fix articles 162889, darwin
Evolution is more than struggle for existence and competition. Modern scientists are discovering elements of beauty, play and freedom in nature. Apparently spontaneously, life keeps producing new forms. Yet evolution seems headed toward a goal: the universe can view and enjoy itself.
Dr. Steve Best on "The Left, Capitalism, and Animal Rights" (tags)
This is an excerpt of Jon Hoch interviewing Dr. Steven Best on April 29, 2010. To hear the entire interview, please see:
a sampling of this week's U.S. military rape headlines.... (tags)
around the world with the Stars and Stripes.... a few of the latest confirmed rapes, alleged rapes, attempted rapes, indecent assault, sodomy, "torture" photos, etc.. in Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Okinawa etc.... oh google news searches make it so easy to compile this stuff....
Against Social Darwinism (tags)
"The conquest of Africa and large parts of Asia was not morally justified by anything. Only peace is morally justified. Today social Darwinism appears in the guise of Anglo-Saxon capitalism..Ecology and pure market ideology are in conflict.." Translated German
Against Social Darwinism (tags)
"The conquest of Africa and large parts of Asia by invading European forces was not morally justified. Only peace is morally justified..Today social Darwinism appears in the guise of Anglo-Saxon capitalism..Ecology and pure market ideology are in conflict."
Islamic Fundamentalist, Mirroring Falwell/Robertson, Blames Terrorism on Darwin (tags)
Conveniently ignoring thousands of years of religious conflict, murder and war, and Islamic fundamentalist tries to blame Darwinism for all the violence that religious true believers have perpetrated in the name of God.