fix articles 162619, habeas corpus petition
Habeas Corpus in the United States (tags)
Availability of Habeas Corpus petition forms does not amount to the safeguard of the right for Habeas Corpus.
‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: US Court Clerk TERRY NAFISI Asked to Provide Judgments Attestation (tags)
The Clerk of the US Court is charged with attestation of judgments and the maintenance of honest dockets. On both accounts Clerk TERRY NAFISI was previously found at fault.
Shut Down The Guantanamo Penal Colony, Now! (tags)
On the 5th anniversary of the opening of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba, Jan. 11, 2007, demonstrations were held across the country. In Washington, D.C., the Supreme Court was the site of a protest action, as was the U.S. District Court. At the latter, about 100 activists were arrested inside the building. Meanwhile, outside, activists dressed in orange jump suits, the uniform of the Gitmo detainees, demanded to have their “Day in Court!”