fix articles 16215, portland Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : portland


USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet? (tags)

Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek.

Portland Indymedia Moderates comments articles the owner doesn't like (tags)

the guy who runs this site trolls commenters who don't buy into the paranoid world view he pushes where nothing matters and you should stop using tech. When you point out what a tool he is, he freezes comments. But its' cool they've all been saved ....

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen Heads to Portland, Oregon (tags)

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen Heads to Portland, Oregon on Saturday, January 12th at Portland’5 Newmark Theatre

Fbi forces most Indymedia to ban me (tags)

Most Indymedia, including Portland & Austin Indymedia ban me on orders from fbi assassins, violating 1st Amendment freedom of speech.

Fbi forces most Indymedia to ban me (tags)

Portland and Austin Indymedia ban me under orders from fbi assassins.

Shame on Portland Indymedia (tags)

Portland Indymedia succumbs to fbi threats and deletes many of my reports.

Fbi sly maneuvers onli8 (tags)

Fbi often blocks my publications.

What in the Hell is Wrong with Portland Indymedia? (tags)

the Portland Indymedia website is the most unreliable remaining US indy website. It's up and down more than a yo-yo on acid. And that's not counting the conspiracy crap infesting the wire. What gives?

Get The Internationalist No. 48! (tags)

Get The Internationalist No. 48! Send US$1 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA. Subscriptions $10.

Lessons From Portland’s Clashes With Fascists (tags)

Lessons From Portland’s Clashes With Fascists

Economists for $15 minimum wage (tags)

Wages in the US have been stagnant for 35 years. Milton Friedman and conservative trickle-down neoliberal economists have long dominated mainstream economics. Productivity and profits have soared while investments and wages have been stagnant.

Portland Indymedia Blocks Me As Ordered By fbi assassins (tags)

See my report below which symbolically indicts all media who prevent the publication of my reports on global high crimes committed by fbi/cia.

Indymedia: run by "radical" scammers (tags)

taking readers for a ride since the WTC protests.

Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)

Ringling Circus Protest in Portland calls for the end of circus animal suffering

Operation FREE SPEECH Deleted from Portland Indymedia (tags)

This is to inform IMC readers that on August 29th the article "Operation Free Speech" was deleted from one of the few operational IMCs, Portland Indymedia.

Portland's Austerity Resistance Movement Sparks Changes to City (tags)

On June 20, Oregon’s Portland City Council unanimously voted to approve a budget that had been one of the most grassroots-contested examples of austerity in recent memory.

Opposition Grows Fierce to Austerity Cuts in Portland (tags)

On April 11 over 400 people packed the third public Portland Budget Hearing, which was organized by the City of Portland and which left many spilling out beyond the room where the hearing took place. More importantly, for the City Council there was an unexpected critical outpouring from the vast majority who attended. For the first time, the City Council and Mayor Charlie Hales began to lose control over their attempts to sell austerity.

New issue of The Internationalist is out (tags)

24 pages of revolutionary Trotskyist views you can't get anywhere else, US$0.50. Subscriptions by mail US$10. For copies contact your local Internationalist supporter, call 212-460-0983 (New York City) or 971-282-7903 (Portland, OR), or write to Send literature requests and payment to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA.

Portland Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 1,000 Despite Police Violence (tags)

It’s difficult to build a pre-election protest with so many labor and community groups busy campaigning for Democrats. Nevertheless, over 1,000 people marched the streets in Portland, Oregon against austerity cuts to education and other public services and the consequent debt accumulated by students.

Portland, Oregon Prepares for Pre-Election Anti-Austerity Protest (tags)

On November 3rd Portland community and labor groups will declare “enough is enough” by organizing a first for the U.S. — a large demonstration against government austerity cuts.

Get The Internationalist, Summer 2012 (tags)


New issue of The Internationalist is out! (tags)

Special for May Day 2012.

The Way Forward for Occupy Portland (tags)

In Portland, Oregon, all the promise and pitfalls of the Occupy Movement are on public display. Portland is second only to New York when it comes to sustained Occupy power, but in a newly born social movement strength is not something to take for granted. The vast amounts of public support in Portland, earned through large demonstrations and strategic outreach, can be frittered away by the internal contradictions of the movement.

10,000 marched yesterday (Thu.) for "Occupy Portland"! (tags)

Thursday, in peaceful solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the occupation of Portland, Oregon, began. According to reports, approximately 10,000 peaceful Oregonians marched from Tom McCall Waterfront Park to Pioneer Courthouse Square Thursday afternoon.

The Labor Movement in Portland, Oregon, Takes a Step Forward (tags)

On only the second sunny weekend of the year in Portland, Oregon, 60 plus labor activists decided to spend their Saturday at the Electricians union hall (IBEW Local 48), at the United Labor Strategy Meeting ? an event unlike any other happening in the country. What made the meeting unique was both its perspective and the diversity of unions that participated.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud: Terrorist or Victim? (tags)

another likely victim

The Hemperor Jack Herer Dies At 70 (tags)

RIP Jack.

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

Portland ARA Violates Civil Rights (tags)

ARA's longstanding tradition of threats, assault, and intimidation tactics continues. This time, caught on film.


Recent viewers opinions about WHY KERALA, GRAMPA?, a just completed 87 min. documentary.


Now that America has chosen our next president, the real work of reinvigorating our great nation begins. That's why I am thrilled to share with you that "FUEL," the critically acclaimed Sundance award-winning documentary on green energy, opens in theaters this month! The film, FUEL informs people about green energy solutions that exist today and motivates viewers to take action now. By achieving our goal of 15 million Americans seeing FUEL by the end of 2009, we can generate the nation-wide support necessary to end our addiction to oil.

Portland: Anarchists Attack Wells Fargo (tags)

Article below:

Last May Day's Police Brutality (tags)

PMO is putting together a panel of speakers in Portland, OR. We are looking for a willing party who was at last year's LA May Day that would be willing to speak about their experience on April 27th.

Noble Resolve and the Portland Presstitutes (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, delivers a scathing review of the media/military misinformation in Portland's nuke exercises, Noble Resolve (just finished) and TOPOFF (coming soon). He concludes with details of the Oregon guerrilla media that did the job that mainstreamers shirked.

Noble Resolve [Helping The Oregonian Catch Up] (tags)

Captain Eric May, the Internet intellegence writer, offers an insightful geopolitical summary, giving full consideration to the prospect of a summer 2007 World War Three. He continues his investigative work on "Noble Resolve," the nuclear excercise centered on Portland.

Noble Resolve: Established Pattern for Such Drills to go Live (tags)

"Probability of London 7/7 Bombing drill and terror attack happening simultaneously (10yr mean): One chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

911-2B: American Nightmare & Neocon Fantasy (tags)

Captain Eric May, the Internet intellegence writer, gives an insightful geopolitical summary, giving full consideration to the prospect of a summer World War Three. He continues his investigative work on "Noble Resolve," the nuclear excercise centered on Portland. He examines a parallel, equally perilous incedent in Texas City, Texas a year an a half ago, which nearly resulted in a nuclear false flag attack.

Staging the Portland Nuke (A Comedy of Terrors) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet military intelligence writer, has written his most detailed article to date on the highly suspicious Portland Nuke exercise, Noble Resolve. He names the names of the key players in the operation, and of the military and media figures who have joined the growing outcry about what may turn out to be a false flag version of the White Houses much- predicted terror nuke.

PORTLAND NUCLEAR INQUEST... Formed & Functioning (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer posts this important update announcing the formation of the Portland Nuclear Inquest.

Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, offers an update to his "Next 9/11, Summer 2007?" Since that publication last week, the Pacific Northwest has begun to mobilize a citizens movement against "Operation Noble Resolve," which includes a nuclear attack on Portland.

A New Approach to Justice From The Doors Of A Mexican Consulate: From Portland to Oaxaca (tags)

Oaxaca occupies a sacred place in my heart; her mountains, coast, mole and native corns nourished my spirit for a good part of the years I lived in Mexico and her people—mis companeros/as—have been my teachers and friends. But this has been a sad couple of weeks. October 31 I found myself locked to the front door of the Mexican Consulate in Portland, Oregon to protest the violent repression against the People’s Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO), a peaceful resistance movement in Oaxaca.

Impeachment as a System Remedy (tags)

The thief came to steal, kill and destroy, the Son came that we might have life in abundance.. If faith can move mountains, it can move an accidental president to retirement and save the planet.

Screening on Infoshop Culture (tags)

Out of Boulder Colorado, this is a pretty detailed and thoughtfull documentary looking into different infoshops around the country. Screening at Betalevel on Monday Feb. 27th at 7:30

free music (tags)

portland rock band, Die Kapitalist Pig has finished their long anticipated album and they want you to have it free.

Protests Slowed But Important During June (tags)

LA, DC, Santa Cruz and Sacramento held demonstrations in front of the KTLA TV station, the Washington Post, the Santa Cruz Sentinal and the Sacramento Bee, respectively, to protest the "NO COVERAGE" of the Downing Street Minutes.

Aryanfest in Portland (tags)

Aryan idiots to gather in Portland

Fear and Loathing in Portland: On Internet Security and Privacy Today (tags)

"Something is happening here, But you don't know what it is, Do you, Mr. Jones?" -- Bob Dylan With FBI swooping down to subpeona server logs at anarchist websites, I knew that Stein knew this was no time for games. But as always he was tangled up with censors who seem, worldwide, to instinctively try to blot him out before he riled the masses. I journeyed from Boulder to his little hacienda in the sun and interviewed him for Colo Indymedia...and soon was so stoned I had to agree with every word he said as he spelled out some of the problems facing the left as the goons in Washington ran roughshod over our civil liberties... gOnZo jOuRnAlIzM from the oLd sKoOl

Martina Gangle Curl: People’s art and the mothering of humanity (tags)

PORTLAND, Ore. — In the eight years since Portland artist Martina Gangle Curl passed away at age 88.

Why is gov’t spying on us? (tags)

Peace, religious groups protest infiltration

Is this site dead? (tags)

whats up la indy media?

From plains to shining sea — The call is 'Dump Bush!' (tags)

Just for Sheepdog..... (tags)

I, without personal gain or material compensation transmitted his concerns to Portland IMC.

West Coast Medic Gathering (tags)

Calling all street medics to a West Coast Medic Gathering in Portland, OR May 28-30. Hurry! Registration ends May 10.

Portland Police Taser Attack mp3 (tags)

Last week the in Portland, OR a policeman hired to 'serve and protect' pulled over a car for failing to signal, then the cops shot the driver (an unarmed black man).

Portlanders support California supermarket workers (tags)

Yesterday, a crowd of about 50 rallied at the Safeway at 1100 NE Broadway in Portland to support the 70,000 workers who have been locked out of Southern California supermarkets for insisting on keeping hard-fought health benefits in the face of austerity plans being imposed by the big supermarket chains. See here for previous feature. Supporters marched into the store, up and down the aisles, chanting "Boycott Safeway!" and demanding fairness for workers and affordable health care for all...

Come protest Dick Cheney in Portland, Jan 13th (tags)

We're going to need all the help we can get. Please head up to Portland this Tuesday and join in the fun.

Rosebraugh Releases Political Violence Book (tags)


Portland Down (tags)

Portland is not on line. I don't know when it closed, but it was out this morning.

Street Medicine: Volunteers for Pepper Spraying? (tags)

Black Cross Street Medicine Collective in Portland, Or. got volunteer activists to be sprayed with pepper spray to experiment with remedies. Learn more about street/action medics...

Oregon rains of Bush (tags)

He lost Afghansitan. He is losing Iraq. Even in America Bush can't get the people on his side.

The Logic of Political Violence - A Spoken Word CD by Craig Rosebraugh (tags)

“THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE: Lessons in Reform and Revolution” was released today by Arissa Media Group in Portland. This 65 minute spoken word cd contains a live lecture given by Craig Rosebraugh at a bookstore in Portland in 2003.


RedRed, for those who are not familiar, is a latina, Portland womyn who is facing a felony and an absurd sentence of 5yrs on the false charge that she broke a window of the California state building. During the WTO/USDA protests in Sacramento, law enforcement claims that the window was broken on Sunday, when she was

Kucinich Stands Tall In Portland (tags)

Dennis Kucinich Spoke Passionately to an Overflowing Crowd

BIODEV CARTOON(amsellem) (tags)

cartoon c 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non profit use

portland indymedia dowN? (tags)

portland indymedia down?

Something amiss with Portland Indymedia (tags)

Certain types of messages are being blocked on the Portland Indymedia site. It appears that the word Vatican might be the key.

Portland Indymedia Reports on FBI Frame Up (tags)

Portland Indymedia Center is reporting on the apparent frameup of an activist. Tre Arrow was becoming increasingly more effective until the FBI stopped him with indictments that many local activists believe are a set up.

Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Against City of Portland (tags)

Text, Photos and Audio from Lawsuit Press Conference

Troll Alert! (tags)

To L.A.Indymedia moderators/editors regarding posts from "Bush Admirer".

We're Jeff and Tracy. We're Your Good Neighbors. We Smoke Pot. (tags)

Jeff and Tracy are two regular people who tried to pay for a voice to oppose the government sponsored ads promoting the War On Drugs (marijuana.) In their hometown of Portland, Oregon, they were censored at nearly every turn! Learn about their story and how you can help get their radio spots on the air in your community!

From Pershing Square's Day of Voice (tags)

Ariving late-


In the wake of charges brought against four young Oregonians, The Speaking Truth to Power Defense Fund has been established to defray legal expenses incured by targets of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

FBI Covers Up Terrorism and Harrasses Activists (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem

FBI, Terrorism, and Activism (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem all rights reserved

Violent repression of political dissent commences in Portland (tags)

Rubber bullets and pepper spray were used against members of the media, elderly persons and families with small children. Photographer Troy Pickard (pictured) was among the first shot.

The Whole World is Watching (tags)

After reading so many faux accounts of the A22 protest in Portland, I decided to publish my own experience.

LA, Oregon did thier part.. (tags)

LA, Oregon activists did our it's up to you. STOP BUSH!!!

Portland Protest on CNN! Protest Bush in CA! (tags)

Portland protest

Bush visit to Portland, an invitation (tags)

ILWU Local 5 resolution regarding the upcoming Bush visit to Portland, OR>


Unfortunately, much of the info in the "Protester Defense" post to Portland Indymedia is erroneous; some of the information is dangerous. [Tear gas canisters DO cause severe thermal burns! Also, any direct action eye protection must be shatter proof (aginst projectiles like rubber bullets, tear gas canisters, batons, etc.)] For accurate info, see the Portland Black Cross Medical Collective web site:

Walk for Farmworker Justice: round-up of portland indymedia coverage (tags)

Collected portland indymedia coverage of the 2002 Walk for Farmworker Justice in Woodburn, Oregon, on July 13.

Portland Copwatch Urges L.A. To "Say No" To Kroeker (tags)

Portland Copwatch today issued an open letter to the people of Los Angeles, urging them to reject Portland police chief Mark Kroeker's bid for the job of L.A.P.D. chief. The group cites Kroeker's poor record on civil rights, police accountability, and community involvement.

Homophobic/Sexist Portland Chief Headed For LA? (tags)

Portland Police Bureau Chief Mark Kroeker has announced that he plans to apply for the vacant LAPD Chief position created by the resignation of Bernard Parks. Kroeker, whose 3 year tenure in Portland has been dogged by controversy, believes that he is the right person to lead LAPD out of its malaise.

9.11 investigation: portland indymedia interviews Mike Ruppert (tags)

portland indymedia interviews with independent journalist and 9.11 researcher, Mike Ruppert, 13-14 April 2002

Portland INdymedia down (tags)

Portland Indymedia seems to be down


The ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE JOBS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (ASJE) is a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world where nature is protected, the worker is respected, and unrestrained corporate power is rejected, through grassroots education, organization, and action. JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL MEETING IN PORTLAND, OREGON!

Portland Oregon Tells Resident Bush to Go Home (tags)

1000 Protesters from all over the Northwest converge in Portland, Oregon to protest Dubya's foreign and economic policies.

Press Release of the Organizers of the Portland Picket of the Italian Ship (tags)

The Press Release of the Organizers of the Portland Picket of the Italian cargo ship Cielo di San Francisco

Italian ship blocked in Portland is coming to Long Beach!!!! (tags)

The Italian ship, Cielo di San Francisco, which was successfully prevented from unloading in the port of Portland a few days ago by a group of 60 activists (in protest of Italy's brutality during the G8 meetings; the ship is owned by an elite Italian family)is coming to Long Beach!!!! Follow this link to the shipping company's itenerary and turn out in the streets in the port of Long Beach to picket the Cielo, Longshoremen, honor the picket, DON'T UNLOAD THE SHIP!!!

Critique of Aug. 4 Nader rally in Portland, OR (tags)

Nader held a rally in Portland, OR, on Sat. Aug. 4. While superficially a success, it was seriously flawed in some serious ways. Nader plans to make a national tour now, and local Greens need to know what *really* happened in Portland so they can better make up their minds about their involvement.

Two people facing felony charges because of Portland police assault (tags)

Portland, Oregon Police attack a house party on what some feel is an escalation of the international “anarchist witchhunt” that has been ongoing since the WTO, and two days later, police fatally shoot a Latino man.

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