and joins a regional alliance with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba – it is clear that the forces that would benefit from a coup would be: a) corporate interests inside Ecuador; b) International Financial Institutions; and c) the United States and its allies. There is another reason why the right-wing, corporate elite and the imperialist countries might have an incentive to minimize what happened September 30. There is now a shamefully long list of recent coup attempts in Latin America and the Caribbean – four of them against members of ALBA."
Chinese Currency War a Red Herring? (tags)
In the 1930s countries tried to gain advantages by exporting more. This is happening today.
Immanuel Wallerstein's Worldview (tags)
important views
When I was recently named chairman of the Committee on Overseas Workers’ Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, I was approached by members of the press for my views on migrant labor. I remembered a speech I delivered last year at the Global Forum for Migration and Development in Athens, Greece. The thrust of the speech was that migrants’ rights have to be addressed on two fronts: ending the neoliberal policies that are responsible for creating poverty in their home countries, thus forcing them to emigrate, and demanding that they are given full rights in their host countries.
'Special Relationship With Israel' (tags)
“Contrary to the long-standing, official U.S. position, fewer than half of Americans show a readiness to defend Israel even against an unprovoked attack by a neighbor. Asked whether they would favor using U.S. troops in the event that Israel were attacked by a neighbor, only 47 percent say they would favor doing so, while 50 percent say they would oppose it …
Koran Burning versus Real Patriotism (tags)
Any fanatic can burn a book, or a flag, because it doesn’t require rational explanation. But anyone with the brain of a troglodyte could appreciate there is complexity to the reality of most religions and belief systems. Once again high-minded religion plays its hand in the human affairs of politics, as Jones also sees the trumped up Muslim Mosque controversy, to be built close to ground zero, as seriously provocation. But real patriotism includes having a willing to seek out the truth.
Neoliberal Militarism: From Pax Americana to Pax Transatlantica (tags)
The bomb changed everything except the way we think, Albert Einstein lamented. Nuclear weapons are destabilizing, not stabilizing. Security cannot only be defined militarily.
The Banking and Financial Crisis (tags)
"The transition from a long-term to a short-term orientation went along with the exaggerated profit goals. The approach of shareholder value sets maximum profits and dividends in the center of business policy and no longer long-term investments and the interests of employees.."
Sri Lanka seeks deal to share intelligence on migrants (tags)
Pact would help stop shiploads of Tamils from heading for Canada, high commissioner says
Worldwide Economic Crisis: Two Opposite Models as Answers (tags)
In a large part of the population, there is a consensus that capitalism has no answers to the great social challenges of social security, hunger and climate change. An alternative investment program (emphasizing children, culture and climate change) gives a long-term answer.
What “Jobless Recovery” Means in Capitalism (tags)
The phrase “jobless recovery” entered the capitalist lexicon in 2002. But since then nobody want to be associated with these phrase. Although a lot of economist tried to use this term as a byword. Still noboy want to own up to this infamous phrase. The term “jobless recovery “ had been associated with the terms of momentary statistical growth and corporate profits on books of accounts and in the stock market rather than in terms of production, employment and improvement of the people's living conditions.
State Terrorism and massacres: constant characteristics of the policy of the Israeli bourgeoisie (tags)
The Israeli attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” of pacifist organizations under the guidance of the Turkish NGO Insani Vafki Yardim, which wanted to break the blockade to bring medicine and food to the people of Gaza, starving and subjected to terrible imprisonment since June 16, 2007, is another demonstration of the military and repressive nature of the “only democratic country in the Middle East.”
PESANTE NEWS learned that the last elections showed the extent where the Filipinos have gone through-out the world. From Italy City to Tonga, and from Tanzania to Cook island, it seems there is no part of the world that the Filipino voter has not set foot on. The report of the joint congressional committee's canvassing of overseas absentee votes has underscored the extent of the Filipino diaspora, with certificates of canvass coming from cosmopolitan cities and little known territories all over the globe. The Philippine Congress used to manual elections, counted first the votes from these far-off lands were the first ones canvassed to determine the winning President and Vice President in the Philippines' first automated general elections.Most of the overseas Filipinos voted manually, either by mail or by filling out ballots at designated areas. They had one month to cast their votes.
The IMF's mid-life crisis (tags)
The IMF has long been opposed to capital controls and punished countries. Now the IMF is wrestling with this issue. Exchange rate stabilization should be a priority in the context of unraveling economies. The IMF will be meeting in Toronto in June 2010.
Brazil commemorates... but the black clouds didn't vanish.
Imprisoning Children for Life (tags)
only America and Israel do it
Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat! (tags)
In order to resist the policy of blood and tears which the bourgeoisie inflicts on it, the proletariat has no other possibility than the resumption of the class struggle, starting with the rejection of anti-worker measures by the government and the calls for “national solidarity”, and for sacrifices “to defend the fatherland and democracy”.
May 8: Alliance of Anti-Fascists (tags)
The fascist plans for world domination were stopped by the Anti-Hitler coalition in a war that cost the lives of more than 50 million people. The International Federation of Resistance Fighters protests all attempts at establishing a reactionary view of history.
Human Rights Before Trade Rules (tags)
Bread for the World shows that a fundamentally different trade and economic policy oriented in human rights is possible and very necessary. Many rich countries subsidize their farmers so their foodstuffs can be produced below the real costs and sold cheaply on the world market.
Bric x USA-UK
Good American is American far away.
It is necessary to combat the anti-communism everyday.
The sociologist Dr. Atilio Boron, professor of political theory at the University of Buenos Aires, is an internationally known radical political author. UNESCO awarded him the “International Jose Marti prize” on July 17, 2009
Signatures Gathered for Human Rights Education (tags)
Youth for Human Rights Florida collected approximately 1,000 petition signatures over the weekend as part of a three-day human rights “Signathon”, with the purpose to get the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights taught in Florida classrooms of elementary, middle and senior high schools.
Freedom of Speech at Universities (tags)
Events this week in both the USA and the UK have once again shown the double standard for free speech at universities
American hegemony ended, happily.
PESANTE NEWS learned today from news sources in Davao City, Philippines that at least 150,000 people who depend on the tuna industry in General Santos City could end up jobless as a result of a two-year ban on tuna fishing in Western and Central Pacific, a fishing magnate said.
"Concepts must be developed against the global demand-deficit. Repairing the financial system is not enough. The economic-political prescriptions of the past - flexible wages and restricted social benefits - would worsen the situation."
The Next Crash is Brewing (tags)
The economic way of thinking enforced for a quarter of century is one of the structural factors that helped this "economy of depression" breakthrough. This dominant doctrine denies the role of demand and concentrates on the problems limiting the supply of goods & services
'Making Cents: Life Below the Bottom Rung' (tags)
A new series of oil paintings examining the daily existence of people making a living in the worst working conditions in the global economy.
ALBA Declaration on Copenhagen Climate Summit (tags)
"It’s clear that we can’t consider the issue of climate change without considering changing the system. The model of capitalist production and consumption is bringing life on the planet to the point of no return and to a crucial moment in human history, and the debate in these situations can’t be reduced to the economic interests of a small group."
Chávez: Netherlands and U.S. Planning Military Aggression Against Venezuela from Dutch Ant (tags)
"Today each year about 9.2 million children die before reaching their fifth year and 99.9 percent of these deaths occur in poorer countries. Infant mortality is 47 deaths per thousand live births, but is only 5 per thousand in rich countries. Life expectancy on the planet is 67 years, in rich countries it is 79, while in some poor nations is only 40 years. Additionally, there are 1.1 billion people without access to drinking water, 2.6 billion without sanitation services, over 800 million illiterate and 1.02 billion hungry people, that’s the global scenario. Now the cause, what is the cause? Let’s talk about the cause, let’s not evade responsibilities, and let’s not evade the depth of this problem. The cause, undoubtedly, I return to the theme of this whole disastrous panorama, is the destructive metabolic system of capital and its embodied model: Capitalism."
Filipinos join global action in Copenhagen Vs Climate Change (tags)
As world leaders negotiate on carbon emission limits, Filipino activists join tens of thousands of activists all around the world in mobilizations dubbed “People’s Assembly to Reclaim Power and Avoid Climate Crisis.” “We are in solidarity with the people who fight for climate justice. This big protest action is a testament to the people’s demand for quick and meaningful action by national governments and international institutions like the United Nations,” said Filipino climate activist Clemente Bautista of Philippine Climate Watch Alliance. “But as expected, leaders and government of capitalist countries like the United States, Japan, and European Union are evading responsibility and sabotaging the negotiation,” he said in a statement e-mailed to media outfits.
The coffins will be in big demand
Youth Organize Worldwide Human Rights Walk (tags)
Youth from every corner of the globe will walk in our first ever “International Walk for Human Rights,” on United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10, 2009.
The End of Poverty? in theatres and FREE TICKETS (tags)
Sold out shows during opening weekend in NYC, beating out at the box office every film playing at City Cinemas Village East including Disney’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ starring Jim Carrey!
Poor Nations Offer Paid Sick Leave; Why Can’t U.S. Workers Receive It? (tags)
This great essay by Kelber says that almost every single country out there supports new mothers and sick workers, except the United States of America. Poor countries are doing better by their workers than our country is. This is PATHETIC.
Trouble in U.S. Ranks and Not All Powerful Nations Bow to Israel (tags)
"Sixteen American soldiers killed themselves in October, an unusually high monthly toll that has senior military officers worried about the impact of sending tens of thousands of new troops into Afghanistan. WSJ's Yochi Dreazen reports. .The Army's top generals worry that surging tens of thousands more troops into Afghanistan could increase the strain felt by many military personnel after years of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The October suicide figures mean that at least 134 active-duty soldiers have taken their own lives so far this year, putting the Army on pace to break last year's record of 140 active-duty suicides. The number of Army suicides has risen 37% since 2006, and last year, the suicide rate surpassed that of the U.S. population for the first time. The health of ground combat forces is emerging as an element of the Obama administration's review of its Afghanistan strategy. Conditions there have deteriorated in recent months amid lingering political instability and a worsening Taliban-led insurgency. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Kabul, wants more than 40,000 new troops, in addition to the 68,000 that will be in Afghanistan by year-end, and has warned that the U.S. faces possible "mission failure" unless it adopts a new strategy and quickly deploys significant reinforcements." and "Ever since the 22 day brutal and merciless bombardment of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza by the Israeli criminal regime, many Israeli tourists are receiving the cold shoulder in countries they visit and some do not want them at all. It is no surprise that high level Israeli government and military officials do not dare set foot in certain countries for fear of being arrested but snubbing the regular Israeli citizen is a relative new phenomena."
Is Growth Only Possible Through Inequality? (tags)
Does capitalism make the rich richer and the poor poorer instead of creating prosperity for everyone as promised? Inequality declined considerably between 1930 and 1970 in western industrial states.
The Steady Stream of Lies about Venezuela or The Killers and Liars Prepare (tags)
"The fourth big lie is saved up to the end, and follows on that grand tradition of the great human rights abusers accusing others to deflect attention from themselves. Chavez is said to be “cultivating” regimes that are characterised by “rigged elections, media censorship, the criminalisation of dissent and leaders for life”. Not a touch of irony, as the death squads in Colombia murder trade unionists and civil leaders unchecked, as the Obama Administration pussyfoots around the coup regime in Honduras (which deposed a Chavez ally), as election fraud and bloody war rages in Afghanistan and as the US launches missile attacks on Pakistan. It can be tedious to document such lies. They are so common and, no sooner is one lot done than the next day’s lies appear – if not in The Economist then in the Washington Post, The Australian or The Times. These monopolies count on the vulnerable, who do not have alternate sources of information, who do not read history and are able to be swayed by crude and often racist agitation. In the bigger picture, this is a delegitimising process, organised by the private media monopolies which, in their hatred for the sort of popular democracy led by Chavez (as also in the past by Allende), are preparing the ground for coups, wars of intervention and conquest. It has been done before and – while these monopolies remain unchecked – it will be done again."
Ahmadinejad speech at UN 2009/Not anti-semitic, but just criticism on Israel (tags)
Not only the Western walkout at the UN 2009 Ahmadinejad speech is a part of a repeating show, consciously the Western countries make no distinction between Ahmadinejad's just criticism on Israel and his alleged ''anti-semitism'' Since the Western countries are directly and indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation, it is a shame and disgrace, that they walkout at this very speech, which brings into light the Israeli war-crimes and the Western implicite consent.
The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA, an environmental and a peasant advocacy group based in the united States vehemently condemns the US –Arroyo regime for its criminal negligence and lack of preparedness against the natural calamities that regularly hit the Philippines. It was evident with Typhoon Ondoy (international code name Ketsana) that dumped 334 millimeters of rain in the first six hours, the highest ever recorded rainfall in the Metropolis. The previous record was 341 millimeters over a 24 hour period 42 years ago. Ondoy submerged up to 80% of the city, and covered areas that never experienced flooding before, stranding people on rooftops and bringing death and misery to Filipinos
Interview of Noam Chomsky
Globalization and the New Political Movements (tags)
Attac, a global justice network in many European countries, demands closing off-shore tax havens and debt cancellation for the third world. The word globalization has a function as a threat. Be flexible because capital is flexible and the state can do nothing!
The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Em (tags)
"There was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of lab. confirmation. In fact quite the opposite. Following the level 6 Pandemic announcement, both the WHO and the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was no longer necessary to ascertain the spread of swine flu. As of July 10, one month after the announcement of the level six pandemic, the WHO discontinued the collection of confirmed cases. It does not require member countries to send in figures pertaining to confirmed or probable cases. WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases. (WHO, Briefing note, 2009)."
VIDEO: The "Safe Haven" Myth (tags)
President Obama defended the expansion of the war by calling it a "war of necessity." Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt takes on Obama's justification for escalating the Afghanistan war.
August 15, 1945 : Victory Against Japan, Freedom for Asian Countries (tags)
The Alliance –Philippines (AJLPP) marked today, August 15, a day of freedom. Fifty four years ago, in August 15, 1945 several Asian countries won their freedom when Japan surrendered on this day. Although the formal surrender came later on September 2, 1945, Asian freedom fighters in Korea, Indo-China and Indonesia was freed and won their independence on August 15, 1945 from the clutches of the Japanese Imperialism.
Investments of the state in the infrastructure, in educational- and social services, are urgently necessary. One positive aspect of the crisis is that the financial sector has begun to shrivel. The shriveling of the financial sector must be accompanied and controlled by the state.
Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (tags)
The once-solid North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) is starting to show its age. The 1994 trade agreement that laid the foundation for the economic/political integration of North America is encountering serious internal ruptures, threatening future “progress.” The problems are numerous: fights over trade, immigration, and military cooperation are all issues that Obama recently discussed in Mexico with his NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada. The annual meeting that usually delivers plans for additional integration was instead used to remedy these heated issues, none of which were fully solved.
Real Health Care Reform - Universal Single Payer (tags)
real health care reform
Attac France on the Stiglitz Report (tags)
If the world really lives through a systemic crisis, solutions must also be sou9ght on this plane. Regrettably the mandate limits the commission to reform the international monetary system. The UN is the only institution with a democratic legitimacy.
For the Iranian workers, only one solution: the class struggle ! (tags)
The brutal repression of street demonstrations that have hit Tehran and the larger cities shows the determination of the Iranian government's Ahmadinejad not to tolerate any questioning of his political power. Accused of electoral fraud, the supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei and the outgoing president have responded with arrests, beatings and shootings; the police, the Pasdaran, and Basji volunteers headed by the Pasdaran are the instruments of the current repression.
The Face of Privatization (tags)
Under the present rule of neoliberal privatization, the all-embracing principle is conquest of the world transformed into rights of private property.. After destruction of the privatization myth, we need real democratization.
Mantory Swine Flu Vaccine Alert (tags)
swine flu and all other vaccines are toxic and dangerous
FDC to G8-funded World Bank: Cancel all illegitimate debts (tags)
MANILA, Philippines. Members of the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) staged a protest action in front of the World Bank office here today to demand the total and unconditional cancellation of all debts it is claiming from the Philippines and developing nations. The protest action coincided with the opening of the Group of Eight Nations’ (G8) 35th Summit in Italy which sets among its agenda the development of a comprehensive response to the global economic crisis.
Risk Development and Dollar Inflation (tags)
Two articles by emeritus professor Elmar Altvater reveal the contradictions of credit or bubble prosperity in the counter-revolution of capital. As work cannot define us, competitiveness and profit maximization do not define the human experience Speculation could bring a new feudalism..
"We are moving into a world-historical situation where all the points of social, economic and political life will be reset..A revolutionary process is only possible when a radical reform gets going.. A radical redistribution from top to bottom must be fought for.."
Michael Hudson's "Super Imperialism:" The Economic Agenda of Imperial America (tags)
How imperial America is funded
The Great Divide-Iran and Leftists (tags)
A discussion of the great divergence of opinion among leftists about the situation in Iran
America's "Bases of Empire" (tags)
imperial America's global face
Obama's Outreach to Muslims - Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies (tags)
business as usual continues globally
Can the US Save the World? by Simon Johnson (tags)
Simon Johnson, a former chief economist at the IMF, teaches economics at MIT.
Attac Catalogue for Democratizing the Financial Markets (tags)
The financial industry contributed over $5 billion in the last year in campaign gifts and lobbying to ensure that Wall Street oligarchs have their way in the media and congress. Attac is a global justice network committed to shriveling the financial markets.
Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)
In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.
Obama and the denial of genocide (tags)
Writer-activist David Boyajian’s investigative articles and commentaries have appeared in Armenian media outlets in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Armenia and the Newton Tab and USA Armenian Life newspapers named him among their "Top 10 Newsmakers of 2007." So, when Barack Obama paid a visit to Turkey last month, it seemed like a good time to ask Boyajian for his take on the new president's approach to the issue of the Armenian genocide.
Mothers Speak About War And Terror (tags)
Humankind's uncanny ability to make major advances in one civilization while simultaneously razing others beyond recognition is a strange facet of our nature. Yet most Americans are far removed from the constant dangers and terrors of living under a war. Few of us who did not serve in Vietnam or Iraq, for instance, have a clear understanding of the devastation wrought on those countries. The gap between our reality and theirs served as the driving force behind American author Susan Galleymore's venture into the war-torn countries of the Middle East. Her new book, "Long Time Passing: Mothers Speak About War & Terror," tells the stories of the repercussions of war on the mothers, families, communities, and cultures of Iraq, Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, and the United States.
For the Resumtion of the Class Struggle! (tags)
The economic crisis which has crashed down on society has already had and for a long time will have disastrous consequences for the lives of the masses, as every worker can see in his daily life or her work. The bourgeois economists themselves admit it: they do not know what the causes of the crisis are – satisfying themselves by blaming the greed of the bankers or excessive financial deregulation – and they do not know when it will end and give way to the long-awaited “economic recovery”. The current crisis is the crisis of the capitalist mode of production, incapable of stopping itself, forced to produce always more commodities, at a certain point it comes up against the limits of the market.
May Day March for Immigrants' Rights (tags)
There are several immigrants' rights marches and protests happening on May First. Ron Gochez, of the Southern California Immigration Coalition, talks about why people should come out and march.
Remembering the past to change the future – We must hold the torture state accountable (tags)
“Get the good old syringe boys and fill it to the brim We’ve caught another nigger and we’ll operate on him Let someone take the handle who can work it with a vim Shouting the battle cry of freedom” A U.S. Army marching song composed during the Philippine War entitled “The Water Cure” to celebrate a version of waterboarding used on Filipinos “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Poet and philosopher, George Santayana
Obama's Real Plan in Latin America (tags)
At first glance Obama seems to have softened U.S. policy toward Latin America, especially when compared to his predecessor. There has been no shortage of editorials praising Obama’s conciliatory approach while comparing it to FDR’s ”Good Neighbor” Latin American policy. It’s important to remember, however, that FDR’s vision of being neighborly meant that the U.S. would merely stop direct military interventions in Latin America, while reserving the right to create and prop up dictators, arm and train unpopular regional militaries, promote economic dominance through free trade and bank loans, conspire with right-wing groups, etc…
The IMF and Romania: A Road Less Travelled (tags)
IMF policies have left shattered economies.
France Jan 29, 2009. Public and private workers mount a one-day strike with mass support. Schools, courts and transportation shut down in several cities. This article is from: Freedom Socialist Vol30 No2 April-May 2009.
The Misery of the WTO: For a Reinvention of World Trade (tags)
The crisis of the WTO has two causes: a lack of trust and an ideological prejudice. A lack of trust exists because the countries of the North judge trade with two standards: free trade for the South and protectionism for their own economies.
Obama's New World Order (tags)
Obama's imperial agenda
What Obama's Trip to Europe Revealed (tags)
Declaring something a success doesn’t necessarily make it so. We learned this at the Bush-led G-20 summit only four months ago, when global leaders were expected to do something far-reaching in response to the world-wide economic crisis, instead of chatting about it. When nothing came of the meeting, we were told that the summit “succeeded” because it “laid the groundwork” for the next G-20 gathering, recently led by Obama. The four months between G-20 summits was one of rising massive unemployment and social misery for millions of people, creating an urgency that was unmet by the world leaders in London.
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claims U.S. operating secret (tags)
Seymour Hersh created a stir last month when he said the Bush administration ran an executive assassination ring that reported directly to Vice President Dick Cheney.
Calories on the Table, not in the Tank (tags)
For decades nearly all countries of the third world had to follow the "Washington Consensus"-a strategy of opening to the world market.. Wheat and corn land in the tank, not on the table. All of our dependence on the car appears here most perversely.
This struggle demands more than setting up wind turbines, buying more economical cars and rehabilitating houses. An historically unique pact is necessary between North and South, between industrial countries and threshold and developing countries.
Obama sent to beg China not to pull the bond rug out from underneath it.
Guatemala and other central American countries becoming more violent than Mexico (tags)
Two armed U.S. DEA helicopters intercepted and fired on a smugglers operating from a light aircraft in far eastern Honduras, causing the aircraft to crash killing the lone pilot
The Pork That Dares Not be Called Pork (tags)
The diversionary tactics of calling things pork and the real pork
A Bank Bailout That Works (tags)
"The problem with America's banks is not just one of liquidity. Years of reckless behavior, including bad lending and gambling with derivatives, have left them, in effect, bankrupt."
Stiglitz Calls for Global Solutions to Crisis (tags)
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz argues that the only way to fix the world's economic crisis is to act globally. Speaking at the Development Policy Forum in Berlin on Monday he said the reform of the world's financial institutions wasn't going fast enough.
occupation 101. Please watch. (tags)
Occupation 101 Please circulate this link to friends and Blog Posts even to other cities and countries.
Redefining the War on Terror (tags)
"The West is no longer sure of what it's fighting for On 19-20 February NATO countries held a summit in Warsaw, Poland. It was the first such summit of the new US Administration headed by Barack Obama. In many ways, the site of the summit was fitting symbolically.."
LA Musician sings at Dublin Protest Against U2's Bono (tags)
Former LA'er Paul O'Toole plays the role of Bono™ in begging for another Corporate Tax Break
Venezuela: Why Unlimited Re-election is Bad for the Revolution (tags)
A supporter of Hugo Chavez' anti-imperialist efforts explains why he is nevertheless opposed to Venezuela's recent constitutional amendment abolishing term limits.
Hi fellows, here is the very first draft translation in English of the first pages of our last review in French "Communisme" N°60. Sorry for the language but improvements will come later. Meanwhile, have a good reading and we are waiting for your comments and critics...
The Limits of the US as Teacher (tags)
"Ivan average consumer supports the new self-confident policy of the Kremlin and hardly worries about democracy and human rights. The West must free itself from the illusion its own values can be forced on countries. The change must come from within."
The problem is not understanding but ideology. Market fundamentalists insist government jobs are not jobs. Those working government jobs under FDR are sometimes classified as unemployed to belittle FDR's great achievement in reducing unemployment from 25% to 10%.
Will Obama Start the Next Trade War? (tags)
While campaigning to be president, Obama gave the general impression that he would act “cooperatively” to solve international problems, moving away from the Bush strategy of irresponsible “unilateralism.” But Obama took an aggressive stance towards China even on the campaign trail, including the accusations of “currency manipulation,” “violating intellectual property rights,” and “devaluing their goods.” Of course, the average American cares nothing about these types of crimes, nor should they.
Is revolution brewing in America? (tags)
As things deteriorate around the globe economically Americans are starting to realize what a bad place they are finding themselves in and that Americans for the first time since the great depression are losing jobs at an alarming rate, losing their homes, savings and the way of life they have grown accustom to
No One Can Escape the Crisis (tags)
From a long-term perspective, the crisis could bring about a radical rethinking in politics and the economy away from the mantra of shareholder value and the pursuit of short-term profits. The neoliberal model of the Washington consensus has revealed its fundamental weaknesses.
Terror Detention Facility (tags)
Terror Detention Facility
The Mexican Revolution is starting (tags)
World and US Situation, 2008 (tags)
For more than two years, we revolutionaries had observed the impending total unravelling and complete discredit of the "free market" pretense of monopoly capitalism and the full bankruptcy of the policy of "neoliberal globalization." But the leaders of the US and other imperialist countries and the puppet states were always lying and boasting about the so-called strong fundamentals of their economies. Only recently have they been compelled by the circumstances to admit that the US and global capitalist system are beset by the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression.
III-the International Crisis WS Report (tags)
The Master in Economics and official of the Ecuadorian Central Bank, March Naranjo Chiriboga, asked help from the Mercosur countries, mainly from Brazil, to overcome the global financial crisis. He believes that Ecuador, which has no own currency and uses the U.S. dollar for internal commercial transactions, will feel the results of crisis in a more pronounced way and will be one of the most affected countries in Latin America.
Financial Crisis and the Poor (tags)
The financial market crisis has long spilled over on the real economy. Therefore politics is called to do everything so the economy starts up again and unemployment is prevented. Without strong pressure, frauds will continue unchanged in the global financial casino after losses are socialized
Only Lip Service: Interview with Heiner Flassbeck (tags)
Heiner Flassbeck describes the financial summit in Washington as failed. The UN expert says the central problems of speculation with exchange rates and raw materials were not addressed. The industrial countries divert from the real themes.
Klaus Offe, a left thinker, once proposed Offe's paradox, the idea that"while capitalism cannot coexist with, neither can it exist without the welfare state." Canada has done better than some countries in protecting social welfare. The welfare state is not dead; what is dead is econ security.
Filipino Workers to heads of G20: Creating a better world order is no more your business (tags)
Relegating the world’s future to the hands of same leaders who created the current global economic crisis is a recipe to further disaster, according to Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party), a militant labor party in the country which joined hundreds of other protesters in a march to the US embassy this morning in time for the G20 Summit in Washington DC.
PHILIPPINES: Labor export policy is anti-women, anti-development (tags)
MANILA, Philippines – The country should not take pride in being the model in terms of labor migration, according to women’s groups who are engaging the Second Global Forum on Migration on Development (GFMD).
In the great US democracy, half of those eligible to vote are not registered, and half of those who are registered does not vote. Thus, the rulers are elected by only 25% of the electorate...
Part 2- World Capitalist Crisis (tags)
We expect more of the use of cheap labour in the less developed countries like China and India in order to produce cheap raw materials and semi-manufactured consumer products for the imperialist countries and thereby maximize imperialist profits. In fact the US capitalist are hell bent on transferring high paying industries to the third world and even already cheap service industries like call centers and car assemblies and other production lines in a vain attempt to cut jobs, paying insurances and other workers benefits that the people are demanding in the face of the capitalist made crisis.
The current crisis of the developed capitalist system is taking place when the empire is about to change leadership in the elections to be held in a few days; it was all that was left to see.
... Fiscal paradises are prospering; people are suffering. Is this how humanity’s well-being can be guaranteed?
A history of US intervention in Russia and Russia's resurgence
Energy and Climate - Hunger and Money (tags)
At the World Economic Forum, the extensive global crisis is trivialized to four "great risks." The neoliberal elite does not want a system change. It wants to assure itself against the threatening fourfold injustice. A 20% loss in the global social product could be avoided.
Lee Siu Hin: Journey to My Home-China (Part 4) In Memory of Wenchuan Earthquake (tags)
It’s been over three months since the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake--the largest in modern Chinese history for over 80 years that killing nearly 70 thousand people, 20 thousand missing and affect another tens of millions of people.
De-Acceleration or Globalization 2.0 (tags)
"The wondrous global division of labor came about in which threshold countries lend money to the US to buy Chinese or Indian products..Must cut-flowers from Africa be promoted in Europe?..With de-acceleration, globalization will catapult fewer jobs around the globe.
"The negotiations in the NTO changed into a battle of the developed countries for their mammoth corporations over the market opening of developing countries. Access to education, health care, water-and energy-supply and telecommunciations should be human rights."
Towards Women’s Liberation (tags)
The cause of women’s liberation and the rights of women against sexual discrimination, exploitation and violence
Hugo Chavez Spearheads the South American Revolution (tags)
How Venezuela is leading the revolutionary integration of South America
Rude Awakening in Mexico (tags)
US businesses invested $120 billion in Mexico between 1994 and 2006. Only 80,000 jobs were created per year while 730,000 Mexicans pressed on the labor market every year. While migration climbed 95% from 1980 to 1994, it soared an incredible 452% from 1994 to 2006.
Hunger, The Silent Tsunami (tags)
Rice, the main food for nearly half of the world's population, costs twice as much as in December. The economic policy of the World Bank forced on countries on account of neocolonial trade relations is responsible for the unproductivity, not only the traditional small farmer system.
"Stop the Biofuel-Madness!" (tags)
"The high oil price and the food crisis threaten the existence of over a hundred million people." (Walden Bello) "People in poor countries must starve so the rich can continue driving their cars." Growing plants for biofuels is a crime against humanity.
Joint Statement on the 34th G8 Summit in Tōyako, Hokkaidō, Japan
Alternatives to Free Trade: Fair Trade and Beyond (tags)
The global debate around free-trade and its consequences has evolved tremendously in recent years, from tiny circles of leftist critics into a broad international protest movement. Although the movement began to bloom in response to the policies of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the biggest demonstrations have been in response to the now-popular "bi-lateral" free-trade agreements that economically powerful countries sign with poorer nations. Once one has become conscious of the problems created by free-trade agreements, whether they are international or regional, an immediate task presents itself: finding a feasible alternative. Yes, the trade policy advocated by most big business politicians is "free-trade," and yes, this policy has had devastating consequences for working and poor people worldwide, while filling the already-full bank accounts of the rich. But the issue of "free-trade" alone isn't sufficient to fully explain the vast social problems that plague so many countries.
The United States, Europe and Human Rights (tags)
The discredited way in which the European Union suspended its sanctions on Cuba on June 19 has been reported in 16 international press dispatches… Such hypocrisy is made all the more evident by the brutal European measure to expel illegal immigrants from Latin American countries.
Latin America rejects new EU law on illegal immigrants (tags)
Under the new law, all illegal immigrants living in the EU member states will have to leave the bloc within a period of seven to 30 days.
"Oil Crisis Changes Globalization" (tags)
In the poorest hundred countries, the high oil price is intensifying hunger and poverty. "These people stand at the edge of a possible disaster," Jeremy Rifkin says. The high prices for oil, gasoline and gas change the rules of globalization.
The Seven Energy-Related World Crises (tags)
The market is not total, absolute and self-healing but a tool helpful after we decide what kind of society we want. The state has a social nature and can't be only a power and security state or treasure chest for the super-rich and special interests.
Disturbing 2008 Global Peace Index Report (tags)
GPI unfairly targets Venezuela.
"A Crime against Humanity" (tags)
When you fill the tank of an ethanol car with 50 liters, you burn over 700 pounds of corn. A Zambian child could live a whole year from that. More regulation instead of more market access is vital for developing countries. A rebellion of conscience is needed.
World Bank and IMF Policies Caused Food Crisis (tags)
The IMF changed its economic direction and took a market radical neoliberal economic course at the beginning of the 1980s with the rise of monetarism. Hunger inthe world can only be overcome with long-term sustainable strategies, not with the short-term horizon of Wall Street.
Will the Neoliberal Consensus Survive the Banking Crisis? (tags)
These are hard times for the neoliberal consensus whose message was forced worldwide for three decades by the ruling classes in the imperialist metropolises on free capital flows. Business data is a fetish constructed for the goal of profit maximization.
The price explosion has nothng to do with a shortage in grain. After the quasi-collapse of the US financial markets, international ivnestors floated a considerable part of their funds in raw material- and food branches.
Mexico Exports Corn and Impoverished Farmers (tags)
Food that Mexico could have easily produced itself must be purchased for ten billion dollars every year from the US. Today Mexico can offer ruined farmers as its most important export article. Prices for corn, wheat and rice soared 40-50 percent within eight months.
Israel STILL Beating Iran War Dead Horse (tags)
Shades of Iraq ...
World Food Crisis Threatens Rich Nations (That's Us), Too (tags)
Unless we act fast for a global consensus on the price spiral, the social unrest induced by food prices in several countries will conflagrate into a price contagion, leaving no country-developed or otherwise-unscathed.
And was put in his place
Bush v. Chavez - An Update (tags)
Continued Bush administration efforts to destabilize Venezuela.
The Asian Crisis of 1997-1998: Deregulation (tags)
Enormous capital streamed in short-term monetary investments that could dissolve at any time, not in lasting direct investments. Higher stock prices and home prices fueled the credit boom. Deregulated finance markets are everything but efficient.
As long as the policies of the rich North represent a mixture of cruel carrot-and-stick maneuvers, coupled with basic contempt for the South, we can expect more lethal North-South tensions, more powerful boomerangs hurled back at us.
Democracy and the WTO: Alternatives to Free Trade (tags)
Trade policies that benefit multinational corporations are undemocratic and promote exploding inequality. "The negotiations are carried out on a supra-national plane where democracy or civil society interests fall by the wayside."
F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)
Part II of this epic book.
Is the "Mother of all Financial Crises" Imminent? (tags)
A trade-weighted devaluation of the dollar of around 25 percent is necessary allowing the US currency to ski "gradually and orderly" against free-floating currencies. The IMF could establish a "substitution account" with "special drawing rights" to avert a dollar panic.
US court nixes RP ‘privilege’ over real estate tax debts (tags)
In a legal debacle for Manila, a United States federal court judge has ruled that the Philippines cannot invoke diplomatic privilege so that it would not be compelled to pay $19 million worth of unpaid real estate taxes to the New York City government. The New York City government scored a victory over real estate tax-delinquent states, including the Philippines, India and Mongolia, after US District Judge Jed Rakoff, in a written opinion, ruled in favor of the city. Rakoff’s ruling will force the three countries, which are renting out offices and business establishments housed in diplomatic buildings in New York, to settle their financial obligations to the city’s government. Reports said India owed the city $39.4 million including taxes, while Mongolia has to pay $4.2 million.
United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)
In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.
Lynn Rozar Wants Straight Answers from Socialist (tags)
In a letter dated December 31, 2007, Lynn Rozar and his wife, from Greeneville, Tennessee, want to know my position on some issues concerning the average person: WITH JUST SOME STRAIGHT SIMPLE ANSWERS FOR A CHANGE.
The US Will Experience Its Big Surprise (tags)
The dollar devaluation has to do with many things, above all with the double deficit. The US must become indebted more and more. China and Dubai could go on a shopping spree and buy oil companies. The US must earn euros to pay for the oil to be imported.
Dislocations and Crises (tags)
Liberalization of the finance markets started a mechanism where the broad mass of the world's population lost. Only a few conglomerates and wealthy persons are winners.
After the crisis of 1997, not one important fianncial reform was carried out in the world. Liberalizationof capital markets causes instability and not necessarily growth. In South Korea, the IMF recommended the sale of state banks to US investors.
Forget oil, the new global crisis is food (tags)
A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said at the Empire Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on Thursday.
The Cart in the Speculative Mud (tags)
Liberalizing markets leads to instability, not growth. Developing and thresholdc countries suffer grievously through US speculation. The New Year is a time to abandon myths of American exceptionalism and corporate beneficence, mending our own pockets and footprints.
Bali: A Missed Opportunity (tags)
The gap between the urgent threat of global warming and the collective will to do something about it has never been greater. The recently concluded Conference on Climate Change in Bali was a grand opportunity to act. Instead, it was another missed opportunity. Unfortunately, the United States played a very negative role, standing in the way of consensus at every turn. And unfortunately, the rest of the world thought that seducing the US into a new agreement on climate action was top priority, resulting in a Bali Roadmap that was very sketchy.
U.S. isolated on the Human Rights Issue in CUBA (tags)
The recent Cuban decision to sign the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights is a clear example of the island's conduct when it is not subjected to external pressures...
Letter from US Artists and Scholars in support of Cultural Relations with CUBA (tags)
More than 500 U.S. artists and academics demand an end to the blockade...
Ameripol: a Latin America Regional Police Force, is Being Formed (tags)
Reviewing James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer's "Multinationals on Trial" (tags)
How corporate giants plunder developing nations.
Cuba’s Solidarity Miracle (tags)
Cuban cooperation with Third World moving ahead.
Global Capital Flows to the Rich (tags)
The global imbalance seems more dangerous for all other countries than for the US. A fundamental reform of the international monetary system is overdue. The US dollar is no longer the stable anchor of the world monetary system.
U.S. dollar - a "worthless piece of paper." President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (tags)
And he is right. A $100 bill is worth the paper it's printed on and backed by nothing else. Up till 1933 the U.S. was backed in gold. You could exchange a $20 bill for an ounce of gold. And up till the 1960's the dollar was backed up by silver. You could go to the mint and trade paper dollars for silver. But now the dollar is backed by NOTHING and a dollar is worth nothing more then the paper it is printed on.
UN First Committee Passes DU Resolution in Landslide Vote (tags)
US University report: "In a group of 251 soldiers in one study group in Mississippi, all of whom had normally birthed babies prior to their participation in either of the two (Persian) Gulf Wars, sixty-seven percent of their post-war offspring were born with severe deformities."
The Bank of the South: An Alternative to IMF and World Bank Dominance (tags)
Latin America's alternative to the IMF and World Bank
Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)
Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.
Retirement under capitalism (tags)
Sometimes small statistics can have huge implications. The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics recently reported that the age at which U.S. workers retire has risen for the first time in 100 years. According to the report, in the mid-1980s, 18 percent of people in their late 60s still had jobs; today, it is 29 percent. Millions of U.S. workers can no longer look forward to the “Golden Years” of guaranteed Social Security, Medicare health insurance and employer pensions. One in four baby boomers surveyed said they would likely never be able to retire – in other words, they will “work until they drop”. For those that do want to retire, the age at which they can do so is also being systematically raised. Workers born in 1960 or later must wait until age 67, rather than 65, to get their full Social Security benefits. There is talk of raising it further to 70. The mainstream media took scant notice of this, and for good reason; it’s a huge indicator of deeper processes that are destroying the standard of living of workers in the United States and internationally. A quick look into why workers are delaying retirement – if they have the “luxury” of retiring at all – points a condemning finger at the current state of international capitalism, while at the same time warning younger workers of the even worse conditions they’ll certainly face under the auspices of the capitalist system.
Reviewing James Petras' "Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire" (tags)
An in-depth review of James Petras' important new book.
Israel seeks exemption from atomic rules (tags)
Israel is looking to a U.S.-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available Tuesday to The Associated Press.
CUBA Calls for End to Insensitivity... (tags)
Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque spoke on Monday, September 24, at a UN high-level event on climate change in New York, United States. We offers here the full text of the Cuban diplomat's speech.
2nd Screening of Videoactivism and Independent Documentaries, Caracas January 2008 (tags)
* The collective editors of the Venezuelan journal El Libertario and the Organizacion Nelson Garrido, have issued a call out for filmmakers and video activists from all over the world to present their recent autonomous works concerning active social movements in struggle. This will be held in Caracas, Venezuela, between the 21st and the 28th of January 2008.
The Future of Work-driven Society (tags)
When less and less time needs to be spent working for a living in Western industrialised countries, this partial freedom of gainful occupation is increasingly becoming a problem for those dismissed. The vision of working less and living longer is a utopia that is also realistic.
Ron Paul: Thomas Jefferson Incarnate [on Imperialism and "blowback"] (tags)
on Imperialism and "blowback"
Real Estate Crisis in the US (tags)
Credit failures in the real estate business threaten the whole payment system between banks, private businesses and households handled through short-term credits..The US real estate crisis affects other economic sectors and countries and cal also lead to a shift in class relations.
Deregualtion and liberalization have contributed to the present chaos. Through deregualtion and internationalization, getting into and out of investments as fast as lightning becomes possible.
Vatican seeks to become carbon neutral (tags)
TISZAKESZI, Hungary: This summer the cardinals at the Vatican accepted an unusual donation from a Hungarian start-up called Klimafa: The company said it would plant trees to restore an ancient forest on a denuded island by the Tizsa River to offset the Vatican's carbon emissions.
RP, US naval anti-terror exercise ends (tags)
The US-led multilateral naval anti-terrorism exercise dubbed as Southeast Asian Cooperation Against Terrorism (SEACAT) ended Monday in the Sulu seas after a week of actual sea training, according to a navy information officer. The SEACAT ’07 kicked off in Singapore last Aug. 14 to enhance intelligence sharing among the countries involved, according to Ensign Rommel Rodriguez, public affairs officer of the SEACAT ’07.
Fight GMO/GE Biofuels with Moratorium! (tags)
Call for an immediate moratorium on EU incentives for agrofuels, EU imports of agrofuels and EU agroenergy monocultures
Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country (tags)
...while there is growing recognition that global warming is a problem, little attention has been paid to the likely impact at the country level, especially in the developing world. In this new book, William Cline, a joint senior fellow at CGD and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, provides the first ever estimates of the impact on agriculture by country, with a particular focus on social and economic implications in China, India, Brazil, and the poor countries of the tropical belt in Africa and Latin America.
G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)
Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.
The big brother from the North misled the South.. The slogan "More Market, Less State" is losing a few old friends in Europe.. What is changing is the discourse, the eulogy of the market and its possibilities.
Who Frees Us From Capital? (tags)
Whole continents bowed to the Washington Consensus..The World Bank must end its embittered attack on distribution policy.. Privatization awakened false hopes.. Evo Morales in Bolivia nationalized the oil and gas economy and raised the monthly minimum wage to $100.
Hanging from the brush... (tags)
"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...
The World Bank's Customers Are Disappearing (tags)
Many developing countries that gained needed credits only on World Bank conditions are poorer today than before. The Good News is that the cartel of creditors is dissolving. Former debtors threaten to become independent.
RP, Australia sign defense pact (tags)
The Philippines and Australia signed signed a security pact yesterday that will allow the countries’ militaries to hold joint counterterrorism exercises. The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) is the second such agreement entered into by the Philippines. President Arroyo and Australian Prime Minister John Howard witnessed the signing of the agreement by Defense Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. and Australian Minister for Defense Dr. Brendan Nelson. Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo vowed to question SOFA and said that they would press for the public disclosure of all the terms indicated in the agreement. “The VFA has already allowed the year-round presence of American troops. Now, they have the SOFA and they are saying that they are also taking other countries. How many soldiers from foreign countries would be allowed in our country?” he asked. Ocampo said Congress, particularly the committee on foreign affairs, was not informed about the provisions of the agreement.
Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...
Ideas cannot be killed. (tags)
More than 600,000 people have lost their lives in Iraq and more than 2 million have been forced to emigrate since the American invasion began...
Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns... (tags)
On March 28, less than two months ago, when Bush proclaimed his diabolical idea of producing fuel from food, after a meeting with the most important U.S. automobile manufacturers, I wrote my first reflection...
"In Beauty we are united! Through Beauty we pray! With Beauty we conquer!"
Reflexiones de Fidel Castro, HOY en la Mesa Redonda... (tags)
En la región de América Latina la diferencia entre los sectores de la población más favorecida y los de menos ingresos es hoy la mayor del mundo.
ILPS May First 2007 Message (tags)
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle extends its most militant greetings to the workers and other toiling people of the world on the occasion of International Workers’ Day. We commemorate the first May Day in 1887 when hundreds of thousands of workers struck in every major American city calling for an 8-hour workday. In Chicago, the police brutally attacked the strikers and demonstrators. A rally in Haymarket Square to protest the police brutality was also attacked. A number of labor leaders were framed on trumped up charges and hanged while others were thrown in prison. One hundred twenty years later, the workers still suffer from the barbarities of capitalism. They have to struggle to achieve their own emancipation and the emancipation of mankind.
Join the Cuban Five contingents the 17th... (tags)
Join Cuban 5 contingents in the March 17 & 18 anti-war marches...
African, Muslim members block action on Darfur (tags)
The U.N. Human Rights Council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday amid expressions of frustration from rights advocates at its early performance and alarm over proposals that might weaken it further.
Former RP Defense Chief ; "Don’t tell us how to handle an insurgency’ (tags)
The Philippine lawmaker who was defense minister during martial law said Thursday that he had told a UN human rights investigator to keep out of Manila’s internal affairs. Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile had harsh words for UN special rapporteur Philip Alston, who is probing the wave of hundreds of political murders that have taken place since President Arroyo took office in 2001.
U.S. one of worst places for kids (tags)
BERLIN -- The United States and Britain ranked at the bottom of a UN survey of child welfare in 21 wealthy countries that assessed everything from infant mortality to whether children ate dinner with their parents.
Capitalism and Corruption (tags)
Until recently, the bribes paid by German firms abroad were deducted from the corpor-ation tax as operating expenses..The neoliberal dogma doesnt need any religion since it makes capitalism into a religion.. The cult of abstract riches cannot replace morality Mergers and takeovers are central.
Border Fence- The Cost is Far Too High (tags)
A study released last December by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service says a proposed 700 mile stretch of fence, along the 2,000 mile U.S. – Mexico border, could cost an estimated $49 billion. But what the report fails to say, U.S. –built walls on the border would cost both the U.S. and Mexico trillions of dollars in economic losses over the predicted 25-year lifespan of the fence, and non-monetary damage to political and cultural relations between the two countries would also last for decades.
Global poll condemns Bush administration (tags)
"The global view of the role of the US in world affairs has dramatically deteriorated over the past year, according to a BBC World Service poll released Wednesday. The study documents mounting hostility to US foreign policy, its destabilizing effect on entire regions of the world, as well as growing awareness of the threat posed to the environmental health of the planet. "
Brazil: To whom belongs the future? (tags)
In socially mature countries , consolidated and really sovereign, the prospections of the future are made by groups of university thinkers, of governmental and enterprise institutions, as well as groups associated to national NGOS.
The Dangerous Double Standard (tags)
In the early nineties, people hoped for the irrevocable ending of fear and the great peace dividend.. The governing limit themselves to fighting symptoms. The causes of terror are not a theme for them.
Something like this could only happen in the Soviet Union!!!! (tags)
Looks like all of these people were falsely arrested and jailed in the American gulag called Guantanamo for being terrorists
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.
Oil in Brazil and the world: analysis under diverse aspects. (tags)
Brazilian government must suspend, while the sector is reorganized, the rounds of licitations of areas promoted by ANP.
U.S. urges restrictions on anti-vehicle mines (tags)
Is this the same US government that illegally invaded Iraq and Afganistan??? Oh I get it they want to limit 3rd world countries from materials from gettin materials that could be used to make IEDs which are the main cause of US deaths in Iraq.
U.S. seeks better ties by aiding militaries (tags)
Who is the world worste terrorist??? From articles like this it is clear that the American government is!
For the Globalization of Sustainability (tags)
The euphoria of Rio was based on the certainty that these visions could be realized thanks to a peace dividend.. Consumption is till the first civic duty in industrial countries.
Fear of the Working Class At Home And Internationally Stirs Some Debate Among the Bankers (tags)
There is growing concern among sections of the capitalist class that the rising opposition to their global offensive and the market will get out of control.
The Rise and Fall of the UN (tags)
One’s opinion of the United Nations reveals a lot about political consciousness; and because perception is usually based on experience, it’s only natural that people from different countries have opposing views about the UN and its pillar institutions— the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the United States, familiarity of the UN is limited to vague notions of ‘international democracy’ and ‘peacekeeping’, words that inspire the noblest of intentions; the World Bank and IMF on the other hand are institutions that invoke little reaction among the US public. How and by whom the UN was formed, whose interests it serves, and the actual history of its ‘peacekeeping’ missions are all things rarely examined. It is the purpose of this essay to look at the formation and development of the UN, and in so doing, attempt to show the evolution of the capitalistic system itself, which was ‘reborn’ upon the back of these hardly-neutral organizations.
The Financial Crisis of the IMF (tags)
The IMF is an extremely undemocratic system. Instead of one country-one vote, the good capitalist principle one dollar-one vote was in effect from the beginning. Whoever paid most had the most votes and the greatest influence.
WTO Negotiations Collapse (tags)
Liberalization in the style of the WTO damagers the developing world..Trade can be a means for development. However the mechanism of the WTO subordinates development to free trade in the interest of corporations.
AJLPP-USA Condemns Arroyo’s Brazen Puppetry to US Imperialism and Attacks against People’s (tags)
Pundits and blind defenders of imperial America have it all wrong: the DPRK is simply trying to defend itself from the bellicose saber-rattling that the US imperialists have directed at them and other countries and nations asserting their national sovereignty and refusing to submit to US dictates. We should not be afraid of anti-imperialist countries like the DPRK. Rather, we should link arms with all peoples, nations and countries opposed to the world’s common enemy – US imperialism
AJLPP-USA Condemns Arroyo’s Brazen Puppetry to US Imperialism and Attacks against People’s (tags)
Pundits and blind defenders of imperial America have it all wrong: the DPRK is simply trying to defend itself from the bellicose saber-rattling that the US imperialists have directed at them and other countries and nations asserting their national sovereignty and refusing to submit to US dictates. We should not be afraid of anti-imperialist countries like the DPRK. Rather, we should link arms with all peoples, nations and countries opposed to the world’s common enemy – US imperialism.
AJLPP Condemns Arroyo's Puppetry and anti-DPRK Attacks (tags)
Pundits and blind defenders of imperial America have it all wrong: the DPRK is simply trying to defend itself from the bellicose saber-rattling that the US imperialists have directed at them and other countries and nations asserting their national sovereignty and refusing to submit to US dictates. We should not be afraid of anti-imperialist countries like the DPRK. Rather, we should link arms with all peoples, nations and countries opposed to the world’s common enemy – US imperialism.
How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)
The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.
IMF out of the Philippines and South countries now, protesters demand (tags)
On the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) together with the World Bank in Singapore, the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) and other civil society organizations blame “the Fund” for being the single most influential factor for the worsening poverty in the Philippines and other countries in the South.
TelSUR offers alternative news, viewpoints and perspectives.
A victory for legalized gambling??? (tags)
Fast forward: Antigua and Barbuda, population 69,000, is winning. The case has become an embarrassment to Washington, one that could result in economic pain. It isn't quite over, but the world's only superpower may have to capitulate to a country whose entire population could easily fit into the Rose Bowl.
"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."
Anyone who even attempts to defend the killing of the children in Qana by Israeli air strikes is criminally insane. There can be no justification for slaughtering children, in any circumstances, anywhere.
The world energy need will increase 50 percent by 2030 necessitating investments of billions in the energy infrastructures.. With its oil greed and balance of payments deficit, the US could endanger global peace and the stability of the world economy.
Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Sudan: coldly premeditated neocon wars (tags)
Before emotions and disinformation gain the upper hand, consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that by late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And don't expect to hear about this from Lieberman, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Howard Dean, or the Clintons.)
Global Trade Talks Break Down Over Farm Issues (tags)
Trade negoatiations aimed at reaching a new global trade agreement collapsed today, dealing a blow to the Bush administration’s international economic agenda and touching off a bitter new round of recriminations between the United States and Europe over farm trade barriers. After two days of discussions, the director general of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, formally suspended the talks. American trade officials said there appeared to be little prospect of resuming the talks any time soon, probably dooming the chances of a trade accord during President Bush’s remaining time in office.
Jane Harman is no friend of Israel (tags)
Jane Harman's failure to condemn Israel's military aggression against the Lebanese people is detrimental to the cause of peace in the Middle East, which is in Israel's long range interests.
Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! October 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! (tags)
On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico. All together, these "G8 + 5" countries represent 58% of the world's human population, 61% of oil consumption, 80% of coal consumption, and 73% of C02 emissions.
Using American tax dollars to overthrow foreign governments under the guise of "democ (tags)
Foreign governments complain that these democracy-building groups maneuver behind the scenes to help destabilize and topple their governments, including in countries where the official U.S. policy has been to work through diplomatic channels with those same governments.
Lebanon, Iran, Sudan: Three more premeditated neocon wars (tags)
Before emotions get the upper hand, let's catch our breath and consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that as of late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And let's not forget that Sudan has both oil and uranium.)
Global Social Rights Worldwide! (tags)
Deregulation of finance markets leads to a concentration of power in the hands of a few banks and investment funds..Social rights gained by struggle are already sacrificed on the altar of the market.
Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ) has endorsed the following call, written and distributed by Jubilee South, a coalition of social movements throughout the Global South who are resisting illegitimate debts and IMF/World Bank policies. The statement calls on people worldwide to take action in their own communities against the IMF/World Bank the week of September 14-20, while the institutions meet in Singapore.
The time doesn't stop - of the need of a commitment with the education. (tags)
about the need to understand that the education is the only exit to the countries if they develop
Nazis and Neo-Cons: compare and contrast (tags)
It’s not uncommon to hear a left-leaning person denounce the Bush administration with a barrage of Nazi-related epithets. The slurs are typically blurted out in anger with little thought to evidence or validity. In fact, whenever analogies are made linking a person or current event to either the Nazis or Holocaust, accusatory responses of “exaggeration” and “slander” are usually justified; it is indeed immature to randomly compare anything to the machine of Nazism that took the innocent lives of so many. While taking this into full consideration, the following is nevertheless an attempt to make some unpleasant connections.
Terror suspects' move out of U.S. defended (tags)
Europe’s leaders close ranks with Bush (tags)
On Tuesday, US President George Bush touched down in Vienna for the annual summit of US and European Union (EU) leaders. After brief talks in Vienna, Bush is due to fly to Budapest on Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Bush’s trip to Europe is the first in a round of visits over the next few weeks. Next month he will return to Europe to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund, before proceeding to Russia for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin prior to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, to be held July 15-17.
Columbian and Peruvian Elections Prove Stalin Was Right (tags)
US arranged elections in Columbia and Peru
Detained Philippine lawmaker files resolution vs. repressive US immigration bills (tags)
Activist Philippine lawmaker Rep. Crispin Beltran recently filed House Resolution 1263 urging the Philippine government to support the call of millions of Filipinos and migrants of other nationalities in the US and actively oppose the passage of the racist and repressive Sensenbrenner-King bill and other similar proposals.
A Statement of Unity from the OUR WORLD IS NOT FOR SALE Network:(
The Petrodollar: America’s Achilles Heel (tags)
Virtual Chicano is webmaster and political commentator for Chicano Forums
What we can learn from the immigrants rights march (tags)
Two days after May Day's mobilization of immigrants and their supporters, Ricardo Alarcon, President of Cuba's National Assembly, took a look at the marches and drew some conclusions. for the struggle for a better world everywhere.
More Lies from the Antis (tags)
Kimberly-Clark heir Congressman James Sensenbrenner would have you believe that Americans are losing their jobs to undocumented workers. But it is his corporation, and those like it, that are the real culprits.
Propaganda on “New Foreign Aid” – (tags)
At the height of the emotional issue on immigration and the Great American Boycott mass actions nationwide, The Los Angeles Times ran a five-part series entitled, “New Foreign Aid.” The series of feature articles ran from April 16, 2006 before the May 1, and featured the Philippines, Mexico, Haiti and other countries which send thousands of immigrant workers to the United States every year.We condemn such propaganda being peddled as “objective reporting.” Such allusions have no place in a society that purports to be democratic and free of racial bias. Such racist notions must be criticized and exposed roundly for what they truly are: worthless
In "1984," George Orwell warned that war would become a domestic necessity to divert the people from economic contradictions. Inequality may promote productivity but also undermines public spirit and social ochesion
The Contradictions are our Hope (tags)
Multilateral trade agreements-like the WTO-are not per se something good, especially when they only codify the rules of the rich. Until trade policy changes, massive changes of social hierarchies of power are necessary Th WTO is undemocratic and unjust.
Wage war on poverty, not immigrants (tags)
"Si se puede!" Yes we can. They marched by the hundreds of thousands in Los Angeles, by the tens of thousands in Milwaukee, in Phoenix, in New York. Across the country, Hispanics dramatically entered what has been an increasingly ugly debate about immigration in this country.
I have been inundated lately with a flood of articles analyzing the pros and cons of the various immigration bills, the impact of immigration on our social structures, the changing face of the color of our population, etc. I think there is something seriously missing in almost the entire discussion and analysis about immigrants; and that is the fact that the majority of them are misplaced people.
Changing Course: No New Nuclear Power Plants! (tags)
Offensive wars, normalization of war, militari-zation of foreign policy, exploding inequality, privatization, political corruption and nuclear power plants as panaceas have brought us to the brink of ruin. A human-friendly society would have other priorities than capital gain.
President wins 2 billion new supporters (tags)
Unfortunately a picture has been published worldwide of President Bush playing cricket. This has instantly won him the support of over half the world's population. Please hide this picture if you find it..
This Rice Can Save Lives & Cure Blindness. Why Do People Protest It?
The South is Bled White (tags)
Since the Asian crisis and the 1980s, we have had massive net capital flows from the South to the North. The South is systematically bled white under the present conditions of the world economy.
Support the Caravan to Cuba End the Blockade (tags)
The US blockade of Cuba causes shortages of food, medicine and other important supplies for eleven million people. The blockade is an immoral policy that uses hunger and disease as political weapons. In November 2005 the countries in the United Nations General Assembly once again voted overwhelmingly (182-4) to call for the end of the blockade. A month later Condoleza Rice responded by stating that the Bush administration intends to intensify the blockade still further and is working on a package of new measure to be announced in May 2006. US policy towards Cuba is totally isolated internationally, increasingly discredited domestically and subject to many challenges from within Congress.
One Million Strong - Bolivarian Revolution (tags)
Venezuela to build an army of one million men and women.
On the Scandinavian Model (tags)
The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?
Women’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean (tags)
In every country in Latin America and the Caribbean, women suffer acute discrimination. Often, the discrimination women face is related to social prejudices regarding appropriate patterns of conduct for men and women.
LISTED: CIA Planes; EU Pacts for Lynching Muslims; CIA Front Co.s, Lawyers (tags)
CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? All are listed below. The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything.
'Energy Dissent' and the 2006 G8 Summit in Russia (tags)
Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.
Stop the WTO Negotiations! Save Jobs! (tags)
After ten years under the WTO, unemployment has increased everywhere in the world..Many transnational businesses try to distance themselves from responsibility for working conditions by outsourcing work.. Joy to the world, not only to the superrich!
Around the world, the Death Penalty is being Abolished (tags)
The death penalty is being abolished in country after country. In 1977 only 16 countries had abolished the death penalty for all crimes, while today the number is 86. Every western European country has abolished the death penalty. An average of three countries per year are currently abolishing the death penalty.
'Tis the season: hold a peace vigil at your Congressperson's house (tags)
Before the Iraq war gets any worse--or spreads to other countries--let's take a stand for peace, in the spirit of Cindy Sheehan, in front of our Congresspersons' and Senators' homes throughout the holiday season.
Large Demos Globally Against Bush Admin's Climate Policy (tags)
In 32 countries around the world, thousands of protesters railed against the inaction of the US Government to curb it's fossil fuel polluting of the atmosphere.
Paul Samuelson Attacks a Dogma (tags)
The best-known economist of the world doubts that shifting services to india and buying cheap goods from China bring advantages to Americans when the income of workers falls through foreign competition. The rich North will lose its monopoly profits under the conditions of globalization.
"The Days of the US Empire are Numbered" (tags)
"I love the US but I hate the American empire.. The US cou9ld escape a sudden downfall if it recognizes economic equality, appears as one country among others and abandons its military presence in the 140 countries where it presently stations troops.:"
"The social state is dismantled in favor of the globalization of industry..The democratic idea of equality is incompatible with ever-greater inequalities..If globalization produces third world conditions, theology of liberation logically becomes universal.."
CHART, TABLE: CIA Secret Prison Planes--What the MSM Won't Tell (tags)
The European Commission said last week it will investigate published reports that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to detain high-profile terrorism suspects. The Commission says the governments of the EU's 25 member nations will be informally questioned about possible human rights violations. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES.
Against Hollywood and Globalization: UNESCO and Cultural Diversity (tags)
The Convention on Protection of Cultural Diversity was passed at the UNESCO General assembly over the objection of the isolated US government.
Americas Summit Marked a Change, Alarcon Affirms (tags)
Americas Summit Marked a Change, Alarcon Affirms
BOOK ON CIA's SECRET JAILS: "Operation Hotel California" by Guido Olimpio (tags)
The first book-length expose of CIA kidnappings and prisons -- two of the greatest evils in the Bush government, and the world -- by the Italian investigative journalist Guido Olimpio is here, and it's new and as current as todays news stories about secret jails the CIA runs! The book is a must-read for anyone wanting to know about the CIA's practice of "rendition": kidnapping people and transporting them to places like Egypt for torture. It's an extremely controversial practice, a threat to America's security and character, and a sweat-provoking threat to potential victims and an insult to the sovereignty of countries like Italy and Sweden. Read the book, and your reactions will range from cold sweat to boiling mad.
EU, CIA's Secret Jails:a SCOOP on CIA Prison Planes (tags)
Two countries the media declined to name...a complete list of CIA shell companies and aircraft.... News media reported Thursday that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to hold top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and we provide a list of the planes.
Stephen Bezruchka: Population Health Forum (tags)
The Population Health Forum's mission is to raise awareness and initiate dialogue about the ways in which political, economic, and social inequalities interact to affect the overall health status of our society. Our goals are to promote knowledge and advocate for action in service of a healthier society.
Something we need to be concerned about, the U.S. debt to foreign countries, lets not pay (tags)
The U.S. stands a good chance of becoming a third world country in the future. I just heard on Nightline that "our" government helps pay for the war in Iraq by taking out loans from other countries like China. What a stupid thing to do.
Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 1) (tags)
"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005
Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 2) (tags)
"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005
GATS as a Political Project (tags)
The goal of GATS is the worldwide liberalization in trade and investments for the service sector.. Call 1-800-828-0498 and urge your senators to reject any budget reconciliation that includes Medicade cuts.
From Haiti to New Orleans, Yes to Justice and Relief, Not Death and Occupation (tags)
A protest against the US/UN occupation of Haiti and the massacre of Haitian people was held Sept. 30th outside the Brazilian Consulate in Beverly Hills. The LA event was part of an international day of outrage; actions took place in 40 cities in 15 countries.
"The Market Has No Heart": Paul Samuelson (tags)
A post-Katrina economics must emphasize parallel worlds, solidarity and human dignity to safeguard long-term necessities and creativity. If all countries only become more competitive, mass unemployment will result. What is public must remain public.
Every year since 1990, the United Nations publishes its Human Development Report. It contains the most authoritative data on the state of the world. These reports are available online: Based on those reports (referred to by year, followed by page), what does our world look like?
"Counterpoints to the Standardized World": Book Review (tags)
"The world plague globalizationis a practiced philosophy in the interest of business and exploitation without responsibility toward our living space and without humanliness.."
Liberators or Occupiers? Look Who Calls the Shots (tags)
The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military’s brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget “sovereignty.” We’re in charge here.
Danger by Eduardo Galeano (tags)
The colonial organization of the planet would run a risk if the poor countries, comprising the overwhelming majority, could vote. They are invited to the banquet - to be eaten..II turns out that power is not as powerful as it says it is "
Join us in Washington, DC! Protest Military and Economic Violence! (tags)
Global Justice Feeder March! Saturday, September 24, 2005. 11:00 am Dupont Circle, Washington D.C.
Iran hangings: Chronicle of a manipulation (tags)
A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.
Bush Policy: Making the World Safe...for Nukes (tags)
By invading countries unilaterally, and by threatening countries without nukes while negotiating with, or even having friendly relations with those that have them, the Bush administration is courting nuclear disaster. -----------------
Statement of the International Marxist Tendency for the 16th WFSY (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution
Purgatory of the Market (tags)
"The new capitalism is also a totalitarian movement that cannot or will not rest until it has seized the whole world and put everything in private hands that previously was subject to state or civil control.."
Disinformation as a Strategy of Power (Part II) (tags)
"Perpetual growth is not possible in nature or anywhere else..Globalization, the free market with its absolute competition protected by the WTO agreements doesn't have anything to do with fair competition...A global network of resistance is developing.."
Disappointed Hopes in Africa (tags)
"The $40 billion promised before the summit was only a small part of Africa's total $300 billion in debts and the more than $2.4 trillion of all developing countries. The IMF, World Bank and G8 still use the debts as an instru-ment for dictating development.."
"There is no reason for the Iraq war, Buchanan said..The neoconservative approach is everything but conservative: they bomb a pseudo-democracy in the countries of the Middle East.."
ACS Summit to Foster Integration (tags)
ACS Summit to Foster Integration
July 7 bombings: Another reason to end war and occupation (tags)
Will the July 7 bombings in London be followed by greater opposition to imperialist war and occupation--which has already cost so many lives and so much suffering in so many countries?
Pew Poll - The radioactive image of the US (tags)
Anybody you know? The US and it's global War of Terror: In a group of 251 soldiers from a study in Mississippi who had all had normal babies before the 1991 Gulf War, 67 percent of their post-war babies were born with severe birth defects.*
CAFTA, written by and for investors, extends NAFTA to Central America. The lessons from 10 years of NAFTA-job losses, food insecurity are repressed. CAFTA may be voted on soon. Call your reps toll free 1-866-340-9281
"The world has enough for everyone's need, not for everyone's greed." The fear of the further spread of the western lifestyle and economic mode with frequent flier rebates is at the center of political debate. Life without resource-intensive lifestyles is vital.
EU and MERCOSUR Foster Negotations (tags)
EU member countries create an association with Brazil to foster commercial relations with MERCOSUR.
The following program will typically be required of the revolutions in the Andes and throughout Latin America (the pace of adaptation and implementation may vary somewhat) :
Climate Change! We Must Intervene! (tags)
Can we take climate change activism beyond uptopian demands into the realm of meaningful strategy? The climate change battle is largely being fought-and currently lost!-in the media.
NEW YORK — The worldwide movement to end nuclear weapons, energized and united with the antiwar movement, is converging here for a month of actions. Kicking it off is a May 1 mass “No Nukes! No Wars!” march. On May 2, the United Nations opens a review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which aims to curb and eventually eliminate these weapons of mass destruction.
Artist Gets Creative with Fundraising (tags)
Cuts in funding for the Arts and almost non-existent resources for individual artists in the United States, has lead Santa Monica based artist/painter Barbara Kolo to seek alternative methods. The artist has opened an online store with Cafepress to help sponsor her invitation to the 2005 Florence Biennale (Biennale Internazionale Dell”Arte Contemporanea) this December in Italy.
Other causes contribte to the economic misery besides the distribution problems. There are two developmental problems. There is the shift of profit from labor to capital. There is the worldwide opening of markets causing wage pressure.
Paul Wolfowitz as Head of the World Bank (tags)
In an Internet poll, Wolfowitz is regarded as a global disaster by over 80% of respondents while less than 10% see Bush's decision as a master stroke..The political scientist Bernd Kubbig points to Wolfowitz' contradictory and sinister role in the iraq conflict.
Classic Text by Comrade Kim Il Sung
Pope John Paul II: The Passing Of A Monster (tags)
From women’s rights to abortion to contraception to gay rights to pedophilia, this Pope has been a champion of the most conservative, the most reactionary forces in society
Venezuela, Frustrated by the U.S., Turns to Containment (tags)
After years of vitriolic rhetoric on the part of United States leaders, the government of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has decided on a policy of containment of the U.S.
Representatives of orthodox market theory are not weary emphasizing that the causes of crises only refer to economic errors in the afflicted countries. This 1988 Austrian warning calls us to resist the ideology of market fundamentalists.
Farewell Italia, Viva the Coalition of the Willing (tags)
Bush’s Coalition of the Willing allies are dropping like flies. Of 39 “members,” 14 have already quit and two more have announced plans to pull out, and now Italy, the third largest U.S. ally in the so-called coalition, says it’s leaving too. Can Britain be far behind?
Manifesto of Porto Alegre (unofficial translation) (tags)
Another devel,opment model should be realized based on an energy-saving way of life and democratic controls on natural mineral resources, particularly drinking water. Military bases of foreign countries should be closed.. Another world is possible.
Call for Direct Actions A16 (tags)
Come to DC for a week of Direct Action and prevention of "Business as Usual" and the Spring World Bank and IMF meetings
The change for building a common security lies in recognizing oneself in the other.. Security based on trust is a hundred times more valuable than the most expensive defensive system.
False Pride of the "Super Outlaw State" (tags)
"Although few Americans realize that their country was the first to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and use forced death marches, these historical facts didn't escape the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. He admired the American government for their efficiency"
The End of Globalization (tags)
The economy ought to serve humanity; humanity should not serve the econmy. Beware the neoliberal idolization of growth and competition! If growth becomes a law, ecological collapse is unavoidable. If com-petition is made absolute, mass unemployment will occur everywhere.
THIS FRIDAY (Today Feb 11) Tsunami Relief Benefit show! COME!!! (tags)
This Friday Feb 11 TSUNAMI RELIEF BENEFIT SHOW! (tags)
Tsunami Relief Benefit Show Flyer For this Fri Feb 11 !!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)
"A Subtle Form of Hypocrisy" (tags)
Between 1980 and 2003, $1.8 trillion in interests alone flowed from the South to the North. The heavy debts of developing countries more than tripled in this time period.
The fairy tale of the Dutch tolerant society and the humane asylum-policy (tags)
In contrarily with the general allegations in American and Western newsmedia, not only the Netherlands is no open society for minorities, moreover the Dutch asylum-policy is violating gravely international humanitarian principles.
Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Fri Feb. 11 (tags)
'AIDS' is an odd std. It does not target countries that have massive prostitution or liberal sexual attitudes.
Current Globalization Sows Hatred and Terror (tags)
The future is very nebulous. Two different possibilities exist: balance or destruction.. A world in which 24,000 persons die of starvation everyday and several hundred million children are without a school educa-tion cannot be just and is unacceptable.
Hard Landing of the Dollar (tags)
The decline of the US dollar signals the economic weakness of the superpower and the structural crisis of capitalism. Since 1985 the US has become heavily indebted fo foreign countries. This foreign indebtedness amounts to 35 percent of the GDP.
No Indymedia in Socialist Countries (tags)
Washing Away the Lies about Disaster Relief (tags)
As the fervor dies down and the media stops their fanatical coverage of this event, moving on as they inevitably do to the next celebity basketball match or the next pentagon press release, what will happen to the tsunami victims?
an essay expressed by Croatians... for the world to read "A small country for great holidays ... But a small country for great cruelty!"
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization (tags)
All the alternatives begin with resistance agaisnt the neoliberal globalization that is increasingly aggressive and openly violent. The essential levers are redistribution from top to bottom and an economic policy promoting employment.
Progress is understood today as the approach to European norms and the standard of life of Europeans. The new Bolivians demonstrated their emancipation with sentences like We don't want your progress of assets accumulation. We want harmony with pachamamma, mother earth.
The Economy of the Plundered South (tags)
The panacea of export orientation that the IMF and the World Bank promoted in the last 25 years for the South has led to absoute disaster..There is an alternative, abandoning export orientation and strengthening domestic demand.
How Can We Escape This Abyss? (tags)
One hand washes the other even if it is bloodstained.. The government of one of the poorest countries paid Enron $220 million per year for energy that was not produced!.. Now Bechtel and GE aresuing the Indian government for $5.6 billion..
WAR, CAPITALISM & ELECTIONS: An Interview w STEPHEN GOWANS – Canadian Political Essayist (tags)
Read ANGIE's – regular and erudite Indybay-IMC ( Poster fm Canada – incisive interview with Canadian political essayist STEPHEN GOWANS. Angie has scored a previous interview with Israeli pro-Palestinian human rights activist Ran Ha Cohen. We await similar interviews with Uri Avnery and others who speak directly to issues of global justice – as well as global resistance to imperialist racism and the elite capitalists' rapaciousness that will gamble ALL our lives. We, finally, are at an especially critical world cross-roads: we can choose illumination or illusion, enlightenment or inconsequence, mutual respect or profligate death.
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution (tags)
When I was very young, I remember my family taking my uncle to Logan International Airport in Boston. One side of the Sumner Tunnel had been blocked to traffic due to security situations, because Fidel Castro was due to be passing through at any moment. This was the very day that he made his famous speech at Harvard University.
Remember the Red and Blue States (tags)
Don't cry for the passage of the democratic government. Weep for the real patriots that will be swept away to the concentration camps or whose blood will cover the streets, but above all else regardless of the outcome remember the red states.
Criticism of the Social State is Irrational (tags)
"Paul A Samuelson, an important economist of the 20th century, worries about the state of the US economy. He fears falling wages..`We in the US are on the way to a plutocratic democracy. Neither Bush nor Kerry can stop outsourcing'."
The Iraq War has Increased Terrorism (tags)
"The British and American population does not believe that the war against iraq has made the world safer..Only 30 percent in the US agree with the government.. The Iraq war represents a great diversion from the global struggle against terrorism.."
Inflationary Deflation or the Dominance of the Global Financial Markets (tags)
"When real interests are above real growth rates of the GDP, debtors are structurally overstrained. The debt crisis of the 1980s and the financial crises of the past decade suggest that a kind of post-modern `plundering capitalism' is arising.."
The Weather Map of Globalization (tags)
"Globalization is a real process rooted in the crisis of worldwide capitalist exploitation and describing a new quality of capital export. Outsourcing particular economic areas in the global repression competition replaces the export of complete industrial products.."
The World is not a Commodity: Another World is Possible (tags)
"Attac is an element of the anti-war and peace movement because a just world is impossible without peace.. We reject the militarization of foreign policy and war actions of the German army abroad.."
"Wars are Good for the Economy": The Global Free Trade System (tags)
"The international free market was created artificially in the 18th and 19th centuries with the force of the English colonial state and did not develop naturally from the free exchange of goods as neoliberals constantly claim.."
Let the whining begin!
I have to add one here, number of UN members in the General Assembly -189. Number of memebers who are from predominantly muslim countries or have political ties to said countries- 135
Continental Social Alliance decides its own re foundation (tags)
Gathered in Quito, at the Americas Social Forum, the Hemispheric Council of the Continental Social Alliance has decided to remove the opposition to the FTAA from its foundational declaration, as one of its main goals. After analyzing the international scenario as well as evaluating the impact of its actions, delegates from all the American countries and the most important social organizations of the continent, decided the “fight against the FTAA” would become a “fight against free trade”.
In this world, there are many races, and many people who are of mixed race. Still, how you act is always going to be construed as a part of your culture.
Wolf Guards the Henhouse (tags)
What's with the ICJ?
Why Massed Demos Don't Work in America (tags)
U.S. should face court, Annan says (tags)
"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is leading the charge agaisnt Washington's call for the UN Security Council to renew its special exemption for U.S. forces from prosecution by the UN war crimes court."
European Parliament 2004 elections and new constitution (tags)
The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.
BTL:At Their Georgia Summit, G-8 Nations Fail to Cancel Debt for... (tags)
...World's Poorest Countries~ Interview with Njoki Njehu, director of the 50 Years is Enough Network, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Demonstration in Sao Paulo against the FTAA and the WTO (tags)
Yesterday, on Sao Paulo, where the 11th UNCTAD it’s having place , was made a demonstration protesting against the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the war strategy of United States.
European Parliament 2004 elections results: Throw the Bums Out! (tags)
The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.
Anti-FTAA initiative in Paraguay (tags)
The anti-FTAA movement considers that this agreement will mean subdue mechanisms for our nations. The governments will be subdued to this mechanisms or game rules that respond to the interests of the big corporations and which will negatively affect the social and sensitive sectors of the national economy. They state that the FTAA is supposed to be a stage of negotiation with low operative costs for corporations, but at the same time it impose concepts and laws that won’t allow the governments to make public policies encouraging the strength of the little and middle companies and national industries.
U.S. has the highest rate of mental illness (tags)
June 2, 2004 CHICAGO - Mental illnesses including anxiety disorders and depression are common and undertreated in many countries, both developed and developing, with the highest rate found in the United States, according to a study of 14 countries.
Immigrants Drain $30 Billion in Cash Annually (tags)
In the past nine years the cash that immigrants send from the United States back to their home countries has almost doubled, but the Bush Administration is planning to use the upcoming G-8 summit to discuss ways to increase the outward flow of cash.
Over 800 US fatalities in Iraq so far (tags)
The total US fatalities just passed the 800 mark today. The total for the whole coalition is over 900. For the month of May, there has been an average of 2.78 coalition fatalities per day. The average since the war began is 2.11 per day.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.
If AIDS is sexually transmitted how can one explain these figures:
Dangers Hang Over Latin America and the World (tags)
Globalization and the Sex Trade:Trafficking and the Commodification of Women and Children (tags)
In this important article, Richard Poulin, professor of sociology at the University of Ottawa (Canada), argues that the sex industry, previously considered marginal, has come to occupy a strategic and central position in the development of international capitalism.
Undocumented Workers Are Not The Enemy Of labor (tags)
I submitted the following article to my Local Union newsletter.
CoupsRUS: Haiti and Venezuela (tags)
An argument that the CIA is involved in both Haiti and Venezuela and the techniques they use to overthrow governments.
Developing countries summit in Venezuela: "To recover the South-South identity" (tags)
The developing countries encounter will take place next February 26th to 28th in Caracas, Venezuela. It will count with the presence of the presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, among others.
It's been brought.
Celebrating Black History All Year Long African style (tags)
Discover Africa will play host to African civic leaders and businessmen and women
Bush rewards allies in terror war with billion$ (tags)
The President's budget does not include funding for the US's military operations in Afghanistan or Iraq, expected to cost and additional 30 to 50 billion dollars.
Capitalism is Killing Free Trade (tags)
Are libertarians going to allow their ideology to do their thinking? What good does it do for libertarians to go into denial and to call me, patronizingly, names?
Arundhati Roy's Speech at the WSF (tags)
In the great cities of Europe and America, where a few years ago these things would only have been whispered, now people are openly talking about the good side of Imperialism and the need for a strong Empire to police an unruly world.
Sierra Club a Target of Anti-Immigrant Movement (tags)
I heard this on the radio and found an article on the net. Once again, the Sierra Club, the nation's largest environmental group, is finding itself split on the issue of immigration.
Lula in India: “we can change the world commercial geography”
Just imagine what the moon will be like in a few years. There'll be a Wal-Mart in every crater and a Disneyland at each pole. There'll be a Howard Johnson every five miles and solar powered swimming pools on every street corner. To make it seem like home, there will be vacant factories, rundown tenements and drunks sleeping in dumpsters...
Miami FTAA Protest: Cops Rampage Against Youth, Labor (tags)
What Strategy to Defeat Imperialism?
They want my fingerprints (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)
1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians
The Same Question Remain (tags)
The apprehension of Saddam Hussein has done nothing to answer the critics
In Miami last month, trade ministers from around the Americas gathered for talks on the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
President Bush explains why other nations will be barred from getting the contracts to rebuild the mess we made
Editor of Kuwaiti Daily: Syria's Secret Service is Behind the 'Iraqi Resistance' (tags)
08 December, 2003 The Middle East Media Research Institute The November 1, 2003 conference of foreign ministers of the countries neighboring Iraq yielded numerous articles in the Arab press condemning Syria's pro-Saddam stance. Among the authors were editor of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, Ahmad Al-Jarallah, and Iraqi opposition member and political commentator Dr. Riyadh Al-Amir. The following are excerpts from the articles
Opposition to Government and Climate, is there a link? (tags)
Is there a link between the level of discontent with the "Government" and the climate? I think there may be.
After the Failure of the World Trade Conference (tags)
"There is growing skepticism toward the past structure of the WTO and the procedures and results of previous world trade conferences. With the founding of the WTO in 1994, all 148 member countries were promised that there would `only be winners'."
Interview with Comrade-in-Arms, Awni al Kalemji, of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (tags)
Bush & the Democrats: Liars in the service of imperialist conquest (tags)
Despite all their bickering with Bush, the Democrats too can scarcely contain their glee about the unchallenged power of U.S. armies of world conquest. After all, the Democrats like the Republicans are in the pockets of the big capitalists who want their domination of the world defended at all costs.
"Growth, prosperity, free trade, liberal world economy and international division of labor are all ideologically charged terms. They re-flect veiled interests more than a search for truth. The starting-point for an alternative econmics is an ideology-critical position."
History- 17 Years Later (tags)
A wonderful piece by John Bennett in a time of conglomorate-controlled media.
Anti-Globalize the Corporate Globalization Movement - DO IT NOW! (tags)
‘Free trade’ scam:‘It’s bad for workers everywhere’ (tags)
“We’ll be marching with truck drivers and electrical workers, nurses and teachers, health care workers and Teamsters, all kinds of working people,” Fred Frost, president of the South Florida AFL-CIO, told the Miami Herald.
Ban sought on US Military Death Weapons (tags)
If it wasn't already bad enough for the killers in the White House now that the Afghan/Iraqui misadventure is spiralling into chaos, now the people of the planet want to stop the US Military from building and dropping cluster bombs. What's a republican war monger to do with such a disgusting life-affirming development?
Bush - A Crazed Mattoid (tags)
Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.
According to data from 30-year-old government records given lately in public a secret plot was formed back then by developed countries in an attempt to limit first UN’s project concerning environment and pollution control. Reason? Simply would damage their economic development…
US Will Deny Aid To Countries re: ICC (tags)
US Will Deny (Bribes) To Countries That Refuse Court Immunity Deals
US to the 3rd World: ''Do as I say, not as I do'' (tags)
Emerging markets like Brazil, India, and Mexico should not strive for a mythical free-market economy (which never existed, nor follow the encomiums of US special interests -- for they preach free markets but rely on the government to advance their aims.
Those who seek ''the death of the United Nations'' (tags)
While the United Nations is seen by many as merely a talk shop that gets little done, the truth lies elsewhere. For example, UNESCO has done a great deal for education and the work of UNICEF has been phenomenal.
Is Zionism a Failed Ideology? (tags)
"In Israel, Avraham Burg, former speaker of the Knesset, recently warned that if Israel wishes to preserve what little democracy it still has, it must either withdraw to its pre-1967 boundaries or grant full citizenship to the approximately 3.5 million Palestinians in the occupied territories, a step that would spell the virtual end of the Jewish state...."
LA Times: Officials Confirm Israeli Nuke Launching Subs (tags)
The story contains the first official confirmation from both American and Israeli officials that Israel can launch nuclear weapons from its submarines. The ultimate guarantee of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The acronym MAD also makes for a most appropriate word to describe the human condition.
The Cancun Summit-WTO on the edge of abyss (tags)
Abusing "Anti-Semitism" (tags)
The abuse of alleged anti-semitism is morally despicable. It took hundreds of years and millions of victims to turn anti-semitism – a specific case of racism which led historically to genocide – into a taboo. People abusing this taboo in order to support Israel's racist and genocidal policy towards the Palestinians do nothing less than desecrate the memory of those Jewish victims, whose death, from a humanistic perspective, is meaningful only inasmuch as it serves as an eternal warning to the human kind against all kinds of discrimination, racism, and genocide.
Imperialist Excuses for War (tags)
A comparison of the excuses for wars of aggression used by Nazi Germany with those used by the United States.
Impunity for US forces in Colombia (tags)
The Bush Administration has forced Colombia to sign an accord granting immunity to US citizens that commit war crimes in Colombia. Bogotá will now need approval from Washington if they wish to hand US soldiers or other officials over to the International Criminal Court for trial.
Public Servants reject WTO Tactics (tags)
Cancun Confrontation: Thousands Protest the WTO and Capitalist Globalization (tags)
Protesters Should Love WTO (tags)
Why the anti-globalization movement should try to disrupt the work of the World Trade Organization is a mystery to me. Instead, they should learn to love corporations like McDonald's.
Will NeoCons Drive The Decent From The GOP? (tags)
"We've watched while he used the tragedy of 911 and international terrorism to polarize the nation even further, vexing us with fears, while his mindless minions and yes-men from Ashcroft right down to commercial automatons like Fox's smarmy, imbecilic Sean Hannity, blaspheme the grand traditions and Constitutional institutions of this nation in order to wrestle everything from the flag to love of country to being holy relics of the GOP alone. "
Solidarity Economics is Ecology (tags)
How can there be a global movement with no platform and no economic vision and leaders who hide? If the Brazilian constitution defends the right of the starving to steal food, then surely the poor of the world have the right - under any way of thinking - to steal back control over their lives and their local economies.
"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)
"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German
YO BASTA!!!! STOP CAFTA Free Trade Talks are coming to Houston and the resistance needs to begin
Country’s and Individual’s Involved with Saudi Arabia and Terrorism. (tags)
To all countries and individuals that are in a current religious trade journey with Saudi Arabia in an effort to expand extreme fundamentalism through the training and support of jihad terrorists, and to any officials taking “enticement” money, here is some pertinent information you need to consider:
Growing World Poverty and Conflict Shows the Barbarity of Capitalism (tags)
Down with Capitalism
Where Was The Color In Seattle? Looking for reasons why the Battle was so White (tags)
"I was at the jail where a lot of protesters were being held and a big crowd of people was chanting 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like!' At first it sounded kind of nice. But then I thought: is this really what democracy looks like? Nobody here looks like me." --Jinee Kim, Bay Area youth organizer
My Two Countries: America & Iran (tags)
Artist John Phillip Nybe (a.k.a. Sam Jon Nayebi) will light up Melrose Lightspace with his latest painting & photography series inspired by his recent journey to Iran last May; "My Two Countries: America & Iran" opens July 26 - 8:00pm at Melrose Lightspace, in Los Angeles.
While the Bush administration looks the other way, U.S. companies are dodging laws that bar them from doing business with nations accused of sponsoring terrorism.
Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.
U.S. is 3rd on World's "Economic Freedom" Index (tags)
Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States rank first, second and third, respectively, in the latest edition of the 'Economic Freedom of the World' annual report by the Cato Institute and more than 50 other libertarian think tanks around the world.
Who wants to be a Palestinian Refugee? (tags)
ZIon will Win!
Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)
US M-16s to Nepal, Nepali troops to Iraq? (tags)
US expects Nepali troops in Iraq; M-16 airlift complete. See a connection?
About the "Kill a cop for the cause!" Redding Murder Case - Pt. 2 (tags)
The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.
American Oil's next target: Africa (tags)
American oil corpse like ExxonMobil are moving aggresively into African nations. There is no end to the mess they seek to create for millions of people.
The oddest thing about the "Jewish lobby" is that while its ability to intimidate both the U.S. government and the American media stems from a well-deserved reputation for highly effective grassroots organizing, it does so without having a genuine constituency.
U.S. Gets War Crimes Tribunal Exemption (tags)
The final deal dented the court's underlying principle that no one should be exempt from punishment for war crimes, and it angered court supporters and human rights groups.
EU ratifies UN Biosafety Proposal (tags)
"The protocol lets countries ban imports of a genetically-modified product if they feel there is not enough scientific evidence the product is safe and requires exporters to label shipments containing genetically-altered commodties such as corn or cotton."
Selecting Regimes for Change: The U.S. is Unfair in Choosing (tags)
It seems that the U.S. government has become the expert on regime change. The problem is that they have ignored some of the worst examples of bad regimes because of valued trade status, being allied in the war on terror, and economic importance.
U.S. Government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich (tags)
How has the secretive U.S.-based IMF/World Bank economically enslaved poor countries?
Survey: Israel yet to grasp concept of democracy (tags)
The general conclusion of the survey, which is dubbed the "Israeli Democracy Survey" and will be conducted every year, is that Israel is basically a democracy in form more than in substance, and that it has yet to internalize fully the concept of democracy.
Questions of Life and Death (tags)
"Many politicians lack a moral imperative today. They act as though they have no options because the economy dictates conditions. This is not true. Politicians can still make decisions in the interests of many, not in the interests of a few.." From German
Libertarians mock the Left, May Day (tags)
The giveaway, and the clue to the real motive of today's left and their hangers-on, is that all their protests are against -- they are anti-capitalism, anti-free trade, anti-using the environment for man's benefit -- but they are not for anything.
Libertarians mock the Left, May Day (tags)
The giveaway, and the clue to the real motive of today's left and their hangers-on, is that all their protests are against -- they are anti-capitalism, anti-free trade, anti-using the environment for man's benefit -- but they are not for anything.
Do We Really Have Free Speech? (tags)
The following is a transcript of a speech given by 13-year-old Charlotte Aldebron in Augusta, Maine on April 19, 2003.
"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)
"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German
Foreign aid, foreign disaster (tags)
Be it bilateral or multilateral, dispensed directly from a government or through an international lending agency, foreign aid embodies all the failures and tragedies that have come to typify our government-run domestic poverty schemes.
Libertarian Links Free Trade to Freedom, Peace (tags)
Palmer, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, said anti-globalization activists are missing the bigger picture. By way of analogy, Palmer referred to Homer’s Odyssey saying that Homer is telling the reader that "the cyclops is a savage because he doesn’t trade. He lives in the preferred world of the anti-globalization activists."
Will Pre-emptive War Make America Safer? (tags)
Another aspect of U.S. safety is threatened by pre-emptive war. The Founding Fathers realized that not all enemies are foreign. What keeps U.S. citizens safe is adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Losing any part of the Constitution is precedent for losing other parts. Congress - the American people's representative - now has lost the constitutional right to declare war.
God Bless America
Globe and Mail Editorial (Toronto) (tags)
The team leader of the trial, Dr Anatoli Kamalai, acknowledged that there was "no measurable reduction" in HIV incidence with "no hint of even a small effect." The trial showed there to be no connection between sexual activity and AIDS.
Capitalists profit from war both from the destruction of a country and from the reconstrution afterwards, and of course from the natural resources like oil.
The US citizens are also to be condemned (tags)
The US citizens are also to be condemned, this was not just George Bush, you elected him. I am norwegian, and not an angry arab.
The only way to stop this massacre (tags)
If you ask an iraqi child who just lost 2 legs and one arm plus family members " what does it feel like to be free now?" What would you think it would be the answer ?
What Is Socialism, and Why We Oppose The Invasion of Iraq (tags)
Resist the war in the streets, workplaces, schools, and in the barracks! Organize to end all imperial bloodshed through socialist revolution!
hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. (tags)
Major issue that is coming from war is hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. American administration and its policies should understand that it is one of the largest democracies and democracy has its value. In order to retain its democratic values.
In other news - IMF reports globalization doesn't help the poor (tags)
While the world's attention is focused on war in Iraq, the International Monetary Fund has released a study finding there is little evidence that globalization helps poor countries. In other words, the protesters were right all along.
Iraqi Civilians Detained! (tags)
More human rights abuse.
Humanitarian Aid - what is the US responsibility in Iraq? (tags)
Excellent analysis. Especially issue #3 where she explains that the companies getting rich on war & rebuilding - Halliburton, Bechtel, etc - should pay for humanitarian aid to Iraq through a special 50% Excess Profit/Windfall for War tax.
Gulf States May Be Next: British MP (tags)
So this is the kind of thing that goes on behind their oaths of secrecy eh?
Greenpeace: Momentum Builds for New UN Peace Resolution (tags)
Demands for a UN emergency session are on the rise! 32,015 of you have written to UN Ambassadors around the world. You've sent 29,700 E-cards to friends, colleagues, fellow students, and family members. This is an extraordinary response in a very short time, and what do we want??? MORE! Please re-post onother indymedia sites.
Launch of a worldwide boycott of the US, the UK, Australia and Turkey. (tags)
A worldwide boycott of all trade with the US, the UK Australia and Turkey, and go-slow within those countries, was launched at the blockade in Adelaide Street, Brisbane, Australia, on Friday night.
The Dilemma of Iraq's People (tags)
Will "shock and awe" intimidate the Iraqi people into submission to the military power of the United States or will they fight back?
Some reasons why countries support the US.
Call for an International Boycott and Go-slow (tags)
A call has been issued by a small Australian peace group, for a consumer boycott of all goods and services from the United States, Britain, Australia and their allies, and for everyone in these countries who is opposed to this war, to go slow economically in every way possible, until the war is over.
Spying, Lying, Coercion and Bribery (tags)
The dirty tricks that the United States has been using to influence public opinion and obtain a vote for war in the United Nations
Gnome$ for peace- How to Stop the Attack (tags)
Boycott the dollars and bring peace to the world. The more people you can persuade to join you in becoming a Gnome for Peace, the better the chance there is of weakening the dollar and the American economy by enough to prevent or limit a war.
Wake up from the ditto storm. Think for yourself and do not follow the heard in the streets of LA.
Unequal Resource Distribution: Prosperity through Hunger (tags)
Profit maximization leads to unrestrained plundering of our natural resources and destroys our natural foundations of life,,In Rio 1992, government representatives promised drastically changing our resource consumption, consumer habits..
THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson
Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits (tags)
Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits Monday 3 March 2003 U.S. official: 'She didn't do anything that worked'
March 5th! The War on Iraq and the People's Determination to Stop It (tags)
We are in the rapids. Powerful forces in Washington are clearly determined to launch this war. And this moment demands that millions of people respond with an even more powerful determination to resist. The Revolutionary Worker salutes all those who manifest bold resistance to this war on the National Moratorium to Stop the War on March 5 and in the days ahead.
How the Propaganda System Works (tags)
Arab League Vote against war is ignored
Bush Admin dirty tricks campaign to bug UN Security Council member phones & email (tags)
A leaked memo reveals the US is bugging work & home communications of UN Security Council members. Nixon did this sort of thing, and he was forced to leave office or face impeachment.
US boycott of products from countries against war? (tags)
After a long succession of nasty diplomatic slips by US diplomats, there is now talk of a US boycott of products from countries that do not want to be part of the coalition of the willing.. Published 2/14/03 in Telepolis
EU/WTO want to privatize Everything! (tags)
Now that we're totally distracted by the "War", the corporate dictators (EU & WTO) want to dismantle and privatize the US Postal Service, our schools, our water supplies, public power and anything else they can get away with!
Appeasement is not the Answer (tags)
Appeasement is not the answer
It's funny that the president brags about having the support of Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Denmark. Those countries together couldn't whip Iraq.
Freedom peace and pancake
USDA Announces WTO-Level Ministerial Conference for Sacramento (tags)
BBC: US Senators Question Iraq Evidence (tags)
"However, the surprising mood of scepticism evident in the committee room was an indication that President Bush and Mr Powell still have work to do if they are to gain bipartisan support for their Iraq policy."
Chomsky interview about Haiti (tags)
On November 8th, 2002 Faiz Ahmad sat down with Noam Chomsky, MIT professor and world renowned critic of American foreign policy, to discuss the current situation in Haiti.
So the Iraq is an problem, France is a problem, Germany is a problem.
In effect we don't need any proofs to attack other countries, we attack them quite simply as the case may be
Hundreds of millions of people are forced to work migration between countries and continents.. People are transformed into socially uprooted vagabonds of markets..Flexibility means ..more output and more stress for less money. From German
The European Summit in Copenhagen (tags)
European summit
The fight for water. A fight for human rights (tags)
Water. We see it everywhere. (see related story below) Many of us take water for granted. All we have to do is open a faucet and this life-sustaining liquid just pours out into our glass to quench our thirst. But in many places it is not so simple to get that clean glass of water.
Hypocrisy that underlies HIPC (tags)
Vultures at the IMF/World Bank use accounting tricks to starve and further impoverish the poor.
Seattle Somali Community Speaks Out (tags)
In response to indefinite detentions, deportations and growing racist attacks, Somali Community leaders in Seattle are joined by the Hate Free Zone and Somali Justice Advocacy Center to bring attention to this international human rights situation.
Do you know if you must Register with the INS??? As per the INS new program of Alien registration
Next INS deadline Jan 10, 2003--- (tags)
January 10, 2003 is the next deadline imposed by the INS for registration, fingerprinting and interviews for so-called "visitors" from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, or Yemen.
ACLU Calls Immigrant Registration Program Pretext for Mass Detentions (tags)
By January 10, 2003, citizens of 13 additional countries – Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen – must also submit to registration, a move that could push the detentions into the tens of thousands, the ACLU said.
INS Dragnet: Only Muslims need apply? (tags)
INS deadline (anyone even heard about it?) to register is today, December 16th, 2002. Do your best to take ABSOLUTELY no notice of the glaring ommision of Saudi Arabia...
Nobody likes me
The Right to Development (tags)
"The 1994 UN Development Program proposed a world social charter with the goal of building a society where the right to food is as sacred as the right to vote..and the right to development is a fundamentaql human right Brigitte Hamm is a professor in Duisberg.
Proud and Insolent Youth Incorporated (tags)
The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.
Presidents Chance & Putin Call for Israel to Disarm (tags)
The British Empire's imposition of the Zionist state has obviously been among the worst blunders in history. As always, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, pagans, agnostics, atheists and UFO-worshipers are welcome to live in secular nations such as the United States and Russia....
Sweatshops and Imperialism (tags)
The conditions in Third World sweatshops and the relationship between sweatshops and imperialism.
McDonald's closing 175 restaurants (tags)
McDonald's Corp. announced today that it will cease or restructure operations in seven Middle Eastern and Latin American nations, eliminate up to 600 jobs and close about 175 restaurants in 10 other countries.
Some history rather than hysteria...
Online Petition: US CITIZENS OPPOSE WAR ON IRAQ (tags)
US citizens oppose war on Iraq
An International Call From Veterans and Soldiers To Members Of The Armed Forces: (tags)
We Are Facing a Serious Choice: Perpetual War or Resistance!
World Bank and International Monetary Fund strangle economies of Third World (tags)
The World Bank’s origins go back to the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944, when leaders from 43 nations assembled to start building the global economy in the aftermath of World War II. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, hoping to avoid another worldwide depression, called for creation of institutions that would create “a dynamic world community in which the peoples of every nation will be able to realize their potentialities in peace.”
Capitalism, Fascism and World War 2 (tags)
The relationship of fascism and capitalism as illustrated by the events of World War 2
Africa AIDS Crisis Worsening (tags)
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is playing a key role in the worsening health crisis in Zambia and southern Africa, according to James Morris, the U.N. secretary-general's special envoy for the humanitarian crisis in six southern African countries.
Is September 11 driving you nuts? (tags)
The people of the United States should rightly remember, and so should the people of the entire world. But the events of the 11th of September 2001 were so powerful, so disturbing, that it would be catastrophic if they were remembered for the wrong reasons.
Earth summit hits poverty, pollution (tags)
JOHANNESBURG – Delegates to the third Earth Summit reached a minimal agreement on policies aimed at lifting four billion people from poverty and curbing threats to the global environment.
Global Day of Protest against Coca-Cola: O17 (tags)
In Barcelona, major AIDS groups from across the globe issued a call for actions on October 17th demanding AIDS drugs for Coca Cola's 100,000 employees and bottling plant workers in Africa. The numbers of countries and cities planning actions is growing rapidly, and the company is running scared. Here's how you can get involved in the Global Day of Protest.
World Leaders Debate Environment and Economics at Largest UN Summit Ever Held (tags)
World leaders, activists, and business elite gather in Johannesburg to decide the fate of the planet in what is shaping up to be merely another clash between globolizatiion proponents who want to impose free markets and privatization as the path to sustainable development, versus environmental and social justice activists who say the neoliberal model is inherently unsustainable.
take our Gmaize or starve (tags)
they call themselves humanitarian, but in pushing GM food on to third world countries they are opportunistically exploiting other peoples tragedies
Sachs says: 'Forget Debt, Spend on AIDS' (tags)
Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs says poor countries should simply stop making debt service payments and spend that money on health & education instead. As Jubilee South says, "Don't Owe, Won't Pay."
Why the Palestinians
Why the palestinians
Globalization Has Helped the Poor: Study says (tags)
Contrary to anti-globalizers study says that globalization has helped the poorest in the world
Take the Not In our Name Pledge @ pm TODAY. Downtown.
Peace Concert in Tijuana/San Diego (tags)
Not In our Name Nation June 6th Protests- LA Info (tags)
a kick off to what is to be a mass demo in the fall
One French demonstrator carries a mock U.S. Flag made up of the countries invaded or bombed by Washington over the years. Photo by JJ Méric.
wish more Americans had an opportunity to get to know Muslims. Then they would not be susceptible to the silly anti-Muslim propaganda that is floated by some right-wing Christians.
The objections some Muslims have to Western culture are the same as those some Christians have. They don't like the violence, the immorality, the pornography and the greed.
Bush Admin to Nix Int'l Court (tags)
US citizens and permanent residents OPPOSE war on Iraq, other countries, and US government militarism.
The Shortwave Report 3/8/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)
A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Cuba.
Round the world charity biker offers free powerpoint presenttion of his two years/29 countries on the road. He comes to your event free, presentation is an hour, appeals for voluntary donations. charities: Doctors withut Borders & Health for All. Highly entertaining, funny. Up to mid April 2002. $56,000 raised so far. Many adventures.
Third World Debt Deemed Illegal (tags)
People's Tribunal on the Debt in Porto Alegre finds $1.8 trillion in debt illegal; World Bank, IMF & other lenders guilty of genocide
Take over Argentinean embassies! (tags)
Social revolution in Argentina NOW, tomorrow the world!
The Ugly American Dollar Campaign (tags)
The United States dollar is being introduced in several Central and South American countries as a means of economic development. Even in Russia, the American dollar is more popular than the Ruble -- proving correct the old proverb: if you can't beat'em, buy 'em.
TRIPS: will the majority prevail? (tags)
NGO Statement on Ministerial Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health. From Act-Up Paris, Consumer Project on Technology, Consumers International, Health GAP Coalition, Médecins sans Fronteires, Oxfam, Tebtebba Foundation, Third World Network
Naked protest by Ex-British Tank Commander (tags)
An ex-British army tank commander, who saw service in Northern Ireland and other countries, carried out a naked protest against the war in Afghanistan today, Sunday 28th October 2001.
Naked protest by Ex-British Tank Commander (tags)
An ex-British army tank commander, who saw service in Northern Ireland and other countries, carried out a naked protest against the war in Afghanistan today, Sunday 28th October 2001.
The leading newspapers in a dozen Near East countries and India and Pakistan oppose the U.S. action in Afghganistan.
The leading newspapers in 12 Near East countries and others condemn U.S. action in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan one of the most mine-affected countries (tags)
PESHAWAR: Latest reports suggest that nearly two decades after Afghanistan plunged into civil war, it is still one of the severely mine-affected countries in the world.
U.S. War Against 60 "Terrorists Countries"
U.S. to U.N.: We May Have To Attack Other Countries (tags)
So when will we bomb Florida?
In 32 of 35 Countries People Prefer Non-Military Approach (tags)
A Gallup International poll finds that substantial majorities in 32 out of 35 countries favor a criminal justice response to the terrorist attack on America, rather than military action. Opposition to attacking civilians is even stronger. However, when asked if their country should join in US military action, supporters outnumber opponents in 14 countries. This forced-choice approach still left miliatry supporters outnumbered in 19 countries.
Al-Ahram Weekly: Caught in the Middle (tags)
A View From An Egyptian Weekly Online: Cairo is urging caution and restraint to a hotheaded Washington, warning: look before you leap, write Nevine Khalil and Soha Abdelaty. [Excerpts. For full story, click link provided.]
In 32 of 35 Countries People Prefer Non-Military Approach (tags)
A Gallup International poll finds that substantial majorities in 32 out of 35 countries favor a criminal justice response to the terrorist attack on America, rather than military action. Opposition to attacking civilians is even stronger. However, when asked if their country should join in US military action, supporters outnumber opponents in 14 countries. This forced-choice approach still left miliatry supporters outnumbered in 19 countries.
BBC : 60 nations on US target list (tags)
just up on BBC site
IPPN Executive Committee Statement (tags)
"The progressive movement must stand firm at this dangerous time in opposition to the scapegoating of Arab and Islamic people, in support of basic civil and democratic rights, and for a U.S. foreign policy which is about justice, fair trade, environmental sustainability and a raising of the living standards of all people, especially those in the countries of the Global South."
America: The Good Neighbor. (tags)
This, from a Canadian newspaper, no less, is worth sharing.
Why indymedia should have ongoing reports on Colombia's civil war (tags)
This is a comment I posted in response to the article "The FARC faces the empire"
Hanged Effigies Kick Off Expected Wave of G8 Demos (tags)
Dummies hang from a crane in Genoa July 19, 2001 as anti-globalization demonstrators gather in Genoa to launch protests during the upcoming G8 Summit. (Dylan Martinez/Reuters)
Universities and Countries Begging Companies (tags)
Science was noticeably absent at BIO2001: Most of the booths were of Western cities, states, countries et al. and universities competing with each other to give biotech corporations the sweetest offer in the form of tax breaks and office parks etc. Here we see one of Germany’s booths: It compares the contributions of Martin Luther and Back to those of biotech companies. Come on! The actual biotech company booths appeared to be not staffed by scientists seriously discussing the pros and cons of their work, but by capitalists out to make as much money as possible.
Golden Rice Is Not A Substitute For Vitamin A (tags)
Golden Rice is a genetically modified food intended to reduce the Vitamin A deficiency that plagues people in developing countries, unfortunately it creates more problems than it solves.
Brutal Attack on Argentine Activist's Daughter!!! (tags)
Things we '1st world citizens' don't hear about.
States of Unrest: Resistance to IMF Policies in Poor Countries (tags)
Ignored by the corporate media fixated on "spoiled students," 50 mass demonstrations in the global south took place in at least 13 countries between protests against the WTO in Seattle in November, 1999 and the IMF/World Bank demonstrations in Prague in September, 2000.
Letter Bomb the President (tags)
Open letter from Deivid's Thang to George www. Bush
Leonard Peltier On The FTAA--Roots In Colonization, Feudalism & Imperialism (tags)
The FTAA is a continuation of the imperialism that began thousands of years ago in Europe…. Advocates of the FTAA would not dare refer to their policies as forms of colonization or feudalism…. Instead they will justify their actions in the name of "development" for the "poor" countries of Central and South America. Development? What the first peoples of the Americas need is "recovery" not development. Recovery from the very same colonization, domination, and genocide that multi-national corporations want to perpetuate for their own gains today.
U.S., WTO threaten Brazil medicine (tags)
The U.S. and the WTO threaten Brazil with trade sanctions to prevent them from distributing life-saving AIDS drugs to their people for free. They claim Brazil violates the patents of giant drug companies.
For free and fair elections in the United States!