fix articles 162556, nicole cousino
Alert: Report From the California Biodiesel Consumers' Conference (tags)
Is it possible to have a community-created, low emissions, automotive fuel source? The California Biodiesel Conusemers' Conference is working toward that goal.
Transesterification Can Be Fun: Biodiesel in LA (tags)
What fuel is clean-burning, renewable, grown in the US, and brewed in back yards across the country? What fuel makes the murder of Iraqi children, the destruction of the arctic wilderness, and global warming obsolete? It’s called biodiesel and it’s arrived in Los Angeles.
LA's Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Issue 2 out (tags)
"If our words were called human, heavy, anarchic, beatific, right on, poetic, it would all just feel so right. Of what use are ideas and actions that avoid market rationality? Of what use are ideas that disallow their own institutionalization? Of what use are words that avoid capitalist functionalization? Of what use are ideas that are dangerous? The flippant rumor circulated by the Right that the Clinton staff stole, upon vacating the White House, all the G's and W's from the computers clearly reveals the link between the written word and power." - From the editors Forward, issue #2