fix articles 162618, s. district court house
Scripted Libby Trial Ends on Cue: What Can Happen Next? (tags)
The Prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, crafted the “Scooter” Libby case to protect the Bush-Cheney Gang. Even the members of Libby’s jury knew something was missing. Now, it’s time for the House’s Judiciary Committee to pick up the baton. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NEV) said Libby manipulated “intelligence” to get us into the war and that the case revealed “deeper truths” about VP Dick Cheney. I say: “Bring Cheney to the Bar of Justice!”
Libby’s Trial Crafted to Protect Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)
Instead of going after the cabal that lied the country into the Iraqi War, Special Counsel, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, focused on only one defendant, Irving “Scooter” Libby. He also made sure no conspiracy count was utilized in the indictment against him. V.P. Dick Cheney will not testify at Libby’s trial. Fitzgerald, who has close ties to Rudy Giuliani, will continue to make sure that nothing comes out to hurt the interests of the Bush-Cheney Gang.
Shut Down The Guantanamo Penal Colony, Now! (tags)
On the 5th anniversary of the opening of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba, Jan. 11, 2007, demonstrations were held across the country. In Washington, D.C., the Supreme Court was the site of a protest action, as was the U.S. District Court. At the latter, about 100 activists were arrested inside the building. Meanwhile, outside, activists dressed in orange jump suits, the uniform of the Gitmo detainees, demanded to have their “Day in Court!”