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a free

Blow up the banking system: A free account for all is possible (tags)

Harsh austerity policies for the vast majority of people and state socialism for bankers, both practiced at the same time in Europe and the U.S. after 2008 - this had two consequences for financialized capitalism of the past 14 years. First, this course poisoned the West's money.

"Valentino's Ghost" screening in Orange Country today, Nov 15th, 8pm. (tags)

The groundbreaking and controversial 95-minute documentary film "Valentino's Ghost," designated a CRITICS' PICK by The New York Times, will have a FREE screening tonight in Anaheim. Details below.

Those who do the work in the workplace should get the rewards (tags)

People are taught to have a 19th century, romantic notion of capitalism — a myriad of small enterprises competing in a free market. But a “free market” has never existed. Capitalism was built on brutal displays of force, and continues to be based on violence.

Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees (tags)

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.

Veganarchy zine - looking for submissions (tags)

We want your Vegan/Anarchist writings!

Rove cops a free walk,Bush/Cheney will soon follow! (tags)

Rove cops a free walk,Bush/Cheney will soon follow!

First "Lady" Reveals: GWB in Masturbation of Horse (tags)

03 May 2005 Laura Bush showed the other side of the Sourthern Belle Saturday night (live) when she protrayed your Dear Leader, Pres. George W. Bush, as masturbating a male horse. Doesn't say much about Laura's charms. What other kinds of animal husbandry do they practice down there on the farm?

Bush Sketches 'Wing-Clipping' Scenario for Syria's Exit from Lebanon (tags)

President Bush has sketched a wing-clipping scenario for Syria's exit from Lebanon, asserting that its intelligence organizations should no longer be allowed to influence government functions in Beirut and insisting the withdrawal should be completed before the spring elections for a new Lebanese parliament.

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

UC Santa Barbara's chapter of Students for a Free Tibet will be joining SoCal's Tibetan community in outraged protest against China's illegal occupation of Tibet.

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

Tibetans and supporters vehemently protest China's acts of genocide and illegal occupation of Tibet.

Bush wins (tags)

With over 90 percent of the people voting for the lesser of two evils, guess who they have elected? Surprise, Evil wins again, and the people lose, again. But these people think they have won. So just what have they won? We will continue to get bigger government, more taxes and other taxes or licenses called fees, the constitution will be used as toilet paper more openly than before, and that is a win?



China Target of Global Protests for Monk on Death Row (tags)


Open Letter to the Nation (12.10.03) (tags)

An open letter to Nation Magazine that was sent on 12/10/03. Back Online (tags)

Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back online at,

20,000 March for Peace in San Francisco, April 20 (tags)

On a breezy spring day in San Francisco, April 20, 2002, some 20,000 or more people came from the Western states to march for peace and most importantly, to march for peace in a free Palestine. By making a free Palestine a priority, our peace movement has made a major qualitative advance as it has clearly cast its lot with the dispossessed, the disinherited and the disenfranchised, in a word, the workingclass, which is the class that has the power to make fundamental change as it is labor that creates all wealth.

Los Angeles Anarchist Collective (tags)

The Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back up .. We are trying to rebuild the mailing list , if you are interested, please go to the site and subscribe!

Do you own yourself??? (tags)

Do you think you are a free person living in a free country? For those you that said yes to this, professional help is highly recommended.

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