fix articles 16212, oklahoma
Oklahoma GOP Senator Jim Inhofe's Bloody Record (tags)
Oklahoma GOP Senator finally ended his annual fundraiser pigeon shoot murder but continues his mammal murder and antienvironmental votes.
EPA Head Scott Pruitt: Of Cages And Sirens (tags)
Scott Pruitt used a drug in an Oklahoma execution knowing it was banned. He sued California and tried to make chickens' factory farm cages smaller. He has made our water poisonous and our air dirty.
To Oklahoma Governor: Richard Glossip Is Innocent (tags)
Please contact Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma to ask that she examine new evidence exonerating Richard Glossip of murder.
Senator Jim Inhofe's Brutal Pigeon Shoot (tags)
Avicidal slaughter by Senator Inhofe to raise money for his campaign
Obama calls Oklahoma tornado's toll 'hard to comprehend' (tags)
Standing by a pile of debris that once was an elementary school, President Barack Obama on Sunday called the destruction last week's tornado wrought in Moore, Oklahoma, "hard to comprehend" and vowed to provide long-term federal help in rebuilding.
BTL: Arab League Intervenes as Syrian Uprising on Verge of Civil War (tags)
Interview with Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, conducted by Scott Harris
Oklahoma Earthquakes; The Wages of Fracking (tags)
A recent report published in Britan indicates a possible correlation between hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and an earthquake swarm in Oklahoma last January '11. Fracking involves injection of fluids into shale cracks with the intent to cause fractures and release trapped deposits of natural gas.
Reverend Rick Warren on Trial, in the Court of Public Opinion (tags)
Rev. Rick Warren, the best known advocate of California's Proposition 8 gay marriage ban, has staked his reputation as an international humanitarian on his alliance with Kagame, and on his Rwandan and Ugandan HIV/AIDS ministries, which are infamous for hijacking PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, in service to his abstinence-only-until-heterosexual-married -monogamy-for-life agenda. And now Kagame has been sued, in an Oklahoma Court, for guilt in the Rwanda Genocide and the Congo War, which have together cost 7 million African lives.
Lawsuit alleges Rwandan President triggered Rwanda Genocide (tags)
Oklahoma City - On Thursday, 04.29.2010, three attorneys filed a wrongful death lawsuit, in an Oklahoma City federal court, alleging that Rwandan President Paul Kagame ordered the political assassinations that triggered the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.
Oklahoma T-baggers want Militias! (tags)
on MSN today.
Bush's 4th of July Visit to Oklahoma (tags)
Former President Bush is coming to Woodward, Oklahoma to celebrate July 4th. This Oklahoma farmer, rancher and father who lost his son in Iraq has something to say about his visit.
A growing number of states rebelling against the Federal Government. (tags)
Jones and Corsi tie the Illuminati into the current recession/depression and claim that the whole thing is engineered by the Illuminati. They even claim that the Mexican drug cartels are also connected to the illuminati but did not go on to explain how.
None Dare Call It Treason (tags)
Politicians backed by powerful business interests have initiated a legislative assault to bring nuclear power back to Oklahoma. There are numerous reasons why this is a bad idea, some of which are discussed in this article. Oklahomans successfully fought off the attempt to build a nuclear reactor at Black Fox a generation ago. We will fight it again.
Meth is an upper. It is used as (inappropriate) self - medication for depression. Problems don’t come about without cause. The methamphetamine problem didn’t drop out of the sky. There are biological and social causes of meth abuse and they need to be fully discussed by an informed citizenry. Here’s why.
Reactionary Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe Calls for End of $700 Wall Street Giveaway (tags)
It is said that a stopped clock is right two times a day. That finally happened to Inhofe.
SuperCorridor Defeat? Don't Bet On It (tags)
The scheme remains on track.
Flies In The NAU Oinkment: BRIDGES (tags)
Evidence of increasing international trade truck traffic on Interstate 35 through Minnesota raises concerns that NAFTA Superhighway traffic contributed to last week's collapse of the freeway bridge in Minneapolis.
War isn't back-page event (tags)
Saturday's (6/2/07) Daily Oklahoman includes a guest editorial by Col. Katherine Scheirman, USAF (Ret.), identified as retired in 2006 after a 20-year career in the Air Force. Her experienced and forceful statement is an important addition to the growing voices in Oklahoma against the war/occupation in Iraq.
The surge is turning permanent (tags)
Bad news for Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis and Columbus.
Flushing the rights of Copwatchers down the toilet (tags)
Bates and his attorney have denied the allegation and claim Bates ran afoul of the police and District Attorney's Office when he videotaped two White Oklahoma City police officers beating an unarmed Black man with their batons during an arrest in 2002.
They, the government, bungled it. Charges that didn’t go off, teams that were called early and the usual club footed incompetence. Of fools who think they are so fucking clever.
Radiation in Iraq Equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs (tags)
So, Just how much Radiation have we dumped on Iraq? How many shortened miserable lives has the Bush Criminal Cabal created? The amount is both astounding and sickening. The War Criminals in Washington should be Tried and Hung at a new Nuremburg.
Federal Inmate Says He Will Name Oklahoma Bombing Conspirators (tags)
Langan, who led a gang of neo-Nazis that robbed at least 22 banks in seven Midwestern states, said he will also tie the suspects to at least one other crime in which the government alleges Nichols was involved.
FBI Covers Up Terrorism and Harrasses Activists (tags)
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem
FBI, Terrorism, and Activism (tags)
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem all rights reserved
Consumers On Strike Against the War (tags)
Oklahoma activists have launched Consumers On Strike Against the War. They are advocating that people target an economic attack on the white collar big money psycopaths running our economy and government (collectively known as the War Party) by spending less money and shifting their remaining purchases to locally owned, independently operated, businesses and cooperatives or collectives. Founder Released From Federal Prison (tags)
Just Like Oklahoma City!!! (tags)
The U.S. government and corporate propaganda media are making the same RACIST jump to conclusion they made immediately following the Oklahoma City bombing!
SkolnicksTV-Prison Terms For Corrupt Judges (tags)
Since 1958, Sherman H. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, he has been founder/Chairman, Citizens Commitee to Clean Up the Courts. The group is made up of researchers, independent journalists, and investigators worldwide. We do primary research on certain instances of judicial and other bribery and corruption.